廠商協調會 Exhibitor Preparation Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "廠商協調會 Exhibitor Preparation Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 廠商協調會 Exhibitor Preparation Meeting
Please Turn Off Your Mobile Phones 請關閉您的移動設備

2 Exhibitor Preparation Meeting
2016 Exhibitor Preparation Meeting 廠商協調會

3 新增加 2016 New Additions

4 2016 Highlights 活動亮點 6 Exhibition Halls 7 Performing Stages
6 Themed Pavilions 2 Food Streets 1 Test Drive Area 1 Carnival 1 Beer Festival 1 Fashion Outlet 1 Anime Event 6 大展廳 7 個表演舞台 6 個主題館 2 條小吃街 1 個汽車試駕區 1 個遊戲區 1 個啤酒節 1 個服飾特價區 1 個動漫展

5 廠商信封袋 Exhibitor Package
On the exhibitor package, make sure: 請確認信封袋上的以下資料無誤: + Booth number is correct 展位號碼 + Contract number is correct 合約號碼 + Sales Rep is correct 業務人員姓名

6 廠商信封袋 Exhibitor Package
Inside of exhibitor package, make sure you have: 請確認信封袋內裝有以下資料: + Exhibitor manual 廠商手冊 + 4 Badges 四個廠商工作証

7 廠商信封袋 Exhibitor Package
Any question during the Expo. Please call: 請記住大展兩天的連絡電話: (626)

8 廠商信封袋 Exhibitor Package
Badges are only to be used for identifying purposes. Admission tickets must be used to access the show grounds. 廠商必須配戴工作證以滋識別並提交入場門票 才可入場

9 重要日期 Important Dates No vehicles allowed onsite after these hours
Move-In & Time: 1/14 [Thursday] 2 PM – 7 PM 進場佈置時間: 1月14日(星期四) 下午14點 ~ 晚19點 Move-In & Time: 1/15 [Friday] 7 AM – 7 PM 進場佈置時間: 1月15日(星期五) 早7點 ~ 晚19點 No vehicles allowed onsite after these hours 晚上19點之後,展場關閉,不接受廠商進場佈展!

10 重要日期 Important Dates 1月17日(星期日)早10點-晚19點
Show days: 1/16 [Sat] 10 AM - 10 PM 大展時間: 1月16日(星期六)早10點-晚22點 1/17 [Sun] 10 AM - 7 PM 1月17日(星期日)早10點-晚19點 SHOW DAY

11 重要日期 Important Dates Hall 4, 6, 7: 10 AM - 7 PM 4、6、7廳:早10點-晚19點
SATURDAY(禮拜六) Hall 4, 6, 7: 10 AM - 7 PM 4、6、7廳:早10點-晚19點 Hall 5, 8, 9: 10 AM - 10 PM 5、8、9廳:早10點-晚22點 (Out) Pepper: 10 AM - 10 PM Pepper 街: 早10點-晚22點 (Out) Sycamore: 10 AM - 10 PM Sycamore街:早10點-晚22點 SHOW DAY


13 重要日期 Important Dates SUNDAY(禮拜日) 10 AM - 7 PM 早10點-晚19點 SHOW DAY

14 重要日期 Important Dates Move-Out: 1/17 [Sun] 7:30 PM - 11:59 PM
撤場時間: 1月17日(禮拜日) 晚19:30 -晚23:59 SHOW DAY

15 交通指引 DIRECTIONS & MAP 1101 W. Mckinley Ave., Pomona, CA 91768

16 廠商停車須知 PARKING All exhibitors park at Gate 9 public parking
lot on both show days. 商展活動期間 (1/16~17) 所有車輛停放 在 9 號大眾停車場。 General parking: $11.00 /per entry 停車費每一次 $11.00 PARKING $10

17 認識展場 FLOOR PLAN

18 進場佈置注意事項 Move-In Entrance: Enter through Gate #17 (McKinley)
入口:所有廠商車輛统一從 17 號入口進入展場 Information booth: Building 4, Electricity, Decoration 主要服務台:位於第四展廳,提供電力諮詢和佈置指導

19 撤場注意事項 Move-Out Entrance: Enter through Gate #17 (McKinley)
入口: 所有廠商車輛统一從 17 號入口進入展場 Move out begins at 7:30 pm after visitors have left. 商展結束,等待來賓離場後,約晚上19:30開始撤場。 Move out begins at 7:30

20 撤場注意事項 Move-Out Anything left behind after move out time will be
removed by Fairplex Janitorial after midnight. 請勿留置任何物品於會場,午夜23:59PM保潔人員將 全部清除。 Move out begins at 7:30

21 展位佈置 DECORATIONS Standard Booth 標準展位 : + 10‘ x 10’ x 8‘ (H) 展位面積
+ backwall drape and 3' divider 隔簾 + (1) 8‘ x 2’ table 長桌一張 + two chairs 折椅兩張 + booth number sign 展位號碼牌

22 展位佈置 DECORATIONS Vendor is responsible for the decoration (Lights, Banner, Signs, brochures, for TV) 展位由廠商自行佈置 (燈光、橫幅、廣告看板、 宣傳手冊、電視..等)

23 展位佈置 DECORATIONS Decoration Tips 佈置注意事項 :
+ Contact organizer for sign/banner company. 主辦單位可推薦廣告招牌製作公司 + Inform the organizer if no table/chairs are needed. 展位不需配置桌椅,請提前通知 + All decorations cannot exceed booth space. 裝飾展位之佈置,不超出自家範圍 + Top cover tents are prohibited indoors. 室內展位不可私自加頂







30 展場規則 注意事項(一) Show Policies & Precautions
Security will help direct traffic for move-in/out. 保安人員將為進場佈置和撤場進行交通疏導。 Public safety security will patrol show grounds. Please don't leave valuables behind. 展場保安人員會在展場巡邏內場與外場的人身安全。 貴重物品請自行注意保管。 Too much don’t

31 展場規則 注意事項(一) Show Policies & Precautions
For your safety, please keep all original booths frames. 為了您的安全請勿拆解展位。 All open-flame cooking must be kept outdoors. 展廳內禁止使用明火烹飪器材。

32 展場規則 注意事項(一) Show Policies & Precautions
Fill Helium Outdoors. (Store helium tanks outdoors). 在戶外填充氦氣 (氦氣罐放置在戶外指定位置)。 All vendors must arrive one hour before start of each show day. 請於大展當天展覽開始前一小時務必到達會場。 cde

33 展場規則 注意事項(一) Show Policies & Precautions
All exhibition decoration materials must be made of non-flammable material. 所有用於裝飾攤位的用品請務必使用非易燃性材質 以保安全。 Please crush any used cardboard boxes and place them on the aisle for the janitors to pick up and take away. 廠商有用完須丟棄的紙箱,請隨時壓扁放在走道旁, 清潔人員將定時收走。

34 展場規則 注意事項(一) Show Policies & Precautions
Only Coca Cola based (American) beverages may be sold or sampled at the event. No limits on Asian beverages. 活動期間,售賣的美國飲料僅限Coca Cola(可口可樂)相關品牌。亞洲飲料不做限制。


36 電力 Utilities Electricity service: Convention Electric
+ Order sufficient voltage for electrical needs 訂購足夠的用電量 + Prepare your own extension cords 自行準備延長線

37 特别提醒 Special Reminder There will be a lot of people – prepare accordingly 大展兩天客流大,請做好充足準備!

38 特别提醒 Special Reminder Be sure to arrive by 9 AM on both show days to
prepare before the event begins. 請務必在活動開始前,最晚早上9點抵達會場準備。

39 特别提醒 Special Reminder Make sure all staffs have admission tickets for
entering the show grounds. 切記:憑票入場!

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