Training, Development, and Organizational Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Training, Development, and Organizational Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training, Development, and Organizational Learning

2 Training, Development, and Organizational Learning
Purposes of Training & Development Learning Theory & Employee Training Designing Effective Training Systems Assessing Training Needs Setting Training Goals Designing Training Programs Techniques & Methods Implementing Training Programs Evaluating Training Programs Management Development Organizational Development & Organizational Learning

3 Purposes of Training and Development
Employee training A planned attempt by an organization to facilitate employee learning of job-related knowledge, skills, and behaviors Development Teaching managers and professionals the skills needed for both present and future jobs

4 Learning Theory and Employee Training
A relatively permanent change in behavior or behavioral potential that results from direct or indirect experience Learning organization An organization whose employees continuously attempt to learn new information and to use what they learn to improve product or service quality

5 Learning and Employee Training and Development

6 Designing Effective Training Systems
訓練需求分析 組織分析 職務分析 人員分析 訓練方案規劃 訓練方法的選擇 行政準備5W2H 訓練成效評估 訓練執行 訓練目標訂定 回饋

7 訓練需求分析 簡介:訓練需求分析乃是訓練流程規劃的第一步,也是決定訓練成敗的關鍵。它的目的在找出哪一種訓練是需要的。換言之,訓練需求分析的目的旨在找出員工在知識、技能、及態度上的現況與期望水準間之差距,以作為訓練目標訂定與訓練方案規劃的參考依據。 因應(Reactive) vs.預應(Proactive)

8 Designing Effective Training Systems
訓練需求分析 組織分析 職務分析 人員分析 訓練成效評估 回饋 訓練目標訂定 訓練執行 訓練方案規劃 訓練方法的選擇 行政準備5W2H

9 訓練目標多為「行為目標」 (知識、技能之獲得及工作態度之改變)
設定訓練目標 訂定訓練目標及績效準則 知識目標:培訓後受訓者將知道什麼 行為目標:受訓者將在工作中做什麼 結果目標:通過培訓組織獲得什麼最終結果 訓練目標多為「行為目標」 (知識、技能之獲得及工作態度之改變)

10 Designing Effective Training Systems
訓練需求分析 組織分析 職務分析 人員分析 訓練成效評估 回饋 訓練目標訂定 訓練執行 訓練方案規劃 訓練方法的選擇 行政準備5W2H

11 Training and Development Techniques and Methods
Work-based programs Tie the training and development activities directly to the performance of the task On-the-job training Having employees learn their job while they are actually performing it Apprenticeship A combination of on-the-job and classroom instruction

12 Training and Development Techniques and Methods (cont’d)
Work-based programs (cont’d) Vestibule training(模擬訓練) A work-simulation situation in which the job is performed under a condition that closely simulates the real work environment Systematic job rotation and transfer Systematically rotating or transferring the employee from one job to another

13 Training and Development Techniques and Methods (cont’d)
Instructional-based programs Approach training and development from a teaching and learning perspective Lecture or discussion approach A trainer presents the material to those attending the program in a descriptive fashion Computer-assisted instruction A trainee sits at a personal computer and operates software that has been developed specifically to impart certain information to the individual

14 Training and Development Techniques and Methods (cont’d)
Instructional-based programs (cont’d) Programmed instruction The material to be learned is prepared in a manual or training booklet, which the individual studies at his or her pace

15 Computer-assisted instruction
Video teleconferencing Training Technology Interactive videos Team-building and group-based methods

16 訓練方案規劃- 訓練方法 一般企業的訓練方法可分兩大類。第一種是「工作場所內的訓練」(on-site training),亦即訓練是在工作場所內實施 第二種是「工作場所外的訓練」(off-site-training),亦即必須離開工作崗位

17 訓練移轉 訓練移轉:Off JT的訓練成效如何轉移到實際工作上? 訓練設計 受訓者的特性 工作環境

18 電子化訓練 簡介:透過電腦或網路來作為訓練的主要方法或輔助方法。 企業內網路,遠距訓練

19 OJT的優缺點 優點: 缺點: 訓練內容較實際 較 Off J.T.容易實施 現學現用,可激發動機 增進上司部屬之間瞭解 可同時兼顧工作
費用較低 可因材施教 缺點: 上司不一定具教學能力 工作與訓練難澈底兼顧 員工多,則須分批訓練 訓練內容程度難統一 無法教導高程度的知識與技能

20 Off JT的優缺點 優點: 缺點: 員工可同時實施訓練 在專家指導下,可習得高程度的知識與技能 參與者互相競爭,提高學習效果
培養受訓者團體意識 訓練內容程度較整齊 缺點: 影響工作進度 經濟負擔重 較難實施於中小企業 訓練移轉問題

21 訓練方法的選擇? 訓練的目: 要改變什麼?(態度、行為、知識) 需到達何種水準? 預算: 訓練規模: 有無足夠師資:內訓vs外訓

22 場地、行政支援…等(checklist)
訓練方案規劃- 行政準備 設計課程 5W2H Who Whom What When Where How How much 訓練內容、時間、 師資、設備、教材、受訓人員、 場地、行政支援…等(checklist)

23 Designing Effective Training Systems
訓練需求分析 組織分析 職務分析 人員分析 訓練成效評估 回饋 訓練目標訂定 訓練執行 訓練方案規劃 訓練方法的選擇 行政準備5W2H

24 訓練執行 執行訓練期間,有以下要點: 確實按照規劃案來執行 觀察並紀錄學員的狀況

25 Designing Effective Training Systems
訓練需求分析 組織分析 職務分析 人員分析 訓練成效評估 回饋 訓練目標訂定 訓練執行 訓練方案規劃 訓練方法的選擇 行政準備5W2H

26 訓練成效評估 反應:目的瞭解員工對訓練課程的感覺,採用問卷或口頭詢問。
學習:瞭解學員是否學習到訓練目標所要求的內容與水準,採用測驗與實際操作。 行為:訓練的最終目的是將所學移轉到實際的工作上,產生行為或績效的改變,採用主管或同僚的觀察及評估(常被忽略)。 成果:訓練的結果是否達成原先的訓練目標?必須瞭解組織的產值與獲利是否有所改善。

27 Management Development
Rather than attending a single training program, managers may need to participate in different programs that span a long time. Management development may be subject to different opportunities and limitations regarding materials, training methods, and modes of instruction. The learner may need to be an active participant in a development program.

28 Special Techniques for Management Development
In-basket exercise The trainee must play the role of manager in dealing with a hypothetical in-basket of letters, memos, reports, phone messages, and messages. Leaderless group exercise A group of trainees are placed together in a group setting and told to make a decision or solve a problem.

29 Organizational Development
An effort that is planned systemwide and managed from the top of the organization to increase the organization’s overall performance through planned interventions Relies heavily on behavioral science technology Techniques: diagnostic OD, survey feedback OD, third-party peacemaking, process consultation

30 Organizational Learning
The process by which an organization “learns” from past mistakes and adapts to its environment Begins with individual learning and change Depends on social processes and sharing Organizational memory The collective, institutional record of past events

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