– MiNa Material and Machining Lab – 創新的玻璃輔助二氧化碳雷射對矽的加工技術

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Presentation on theme: "– MiNa Material and Machining Lab – 創新的玻璃輔助二氧化碳雷射對矽的加工技術"— Presentation transcript:

1 – MiNa Material and Machining Lab – 創新的玻璃輔助二氧化碳雷射對矽的加工技術
1 – MiNa Material and Machining Lab – 創新的玻璃輔助二氧化碳雷射對矽的加工技術 指導教授:鍾震桂 副教授 報告人:蕭恩柔 作者:林士隆、蕭恩柔、吳孟諭 國立成功大學機械學系暨研究所 研究生 Graduate Student, Dep’t of Mechanical Engineering, NCKU Tel: ext , 20

2 Si Industry and Products
Silicon have been widely used in the application of IC Chip , solar energy opto-electronics, etc… IC Chip Solar Cell Silicon Wafer

3 Si Industry and Products
Application: wafer code name, batch number, the type of the products, trademark, made date.

4 Application in our Life
3C Products

5 Traditional Silicon Cutting and Marking
Wear Disadvantage: 1.Fracture edge at random 2.Powder and chip 3.Apt to injure hands 4.Not easy to control

6 Commercial Silicon Cutting by Diamond Wheel
Disadvantage: 1.Fracture edge at random 2.Powder and chip 3.Unable to cut special form 4.Diamond wheel wear 5.Need using water and tape

7 Commercial Silicon Cutting by Short Wavelength Laser
Nd:YAG Laser Excimer Laser Femtosecond Laser Disadvantage: 1.Expensive 2.Need mask  No CO2 laser for Si etching /drilling /cutting Cutting of thin silicon wafer

8 Patent Method of Si Wafer Marking
專利名稱 :避免產生潑濺碎片之晶圓標號製作方法 專利公告號 : 專利公告日期: 申請人名稱 : 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司

9 Our Novel Approach for Si Micromachining
Patent pending Laser Etching Laser Drilling 10 passes 40 passes

10 Heart Sharp Cutting “Heart”type cutting In ambient air
Experimental data Power: 30 W Speed: (mm/sec) Pass: 20 In ambient air

11 Cutting of Si Wafer Patent pending 4” Silicon wafer cutting
Experimental data Power: 30 W Speed: (mm/sec) Pass: 20 In ambient air

12 Si Marking by CO2 Laser Patent pending “NCKU” marking (b)
Experiment data Power: 21 W Speed: 5 (mm/sec) Pass: 1 In ambient air (a)

13 創意歷程 創意歷程 : 作者創意源起於CO2雷射對矽晶圓與玻璃的接合技術。  優缺點 : 優點:
快速、便宜、低成本、低能量功率、不需光罩輔助,就可完成矽晶圓切割、加工與刻印等目的。沒有傳統鑽石輪刀刀具磨損和晶片易破裂問題,也不需昂貴的短波長Nd:YAG或UV-laser等設備。 缺點: 接合的密緊度與加工的品質有很大的關係。 切割與鑽孔的解析度在100um左右,若要更小必須更換雷射鏡組。

14  High technology industry:
Application Market  High technology industry: IC , Microelectronics , Package, Solar energy opto-electronics, Optoelectronic and MEMS devices... Interest of Industry: 台積電、日月光、力晶、茂迪、旗勝、益通、聯電、茂德、南科、華邦電、飛信、景碩等。

15 Summary 4. We could mark on top or back side of silicon wafer.
The wavelength of CO2 laser is um and not absorbed by silicon material. we put a silicon on the top of the glass material or metal-coated substrate, CO2 laser can cut or mark the silicon wafer. 2. In comparison with conventional Nd:YAG or excimer laser or diamond wheel for silicon cutting, CO2 laser machined Si technology is a easy, fast, low cost, low power, no powder and chip, no necessary photolithography and mask Si cutting / drilling : Other CO2 Laser Processing Cut a 4” Si wafer has been successful demonstrated. Etch through Si wafer to be a hole pattern and a heart-shaped hollow. 4. We could mark on top or back side of silicon wafer.

16 Laser Related Patent List
鍾震桂、林育全,“切割脆性材料之方法及裝置”,台灣發明第250911號,2006/ /12。 CK Chung, and YC Lin, “Method and apparatus for machining a brittle material”, TW , 2006/ /12. 鍾震桂、吳孟諭、蕭恩柔,“加工硬脆材料之方法”審查中 CK Chung, MY Wu and E J Hsiao, “Method for machining a brittle material”, patent filed. 鍾震桂、吳孟諭、宋雲傑,“矽晶圓之切割和加工方法”審查中 CK Chung, MY Wu and YC Sung, “Method of cutting and processing a silicon wafer”, patent filed. 鍾震桂、吳孟諭、蕭恩柔,“表面上具有標記之矽材料及其形成方法”審查中 CK Chung, MY Wu and E J Hsiao, “Silicon material having a mark on the surface thereof and the method for making the same”, patent filed.

17 Thanks for listening Question & Comment
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