国际航空航天质量组 计划 (IAQG) 欧洲部领导

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1 国际航空航天质量组 计划 (IAQG) 欧洲部领导
Steve Shepherd (Rolls-Royce plc) 欧洲部领导 Going to talk about whats probably the most visible part of the IAQGs work- its initiatives, particularly the documents it produces You may be aware of the Standards that the IAQG produces but the IAQG also produces Guidelines Many of the initiiatives to produce these documents start off as global activities, others start within one of the IAQG sectors and then move to become world wide documents.

2 ‘In Quality and Safety there’s no competitive advantage’
目标在于要达到我们的目的: “...持续改进供应链流程,不断交付高质量产品...” “… 通用的航空质量标准和要求…” “… 供应商进行持续改进的过程…” ‘In Quality and Safety there’s no competitive advantage’

3 关注在已知领域的改进: 审计 - “供应商控制” 非常重要 变化往往发生在流程的最初阶段 全球安全 – 需要在执行方面变换措施
IAQG initiatives are also aimed at adressing these common areas for improvement Third Party assessment bodies tell us that Supplier Control …… Attendees at General Assembly meetings like today tell us that Variability …. And the Authorities tell us that we need a step change ……

4 我们的责任是- 将全球范围内的航空业看作一个整体 发展通用的标准和流程等 分享/拓展最好的经验 统一的适航要求 官方和谐地位
应用通用的执行方法 在全世界范围内应用通用的质量标准 评估影响和价值 + 符合我们的战略

5 质量体系的发展 - 9100 9100- 国际航空质量标准,融合了适航性和行业要求 发展了的国际执行流程 (9104) 和OASIS数据库
通用的调查问卷(9101) 现在与ISO 合并. 在新版本ISO 9000 (2008) 之前,航空要求维持不变 9135中涵盖的国防要求(NATO) 质量体系标准/发展并出版的维修站适用的清单和 (9110/11) 和零售商/ 发行商(9120/21) I’m sure the best known IAQG Standard is EN 9100 It’s worth mentioning that the 9100 Standards have been translated into numerous different languages for example- American (wait) Korean Portugese Chinese

6 质量改进计划 首件检验; 9102 ~ 改进现有的企业要求并应用通用文件 。
不合格产品文件; 9131 ~ 通用的让步文件/ 放弃与规避/揭示。 关键特性; 9103 ~ 保证制造流程产能和可重复性的严格步骤。 标准部件认证; 9133 ~ 国际方法。 A couple of the earlier Standards produced were the first two on this list …. An update to 9102 is currently being produced to reflect the experience of using the earlier version, to provide guidance material and to take account of First Article Inspections for 3D digital models More recently EN 9103 was produced ……. All of these Standards are examples of Standards that may not be used by every Company but that provide ‘best practices’ for any Company to use. 9133, the last Standard on this sheet is an example of a Sector approach in this case the qualification of Standard parts produced by AECMA Cert, being harmonised into a global approach.

7 质量改进计划 内部审计 – 应用新版ISO19011 软件质量标准
出版了的欧洲指导文件TR9109 AAQG正在制定新的标准; AS9006 for deliverable s/w – 已出版 AS9005 for non-deliverable s/w IAQG initiative launched to assess if these can be combined 协调全球无损监测(NDT)标准,并用于人员培训; EN4179/NAS410 – 已出版 二维永久部件制造标准 – 标记, 阅读和确认; 9132已出版 – to be updated to reflect the latest technologies Internal Audit is an interesting initiative. Initially it was thought we needed an aerospace Internal Audit Standard but when we looked at ISO we found that it covered nost of what was needed so we decided to use the ISO and to add the Product and Process audit aerospace specific requirements into the next update of EN9100 The work on Software Quality Standards is being lmed by ALENIA and builds on a European Technical Requirement- TR 9109 to see if these two American Standards can be nerged into another global best practise. Very similar is the work on NDT training rerquirements, looking to merge these two European and American documents.

8 质量改进计划 全球环境下的供应商控制; 直接运输 – 基于ARP9004 直接交付授权 – 9107正在投票当中
- 供应商风险评估 – 指导文件已经出版 - 指标 – 正在制定 直接运输 – 基于ARP9004 直接交付授权 – 9107正在投票当中 三维数据储存和恢复; ARP9034正在制订中 操作员自检; 基于ARP9162 抽样检验方法; AS9108 – 正在投票当中 Product risk and safety management is an initiative that we’re looking at with our Space friends to put an aerospace flavour to the ISO Standard. Direct Ship (airline to OEM to Supplier, OEM being responsible for conformance) and Direct delivery (airline to supplier without any OEM involvement, the Supplier being responsible for conformance) are two current initiatives. Similarly the storage and retrieval of digital 3D model data and Operator self approval. These three take work originally carried out within the American sector and harmonise it to make it useable world wide

9 Initiatives metrics 执行状态 (2004年10月11日更新) 9100质量体系: 9102首件: 9103关键特性:
供应商实施 - 89% 内部实施 - 94% 9102首件: 供应商实施 - 70% 内部实施 - 75% 9103关键特性: 供应商实施 - 43% 内部实施 %

10 战略考虑 改进战略 关系发展战略 IAQG运作管理体系 要求 过程能力 人员能力 执行 次级供应商控制 评估 航空 国防 管辖当局 供应商
工程,外包 IAQG运作管理体系 成员合作 领导层的参与 IAQG运作效率

11 重点在六个领域改进 要求 过程能力 人员能力 执行 次级供应商控制 评估 增值标准和指导 供应商发展和产品介绍 员工和质量专业人员
供应链执行 – ‘人的因素’ 次级供应商控制 通过协调全球标准来提高行业内的控制能力 评估 质量执行与执行衡量指标的可见性

12 好的进展…. 对我们来说是巨大的机会- 飞机运营商和飞机制造商。 整个供应链将受益于- 安全改进和质量改进 减少浪费和成本
方法步骤、要求和文件的一致性和透明度 减少审计中发生的失误 改进关系

13 好的进展…. 强大的国际合作,决心推进工作 仍旧还有很多工作要做!!!

14 请提问

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