100 architects, urban designers and landscape architects

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1 100 architects, urban designers and landscape architects
托马-瑞奇及合伙人事务所 t 建筑设计 城市规划 景观设计 Paris / Kuala Lumpur  巴黎 / 吉隆坡  100 architects, urban designers and landscape architects  一百位建筑师,城市规划师及景观设计师

2 in association with Paul Andreu
buildings|建筑 in association with Paul Andreu 与保罗-安德鲁合作

3 tramways and public spaces|有轨电车及城市空间
> un tramway à Bruxelles > le tramway de Cuenca > le tramway de Tours > le tramway de Casablanca > Le Mans tramway – France > 勒芒有轨电车 - 法国 > la Place de la République - Le Mans / France > 共和广场 - 法国/ 勒芒 > le tramway d’Orléans > le tramway de Brest > le tramway de Reims > le tramway de Bordeaux

4 Tramway in France : a very strong trend
- Between 1984 and 2014, 24 cities in France from inhabitants to have implemented new lines - They are all on dedicated space, except in junctions They are all designed in the same time as a transportation project, and and as an urban amenity. - Le Mans example

5 40% of Le Mans inhabitants directely served by the tramway
29 stations/ 23 trains 29 个站 / 23 辆电车 40% of Le Mans inhabitants directely served by the tramway 40% 勒芒居民直接可达有轨电车沿线 simultaneous improvement of bus network 同时改善公交车网络 302 M€ investment, less than 20 M€ per km 302 M€ 的投资 每千米少于 20 M€

6 A new circulation plan ensures access to the city centre by car,
giving priority to parking accessibility 一个新的交通规划确保汽车对城市中心的可达性, 并优先考虑停车泊位

7 Streetscape project : 道路景观设计 15 km of roads retrofitted, 15 km 的道路改造
new materials : 新材料 m² of Fujian saffron yellow granite 30,000 m²福建橙红花岗岩 m² of deactivated concrete 30,000 m²钝化混凝土 Nature is also present : 绿色植被 m² of grass 80,000 m²的草坪 1.300 trees planted (ash, oak, pine, golden rain trees..). 1,300 株树木(水曲柳,橡木,松 木,金雨树......)

8 the role of the architect
建筑师的角色 working side by side with consulting engineers, there is 与咨询工程师并肩协作 an architect 一个建筑师 in charge of the urban quality of the project and its image: 负责该项目的城市质量及其形象 design of spaces 空间设计 Materials palette and urban furniture 材料调色板和城市家具 A true « interior designer » of the city 一名真正的 城市 室内设计师


10 Georges Durand sector 乔治·杜兰德区

11 la place de la République

12 The city transformed 面貌改变的城市 a new image
一个新的形象 a new identity 一个新的定位 a true quality of life 一种真正的生活品质 an essential contribution to sustainable development 一个可持续发展的重要贡献

13 New trams are planned in the big Chinese cities
French experience has proven that a tram can be a very efficient and attractive local scale transportation system And, if designed carefully, it can be a very strong contribution to the sustainability and to the quality of everyday life in the city. Will the Chinese trams be considered as urban projects, and elaborate from the french model to improve it ?

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