He Can Spread A Table in the Wilderness 祂能在曠野設筵席

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2 He Can Spread A Table in the Wilderness 祂能在曠野設筵席
祂能在曠野為你擺設筵席 He can spread a table for you. 祂能為你擺設筵席 He can spread a table in the wilderness And that’s what He’s going to do. 祂的確要如此成就 So lift up your voice and praise Him, 故你要揚聲讚美祂 He Can Spread A Table in the Wilderness 祂能在曠野設筵席

3 He Can Spread A Table in the Wilderness 祂能在曠野設筵席
and praise Him, and praise Him. 讚美祂, 讚美祂 There’s no other God beside Him, 在祂的以外無別神 Who can spread a table for you. 能夠為你擺設筵席 He can spread a table in the wilderness 祂能在曠野為你擺設筵席 And that’s what He’s going to do. 祂的確要如此成就 He Can Spread A Table in the Wilderness 祂能在曠野設筵席


5 All I once held dear built my life upon
All this world reveres and wars to own All I once thought gain I have counted loss Spent and worthless now compared to this 前我所珍愛, 生命築其上 世界所尊崇, 爭奪 擁有 前以為有益, 今當作有損 比起 “認識你”, 真如糞土 Knowing You 認識你

6 Knowing You Jesus, knowing You There is no greater thing
You’re my all, You’re the best You’re my joy, my righteousness And I love you, Lord! 認識你, 耶穌, 認識你 無何 能與 相 比 是一切, 是至好 你是我喜樂, 公義 哦, 主! 我愛你! Knowing You 認識你

7 Now my heart’s desire is to know You more
To be found in You and known as Yours To possess by faith what I could not earn All surpassing gift of righteousness 我心所渴慕, 是更認識你 得在你裡面, 又屬 於你 因信而擁有, 我所不配得 這無價至寶 的神 的義 Knowing You 認識你

8 Knowing You Jesus, knowing You There is no greater thing
You’re my all, You’re the best You’re my joy, my righteousness And I love you, Lord! 認識你, 耶穌, 認識你 無何 能與 相 比 是一切, 是至好 你是我喜樂, 公義 哦, 主! 我愛你! Knowing You 認識你

9 Oh! To know the power of Your risen Life
And to know You in Your sufferings To become like You in Your death, my Lord So with You to live and never die 哦! 能曉得你 復活的大能 得以交通於 你的 苦難 主! 我效法你, 效法你的死 使我能經歷 死而 復活. Knowing You 認識你

10 Knowing You Jesus, knowing You There is no greater thing
You’re my all, You’re the best You’re my joy, my righteousness And I love you, Lord! 認識你, 耶穌, 認識你 無何 能與 相 比 是一切, 是至好 你是我喜樂, 公義 哦, 主! 我愛你! Knowing You 認識你


12 Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣
No oil can bestow; 你 若不壓橄欖成 渣, 它就不能成油; If the grapes escape the winepress, Cheering wine can never flow; 你 若不投葡萄入 醡, 它就不能變成酒; Spikenard only through the crushing, Fragrance can diffuse. 你 若不煉哪噠成 膏, 它就不流芬芳; Shall I then, Lord, shrink from suff’ring Which Thy love for me would choose? 主, 我這人是否也 要 受你許可的創傷? Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣

13 Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣
(chorus 副歌) Each blow I suffer is true gain to me. 每 次的打 擊 都是真利益, In the place of what Thou takest Thou dost give Thyself to me. 如 果你收去的東 西, 你以自己來 代 替. Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣

14 Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣
I’m ashamed, my Lord, for seeking, Self to guard always; 主, 我慚愧, 因我感 覺 總是 保 留 自 己, Though Thy love has done its stripping, Yet I’ve been compelled this way. 雖 我也曾受你雕 削, 我卻感覺受 強 逼; Lord, according to Thy pleasure, Fully work on me; 主, 你能否照你喜 樂, 沒有 顧 忌 去 行, Heeding not my human feelings, Only do what pleases Thee. 不 顧我的感覺如 何, 只是要求你 歡 欣? Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣

15 Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣
(chorus 副歌) Each blow I suffer is true gain to me. 每 次的打 擊 都是真利益, In the place of what Thou takest Thou dost give Thyself to me. 如 果你收去的東 西, 你以自己來 代 替. Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣

16 Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣
Oh, I’ll praise Thee, e’en if weeping, Mingle with my song. 我 要讚美, 再要讚 美, 讚美 何 等 甘 甜; Thine increasing sweetness calls forth, Grateful praises all day long. 雖 我邊讚美邊流 淚, 甘甜比前更 加 添; Thou hast made Thyself more precious, Than all else to me; 能 有什麼比你更 好? 比你 喜 悅 可 貴? Thou increase and I decrease, Lord This is now my only plea. 主, 我只有一個禱 告, 你能加添, 我 減 少. Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣

17 Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣
(chorus 副歌) Each blow I suffer is true gain to me. 每 次的打 擊 都是真利益, In the place of what Thou takest Thou dost give Thyself to me. 如 果你收去的東 西, 你以自己來 代 替. Olives That Have Known No Pressure 你若不壓橄欖成渣


19 Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, 我的心你要稱頌耶和華, Forget not all His blessings,
不可忘記祂的恩惠. He forgives all your faults and sins, 祂赦免你一切過犯罪孽, And heals all your diseases. 醫治你疾病復原. Psalm 詩篇第103篇

20 Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, 我的心你要稱頌耶和華, Forget not all His blessings,
不可忘記祂的恩惠. He crowns you with love and compassion, 祂以仁愛慈悲為你冠冕, He works justice for the oppressed. 為受屈的人伸冤. Psalm 詩篇第103篇

21 Far as heav’ns are above the earth, 天離地有何等的高,
so great is His mercy and love, 祂的慈愛也何等的深; Far as east is from the west, 東離西有多麼的遠, so far has he removed my transgressions, 祂使我的過犯也離我多遠. Psalm 詩篇第103篇

22 The Lord, compassionate and gracious, 耶和華有憐憫的愛,
abounds in mercy and love, 且有豐盛無盡的恩典, From e’rlasting to e’rlasting 從亙古直到永遠, The Lord, He is my God. 耶和華, 祂是我的神. Psalm 詩篇第103篇

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