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首席营运管 世界可持续发展工商理事会 能源与气候专题报告会 中国可持续发展工商理事会会员大会 北京,2007年4月16日

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1 首席营运管 世界可持续发展工商理事会 能源与气候专题报告会 中国可持续发展工商理事会会员大会 北京,2007年4月16日
DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE 关注重点和工商业的责任 可持续发展的新趋势 以水为例 约格 戈伯Jürg Gerber 首席营运管 世界可持续发展工商理事会 能源与气候专题报告会 中国可持续发展工商理事会会员大会 北京,2007年4月16日

2 WBCSD Work Program 世界可持续发展工商理事会工作项目---仅仅是起点

3 全球背景 巨大的变化,尤其是商业领域 紧迫感首先来自于 气候变化 能源安全 可获取水 可获取资源 媒体的逐渐关注

4 水资源背景简介 全球的水荒和水质下降程度超与专家预期 经济面临众多危机 许可经营 搁置成本 不断增加的生产成本 社会与政府管理的压力
许可经营 搁置成本 不断增加的生产成本 社会与政府管理的压力 雇员的健康 品牌形象 对开发消费市场的限制 Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

5 全球水问题的风险管理 这需要结合当地实际从去理解公司对水的需求: 水的当前和可预计的将来的可获供水 水质 水对人们和环境的压力
获取可饮用水资源 饮水卫生 人口与工业发展 公司需要就等于其行为,员工以及客户… … Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

6 Source:Shiklomanov and Rodda, 2003
水资源---起点 全球淡水储量: 冰川占68.3% 地下水占30.1% 永久冻结带占0.8% 表层和空气中水占0.4% 淡水湖占67.4 土壤湿度占12.2% 大气中水占9.5% 其它湿地8.5% 河流水占1.6% 动植物中水占0.8% 海洋水占97.5% Source:Shiklomanov and Rodda, 2003 Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

7 流域水荒指数( 2003年世界资源研究所) 在世界范围内只有两三个国家公用261个 河流;世界上40%的人口生活去这些流域
一个重大限制实施现有的技术与社会观念的 障碍就是各国财产权,体制和法律的不同 每人年均占淡水量超过1700立方米的国家会遇到经常性或者地方性的缺水问题。低于 这一限制,国家将会经受周期性或经常性的供水压力。长期水荒的标准是低于1000立 方米每人每年。 Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

8 注意选址/过去的习惯 Production Surface- water Storage Tank Source:Alcan
Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

9 Immissions to air and soil Emissions to groundwater
地点-社会-当今的生态意识-不仅仅是终端概念 Air Emissions to air Waste D: recycling Emissioncontrol Waste A,B,C: Landfill Production Immissions to air and soil Noise Noise Sto- rage Top soil MAC Sewage plant Landfill Tank Oil sepa- rator Under- ground Waste water pipe Surface water Emissions to underground Ground- water Emissions to groundwater Emissions to groundwater Industrial site Surroundings Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge Source:Alcan

10 生态系统;流域、子河流域以及蓄水层 流域的组成
Blomquist, Dinar and Kemper, 2005, Comparison of institutional arrangements for river basin management in eight basins Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

11 只要考虑到对经济影响的界限才能理解公司股东
运作或设备的直接 影响 公司对地区和国家大经济环境的影响 公司对当地大经济环境的影响 公司的全球影响 典型问题 二氧化碳排放问题的管理 能源管理 二氧化碳排放政策 发展中国家的供应链 产品和服务的影响 社会投资 政府联系 教育和培训 城市空气质量和水质 税收 地区经济发展 产品和服务的影响 Where do you draw the boundary around your operations and decide that beyond that boundary there is little you can do –or your have no responsibility? Where is your boundary of responsibility? EASY FOR COMPANY TO INFLUENCE Source:ADL/UITP/Alcan

12 世界可持续发展工商理事会的水项目---过去与现在
1. 水的现状与趋势 2. 联合开发水模拟生成 3. 水方案 2004 2006 2025 年工作补充 水立方/足迹 展开对水方案的探讨(以及其他手段) Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

13 水方案构建的目标 阐明水变化的关键问题及其驱动力,并让商界明白这一点 增强商界和非商界人士在水管理问题的共识
支持商界在这一问题的行动,并将其纳入解决水可持续水管理方法内 核心成员 分布于多个行业的19家跨国公司: 石油和天然气、食品和饮料、开矿和冶金、消费产品、环境与工程顾问、金融、水服务 Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

14 地方和全球复杂的相互影响 In considering the context for the water challenges that face business, we explored five interacting drivers of change in which these challenges are most clearly seen: People – for example, population growth, urbanization, sanitation, water supply, demographic and structural changes, increasing per capita consumption of water with economic development and lifestyle changes, rising supply-sanitation gaps, public health and pollution burdens, the growing reach and impact of city water needs and discharges on ecosystem services and products. Planet – for example, ecosystem degradation, biodiversity losses, climate change leading to sea-level rise and changes in the hydrological cycle, rainfall patterns, natural disasters (floods, droughts, hurricanes), the melting of ice caps and glaciers, the rates and patterns of river flow, man-made disasters (such as chemical spills).   Past legacy systems – for example, inadequate or poorly maintained infrastructure, financing and pricing systems, pollution loads, water over-extraction, water-service pricing, cultural practices and attitudes that hinder innovation. Politics – for example, differing cultural assumptions and means of judging water challenges, inadequate political and organizational systems, lack of political leverage, upstream-downstream issues, access, equity, lack of education, cooperation or conflict between users, including intergenerational, inter-national and intra-urban disputes, water as lacking any political value as an issue, manipulation of information, lack of a political voice for the ecosystem. Policies – for example, lack of coherent policies and their application (governance), varying emphasis on a range of policy objectives (for example, efficiency, security of supply, wider access, and equity), shift towards adaptive policies, issues of best practice, public-private partnerships, capacity-building, corruption, difficulties inherent in creating policies regarding embedded water in global trade, global water management issues. The world of water issues is potentially paralyzing in its complexity – so to deal with this complexity in a way that would encourage a cross-sector business dialogue on these issues, we created a set of water scenarios. The ‘H2O’ scenarios help make sense of the evolving complexity and focus attention on three significant global water challenges that will combine to impact businesses and societies everywhere –the efficiency challenge, the security challenge, and the interconnectivity challenge. Each of these challenges incorporates many other challenges to business that are emerging from the changing status of water. Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

15 方案的框架及其关键内容 谁可以公平地分配 供讨论的 为了更好地落实可持续水方案和取得更好 有没有一个更完美的 水资源? 问题
Hydro: Aging infrastructure reduces efficiency Rivers: Redistribution challenge: how do we make sure water gets to all members of society? Who decides? Is it those that need it the most, those that can do the most with it, or those that can pay the most for it? Ocean: virtual water transported around world 供讨论的 问题 谁可以公平地分配 水资源? 为什么? 有没有一个更完美的 水管理计划?怎么促 使该计划的推行 为了更好地落实可持续水方案和取得更好 的方法,应该解决什么历史遗留问题? Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

16 中国与水 中国水量居世界第四,但人均水量只有世界人均水量的四分之一 中国北部的人均水量只有世界平均水量的10%
中国有机水污染物排放总量相当于美国,日本与印度的总和  世界银行有关资料显示,中国四分之三的湖泊均有相当程度的污染 约80%工业污水未经任何处理就直接排放

17 水 水量愈大愈珍贵 大型城市愈来愈多 奥林匹克的到来 机遇巨大 水利经济
中国再生水资源位居世界第四,但由于人口数量巨大,人均水量只有世界的四分之一 奥林匹克的到来 大型城市愈来愈多 机遇巨大 水利经济 The 1st story is about economic growth & innovation and it takes place in China (e.g.) End of HYDRO: BUT, disparities still exist between rural and urban areas: Chinese rural poor don’t get the water because technologies developed to solve urbanization problems… Technology not always solution: There will always be water-scarce areas, meaning problems of distribution: some will have water, others will not.

18 水 水量愈大愈珍贵 2005 – 2010: 大型城市愈来愈多 2010 – 2015:巨大的机遇 2015 – 2025: 水利经济
耗水量增加导致供水压力 2008 – 2010: 奥林匹克的到来 媒体只正面报道而忽略了农村和城市的水资源争夺(国家偏袒城市和工业) 2010 – 2015:巨大的机遇 中国开放市场力图引进先进技术;截止到2005年的五年计划,商界是积极的参与者 2015 – 2025: 水利经济 中国正在愈来愈快地改变其“水量愈大愈珍贵”式的水文循环,这让很多人感到吃惊 The 1st story is about economic growth & innovation and it takes place in China (e.g.) End of HYDRO: BUT, disparities still exist between rural and urban areas: Chinese rural poor don’t get the water because technologies developed to solve urbanization problems… Technology not always solution: There will always be water-scarce areas, meaning problems of distribution: some will have water, others will not.

19 水需求不可持续:造成不可能2020年前完成废水处理任务并导致工业泄露
水利 愈来愈多的大型城市和二级城市 耗水量增加导致供水压力 水需求不可持续:造成不可能2020年前完成废水处理任务并导致工业泄露 愈来愈多的大型城市 巨大的机遇 奥林匹克的到来 水利经济 The 1st story is about economic growth & innovation and it takes place in China (e.g.) End of HYDRO: BUT, disparities still exist between rural and urban areas: Chinese rural poor don’t get the water because technologies developed to solve urbanization problems… Technology not always solution: There will always be water-scarce areas, meaning problems of distribution: some will have water, others will not.

20 水利 2008年北京奥运会 媒体只正面报道而忽略了农村和城市的水资源争夺(国家偏袒城市和工业)
2008奥运会过后,水事故将会发生并引起国际关注,如汽车零部件工厂将会由于过量抽取地下水而被关闭 奥林匹克的到来 愈来愈多的大型城市 巨大的机遇 水利经济 The 1st story is about economic growth & innovation and it takes place in China (e.g.) End of HYDRO: BUT, disparities still exist between rural and urban areas: Chinese rural poor don’t get the water because technologies developed to solve urbanization problems… Technology not always solution: There will always be water-scarce areas, meaning problems of distribution: some will have water, others will not.

21 在2010到2015五年计划里,商界将会成为水问题一个积极参与者
水利 巨大的机遇 到2012年的这段时间,中国将会实施经济试验:政府鼓励创新,扶持尖端技术的使用,出台水管理政策;同时将会开放向外国企业开放国内市场意图引进高科技 在2010到2015五年计划里,商界将会成为水问题一个积极参与者 中国再生水资源位居世界第四,但由于人口数量巨大,人均水量只有世界的四分之一 奥运的到来 愈来愈多的大型城市 巨大的机遇 水利经济 The 1st story is about economic growth & innovation and it takes place in China (e.g.) End of HYDRO: BUT, disparities still exist between rural and urban areas: Chinese rural poor don’t get the water because technologies developed to solve urbanization problems… Technology not always solution: There will always be water-scarce areas, meaning problems of distribution: some will have water, others will not.

22 水利 水利经济 愈来愈多的大型城市 奥运会的到来 巨大的机遇 水利经济 2005 2010 2015 2025
中国正在愈来愈快地改变其“水量愈大愈珍贵”式的水文循环 By 2025: China known worldwide for cost-effective water solutions of all scales Ageing infrastructure in Europe: Chinese solutions on global market take many by surprise – those companies involved early got the advantage 奥运会的到来 愈来愈多的大型城市 巨大的机遇 水利经济 The 1st story is about economic growth & innovation and it takes place in China (e.g.) End of HYDRO: BUT, disparities still exist between rural and urban areas: Chinese rural poor don’t get the water because technologies developed to solve urbanization problems… Technology not always solution: There will always be water-scarce areas, meaning problems of distribution: some will have water, others will not.

23 呼吁对水问题展开行动---这是关键因素所在 ------2007年世界经济论坛AM讨论会也肯定了这一点
足迹 公司与供应环节的对于水的意识 数量和质量 流域/集水方法,全流域水的综合管理(国际上统称IWRM) 规范和管理 动员社会,发展局等力量 Implementation processes for improvements Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

24 没有一个国家能够单枪匹马创造一个可持续发展的未来。我们必须要: 开展国际合作 开展政府,商界和社会间的合作
方向: 通过合作创造价值 没有一个国家能够单枪匹马创造一个可持续发展的未来。我们必须要: 开展国际合作 开展政府,商界和社会间的合作 Sustainability allows us to look at the long term impacts of our business, and to find ways to operate our business so that it produces economic, social and environmental value in addition to financial value. Sustainability also gives us a chance to explore how to create value for shareholders and all of our other stakeholders. By adding sustainability into our integrated management framework, we are able to create more value, for more people over a long period of time.

25 谢谢 没有水就没有生命 没有水就没有生态系统 没有水就没有经济 它关乎倾向和系统边界 教育与意识和能力的构建 河流区域和国家边界 政府义务
Alliance Sud Mar 07 Ge

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