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周蓮香 台灣大學生物學與演化生物學研究所教授

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1 周蓮香 台灣大學生物學與演化生物學研究所教授
第12單元:鯨豚圈養與動物福利 鯨豚圈養 周蓮香 台灣大學生物學與演化生物學研究所教授 教材出處: 孫慶國 2006。凱哥的鯨生鯨世。國語日報出版,台北,183頁。 Taylor, L. R., Aquariums: Windows to Nature. Prentice Hall General Reference Press, New York. 192p. 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示—非商業性—相同方式分享」台灣2.5版授權釋出

2 水族館扮演了甚麼樣的角色 如何對待水族館裡的生物? 展示動物老了之後要怎麼處理? 展示動物的生活?無聊嗎?動物福利的問題。
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3 水族館扮演了甚麼樣的角色 水族館就像是一個小且密集的海洋環境 水族館提供了良好的教育環境
有所體驗瞭解愛護保育(Experience understand love) 水族館可扮演一個大自然環境縮影與借鏡 It is difficult for people to love or care for something they have not experienced personally. **Through a compact marine environment, aquariums offer wonderful opportunities for people to view and experience marine life. ** Aquariums can help the public to understand the nature of marine animals across cultures.

4 大綱 鯨豚圈養/水族館 興革歷史 鯨豚圈養的倫理&保育爭論 特例介紹&討論 傳統角色 現代角色 來自冰島的虎鯨Keiko
鯨豚圈養/水族館 興革歷史 傳統角色 現代角色 鯨豚圈養的倫理&保育爭論 特例介紹&討論 來自冰島的虎鯨Keiko 來自西雅圖的虎鯨Lolita

5 早期人類與海洋哺乳動物之間的關係 早期:與海洋哺乳動物的接觸是被動的(來自擱淺的屍體) 後期 捕鯨砲的開始使用
獵捕游速緩慢的鯨種(ex: 座頭鯨) What has been the progress of relationships between human and marine mammals? **During the period before 12 century, human could only access passively to the stranded marine mammals. **Or, with the help of canoes and poisoned harpoon people started taking some slow moving species. **For example, right whale is named after “this is the right whale for hunting” because it moves slow and floating up to the surface after it die.

6 捕鯨時代人類與海洋哺乳動物間的關係 捕鯨史自1800年代開始有了極速的發展 捕鯨砲發明1865 大型船隻可獵捕更快速的鯨豚種類
年代起,大型鬚鯨族群數量開始急速下降。 之後人們開始意識鯨豚保育的重要性 **The whaling industry changed dramatically with the discovery of the harpoon gun in This invention allowed ocean faring humans to attack the faster moving species of marine animals from a longer (and safer) distance. **In addition, the development of large vessels had brought humans far into the sea for longer period of time, e.g. shipping and operating in the Antarctic region for more then one year without landing ** This great development of technology exploited great baleen whales massively and cause great declines of their populations. Then, it stimulated human to turn their vew of marine mammals for the first time.

7 現今人類對鯨豚保育的態度 兩種觀點:人為利用(Utilitarian) vs 動物福利(Rights)
利用:強調在動物供人類利用的價值上 福利:強調動物應與人類一樣有被平等對待的權利 不同的文化背景與教育態度產生不同的觀點 In general, there have been two opposite views regarding the diversity life, utilitarian vs animal rights. **The utilitarian view emphasizes the value of animals for human use. The animal rights view treats animals as equal to human beings and affords animals equal rights to live unmolested on the earth. **This difference originates from the way they were brought up-- education.

8 圈養鯨豚的歷史 早期動物園與水族館的設立純粹只是為了滿足貴族的喜好與娛樂性 18世紀的轉型 私人大眾 陸生動物海洋動物
死亡個體活的個體 The earliest Zoos existed for the pleasure of the wealthy. Slowly, in the18th century, zoological societies transformed from private entities to public institutions. Collections also moved from terrestrial to marine, and from dead to live animals.

9 圈養鯨豚的歷史 早期幾年水族館圈養的動物… 北極熊 1060開始 港灣鼠海豚 1400s開始 鰭腳目(ex: 海豹) 1608開始
到了1800年代起圈養數量增加 鰭腳目(ex: 海豹) 1608開始 海獺 1932開始 The first aquariums began keeping polar bears in 1060, harbor porpoises in the 1400s, pinnipeds in 1608 and sea otters 1932. flikr milan.boers

10 圈養鯨豚的歷史 野生鯨豚在1800年代中期開始被圈養 圈養種類:一開始以瓶鼻海豚為主 許多因驚嚇而很快就死亡了(幾個小時或幾天過後)

11 圈養鯨豚的歷史 之後,25種以上的鯨豚開始被圈養: 最大圈養的種類: 虎鯨、白鯨、伊河海豚、太平洋斑紋海豚…… 不同種類圈養的困難度也不同
灰鯨 Gigi 1971年三月捕捉,隔年1972三月野放 從大約6-10週開始圈養,體長約5.5公尺;直到體長約8.2公尺、6.3噸,已無法負荷其成長空間與食物資源。 1979年秋天在加州外海再度發現,且帶著她的新生兒。 瓶鼻海豚 神經大條 很粗勇 很好抓

12 第一次長時間連續觀察到海豚的社交活動與行為
1938年,Hollywood電影公司,Marine Studio,開始進行圈養海豚訓練。並且開始有了海豚行為的詳細觀察。 flikr milan.boers

13 Smart Destinations flikr Dru Bloomfield – At Home in Scottsdale flikr Flying Cloud flikr Stig Nygaard flikr Stig Nygaard

14 圈養鯨豚的歷史 圈養海洋哺乳動物的水族館開始盛行 水族館盛行:1950s-1970s 停滯:1980s中期 減少:1990s
從1970年代開始北美、歐洲、日本、部分東南亞國家開始大量經營 停滯:1980s中期 捕捉鯨豚圈養在人工環境中的爭議性議題發起 減少:1990s The number of aquariums displaying marine mammals increased rapidly to meet public demand during 1950s through 1970s. This booming expansion came to a near halt during the mid-1980s because of the growing debate over capturing and keeping cetaceans. As a result, a decline in the number of facilities was evidenced in the 1990s.

15 另一個水族館轉變時期的到來! 道德爭議(Ethical Controversies) 新建的水族館有了大的轉變! 台大生演所鯨豚研究室

16 我們應不應該把海洋哺乳動物關在圈養的環境內?
人類固有的同情心被挑起,而開始重新思考鯨豚被圈養的爭議性。 媒體(電視、電影)開始改變了人們的價值觀 鯨豚類形成了一個自由的象徵(from free Willy to free Keiko) 但對水族館的高層而言,是一個麻煩的開端…… One major question on debates of controversy of ethic has been Should we keep marine mammals in captivity? **Great exhibition, education and media press have stimulated the innate empathy of human and changed many people’s mind regarding marine animals, particularly cetaceans—whales and dolphins. **Some excellent studies executed at aquarium envrionment on the human/dolphin communication, cognition, and some popular TV show (Flipper) or movie (Free Willy) have reformed many people’s impression of cetaceans. **The allure of cetaceans has become so powerful that they are now a symbol of the animal liberation movement. This powerful public opinion trend gradually form the base of animal right group and then become the night-mares of many aquariums.

17  第二個轉淚點,人們開始思考動物的利用與動物福利。 增進海洋哺乳動物的福利 但是…
開始想水族館對鯨豚的照顧與生活環境是否恰當 海洋哺乳動物生活環境的舒適度與健康狀況評估 但是… 花費可觀,是否每個海洋公園的老闆都願意花費照顧在那裏表演的海洋哺乳動物呢? **Wonderful exhibitions, extensive education programs from aquriums and media exposure have stimulated the innate empathy of humans and changed many people’s minds regarding marine animals, particularly cetaceans—whales and dolphins. **Some excellent studies executed in aquarium environments on human/dolphin communication, cognition, in addition to popular TV shows (Flipper) and movies (Free Willy) have changed many people’s impression of cetaceans. **The allure of cetaceans has become so powerful that they are now a symbol of the animal liberation movement. This powerful public opinion trend gradually formed the base of many animal right groups and then became a public perception management nightmare for many aquariums and their supporters.

18 最具爭議性的議題 圈養野生動物的道德議題? 考慮圈養環境下的福祉: 表演SHOW??
空間夠大嗎?水質好嗎?養分攝取夠嗎?有受到良好的醫療照顧嗎?會孤單寂寞嗎?(social interactions) 表演SHOW?? 儘管表演的花招都是建立在自然具有的行為下(ex: 跳躍) 好處:使動物在圈養環境下仍能活動 壞處:死亡率因此增加,教育意義價值低,使人們對“自然環境”下的鯨豚有了錯誤的印象。 Wrong impression was given on their behavior in the wild and their “natural” relationship with humans.

19 現今水族館的使命 遊憩(Recreation):吸引觀光客 教育目的(Education):激發人類對其了解與同情
研究目的(Research):科學教育研究資料來源 保育目的(Conservation):應用水族館的研究成果至野外,達到保育目的。 Generally speaking, a modern aquarium would list its mission as fostering “recreation, education, research and conservation”. Good recreation programs attract many visitors, creating excellent opportunities for communication. Good education programs are critical for inspiring the understanding and empathy that leads people to endorse conservation. Solid education programs are built on solid research results. These four elements are inextricably linked together.

20 水族館的保育計畫 復育(Rehabilitation) 人工繁殖(Captive breeding)
野放圈養動物計畫(Release programs) Ex. Keiko

21 凱哥 – KEIKO 小檔案 鯨種:虎鯨 性別:雄性 出生地:冰島海域 體長:約6.7公尺 體重:5千多公斤
職業:電影明星(威鯨闖天關 – Free Willy) 專長:表演 享年:27歲(1977~2003年)

22 凱哥 – KEIKO 的一生 1979 — 2歲多,在冰島海域被捕, 1982 — 6歲,被賣往加拿大安大略海洋公園,從事表演,
1985 — 9歲,以美金35萬元轉賣到墨西哥市海洋公園, 1992 — 16歲,成為華納電影《威鯨闖天關》的主角, 1993 — 17歲,美國《生活》雜誌報導其生病,舉世訝然, 1995 — 19歲,「凱哥野放基金會」Free Willy Keiko Foundation 成立,「一人一元救凱哥」,募得1千萬美金, 1996 — 運送至New Port, Oregon, USA 1998 — 22歲,重返故鄉 – 冰島 2002 — 26歲,游到挪威大西洋峽灣, 2003 — 27歲,因肺炎病逝,安葬於挪威。

23 鯨豚保育的頑抗勢力 1997年,就在全球關注於Keiko熱潮的同時,日本在和歌山太地町捕捉了一群虎鯨家族(10隻個體)。
在反對聲浪中日本釋放了其中五隻,剩餘五隻販賣至各個海洋公園。 其中兩隻在幾年後隨即死亡。

24 Lolita 的故事 1970在美國華盛頓州的Pugget Sound捕捉的虎鯨
1996拍攝電影(by Fisher Broadcasting Inc) 放當地的虎鯨族群聲音給Lolita聽,對其家族的叫聲有反應,牠應該被野放嗎? 目前,Lolita仍在人工圈養的環境中生活。

25 版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者/來源 flikr See1,Do1,Teach1
2009/12/15 visited flikr milan.boers United States Department of Commerce employee 維基共享資源網 flikr Dru Bloomfield – At Home in Scottsdale Smart Destinations

26 版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者/來源 flikr Flying Cloud flikr Stig Nygaard flikr Stig Nygaard 台大生演所鯨豚研究室 U.S. military or Department of Defense employee 維基共享資源網 Piotr Domaradzki 維基共享資源網

27 製作團體 本教材由台灣大學生態學與演化生物學研究所,鯨豚研究室製作。
台大生態學與演化生物學研究所: 鯨豚研究室聯絡電話:

28 END!

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