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The Rotary Foundation— Milestones in Building Better Lives

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2 The Rotary Foundation— Milestones in Building Better Lives
History The Rotary Foundation 1917- Sixth RI President Arch C. Klumph established The Rotary Foundation as an endowment in 1917. 1928 - The Rotary Foundation was formally named in 1928 and awarded its first grant in 1929: US$500 to the International Society for Crippled Children. 1947 - Following RI founder Paul Harris’s death in 1947, Rotarians worldwide gave the Foundation more than US$1 million, enabling it to launch its first program: international scholarships for graduate students. 1957- In 1957, the Foundation began recognition of individuals as Paul Harris Fellows for contributions of US$1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund or restricted fund. 1965- In 1965, the Group Study Exchange program was established, enabling business and professional men and women to participate in vocational activities in countries other than their own. Matching Grants projects have brought hope for a better life to people also since 1965, with nearly 20,000 grants awarded, totaling more than US$198 million. 1978 - The Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants program, created in 1978, has made possible a wide range of sustainable development projects, such as the nationwide literacy effort in Bangladesh. 1985- For Rotarians, peace is more than a word – it’s a philosophy. The PolioPlus program was launched in It adopted the goal in 1988 of immunizing all the world’s children against polio by 2005 and has raised more than US$537 million for polio eradication. The Rotary Foundation has overcome armed conflicts, political instability, economic adversity, and other barriers to help people in need, thereby promoting world understanding and peace. The Rotary Foundation— Milestones in Building Better Lives The Rotary Foundation— Milestones in Building Better Lives 1985-For Rtns, peace is more than a word . it’s a philosophy. PolioPlus program was launched in 1985. 1978 - Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants program The Rotary Foundation was formally named in 1928 and awarded its first grant in 1929 Following Paul Harris’s death in US$1 million 18 International Graduate Scholarships 1957- the Foundation began recognition of individuals as PHFs. 1965-Group Study Exchange program. Matching Grants projects Sixth RI President Arch C. Klumph established The Rotary Foundation as an endowment in 1917.

3 2007年地域扶輪基金協調人研習會 2007 Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators' Institute 3-9 March The Doubletree Hotel, Skokie, USA

4 Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators
Wei Lin “Dens” Shao RRFC Zones 4B, PDG,1999~2000 D3520 District: 531 Zone: 34 Region 1 U.S.A. & CANADA Region 2 SOUTH AMERICA & MEXICO Region 3 EUROPE & AFRICA Region 4 ASIA Region 5 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND Region 6 UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND 42RRFCs 3year terms 14 new RRFCs / each year

5 History 2001-02 / the United States and Canada
Fund Development Volunteer / the United States and Canada TRF established the approved structure of three senior volunteer leaders: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator (RRFC) Annual Program Fund Strategic Advisor (APFSA) Major Gift Advisor (MGA) To expand this structure to all zones and districts. The approved structure of three senior volunteer leaders : In , The Rotary Foundation established the approved structure of three senior volunteer leaders: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator (RRFC), Annual Program Fund Strategic Advisor (APFSA) and Major Gift Advisor (MGA) for all zones and districts in the United States and Canada. These teams, trained and lead by the RRFc’s, have primary responsibility for The Rotary Foundation’s Fund Development success in their respective zones. TRF now hope to expand this structure to all zones and districts for The initial appointment will be for one year subject to renewal for two additional years. As the lead Rotary Foundation volunteer and fundraiser in your zone, RRFC will have the responsibility of training and leading this team next year. Nominations are also being appointments are made by Trustee Chairman-elect.

6 The Structure of Senior Volunteer Leaders
RRFC Fund Development Volunteer APFSA MGA RFAC DG DGE Assistant Governor DRFCC AGSCC

7 根除小兒痲痺是真實的 Polio eradication is realistic
每位扶輪社員,每年-實現一份承諾EREY - A promise to be fulfilled 扶輪國際研究和平與解決衝突中心-和平是可能的 Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution - Peace is possible! 與扶輪基金前受獎人再聯繫-我們所遺忘的資產 Reconnecting with Rotary Foundation alumni - Our forgotten assets


9 捐獻的最新消息 Contributions Update
March 2007 March 2006 Increase (Decrease) 年度計劃基金 Annual Programs Fund US$62,268,471 US$55,706,099 11.78% 永久基金 Permanent Fund US$ 8,752,996 US$ 9,485,546 (7.72)% 限定用途基金捐獻 Restricted Giving US$12,116,295 US$14,636,772 (17.22)% TOTALS US$83, US$79,828,417 4.15% Reaching the US$120,000,000 Goal – Only 51.9% of the Way There!

10 永久基金 2007/2/28-永久基金的純資產為206.1百萬美元 2007/3/31-預測額則約為346.8百萬美元 遺贈協會 2007/3/31-5,475筆遺贈協會的承諾,預值228.8百萬美元 自2007年2月以來增加了70筆新的遺贈承諾,值470萬美元。 根除小兒麻痹等疾病計劃 四月份的PolioPlus in Action e-newsletter─四月份的開放計劃名單(OPL)列有15件根除小兒麻痹的計劃,所需總額為4,457,002美元。

11 2007-2008年度扶輪社成功要訣工具袋 Club Success Kits
27 April → DGE / PE Cover Letter from Trustee Chairman Fund Development Club Goal Report Form 2006 Rotary Foundation Facts (159) One EREY Brochure/contributions form (957) One sheet of Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member Badge Stickers (956) Publications Order Form (337) EREY Club Success Booklet containing: EREY Resources on the Web; Weekly Rotary Foundation Thoughts; Your Annual Contributions at Work; APF Challenge/Leverage Gift Examples

12 2007-2008年度 基金發展捐獻扶輪社目標報告表 Fund Development Club Goal Report Forms
2007年 5月1日 DGE應收集各社之扶輪社目標報告表 2007年 5月15日 DGE應將所收集之各社報告表寄至TRF P 4 -1

13 國際扶輪第4地帶 〝第一百萬位保羅‧哈理斯之友〞 One Millionth Paul Harris Fellow

14 100%巨額捐獻扶輪社 3450地區九龍東區扶輪社The Rotary Club of Kowloon East 榮獲100%巨額捐獻扶輪社,將於2007年美國鹽湖城扶輪國際年會上接受表揚。


16 個人獎助金改名義工服務獎助金 Individual Grants Become Volunteer Service Grants
獎助金申請表3月31日截止-僅3月一個月內,收到的申請表就有1,500份。 PE現在準備 配合獎助金計劃。 7-12月提交申請書避免年終時的擁擠。 2007/4保管委員會會議批准 支付3-H獎助金470萬4,763美元 6件在歐洲及非洲,7件在亞洲,4件在南美洲,1件在北美洲。

17  過期未交的報告 Overdue Grant Reporting
贊助獎助金計劃的扶輪社或地區,計劃完成後過了21個月但仍未交報告闡明如何使用獎助金者將被登載國際扶輪網站 交報告的期限過了30個月或以上的贊助扶輪社及地區,將有保管委員會向國際扶輪理事會建議終止社籍Termination。 保管委員會每半年審查地區及其扶輪社報告書狀況。凡按時提交報告及遵循報告義務的統計分析,連續兩個半年期不達百分之70的地區及其扶輪社將暫時不得Suspended參加人道獎助金計劃。

18 World Reporting Statistics March 2007
報告不及70%的地區所採的處分措施延到2008年4月才開始 World Reporting Statistics March 2007 World Statistics September 2006 Snapshot March 2007 Average World Reporting Percentage 73% 82% Total Number of Paid Grants 6264 5796 Percentage of Paid Grants which are CURRENT * 71% 81% Percentage of Paid Grants which are OVERDUE * 29% 19% * Grant reporting increased by 10% and overdue grant reports were reduced by 10% between September 06 and March 07

19 人道獎助金技術顧問核心幹部團 Humanitarian Grants Cadre of Technical Advisors
年間 人道獎助金專案稽核員Humanitarian Grants Specialized Auditor 鄭桓圭Peter (新竹北區社國際主委) 農業和糧食生產 教育和識字 財務稽查 保健 廉價居屋 小規模事業和小筆貸款 水管理、衛生以及保環

20 編號60625配合獎助金計劃 matching grant #60625 義肢計畫Limb project DVD說明

21 「為生命而檢驗」(TFL)健診團 TEST FOR LIFE 2006 <蒙古子宮頸癌巡迴篩檢服務> < A mobile cervical cancer screening service in Mongolia > 香港扶輪社國際服務理事Elkie Hon , September 6, 2006

22 3470地區與美國威斯康辛州6270地區 團體研究交換成功(2005-06)
一封團長吉姆‧福特Jim Ford的來函 再次展示團體研究交換的成功

23 Foundation Activities' List, 2007-08, ZONE 4B
12月 15日 (六) TRF-Bhichai Rattakul (Taiwan) 16日 (日) Permanent Fund Committee Meeting (PFCM) / am 10:00-12:30 Visit TRF Project Intercity Meeting (Taipei) / pm 6:30 17日 (一) Intercity Meeting (Taichung) 18日 (二) Lunch with Mayor of Taichung Taichung—Kaohsiung 19日 (三) Intercity Meeting (Kaohsiung) 20日 (四) TRF-Bhichai Rattakul (Kaohsiung—HK) 21日 (五) Intercity Meeting (HK) 22日 Rest Day (HK) 23日 TRF-Bhichai Rattakul (HK—Bangkok) 時間 地區 會議 2007/07/28(六) 3520 地區扶輪基金研習會 2007/07/29(日) 3470 2007/08/05(日) 3500 2007/08/12(日) 3510 2007/08/18(六) D3460 2007/08/25(六) D3480 2007/09/08(六) D3490 D3450 2007年11月28日-12月2日 Kuala Lumpur GETS Seminars and Zone Institutes, Zones 4B,6B,7B 2008年1月13-20日 International Assembly, San Diego, California, USA 2008年6月15-18日 Rotary International Convention, Los Angeles, California, USA 年度 第4B地帶 扶輪基金活動表 Foundation Activities' List, , ZONE 4B


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