God’s Love Touches My Life

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Presentation on theme: "God’s Love Touches My Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 God’s Love Touches My Life

2 Our Situation 我們的光景 Gasoline price, food price increases, but salary
油價,物價上漲 ;唯獨薪水不漲 . Earthquakes, storm, cancer rate 地震,暴風,癌症病率的增加 People respond to crisis 人們對危機反應 When we get drawn, we will grasp even a straw 我們溺水的時候,緊抓著稻草不放 Time Magazine suggests we need to be alert in our daily life. Ex: Fire Drill 時代週刊提醒我們要在每天的生活中要警醒.例如火警演習

3 Our Life 我們的生活 What do you want in your life? 你一生要的是甚麽?

4 My Questions When I was a Kid 當我還是孩童的時候我就在思考
Why most of the good men come from poor families? 為什麼自古英雄出寒窗? Luke 16: 路加福音16:19-31 Rich man --- pay attention on the material word 富人---專注於物質的世界 Beggar --- Dogs lick up the sore 乞丐---狗來舔傷口 on Earth, the rich man get the score 在物質世界,富人得到肯定 In heaven, the bagger get remembered 在天上,貧窮人被紀念

5 Middle Section Time Out 中場休息時間

6 My Break in Life 我生命中的中場休息
Psalm 90:10 詩篇 90:10 The length of our days is seventy years— or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. 我們一生的年日是七十歲.若是強壯可到八十歲.但其中所矜誇的、不過是勞苦愁煩.轉眼成空、我們便如飛而去。 The year of 40 is the middle between 1st half and 2nd half in basketball game 40歲就好像是籃球比賽中的第一場和第二場之間的中場休息

7 Sick 生病 Have time for life re-evaluation 重新思考生命的意義

8 My Background 我的背景 Childhood 童年 Senior High 高中時期 Get Even 報復 Love

9 My Experience with God 與神的經歷
Big oak tree 大橡樹 Food delivered without interrupted 生病中沒有任何吃的缺乏 Peter in Jail 彼得在監獄裡

10 Do You Get What You Want in Life? 你得到在你生命中想得到的嗎?
Lazarus --- humble in the world and get God’s acceptation for his alert in life 拉撒路---謙卑警醒的人得到上帝的承認 Richman --- Proud of his richness, loss the peace in life and in heaven 富人---以財富為他的驕傲,可是卻失去了來自天上的平安 We need to spend time and heart to make friends in the world and in heaven 我們需要花時間和心思來認識地上和天上朋友

11 Six Flag Story




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