W15 Chinese2 Christmas unit: 圣诞快乐shèng dàn kuài lè Merry Christmas

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1 W15 Chinese2 Christmas unit: 圣诞快乐shèng dàn kuài lè Merry Christmas
Objectives: review the voc. And voc.quiz on Christmas voc.II. Review : Grammar: 1)给… give somebody +something 2)give something to somebody 3) future tense:将要 4) past tense: 了 assessment: present the skit “ I bought … . I will give it to someone as a Christmas gift.”


3 Monday objectives: teks: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b,
Sleeping zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

4 Tuesday objectives TEKS: 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a Review for voc.quiz
Practice skit Hw: review new words and practice skit.

5 Warm up: review the words for voc.quiz
袜子Wàzi socks 项链 Xiàngliàn necklace 耳机Ěrjī ear buds 耳环Ěrhuán ear ring(s) 衣服Yīfú clothes 鞋子Xiézi shoes 玩具Wánjù toy(s) 篮球Lánqiú basketball xbox Xbox 手机壳Shǒujī ké phone case 巧克力Qiǎokèlì chocolate 圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè 黑色星期五:black Friday.

6 voc. quiz: put the correct letter to the right word: a) Shèngdàn jié kuàilè; b) Wàzi socks; c) Lánqiú basketball; d)Xiàngliàn necklace; e)Ěrjī ear buds; headphone f) Ěrhuán ear ring(s); g) Wánjù toy(s); h) Xbox I) Qiǎokèlì chocolate; J) black Friday; K) Yīfú clothes; L) Xiézi shoes M) Shǒujī ké phone case Xbox 篮球 袜子 耳机 项链 手机壳 耳环 巧克力 衣服 黑色星期五: 圣诞节快乐 玩具 鞋子

7 圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng poinsettia 给Gěi pre. To; vt. To give
read aloud . 圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng poinsettia 给Gěi pre. To; vt. To give 送Sòng vt. Give as a gift 游戏卡Yóuxì kǎ game cards 帽子Màozi  n. hat 围巾Wéijīn n. scarf 鞋子Xiézi n. shoes 饼干Bǐnggān n. cookies, cracker, 手机Shǒujī n. cell phone 外套Wàitào n. coat 裤子Kùzi n. pants 大衣Dàyī n. heavy coat 靴子Xuēzi n. boots 准备 Zhǔnbèi V. to prepare

8 Matching pinyin with Chinese characters a ) Màozi ; b) Bǐnggān c) Xiézi d) Wàitào; e) Shǒujī f) Sòng ; g) Dàyī h) Xuēzi i) Wéijīn j) shèngdàn hóng k) Yóuxì kǎ L) Kùzi M) Gěi n) Zhǔnbèi 圣诞红 poinsettia 外套 n. coat 给 pre. To; vt. To give 裤子 n. pants 送 vt. Give as a gift 大衣 n. heavy coat 游戏卡game cards 靴子 n. boots 帽子 n. hat 准备 V. to prepare 围巾 n. scarf 鞋子 n. shoes 饼干 n. biscuit 手机 n. cell phone

9 圣诞红 帽子 游戏卡 围巾 鞋子 靴子 饼干 手机 外套 裤子 大衣 准备

10 It must be in your binder. grammar
give something to someone 送…给…. What will you give to person? 问:你要送 什么给哥哥? You will send what to a person. Wèn: Nǐ yào sòng shénme gěi_____ ? 答:我要送耳机给哥哥。 Dá: Wǒ yào sòng ěrjī gěi gēgē. You practice: practice with your shoulder partner by practicing the dialogue.

11 Past tense 了: put 了after the verb to form past tense
Past tense 了: put 了after the verb to form past tense. It must be in your binder. 妈妈买了圣诞红。 我买了围巾。 爸爸吃了汉堡包。 弟弟写了作业。 哥哥看了电影。 Your turn: practice with your shoulder partner by starting the sentence with: sub+ v+了。Read your 3 sentences to your partner and write down each other’s sentence English meaning.

12 Wednesday objectives: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a,5a
TSW be able to identify the new words in the unit by practicing the games. TTW guide the students to practice the sentence pattern give somebody something. 给… New words II learning Hw: worksheet: words strokes practice It is due Thursday.

13 Warm up: please read the words silently for 5 minutes
圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng poinsettia 饼干Bǐnggān n. biscuit 手机Shǒujī n. cell phone 给Gěi pre. To; vt. To give 外套Wàitào n. coat 送Sòng vt. Give as a gift 裤子Kùzi n. pants 大衣Dàyī n. heavy coat 靴子Xuēzi n. boots 游戏卡Yóuxì kǎ game cards 帽子Màozi  n. hat 围巾Wéijīn n. scarf 鞋子Xiézi n. shoes

14 New words II 袜子Wàzi socks 项链 Xiàngliàn necklace 耳机Ěrjī ear buds
耳环Ěrhuán ear ring(s) 衣服Yīfú clothes 鞋子Xiézi shoes 玩具Wánjù toy(s) 篮球Lánqiú basketball xbox Xbox 手机壳Shǒujī ké phone case 巧克力Qiǎokèlì chocolate 圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè 黑色星期五:black Friday.

15 It must be in your binder. Grammar: 给… give somebody something
黑色星期五爷爷 给 我 巧克力Yéye gěi wǒ qiǎokèlì 。On black Friday, grandpa bought me chocolate. 老师给 我 成绩Lǎoshī gěi wǒ chéngjī. . Teacher gives me grade. 妈妈给我蛋糕Māmā gěi wǒ dàngāo。cake 爸爸给弟弟葡萄Bàba gěi dìdì pútáo. Please make 3 sentences with your partner and present to class. Refresh the sentence: somebody give something to somebody.

16 dialogue A:黑色星期五你买了什么Hēisè xīngqíwǔ nǐ mǎile shénme? B:我买了手机壳,外套,围巾.你呢Wǒ mǎile shǒujī ké, wàitào, wéijīn. Nǐ ne? ? A:我买了鞋子,围巾,耳机,靴子:Wǒ mǎile xiézi, wéijīn, ěrjī, xuēzi B:圣诞节你要送什么给爸爸Shèngdàn jié nǐ yào sòng shénme gěi bàba? A:我要送手机壳给爸爸.你呢?Wǒ yào sòng shǒujī ké gěi bàba. Nǐ ne B:我要送帽子给爸爸。我送耳环给妈妈 Wǒ yào sòng màozi gěi bàba. Wǒ sòng ěrhuán gěi māmā. 。 A:我要送给妈妈项链。我也买了耳环 Wǒ yào sòng gěi māmā xiàngliàn. Wǒ yě mǎile ěrhuán。 B:酷!圣诞节的礼物准备好了吗Kù! Shèngdàn jié de lǐwù zhǔnbèi hǎole ma? A:我还要买一些礼物给朋友Wǒ hái yāomǎi yīxiē lǐwù gěi péngyǒu. B:我也是。再见Wǒ yěshì. Zàijiàn!!

17 A:黑色星期五你买了什么 B:我买了手机壳,外套,围巾. 你呢. A:我买了鞋子,围巾,耳机,靴子: B:圣诞节你要送什么给爸爸
A:黑色星期五你买了什么 B:我买了手机壳,外套,围巾.你呢? A:我买了鞋子,围巾,耳机,靴子: B:圣诞节你要送什么给爸爸. A:我要送手机壳给爸爸.你呢? B:我要送帽子给爸爸。我送耳环给妈妈. A:我要送给妈妈项链。我也买了耳环. B:酷!圣诞节的礼物准备好了吗? A:我还要买一些礼物给朋友. B:我也是。再见

18 Wednesday objectives: teks: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a,
Voc. quiz TTW review the new words II. Voc. quiz Friday. TSW be able to identify and read aloud the new words. TSW be able to practice the dialogue with their partner. TSW be able to write a 10 sentences dialogue. Hw: write your dialogue.

19 Warm up: please review your new words I and 5 minutes later we will start voc.quiz
圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng poinsettia 饼干Bǐnggān n. biscuit 手机Shǒujī n. cell phone 给Gěi pre. To; vt. To give 外套Wàitào n. coat 送Sòng vt. Give as a gift 裤子Kùzi n. pants 大衣Dàyī n. heavy coat 靴子Xuēzi n. boots 游戏卡Yóuxì kǎ game cards 帽子Màozi  n. hat 围巾Wéijīn n. scarf 鞋子Xiézi n. shoes

20 Matching: write English after each word
圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng 给Gěi 送Sòng vt. 游戏卡Yóuxì kǎ 帽子Màozi  围巾Wéijīn 鞋子Xiézi 饼干Bǐnggān 手机Shǒujī 外套Wàitào 裤子Kùzi 大衣Dàyī 靴子Xuēzi 准备 Zhǔnbèi V. to prepare

21 4)圣诞红___ 5)大衣___ 6)围巾____ 7)裤子___ 8) 饼干 ____ 9) 手机 _____
Voc. quizPut correct answer to the words below. a) Xuēzi n. boots b) Yóuxì kǎ game cards c) Dàyī n. heavy coat d) Gěi pre. To; vt. To give f) Kùzi n. pants g) shèngdàn hóng poinsettia h)外套Wàitào n. coat i) Màozi  n. hat J) Wéijīn n. scarf K) Sòng vt. Give as a gift L) Xiézi n. shoes M) Bǐnggān n. biscuit N) Shǒujī n. cell phone Example: 给 d 游戏卡___ 2) 给___ )靴子___ 4)圣诞红___ 5)大衣___ 6)围巾____ 7)裤子___ 8) 饼干 ____ 9) 手机 _____ 10)鞋子___ 11)帽子___ )送___

22 New words II: please copy down the new words in your binder.
袜子Wàzi socks 项链 Xiàngliàn necklace 耳机Ěrjī ear buds 耳环Ěrhuán ear ring(s) 衣服Yīfú clothes 鞋子Xiézi shoes 玩具Wánjù toy(s) 篮球Lánqiú basketball xbox Xbox 手机壳Shǒujī ké phone case 巧克力Qiǎokèlì chocolate 圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè 黑色星期五:black Friday.

23 项链 衣服 耳机 耳环 鞋子 袜子 玩具 篮球 黑色星期五 xbox 手机壳 巧克力 圣诞节快乐

24 草原 海洋 沙漠 平原 杂食动物 动物园

25 驯服 凶猛 树叶 香蕉Xiāngjiāo, n. banana

26 手机壳 巧克力 圣诞节快乐 黑色星期五: 圣诞红 游戏卡

27 坚果 块 / 元 多少 太贵了! 便宜一点

28 帽子Màozi  n. hat 围巾Wéijīn n. scarf 鞋子Xiézi n. shoes 饼干Bǐnggān n. cookies, cracker, 手机Shǒujī n. cell phone 外套Wàitào n. coat 裤子Kùzi n. pants 大衣Dàyī n. heavy coat 靴子Xuēzi n. boots 准备 Zhǔnbèi V. to prepare

29 It must be in your binder. Grammar: future tense 要/ 将要
Review past tense Subject + 要/将要+ verb 妈妈要买火鸡。Mom will buy turkey. 我要买咖啡。I will buy coffee. Your sentences Write down in your binder 3 sentences with要/ 将要

30 Dialogue 16 sentences A:黑色星期五你买了什么? Hēisè xīngqíwǔ nǐ mǎile shénme B:我买了手机壳,外套,围巾 Wǒ mǎile shǒujī ké, wàitào, wéijīn。 你呢? A:我买了鞋子,围巾,耳机,靴子.很便宜 Wǒ mǎile xiézi, wéijīn, ěrjī, xuēzi. Hěn piányi。 B:圣诞节你要送什么给爸爸 Shèngdàn jié nǐ yào sòng shénme gěi bàba? ? A:我要送手机壳给爸爸 Wǒ yào sòng shǒujī ké gěi bàba. 。你呢Nǐ ne? B:我要送帽子给爸爸Wǒ yào sòng màozi gěi bàba。 我送给妈妈耳环Wǒ sòng gěi māmā ěrhuán。

31 Dialogue A:我要送给妈妈项链Wǒ yào sòng gěi māmā xiàngliàn。我也买了耳环Wǒ yě mǎile ěrhuán。 B:酷Kù!圣诞节的礼物准备好了吗Shèngdànjié de lǐwù zhǔnbèi hǎole ma? A:我还要买一些礼物给朋友Wǒ hái yāomǎi yīxiē lǐwù gěi péngyǒu。 B:我也是Wǒ yěshì。圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè!再见Zàijiàn! A:圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè!再见Zàijiàn!

32 Thursday objectives Warm up New words 1 voc. review
new words 2 . Voc. quiz tomorrow. TSW start to write their dialogue with their partner( 10 sentences) . The presentation is next Tuesday. It is a test grade. The dialogue is due Friday. Hw: finish up the dialogue with your partner

33 Friday objectives Voc. quiz on new words II
Your project (writing part) is due today. Practicing reading aloud and memorize your skit with your partner.

34 Grading rubrics for skit presentation
1) 14 correct sentences. Past tense, future tens; sentence structures: give somebody something/ give something to somebody; phrases: give as gift; get ready; must be in the sentences. Must include 18 new words. 40% 2) speak clearly 20% 3) correctly, 20% 4) and fluently. 20% You can’t take your skit with you. 30%

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