Special English for Industrial Robot

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1 Special English for Industrial Robot
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2 49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot
Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs

3 Special English for Industrial Robot
Unit 4 ABB robot Task: Part1 ABB and ABB robot Part2 ABB product series Part3 The structure of the ABB robot Part4 Typical robot_IRB120 Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 4 ABB robot URL :

4 14 Unit 4 ABB robot ABB Part1 ABB and ABB robot
ABB (ASEA Brown Boveri) is a Swiss multinational corporation headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, operating mainly in robotics and the power and automation technology areas. ABB resulted from the 1988 merger of the Swedish corporation Allmänna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget (ASEA) and the Swiss company Brown, Boveri & Cie (BBC) , as shown in figure 4-1. ABB is one of the largest engineering companies , its core businesses being in power and automation technologies.

5 Figure 4-2 Industrial applications of robots
Unit 4 ABB robot 14 Part1 ABB and ABB robot ABB Robot ABB is a world leading manufacturer of industrial robots and robot systems - operating in 53 countries, in over 100 locations around the world. In addition to robots, ABB manufactures and supplies robot software, peripheral equipment, process equipment, modular manufacturing cells and services for tasks such as welding, material handling, small parts assembly, painting & finishing, picking, packing, palletizing and machine tending. Figure 4-2 Industrial applications of robots

6 14 Unit 4 ABB robot ABB Robot Part1 ABB and ABB robot
Key markets of ABB robot include automotive, plastics, metal fabrication, foundry, solar, consumer electronics, wood, machine tools, pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries. A strong solutions focus helps manufacturers improve productivity, product quality and worker safety. ABB has installed more than 250,000 robots worldwide.

7 14 Unit 4 ABB robot ABB Robot Part1 ABB and ABB robot
ABB robots play a significant role in our daily lives: hardly a moment goes by without our using a product that was manufactured or handled by an ABB robot. For instance, ABB robots pick, pack and palletize our food and beverages for companies like Nestlé, Unilever and Cadbury; They carve, sand, finish, paint and package the furniture and flooring in our homes for two of the biggest names in the business – Ikea and Tarkett; and they weld, grind, polish and paint our PCs, laptops, iPods, mobile phones, cameras and game consoles for the world’s leading brands and manufacturers – Apple, Dell, Nokia and many more.

8 14 Unit 4 ABB robot ABB Robot Part1 ABB and ABB robot
In fact ABB robots not only boost industrial productivity, they can also achieve a massive improvement in energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reductions. The FlexPainter IRB 5500 paint robot, for instance, has reduced paint shop energy consumption by 50 percent at automotive factories all over the world.

9 14 Unit 4 ABB robot Vocabulary Part1 ABB and ABB robot headquartered
[,hed'kwɔ:təd] adj.以…为总部所在地的 merger ['mɝdʒɚ] n.(企业等的)合并;并购 peripheral [pə'rɪfərəl] adj.外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的 n.外部设备 fabrication [,fæbrɪ'keʃən] n.制造,建造;装配;伪造物 foundry ['faʊndri] n.铸造,铸造类;[机] 铸造厂 robotics [ro'bɑtɪks] n.机器人学 wood [wʊd] n.木材 vi.收集木材 vt.植林于

10 14 Unit 4 ABB robot Vocabulary Part1 ABB and ABB robot pharmaceutical
[,fɑrmə'sutɪkl] adj.制药(学)的 n.药物 beverage ['bɛvərɪdʒ] n.饮料 palletize ['pælɪ,taɪz] vt.用托盘装;拖板装扎;码垛堆积 carve [kɑrv] vt.雕刻;切开;开创 vi.切开;做雕刻工作 finish ['fɪnɪʃ] vt.完成;结束vi.结束n.结束 boost [bʊst] vt.促进;增加 vi.宣扬;偷窃 n.推动;帮助;宣扬 cadbury ['kædbəri] n.吉百利 weld [wɛld] vt.焊接 vi.焊牢 n.焊接

11 配套资源 更多资源 书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看)
书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 配套资源 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看) 教学课件:工业机器人教育网( ← 扫一扫微店购书: 九大系列教材 最新出版上架信息 更多资源 网址: 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育

12 E-mail : edubot@hitrobotgroup.com 哈工海渡:www.edubot.cn
海渡学院APP 工业机器人 教育网 专业建设 尹老师: 喻老师: 培训服务 俞老师: 郑老师: 工业机器人技术交流QQ群: 哈工海渡: 海渡学院: 工业机器人教育网:www. Irobot-edu.com 网址: 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育


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