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MIT App Inventor簡介及 「Hello World」程式初體驗 靜宜大學資管系 楊子青

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Presentation on theme: "MIT App Inventor簡介及 「Hello World」程式初體驗 靜宜大學資管系 楊子青"— Presentation transcript:

1 MIT App Inventor簡介及 「Hello World」程式初體驗 靜宜大學資管系 楊子青 2012.8.20.

2 智慧型手機市佔率

3 智慧型手機作業系統

4 主要的Android手機開發平台 Eclipse + Java程式語言

5 1. 初步使用MIT App Inventor 開啟Google Chrome瀏覽器
若需安裝,可連線: 進入MIT App Inventor官方網站,按Invent 用Gmail帳號登入 (或申請一個新帳號)

6 建立新專案

7 專案編輯畫面,按Learn

8 1.1 What is App Inventor Lets you develop applications for Android phones using a web browser and either a connected phone or emulator. The servers store your projects. The App Inventor Designer: select the components for app. The App Inventor Blocks Editor: assemble program blocks that specify how the components should behave

9 1.2 Setup: System requirements
Computer and operating system Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 GNU/Linux: Ubuntu 8+, Debian 5+ Macintosh (with Intel processor): Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 Browser Google Chrome 4.0 or higher Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or higher Apple Safari 5.0 or higher

10 1.3 Setup: Test your Java configuration
Java下載: Test your Java configuration (1) Visit the Java test page . You should see a message that Java is working and that the version is Java SE 7 Update 05

11 Setup: Test your Java configuration
(2) Run the AppInventor Java test by clicking on this link . This will check that your browser is properly configured to run Java, and that your computer can launch applications with Java Web Start.

12 1.4 Install the App Inventor Setup Software
Before you can use App Inventor, you need to install a package called App Inventor Setup . Instructions for Windows AppInventor_Setup_Installer_v_1_2.exe (~92 MB) Instructions for GNU/Linux Instructions for Mac OS X

13 1.5 測試Open the Blocks Editor

14 2. Hello World!

15 加入Textbox元件,可供輸入

16 加入Button元件 (送出之按鈕)

17 加入Label元件 (顯示結果)

18 Open Blocks Editor,選My Blocks頁籤

19 程式

20 按New Emulator開啟模擬器,解鎖

21 按Connect to Device,選模擬器

22 執行結果

23 3. Hello Purr!

24 加入sound元件

25 程式碼及執行模擬畫面

26 4. 在手機進行測試: 先用USB線將手機連至電腦

27 分享1:將APP程式下載至USB連線手機

28 分享2:將APP程式轉成apk檔

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