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GPCTEK Co., Ltd. 勤耀科技股份有限公司 群茂機電設備有限公司 ECN2 閉迴路專利氮氣節能裝置(含氮氣分析儀) Closed loop Nitrogen saving devices 勤耀科技股份有限公司 李伯堅 Jones Lee
ECN2Function Description:
迴流焊爐專用氮氣節能裝置: Special Designed for Relfow Nitrogen saving devices 可以安裝在任何的氮氣迴流焊爐上. Can be install on any kind of Reflow / Oven. 具備實時偵測迴流焊爐的含氧量. Real time check Oxygen content inside of the Reflow Oven. 設定迴流焊爐內需要的含氧量,自動調節到您要求的純度.控制流量以達到節省氮氣使用量. Setting reflow Oxygen content, The device will Auto-Control the flow rate to achieve the saving Nitrogen. 依照客戶實際測試的數據,可以節省15~50%的氮氣使用量. According to the existing user real data, Can be saving the 15~50% Nitrogen usage amount.
ECN2 設計概要 Design concept :
1.目前所有的充氮迴流焊爐,在使用氮氣充氮進行焊接時, 爐膛內的氮氣純度,是依照手動閥門來調整爐膛內的氮氣純度. Most of nitrogen reflow are use the manual valve to adjust the nitrogen purity when filling nitrogen during welding. 2.舉例:如果迴流焊爐焊接要求純度為2000PPM, 但是在沒有節制的情況下,氮氣會一直充入,即使爐膛內的氮氣純度已經到達500PPM 時, 還是一直充入, 一直浪費. For example: if the reflow request the Oxygen purity around 2000 PPM, but in the absence of restraint, filling the nitrogen, nitrogen purity even the reflow chamber has reached 500 PPM. but manual valve still continue filling. That have been wasted. 3. 所以ECN2 就可以杜绝这样的浪费,进而达到节能的目的。 So the ECN2 can put an end to such a waste, and then achieve the goal of energy saving. Device Size:(L:370*W:300*H:450mm)/ 220VAC
N2 Requested 2000PPM 液態氮 30m³/hr Reflow
如果回流焊炉焊接时纯度要求为2000PPM.但是氮气直接充到回流焊炉时,纯度已经达到500PPM.明显的浪费了很多液态氮,也是很多钱. If inside of reflow are requested the Oxygen purity at 2000 PPM. But the nitrogen charge directly to the reflow oven, even purity has reached 500 PPM. Obviously wasted a lot of liquid nitrogen, is also a lot of money. N2 液態氮 30m³/hr liquid nitrogen 30m³/hr The purity inside of reflow already reached 500PPM However, nitrogen still continue filling. Requested 2000PPM Reflow
N2 液態氮 reflow Current purity liquid Nitrogen 30m³/hr Setting:2000 PPM
GPCTEK- ECN2 -依照回流焊炉焊接纯度要求设定为2000PPM. In accordance with the purity of reflow requirements set to 2000 PPM. 氮气节能系统ECN2会依照设定自动调整氮气的进口流量来保持炉膛内的纯度到达2000PPM. The ECN2 will automatically adjusts the purity of nitrogen gas inlet flow to keep the chamber of reflow reached 2000 PPM. 整个回流焊炉就会依照设定持续执行,进而达到节省氮气的目的. The reflow will keep on to perform in accordance with the set, and then achieve the goal of saving nitrogen. N2 液態氮 reflow Current purity ECN2 Nitrogen saving devices Setting:2000 PPM PPM liquid Nitrogen 30m³/hr 2,000 6,000 12,000
Auto collect N2 purity and flow rate data 自動氮氣流量及純度記錄軟件
1. Ethernet connect PC. 可從網路上連接電腦. 2. Chinese / English version.中英文界面 3. Auto save data. 自動儲存資料 4. Transfer to excel file. 可轉換成Excel檔 5. Real time indicated data. 實時資料收集
Options 1: 時間控制系統 前段設備故障維修,換線,吃飯,換班, 可設定自動先減少氮氣供應20~90%.可調. N2
Timmer Controller 前段設備故障維修,換線,吃飯,換班, 可設定自動先減少氮氣供應20~90%.可調. When in line machines failure or maintenance ,change product, change shift, can be set automatically to reduce nitrogen supply from 20% ~ 90%. (is adjustable.) N2 N2 液態氮 30m³/hr 迴流焊爐 印刷機 貼片機 1 貼片機 2 貼片機 3 貼片機 4 接駁臺 接駁臺 Sensor
Options 2:自動品質監控系統 Quality Controller N2
可設定爐膛內最高氮氣純度要求(1000ppm以下),如果爐內氮氣純度未達到要求(e.g.1500ppm),前段的輸送帶就會停止送板進入迴流焊爐,直到氮氣純度達標後,輸送帶就會將板子送入爐內,以確保焊接環境達到要求. When reflow requested under 1000ppm purity for soldering environment. But ECN2 checked has not been achieved (e.g.1500ppm), the front of the conveyor will stop send PCB into the reflow, only when the nitrogen purity achieve requested, conveyor will be sent into reflow, To ensure that soldering quality under control. N2 N2 液態氮 30m³/hr 1500ppm Stop into reflow Reflow 印刷機 P&P 1 P&P 2 P&P 3 P&P 4 接駁臺 接駁臺 Sensor
ECN2 : N2 connecting description:
Don’t need change any part of Reflow. Connecting the N2 into the ECN2 inlet. And connect ECN2 outlet into Reflow N2 inlet. Connect analysis gas from inside of Reflow to ECN2. ECN2 With vacuum pumps, gas can be back ENC2 machine analysis.. All of N2 reflow has a analysis of gas pipeline. Don't need to do any change. liquid nitrogen Connect analysis gas back to ENC2 ENC2 outlet connect to the Reflow N2 inlet Connect N2 into the ENC2 inlet Reflow N2 inlet
WL-2000 O2 analyzer: 氧氣分析儀 技術參數Specification:
ECN2 主機可以直接取代現有迴流焊爐的氧氣分析儀. ECN2 controller can replay reflow existing O2 analyzer. ★ Purity range 量程:0~1000、3000ppm、20.9%. ★ Accuracy 精度:>10ppm±3%FS,≤10ppm±5%FS. ★ Output 輸出:4~20mA. ★ 功耗:< 4W(含泵). ★ Power 電源:90~265VAC,50/60Hz. ★ Working Temp. 工作溫度:-10~50℃. ★ 進氣溫度:0~40℃. ★ 外形尺寸:面板260x140mm*深180mm. ★ 儀器重量:2.6Kg。
聯繫人: Jones Lee 李伯堅 Mail to:
大陸China: //台灣Taiwan: //新加坡Singapore: 勤耀科技股份有限公司 (GPCTEK Group Taiwan) 投資公司: 1.) 新加坡分公司 GPCTEK SINGAPORE PTE.LTD. (負責東南亞地區的銷售及維護) 2.) 蘇州亞界電子有限公司 (無塵室烤箱/真空烤箱/自動清洗設備系統) 3.) 蘇州群茂機電設備有限公司 (PSA氮氣產生機/氧氣/氫氣純化系統/ECN2氮氣節能裝置) 4.) 蘇州安訊自動化設備有限公司 (點膠機/垂直烘烤爐/非標自動化設備) 台灣 Taiwan 台灣省新北市三重區重新路5段646號6樓3室 台灣公司: 電話: 傳真: 新加坡 Singapore GPCTEK Singapore Pte. Ltd. 大陸 China 蘇州市高新區中峰街161號 蘇州工廠 電話: 傳真: 大陸 China 蘇州市木瀆鎮木瀆第二中學對面 蘇州工廠 電話: 傳真: 大陸: 深圳 / 廊坊 / 合肥 ,辦事處.
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