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第十二课 吃饭 Lesson 12 chī fàn Bard High School Early College

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1 第十二课 吃饭 Lesson 12 chī fàn Bard High School Early College
By Prof. Ling-Ling Shih

2 Learning objectives: Learn how to order Chinese food.
Tell the waiter your dietary preferences Pay for your meal

3 In your culture Do people order and eat their own dishes when dining out? Do they share their dishes with others? Do people order hot or cold drinks to go with their meals? Do people pay by cash or by a credit card?

4 服务员 饭馆儿 桌子 椅子 Fúwùyuán Waiter; attendant fànguǎn(r) Zhuōzi table yǐzi

5 一个位子 wei zi a seat 那张桌子 zhuōzi That table Are there any tables left? 请问还有没有位子? Yes, we have two seats. 有,我们有两个位子。 That table is not taken. 那张桌子没有人。

6 点菜 diǎn cài: to order food
菜单 càidān: menu 点菜 diǎn cài: to order food Please order for me. 请为我点菜。 Are you ready to order? 你准备好点菜了吗 Let me take a look at the menu, then I will order the food. 我先看一下菜单,再点菜。

7 这是一个中国饭馆儿的菜单。 这个菜单有: 一. 小点 二. 凉拌小菜 三. 饭类 四. 汤类 五. 特价午餐 六. 面类 七. 菜类

8 一盘 水饺 饺子 jiǎozi 素饺 sùjiǎo 水饺 shuǐ jiǎo yìpán shuǐjiǎo
一盘 水饺 yìpán shuǐjiǎo One Plate of Dumplings 饺子 jiǎozi 素饺 sùjiǎo 水饺 shuǐ jiǎo A: 你要点什么? B: 我要点_____________

9 一碗 酸 辣 汤 Yìwǎn suānlàtāng

10 Yì pán jiācháng dòufu 一盘家常豆腐 One plate of family-style beancurd.

11 小白菜 vs 大白菜 xiǎo báicài vs. dà báicài


13 你要点什么菜? 我要点这几道菜: 两碗酸辣汤 一盘饺子 一盘家常豆腐 两盘青菜: 一盘白菜 饺子jiǎozi



16 B: 请给我们两( )餃子,要素的,还要一( )酸辣汤。
pán wǎn bei A: 请问要点什么? B: 请给我们两( )餃子,要素的,还要一( )酸辣汤。 A: 小李,你想吃点什么? B: 我想要一( )家常豆腐。 Fill in with a proper measure words! Please order an ice tea for me. 请帮我点一( )冰茶。


18 放 fàng—to put; to place Please put the book bag on the chair or under the table. 请把书(包)放在椅子上或者桌(子)下(面)。 Please don’t put any meat. 请不要放肉。


20 Make a special request for dietary preference
请多放一些(一点儿)糖/肉/冰/ 请不要放太多味精/盐/ 放 fàng: put; place 些 xiē: measure word for an indefinite amount)

21 太+adj. +了 酸suān 辣 là tài 渴 kě 餓 è



24 kǔwèi suānwèi xiánwèi tiánwèi

25 味觉地图 wèijué dìtú

26 Five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing


28 Grammar 语法

29 一...也/都...不/沒... (yì...yě/dōu...bù/méi)—Not at all
used to form an emphatic negation, meaning “not at all” A: Subject +一 +Measure word + Object + 也/都+ 不/沒+ Verb B: Topic+ Subject+一+Measure word + Object + 也/都+ 不/沒+ Verb

30 A: Subject +一 +Measure word + Object + 也/都+ 不/沒+ Verb
Little Huang does not have a single friend. 小黄一个朋友都沒有。 Xiǎo huáng yī gè péngyǒu dōu méiyǒu. My father didn’t have a single cup of tea today 爸爸今天一杯茶都沒喝。 Bàba jīn tiān yī bēi chá dōu méi hē。

31 B.Topic+subject+一+measure word+也/都+不/没+ verb
I don’t lie any of these shirts. 这些衬衫我一件也不喜欢。 The younger brother cannot wear any of his older brother’s shoes 哥哥的鞋,弟弟一双都不能穿。

32 C.Subject+一点儿++object+也/都+不/没+ verb
He went to the store, but he didn’t buy anything at all. 他去了商店,可是一点儿东西也没买。 Mom doesn’t use any MSG in her cooking. 妈妈做菜一点儿味精都不放。

33 Winter here is not cold at all.
这儿的冬天一点儿也不冷。 That school is not pretty at all. 那个学校一点儿也不漂亮。 This glass of iced tea doesn’t taste good at all. 这杯冰茶一点都不好喝。

34 2. Adverb 多/少 +V (Txbk on p 39)
--Express the idea of doing something “more” or “less.” Place 多 or 少 before the verb. Please add less salt and more surgar. 请少放盐,多放糖。

35 More practices on Adverb 多/少 +V
In Chinese class, one should speak more Chinese and less English. 上中文课得多说中文,少说英文。 You gave me one dollar more than is needed. 你多找了我一块钱。

36 More practices on Adverb 多/少 +V
I asked you to write 50 characters, but you have written 45. You are five characters short. 我要你写五十个字,但是你写了四十五个,你少写了五个(字)。

37 刚 gāng: just As an adverb, 刚 denotes that the action or change in situation took place in most recent past. I just came back from China. 我刚从中国回来。 I just showered, and feel so great. 我刚洗完澡,舒服极了。

38 刚 vs 刚才: just 刚才 is a noun that refers to the time shortly before the act of speaking. 刚 is an adverb. There are different parts of speech, and are therefore used differently.

39 刚 vs 刚才) 1st, 剛 can be followed by an expression that indicates the duration of time. But 剛才 cannot be followed by the time expression. 她刚走了两天。 He left only two days ago. X 他刚才走了两天。

40 Second, 刚才can be followed by the negation words 不and 没, but not “刚”
Correct: 你刚才怎么没去? *Incorrect: 你刚怎么没去

41 Third, 剛才usually occurs with sentence final particle 了 in a sentence.
Correct: 她刚才去学校了 Incorrect * 他刚去学校了

42 Why didn’t you say a moment ago? 你刚才为什么不说
I didn’t want to say it a moment ago. 他刚才不想说。 Where were you a moment ago? 你刚才去哪儿了? --刚 cannot be followed by the negation words 不 or 没 --刚 cannot have 了at the end, but 刚才can have 了 in the end.

43 Resultative complement (RC)
usually an adj or a verb, follow the main verb to denote the result of the action. Verb + RC 清楚

44 Verb+R.C. (完 vs. 好 (finish/ done)
Baby Bok Choy is sold. 小白菜卖完了。 My homework is done. 功课做好了。 The food is ready. 饭做完了。 I have not finished my homework. 功课还没做好。

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