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Chapter 10 產品與品牌決策 Global Marketing Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green.

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1 Chapter 10 產品與品牌決策 Global Marketing Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green

2 產品的基本概念 產品是貨物、服務或構想 觸摸得到的物體 觸摸不到的屬性
A product’s tangible attributes can be assessed in physical terms such as weight, dimensions, or materials used. Consider, for example, a flat-panel TV with an LCD screen that measures 42 inches across. The unit weighs 100 pounds, is 4 inches thick, and has a tuner capable of receiving high-definition TV signals over the air. These tangible, physical features translate into benefits that enhance the enjoyment of watching prime time TV and movies on DVR’s.

3 品牌 在客戶心中,品牌是由複雜的形象和多次使用經驗形成 每家公司和產品對顧客的一種承諾 品質的保證 可用來辨識不同公司的相同產品
品牌形象是由製造公司和產品本身構成 Customers integrate all their experiences of observing, using, or consuming a product with everything they hear and read about it. The essence of a brand exists in the mind; as such, brands are intangible. However, companies develop logos, distinctive packaging, and other communication devices to provide visual representations of their brands. A logo can take a variety of forms, starting with the brand name itself.

4 This Slide illustrates that information about products and brands comes from a variety of sources and cues, including advertising, publicity, sales personnel, and packaging. Perceptions of service after the sale, price, and distribution are also taken into account. Information about products and brands comes from a variety of sources and cues, including advertising, publicity, sales personnel, and packaging. Perceptions of service after the sale, price, and distribution are also taken into account.

5 品牌(續) 品牌權益可反映出公司品牌的價值 品牌的價值反映品牌和消費者之間建立的關係

6 地方產品和品牌 地方產品和地方品牌常被侷限在單一市場中銷售 代表國內公司的生機
地位穩固的本國產品和品牌有時也代表著極大的競爭力,可防止全球公司進入新的國家市場 Products and brands can be broken down into three different categories. These are local, international and global. The next few slides illustrate the difference between the categories.

7 國際產品和品牌 只供應特定區域市場 歐洲產品和歐洲品牌

8 全球產品和品牌 全球產品必須滿足全球市場顧客的想法和需求;真正的全球產品必須適用全世界 全球品牌在全世界都有相同名稱、相似形象和市場定位

9 全球產品和品牌(續) 「跨國企業在不同國家會有不同作業方式;而全球公司把全世界視為單一國家市場。我們知道阿根廷和法國是不同的國家,但我們一視同仁,銷售相同的產品,用的也是相同的製造方法,採用的是相同的公司政策。甚至使用相通的廣告──當然,是不同的語言版本。」 -吉列前執行長亞佛‧傑伊恩

10 品牌策略 組合品牌或家族品牌:公司在發展多層級品牌產品時,行銷人員就可利用公司名稱的槓桿作用
新力Walkman 聯合品牌:特色是在產品包裝或廣告上有兩個或更多不同公司或產品品牌 英特爾的Intel Inside行銷計畫

11 品牌延伸 把已成功建立的品牌名稱當作一把傘,為新品牌或產品背書 例如:英國維京集團 包括航空、鐵路、零售商店、電影院、金融服務和軟性飲料等

12 全球品牌發展 經理人欲建立全球品牌,首要考慮是否能配合公司的目標或市場 必須衡量預期的規模經濟是否可以實現 建立全球品牌團隊是件困難的工作

13 全球品牌發展(續) 全球品牌領導 運用組織的結構、流程及文化,建立全球品牌的資源、全球綜效,並發展全球品牌策略以協調與利用國家品牌策略的槓桿作用 Companies should place a priority on creating strong brands in all markets through global brand leadership.

14 全球品牌發展(續) 創造以顧客為中心的事業 思考有關品牌識別的元素,並選擇具有全球化潛力的品牌名稱、商標和符號
已建立國家品牌的企業,必須進行全盤的市場研究並採用全球品牌識別體系 發展全公司良好的溝通系統 Both this slide and the next offer 8 suggestions for managers that are seeking to develop global brand leadership.

15 全球品牌發展(續) 發展出橫跨市場與產品的規劃流程 分派特定的品牌管理議題的責任 執行品牌建立的策略 減少可能混淆顧客的複雜情況

16 地區性與全球性的產品和品牌:需求層級理論
The essence of marketing is finding needs and filling them. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a staple of sociology and psychology courses, provides a useful framework for understanding how and why local products and brands can be extended beyond home country borders. Maslow hypothesized that people’s desires can be arranged into a hierarchy of five needs.14 As an individual fulfills needs at each level, he or she progresses to higher levels. At the most basic level of human existence, physiological and safety needs must be met. People need food, clothing, and shelter, and a product that meets these basic needs has potential for globalization. Mid-level needs in the hierarchy include self-respect, self-esteem, and the esteem of others. These social needs, which can create a powerful internal motivation driving demand for status-oriented products, cut across the various stages of country development.

17 「來源國」成為品牌要素 對外國商品存有刻板印象,這種態度有好有壞。這樣的認知造成來源國效應 日本 德國 法國 義大利
One of the facts of life in global marketing is that perceptions about and attitudes toward particular countries often extend to products and brands known to originate in those countries. Such perceptions contribute to the country-of-origin effect; they become part of a brand’s image and contribute to brand equity. This is particularly true for automobiles, electronics, fashion, beer, recorded music, and certain other product categories. Perceptions and attitudes about a product’s origins can be positive or negative. On the positive side, as one marketing expert has pointed out, “‘German’ is synonymous with quality engineering, ‘Italian’ is synonymous with style, and ‘French’ is synonymous with chic.”

18 產品包裝 消費性包裝商品:各種的產品包裝設計,目的是為了要能在運送期間、在零售店裡,以及在顧客使用或食用前,一直保護或盛裝產品
環保包裝:包裝設計師必須注意環境保護問題 產品包裝的溝通作用是提供消費者是否購買該產品的決定基準 In many instances, packaging is an integral element of product-related decisions. Packaging is an important consideration for products that are shipped long distances to markets in all parts of the world.

19 產品標示 提供各種產品資訊給消費者 產品內容的標示可能必須依照國家或地區的規定 香菸產品上強制規定必須有「抽菸影響健康」的警語
美國汽車標示法規定,廠商必須標明所有轎車、貨車和迷你箱型車的原產地、最後裝配地及主要組件的來源國 歐盟要求所有含基因改造成分的食品,都必須標示告知顧客 One hallmark of the modern global marketplace is the abundance of multi-language labeling that appears on many products. In today’s self-service retail environments, product labels may be designed to attract attention, to support a product’s positioning, and to help persuade consumers to buy.

20 包裝的美感 全球行銷人員必須了解美感的重要性 各地對於美感的認知也因地而異
Aesthetic elements that are deemed appropriate, attractive, and appealing in one’s home country may be perceived differently elsewhere. In some cases, a standardized color can be used in all countries; examples include the distinctive yellow color on Caterpillar’s earth-moving equipment and its licensed outdoor gear and the red Marlboro chevron. In other instances, color choices should be changed in response to local perceptions.

21 產品保固 直接保證:文字形式保證購買者買的是該項產品,或產品在預估壽命前壞損的話可獲得的服務 產品保固可以作為使公司處於有利地位的競爭工具

22 延伸、調整與開發:行銷策略 延伸:產品不作改變地擴展到母國外的市場 調整:為了符合特定國家市場,產品的設計、功能和包裝都必須反映當地的需求

23 全球產品規劃:可替代的策略方案

24 如何選擇行銷策略? 公司管理者選擇策略時會犯的兩個錯誤 「非我發明症候群」,忽略子公司或聯盟的經理人所作的決策

25 如何選擇行銷策略?(續) 掘洞穴者:發展新產品的主要動機是充分運用產能 天真的國家主義者:公司發現海外市場的成長機會
對全球市場具有敏感度者:公司將區域或全球視為競爭市場 Companies differ in terms of both their willingness and capability to identify and produce profitable product adaptations. Unfortunately, in companies where an ethnocentric mind-set predominates, executives and managers are oblivious to the issues presented here. One new-product expert described three stages that a company must go through, they are listed above.

26 如何選擇行銷策略?(續) 產品本身的功能或能滿足的需求 市場,主要為在何種條件下使用該產品、潛力消費者的偏好,以及產品購買力
這些產品──溝通方法可能對公司造成的調適和製造成本 This slide sums up the section regarding choosing a product-communication strategy. It is important to note that only after analysis of the product-market fit and of company capabilities and costs can executives choose the most profitable strategy.

27 新產品的全球行銷策略 在競爭激烈的全球市場追求機會 專注在一項或幾項事業上 資深的管理階層積極參與和改進產品開發過程 有能力招募以及留住人才

28 確認新產品的構想 什麼是新產品? 產品的新穎程度,可從其使用或購買者來評估 既有的產品對於某些市場可能不是新的,但對特定市場卻是新的
The starting point for an effective worldwide new-product program is an information system that seeks new-product ideas from all potentially useful sources and channels these ideas to relevant screening and decision centers within the organization. Ideas can come from many sources, including customers, suppliers, competitors, company salespeople, distributors and agents, subsidiary executives, headquarters executives, documentary sources (e.g., information service reports and publications), and, finally, actual firsthand observation of the market environment. The diagram on this slide illustrates the continuum that new products will fall into and the amount of learning that consumers will have to go through in order to use the product. 什麼是新產品? 產品的新穎程度,可從其使用或購買者來評估 既有的產品對於某些市場可能不是新的,但對特定市場卻是新的

29 國際新產品部門 這項產品在各種價格下的市場有多大? 這項新產品的推廣活動可能會面臨哪些競爭者的回應動作? 能否利用現存的架構來行銷這個產品?
如果產品生產功能外包,扣除成本後還有充足的利潤嗎? 這項產品適合我們的策略發展計畫嗎? A high volume of information flow is required to scan adequately for new-product opportunities, and considerable effort is subsequently required to screen these opportunities to identify candidates for product development. The best organizational design for addressing these requirements is a new product department. Managers in such a department engage in several activities. First, they ensure that all relevant information sources are continuously tapped for new-product ideas. Second, they screen these ideas to identify candidates for investigation. Third, they investigate and analyze selected new-product ideas. Finally, they ensure that the organization commits resources to the most likely new-product candidates and is continuously involved in an orderly program of new-product introduction and development on a worldwide basis.

30 測試新產品 測試新產品的時機 測試只需針對目標市場的產品實際使用情形進行觀察
當產品與人、化學,以及機械等因素互動時,可能會有無法預期的不相容問題 測試只需針對目標市場的產品實際使用情形進行觀察

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