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几个热点话题的追踪和考虑 梁岩 英特尔政府及高端企业合作部经理.

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Presentation on theme: "几个热点话题的追踪和考虑 梁岩 英特尔政府及高端企业合作部经理."— Presentation transcript:

1 几个热点话题的追踪和考虑 梁岩 英特尔政府及高端企业合作部经理

2 嵌入式对于英特尔-无缝的连接,无缝的计算

3 由浅入式到物联网-物的互联网 The Internet of Things

4 深入分析物联网 Volume 服务类型 丰富界面展现 中/高计算能力 高带宽需求 高计算需求 中等带宽需求 分析 感知, 检测, 控制
低计算能力 低带宽需求

5 消费类物联网 商业化物联网 典型的非商业化设备 Tablets Connected Picture Frames
消费类物联网 商业化物联网 典型的非商业化设备 Tablets Connected Picture Frames Navigation Devices 其它的嵌入式类型 车载电脑 数字广告牌 自动取款机 智能电网 智能建筑 遥感 医疗 智能家居 更多…

6 物联网价值链 服务的最终用户 安装者 / 集成商 (商业) 创新者 / 方案提供商 / 服务供应商 零售 (消费类)
消费者 企业办公室 商业 / 工业 政府 创新者 / 方案提供商 / 服务供应商 物联网价值链 零售 (消费类) 安装者 / 集成商 (商业) M2M 设备价值链 芯片OEMs 射频模块OEMs 设备 OEMs M2M 服务提供价值链 运营商/可连接性 应用 / OS SOURCES: VenturaTeam, GSMA, Intel

7 讨论问题 行业里谁是推动物联网发展的生力军?是政府还是企业? 谁是物联网数据聚合和交换平台的拥有者,如何保护信息安全?

8 私有云的部署

9 私有云架构的需求 私有云的技术保障 安全 数据的有效隔离及快速获取 简化 灵活的基础架构和统一的网络 能效 世界级的高能效 开发 多厂商
Intel Trusted Execution and Virtualization Technologies Intel® Xeon® for servers & storage Deploy 10GbE 能效 世界级的高能效 开发 多厂商 创新性 方案兼容性 Efficient: today data centers consume 1-2% of the world’s energy. If storage, network and compute grow at the hockey stick rates as currently, then we’ll rapidly consume energy, deplete natural resources and spend a lot of unneeded money. We also need to maximize the resources we do have to get more out of them – higher server utilization, better throughput for network and storage traffic and storage optimized by data type and need.g Secure: one of the top concerns in the industry related to cloud is security. Is the service I am using secure and reliable? Is it safe to have my company’s data located on the same server as someone else’s? Is my data safe from corruption, unauthorized access and loss? Can I meet security compliance and audit guidelines such as financial reporting, control of personnel data and indemnification? Some recent examples of security risks to users: Twitter was down for 2 hours due to a denial of service attack. In another incident the FBI seized the entire set of server assets from two hosting data centers due to investigation of a couple of the over 350 customers in a criminal investigation. Nearly 350 businesses lost control of their data and service due to an unknown and unrelated criminal business incident. Simplified: we had server sprawl, now we have vm sprawl. We increased server utilization through virtualization but have driven network bandwidth through the roof in complexity creating the next bottleneck in the system. IDC estimates that it costs roughly as much to manage a virtual server as a physical one. Gartner estimates that the cost to manage a server will exceed the cost to buy one. Infrastructure must be dramatically simplified to handle the rapid rate of growth and complexity challenging IT. We need fewer configurations, fewer ports, fewer cables, fewer servers, few points of management and seamless integration of vendors to enable a more simplified IT environment. Open: with the cloud comes opportunity. Rapid deployment and lower costs enable innovation to happen more quickly. To fully realize the potential we need to ensure the cloud remains open, interoperable and that it’s based on multi-vendor innovation vs. proprietary solutions. No single company or companies should control, limit or own the cloud. Few standards exist today to make this happen, but we need the industry to align on a core set of standards and to advocate for products/services that are interoperable to keep the cloud open for 2015 Refresh with Intel® Xeon® 5600 and Node Manager Deploy interoperable solutions and support standards 私有云的技术保障

10 IT 和云计算演变 传统 IT 私有云 外包 IT & Web 云服务提供商 虚拟化 – 云架构的核心部件 企业数据中心演变 传统 IT架构
举例 “Off-the-shelf” 传统 IT 私有云 企业/私有 企业数据中心演变 大型客户化部署 Cloud Architectures Defined: Key Message: We are seeing and evolution in both public internet infrastructures and traditional IT Cloud Services Providers are already demonstrating the ability to stunning advances in scalable service deployment while delivering equaling stunning advances in data center efficiency by optimizing every element in their infrastructure—frrom how they optimize their power, to the hardware they choose, to the networks and storage they deploy. Traditional IT organizations also aspire to realize these efficiencies and a new ecosystem is emerging to deliver on the software advances required to deliver a cloud architecture inside the data center firewall (the private enterprise cloud). Transition: …but despite its aspirations enterprise IT, today infrastructure have many inherent differences that will drive the necessary data center evolution down a different path 外包 IT & Web 云服务提供商 服务/对外 虚拟化 – 云架构的核心部件 10 10

11 四种场景将会在私有云的部署中日益明显

12 场景1: 存储的水平扩展

13 场景2: Cloud on-boarding

14 场景3: 一致化网络 Virtual Switch Port #1 Port #2 10Gb 主要网络数据: 虚机(VMs) 次要网络数据:
服务控制台 Port #1 10Gb Port #2 主要网络数据: 虚机(VMs) 次要网络数据: VMM Kernel 存储

15 场景4: 基于策略的能源管理 服务器级 机架/数据中心级

16 Cloud Usage Model 5: Trusted Compute Pools

17 讨论问题 谁将制定私有云的架构模式,包括框架,技术部件,分层实现模式,各层技术特点等。就象当年三层架构、集群、应用服务器技术等的发展一样?

18 三网融合的几点想法

19 几个规定 《互联网视听节目服务管理规定》 2008年1月31日,互联网音视频管理
《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》互联网服务商进行音视频服务的许可证 由此引申的几个具体规定,主要界定屏幕的不同: PC, TV, 手持. License for PC Internet License IPTV License for WebTV License for Mobile TV License for Bus TV

20 三网融合的价值链

21 值得讨论的问题 三网融合能否在1到2年里形成一定的规模? 这种三网融合的业务模式对我们现在的IT架构及业务有无影响?

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