LOVE FOR A FALLEN CITY An explanation of the play 傾城之戀舞台劇說明

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1 LOVE FOR A FALLEN CITY An explanation of the play 傾城之戀舞台劇說明
Shi-Kuo Chang 張系國 (Note: The play <Love for a Fallen City> based on a short story of Shi-Kuo Chang will be staged in Spring 2012 at the National Theatre of Taiwan. The ideas presented here can always be discussed and modified. Another musical <Chess King> also based on a novel of Shi-Kuo Chang will be staged in Fall 2011 at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall of Taiwan.)

2 The use of computer technology in changing the stage scenes and in human/stage scenes interactions 電腦科技運用於舞台場景的變換 以及人與場景的互動

3 Kinect Interface The new Kinect Interface, originally designed for Xbox 360, can be used in changing the stage scenes, and in actors/stage scenes interactions or actors/audience interactions. 在電腦科技創新方面﹐我們可以使用微軟XBox360的Kinect界面﹐用於演員與舞台場景的互動﹐也可用於觀眾與舞台場景的互動。 王辛的家 濱海餐廳 索倫街坊 索倫城堡 時間甬道入口 時間甬道休息站 時間甬道內

4 Typical use of Kinect Interface

5 With a large screen it can be impressive


7 Endless Possibilities
Actors can utilize Kinect interface and Arduino platform to move physical objects on the real stage, or move virtual objects on the enlarged virtual stage. 演員可以使用Kinect界面和Arduino平臺移動實體的舞台場景﹐也可以移動虛擬的物件。 Audience can utilize Kinect interface to interact with virtual actors outside the real theatre. 觀眾也可在劇場外使用Kinect界面和虛擬的劇中人互動。 Since MicroSoft’s Kinect interface is very hot these days, the use of Kinect techology will attract younger audience. 微軟XBox360的Kinect界面最近紅火到不行﹐這會更增加年輕觀眾的興趣。

8 Term Projects/Capstone Projects
CS1635 term projects are for two-person teams Capstone projects can be for multi-person teams with two additional requirements: (a) at least one team member must be taking CS1635, (b) project scope must be different from CS1635 term project (no double-dipping).

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