T101.10 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009.

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2 --Faithfully managing God’s call and resources
忠心地对待神的呼召和资源 T iteenchallenge.org

3 Knowing all I have comes from God. 懂得我的一切都来自神
Recognizing that God is creator and owner of all. Genesis 1:1; Psalm 24: 意识到神是万物的创造者和所有者。创世纪1: 1 诗篇 24:1 Knowing all I have comes from God 懂得我的一切都来自神 Managing responsibly everything God has given me 负责任地管理神赐给我的一切 Fulfilling carefully God’s call and God’s will for my life 认真完成神对我生命的呼召和旨意。 T iteenchallenge.org

4 2. What has God given me that I need to manage? 神都赐给我哪些事务需要我管理?
a. My time 我的时间 b. My relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and authorities 我与家人,朋友同事和领导的关系 c. My money and possessions 我的钱财和物品 d. My talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts 我的才能,能力和属灵恩赐 e. My career 我的职业 f. My authority 我的权柄 T iteenchallenge.org

5 Keep relationships clear by resolving conflict. 解决矛盾,保持关系正常
Develop positive relationships with other people. (Samuel) 1 Samuel 2: 与他人建立积极的关系 撒母耳上 2:26 Keep relationships clear by resolving conflict 解决矛盾,保持关系正常 Forgive others when they hurt me. Ephesians 4: 当他人伤害我的时候, 原谅他们 以弗所书 4:32 Ask forgiveness when I hurt others. Matthew 5: 当我伤害他人的时候,请求原谅。 马太福音 5:23- 24 T iteenchallenge.org

6 c. Follow God’s directions for relationships with my authorities
d. Follow God’s directions for relationships with those under my authority 在我与那些被我领导的人的关系上,寻求神的指 引 e. Realize ministry is built on relationships, not money 意识到事工是建立在关系上的,不是金钱 T iteenchallenge.org

7 d. Use wisely my time. 明智地使用我的时间
a. Use wisely the material resources of the ministry. Luke 16:10-12 。 明智地使用事工中的物质资源。 路加福音 16:10-12 b. Use wisely the financial resources of the ministry. Romans 12: 明智地使用事工中的财务资源。罗马书 12:17 c. Use wisely my personal resources. Romans 12: 明智地使用我的个人资源 罗马书 12:13 d. Use wisely my time 明智地使用我的时间 T iteenchallenge.org

8 a. Give to God by tithing. 献给神十一奉献。
b. Tithe even if they have very little 即使拥有很小,也要做十一奉献。 c. Realize everything they have comes from God 意识到他们拥有的一切都来自神。 d. Transfer ownership of their possessions to God 把他们的财产所有权移交给神 e. Ask God for direction in using their money, time, and abilities 在使用他们的钱财,时间和能力方面寻求神的 指引。 T iteenchallenge.org

9 T iteenchallenge.org

10 Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 gtc@globaltc
Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 Training materials for this course are available at the following address: 培训教材可以在如下网站查询: T iteenchallenge.org

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