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Presentation on theme: "OXFORD REFERENCE ONLINE"— Presentation transcript:

牛津線上大辭書 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 檢索指引 A guided tour through the resources of “the world’s most respected reference publisher” 1

2 The Core Collection (辭典集成)
Winner of Internet Magazine’s web site of the year award 2002 (2002最佳網站) 100+ titles (4 metres of shelf space四米櫃長) New and revised titles added each quarter 20 broad subject areas (20餘種學科領域) 1.5 million individual entries (150萬餘詞條) Over 3000 illustrations and diagrams in the text plus thousands more in the web links At least 10 researched and monitored web links for every book for even more information 1

3 1 The Oxford Reference Online welcome page(首頁)
快速檢索 - 於此輸入關鍵詞查詢整套大辭書 - and then click GO internet 移至 advanced search 進階檢索 先選擇某學科領域之特定辭典再做檢索 1

4 The search results page (檢索結果頁)
To refine search results by subject with ease here (可再擇某特定辭典做限制查詢) 1

5 1 The entry for “Internet” from the Dictionary of Psychology
Quick search 快速檢索窗口遍及每一網頁 Follow cross-references within the book by clicking on text highlighted in blue (藍色字為連結至同一辭典之參照) Citation information (引用資訊) Browse the Dictionary of Psychology (瀏覽毗連之詞條) 1

6 Highlight (*double click) any word or phrase in an entry “雙按擊”或“反白”全文中之任一字詞或片語
And then click this icon to find all references to your chosen term throughout the database 然後“click”此“CROSS REFERENCE”圖示,將顯示出全套大辭書與此字詞、片語相關連之所有“參照” 1

7 Results list from the “Cross-Reference” search across the database (由檢索參照所得全套大辭書之查詢結果)

8 Search or browse this subject (檢索或瀏覽此一主題類別)
Subject home page showing list of books in this area (主題類別頁顯示此學科領域裡所有專門字典或辭書) Click on a title to search an individual book (檢索此主題類別之某一特定辭典) Search or browse this subject (檢索或瀏覽此一主題類別) Static URLs at subject and title level make it possible to add links from library catalogues and teaching materials (每一主題類別、每一特定辭典皆有其專屬之靜態頁面鏈結,俾使圖書館便於做編目與教材之連結) 1

9 There are at least 10 high-quality links to other websites for each book - click the LINKS tab to see the links for this book (每一辭典皆提供10個以上的相關專業網站連結) Book home page provides full bibliographical information (每一專業辭典之首頁都提供了詳細的書目資料) 1

10 A selection of top-quality and relevant links to other websites makes it easy to research further (這些經嚴謹篩選之專業網站有助於讀者做更進一步的研究) 1

11 Advanced search page offers wide range of search options and filters (進階檢索提供更廣泛的檢索選項及多樣的限制查詢方式)
可選擇一個或多個主題做檢索 1

12 Click here to add our unique web look-up tool to your browser
Click here to add our unique web look-up tool to your browser. This will enable you to look up words and phrases in Oxford Reference Online directly from other websites. (按此圖示可將Oxford Reference Online 直接加入瀏覽器中之“連結視窗”,將使您於瀏覽資料庫內外之任何網頁時,便於直接查詢其中之任一字、詞或片語) 1

13 1 Simply drag this icon on to your links toolbar
方法: 1.按前頁之Oxford Reference Online將出現此頁面. 2.再將此一Search Oxford Reference拖曳至瀏覽器之“連結視窗”工具列中即告完成 1

14 Highlight any word on any website and click the “Search Oxford Reference” button to launch a search in Oxford Reference Online. (於瀏覽任何網頁時, 祇要“雙按擊”或 “反白”全文中欲查詢之任一字詞或片語,再按擊此“Search Oxford Reference” 連結,即可顯示出全套大辭書與此字詞、片語相關連之所有 “查詢結果”。 *當然,“Stop Words”非檢索字彙必須排除在外。) 1

15 Click on a result to move to the entry 於所得之查詢結果中,按擊欲瀏覽之主題即可連結至其全文網頁。

16 Just one of over 3000 diagrams and illustrations (此乃教學圖解,全套辭書中多達三千餘幅插圖)
this entry (此圖示方便您將此一主題全文以 方式寄出) 1

17 And thousands more illustrations and maps from the selected web sites, using the Links button for each book (連結至各辭書中經嚴謹篩選之專業網站,更可擷取無數的插圖、名畫複製品與地圖…等等) 1

18 1

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20 Affordable Excellence 低價位而卓越的“大辭書集成”
Low cost access to high quality and trusted reference resources (權威、高品級可信賴的參考資源) 100+ titles published by “the world’s most respected reference publisher” (Booklist) Making resources go further (資源得以澤被師生、惠及袍澤) no limit on the number of users that can use the service, or titles within it, simultaneously remote access by library membership card (提供機構、校園內外同時無限人次的上線存取) 1

21 Accessibility (更具親和力的界面 )
Something for everyone comprehensive coverage of all subjects from astrology to zoology, food and fitness, business and computing, history, law, ecology...(包羅所有學科主題類別,適用於任何人) English and bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, and dictionaries of quotations (包含雙語及多元之字辭典) Breaking down the barriers to knowledge intuitive to use so minimal training required search and browse options to suit all users innovative cross-referencing options and web look-up facility (獨創的參照查詢與簡易的線上查詢設計) 1

22 Constantly Evolving (博采眾長,推陳出新)
Updated quarterly with new titles and new editions (每季改編更新、每季加入新增之辭書類別) The World Encyclopaedia is just one of the new titles! Carefully-researched web links for each title Entries can be cut and pasted into other applications, printed off and ed (允許全文主題內容被複製、轉貼運用、列印以及 郵寄。) Static URLs at subject and title level mean that you can link from your library catalogue with confidence (每一主題類別、每一特定辭典皆有其專屬之靜態頁面鏈結,使圖書館更有把握做編目與教材之連結) 1

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24 Oxford University Press
The world’s largest university press (世界最大的大學出版社) ─ 3700 staff, 4500 new titles each year, 200 journals Long and distinguished publishing history first book printed in 1478! A department of the University of Oxford No shareholders(純學術機構,無外來法人機構或其他股東) profits go to the University and to support the revision of the Oxford English Dictionary and the Dictionary of National Biography Rigorous quality control - all titles must be approved University-appointed panel of experts 1

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