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「個案教學與參與式學習法」 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method

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1 「個案教學與參與式學習法」 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method
個案教學法實際執行內容與步驟 劉代洋教授 Spring, 2008

2 Getting the Support You Want for Casewriting
August 16, 2005 PCMPCL “Too early to begin working on” “Too late to do anything about” ID: , Published in The New Yorker December 6, 2004

3 目錄 21世紀管理教育 個案教學法介紹 如何運用「個案教學與參與式學習法」 個案教學之效益 「高階主管企業經營策略」個案教學範例

4 Business Education for 21st Century By Howard H
Business Education for 21st Century By Howard H. Stevenson Harvard Business School The Academic’s Role Form communities across borders to enable growth and development of intellectual capital Manage networks not hierarchies Create technology and be enabled by it Reward and celebrate other’s success

5 Effective Participant Vehicles
TYPE Problem sets Games/simulations Business Articles Arm Chair cases Public Source case Field Case Field Case +video Live Case PURPOSE Analytic methods Class stimulation/ methods Problem identification Illustration Difficult release issues Illustration of complexity People Skills Managerial style Demonstration

6 Development Requirements
Analytics Games/Computers High awareness incident Broad experience Defined purpose Interview & writing + visualizing & edit + visual story telling Interpersonal encounters Relative low High Very low Relatively low Medium Very high

7 The structure of learning
Integration Specific Knowledge An Appetite for the subject

8 Criticisms of MBA’s Program Today
“Shareholder wealth Maximization” is an insufficient purpose Failure to develop useful skills and ethical norms Lack of meaningful integration across the functions

9 Criticisms of MBA’s Program Today
Overdevelopment of analytics relative to the development of skills, attitudes, and worldview Inexperienced students are not “ready” to learn management

10 A Perennial Question: Should Education Prepare Students for Their First Jobs?
Ranking of the Characteristics of High Performing Individuals 4-5 Years and 15 Years After Graduation Rank 1.(6) Ability to apply analytics in real world situations 2.(1) Managerial skill ability to define “problem” correctly ability to work effectively in teams ability to listen ability to assess alternatives ability to develop sound action plans

11 Ranking of the Characteristics of High Performing Individuals 4-5 Years and 15 Years After Graduation 3.(2) Ability to integrate functional subjects into general management perspective 4.(4) Knowledge of all functional areas 5.(3) Understanding of organizational processes and systems 6.(6) Knowledge of theory, concepts, frameworks, 7.(5) Ability to recognize ethical issues…law and regulation 8.(7) Understanding scope of corporate responsibility…basics of law and regulation … public policy issues involving business

12 Scope of Management Education
Knowledge… Information Theory, frameworks, tools Various functions … Organizational design Broader environment Skills Analytical Opportunity identification Pattern recognition Visioning alternatives Setting priorities Action planning Integration of functions Understanding the systemic Listening, speaking, persuading Interpersonal and group effectiveness leadership Attitudes and Worldview Courage to act Acceptance of responsibility Quiet confidence Comfort with ambiguity Comfort with incompleteness Willingness to work Empathy Assumptions about humans nature, corporate purpose, leadership responsibilities Predisposition to learn Imagination and vision

13 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method
「個案教學與參與式學習法」介紹 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method

14 What is a case? There is general business knowledge
Application depends on situation specifics Instructor knows well enough to pick illustrations that are “generalizable” “To see the world in a grain of sand” you have to know what the world looks like.

15 Where do cases come from?
Issue-driven: from an analysis of the syllabus Company/industry/executive0driven: sorting through possible case opportunities Beware the latter: not every good story has a good case in it

16 Type of Cases company field case individual field case
general experience – armchair case published information – library case PLUS notes and teaching notes Thinking about purpose – knowledge transfer, skill building, attitude  

17 Why do we use cases for teaching?
Realism (credibility) Memorable (30 years ) Context for barriers/limitations discussion Self-discovery Concise and comprehensive A mid-term and final exam based on the cases are required and graded carefully

18 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method
A focus on the learning/development needs of participants Participants bring to the program/ course/class The reconstruction of existing mental models…the development of skills…an ‘examination’ of assumptions and beliefs and attitudes… the development of courage, judgment, quiet confidence Participants are actively engaged in the learning process A focus on learning (not on the teaching )

19 A Case Should Be “Bigger” than the case itself “Inspirational”
“Sticky” (memorable)

20 Most important considerations in Designing a Course
Students’ expectations theoretical frameworks Teaching objectives Position in curriculum Faculty skill (experience) Student future career Time of course duration Time available to develop materials and your budget of time/effort How to combine generic content with local content?

21 Question to ask when designing the course
What are the main learning objectives of the course? What skills, abilities or qualities will the course help students develop? What big questions will the course help students answer? What mental models are students likely to bring with them that I will want them to challenge? -How will I encourage my students’ interest in these questions?

22 Question to ask when designing the course
What information will my students need to understand in rder to answer the important questions of the course and their assumptions? How to sequence the content and discussion from class-to-class in a coherent flow that is clear and understandable? What are the 1-2 main learning objectives for each class? What teaching methods and materials are most effective for each class? Will they capture the interests of the students.

23 What is the relationship between teaching case and research article?
Case:         Explore; identifying issues of importance -Broad Qualitative -Identify underlying variables for future hypotheses -Inductive -External validity (does it matter?) -How to solve the problem? – purpose practical Paper: -Systematically test hypotheses -Narrow, specific; -Quantitative Limit to a few relationships for a theoretical model -Deductive  How to make contribute to the literature? purpose more theoretical

24 Five steps to promote case-based teaching:
PCMPCL(Program on Case Method and Participant Centered Learning) Case books (CRUP/HBSP) Case teaching and writing seminars (Asia) Train RA’s Build case collection (Asia cases)

25 如何運用「個案教學與參與式學習法」

26 Things that facilitate the learning?
Coming prepared Meeting for group discussions participating in class Self-discovery taking time (10-15 minutes) after each class, what I can learn from the class if you turn in anything in written, I will comment on that, but not graded it; and will not count on that for anything (but usually only a dozen of the 90 who do that ) if you do not understand about something, ask a question; if not, come and see me or send me an if you have a special case or situation, let me know in advance

27 Things that distract the learning?
Showing respect for other people Be on time; ready to stay through the class If a student leaves in the middle, will ask the student if he/she feel ok or anything bothering them Self-discovery Absences have to be notified in advance Tell me before the class starts if you fail to read the case Minimize eating and drinking in class No hats in class

28 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method
Leading the Classroom Discussion Questioning, Listening, and Responding Questioning, listening, and responding Three important characteristics of questions Listening at four levels Echoing Teaching students to listen to one another Transitions Signaling a transition Using summaries to transition

29 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method
Timing Managing classroom time Making real-time timing adjustments Timing can be overwhelming Classroom Activities The power of role-play Using a vote to engage the class Other Creating the right climate Misconceptions about closure Using the blackboard in class

30 Questioning , Listening , and Responding
Objectives of asking questions Questions to avoid Concerns Good types of questions Opening questions

31 Questioning , Listening, and Responding
Original thoughts Logics between points Connections between comments Links to the flow of the plan Specifics/experience (possible links to the framework) Whether students listen to other people’s comments Whether students have kept up the speed Understand the students’ attitude toward learning

32 Questioning , Listening , and Responding
Agree or disagree with a comment Reinforce students’ opinions by offering own opinion Probing for more questions, encouraging deeper understanding; soliciting more simply by asking why? Solicit opinions/reasons from other students – asking the whole class or another specific student for more questions Positive reinforcement

33 科技與營運管理課程模組範例 Process Analyses (9) Process Improvement (8)
Supply Chain Management (7) Information Technology (7) Product Development (5) Competing Through Operations (4)

34 Agenda: 9:00 – 9:05 Outline Day 9:05 – 9:15 Challenges
9:15 – 9:20 Harris do? 9:20 – 9:25 How to tell Him? 9:25 – 9:35 Role Play 9:35 – 9:45 BCASE, Worries of 3 9:45 – 9:50 Overheads 9:45 – 9:55 Assess Tierney 9:55 – 10:10 Backstage Q/A 10:10 – 10:25 Research on teaching 10:25 – 10:30 “Remember”

35 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method
Case and Classroom: R.R. Donnelley & Sons Professor David Garvin’s Teaching Tools

36 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method
Preparing to Teach Picking the right case (1:29) Planning skills (0:49) Content: less is more (1:12) Differences between lecture and case teaching plans (1:06) Know your students (1:19) Helping students prepare (1:10)

37 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method
R. R. Donnelly & Sons Teaching Plan 20 minutes 1.Traditional versus digital business 15 minutes 2.Stages of new business creation 15 minutes 3.Barbara Schetter 15 minutes 4.Organic and mechanistic processes 10 minutes 5.Conclusion

38 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method

39 Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method

40 個案內容愈短愈佳 ( Less is More ! )
個案內容愈短,愈有必要抓住議題重點 不同模組辯論議題愈少,個案內容愈能討論和深入分析

41 愈短愈‘Less is More’ ! Lecture v.s. Case Teaching Plans Teaching a Case v.s. Teaching a Class 協助學生學習 個案指定問題(Assignment Questions)之擬定 黑板之呈現

42 傾聽學生發言的四大層次 聽內容 說話的表情與表達方式 聽那些學生未說出來之問題 注意聽取不同意見之部分,再進能相互交叉討論
抓住學生說話重點需加以回應並進一步闡述 矯正學生間討論之誤解 如何用黑板 課後,經常誇獎學生

43 個案教學之效益

44 Effectiveness of case method
If don’t provide “what happened” and a summary of the main takeaways at end of class, will students know whether their thought process if “right”… how to “pull” course together? How to define “effectiveness”? How to measure what evidence of “effectiveness” Do students experience “case fatigue” … do they prefer cases Do other schools use case method in same way as HBS

45 Effectiveness of case method
How to set learning objectives for a program? a course? a class? Knowledge Skills Attitudes/worldview Should content/learning objectives be based on what students WANT… on what the professor WANTS… on what the students MUST KNOW How to determine what development objectives should be?

46 A diversity of learning Experiences
Knowledge Theory/frameworks readings,lectures Analytics cases Descriptive newspaper articles Application of knowledge Technical Certainty Messy situations requiring judgment Skill Belief Attitudes Worldwide

47 A diversity of learning Experiences
Skill Framing Decision making Action planning Listening Persuading Teamwork Etc.

48 Overview 個案參與式學習法著重理論與實務的結合,以及針對個案實務性的問題,透過各種相關理論和知識,深入探討和分析實務問題,研判個案公司之行為模式。 上課學生實務經驗愈豐富,個案引用數目愈多。 MBA課程,上課教師主要講授個案的“應用”層面,“方法論”本身主要由學生分組討論獲知。 博士班課程,上課教師前半段講授“方法論”,後半段則著重於個案的“應用”層面。

49 Overview 上課表現。因此課前準備和上課參與討論同等重要。 教師於個案討論保留最後5~10分鐘,作個案學習心得之總結。

50 Overview 上課表現。因此課前準備和上課參與討論同等重要。 教師於個案討論保留最後5~10分鐘,作個案學習心得之總結。

51 「高階主管企業經營策略」個案教學範例 是否正在進行個案學習?

52 台灣科大管理學院管理研究所 「高階主管企業經營策略」 企管個案具體作法與執行步驟
一、    專題演講前準備工作 1.  各組成員分別收集該公司之基本資料、近年發展狀況、公司相關財經、人事、法令以及管理事項報導。 2.  各組成員相互討論,以策略的觀點,研擬向演講來賓發問的題目。

53 台灣科大管理學院管理研究所 「高階主管企業經營策略」 企管個案具體作法與執行步驟
二、    專題演講  1.  演講來賓專題報告「公司過去、現在及未來發展策略」,時間不超過二小時。 2.  然後休息十分鐘。 3.  第三小時Q&As,原則上各組均必須提問(準備書面提問,時間不允許時,各組均必須繳交書面提問之問題)。 4.  演講進行中全程錄影。 5.  演講結束後全體合照。

54 台灣科大管理學院管理研究所 「高階主管企業經營策略」 企管個案具體作法與執行步驟
三、    個案參與式學習法  1.  針對演講者所有演講內容,特別是有關公司主要核心競爭力部分,就策略構面(各項策略理論之分析架構),課堂上不斷地拋出問題,所有上課同學均必須隨時準備回答各項問題,最好主動爭取回答,否則隨時點名回答(助教在旁作記錄)。換言之,課前的準備工作以分組方式進行,上課中則以”個人”為主進行答問。 2.  最後十分鐘作本個案之總結。

55 「高階主管企業經營策略」個案教學授課範例
Assignment questions Teaching Notes

56 Example of Class Format
01/14/06 Case on “帆宣” ~1015 Case on “ 建華金控” ~1045 …..Break… ~11100  Case Study Final Report ~1105 “Center for Case Method and Participant-Centered Learning” A Format to Write a Case ~1145 MBA Program (NEW) ~1210

57 「高階主管企業經營策略」 10/29上課 Assignment Questions
台灣在1980年初開始推動IC半導體產業,當時所具備的條件為何?有哪些基本條件欠缺不足?又為什麼後來能夠發展起來,其主要關鍵為何? 台灣發展IC半導體產業的SWOT分析。 台積電的核心價值和競爭優勢有何關聯?試說明之。   台積電的主要客戶策略為何?可否為台積電帶來正面的競爭優勢?試說明之。 台積電的主要產品策略為何?如何具體落實?可否為台積電帶來正面的競爭優勢?試說明之。 試從台積電內部的發展和外部的環境綜合評析公司的未來遠景。

58 高階主管企業經營策略 授課講義 Assignment Questions

59 1. TSMC’s Corporate Culture?
What is TSMC’s Corporate Culture? Does that have something to do with TSMC’s performance or others ?

60 Q2 台灣在1980年初開始推動IC半導體產業,當時所具備的條件為何?有哪些基本條件欠缺不足?又為什麼後來能夠發展起來,其主要關鍵為何?

61 Teaching Notes 經濟部技術處推動“大型積體電路五年發展科專計畫”(1975~1980)。
IC半導體產業設立之初狀況:茂矽、華智及國善三家公司分別向政府提出60億台幣設廠計畫。 人才不足;李國鼎及孔祥重院士等人推動人才國外培育計畫。 1987年IC缺貨,出現強大市場需求。

62 Q3 台灣發展IC半導體產業的SWOT分析。

63 Teaching Notes IC半導體產業的產業的SWOT分析
1.上中下游產業供應鏈體系完整,發揮垂直整 合綜效。 2.晶圓代工產業世界第一。 3.IT相關產業發展優良。 4.Leader in advanced tech. 5. Economies of scale and economies of scope. Huge investment in R & D. 1.目前產品線相對有限。 2.人才不足(缺乏工程人才)。 3. Lack of marketing expertise 機會(O) 威脅(T) 1.40億美金IDM市場。 2.找尋具有潛力之IT設計公司合作。 3.Broadest portfolio in LP/MS for wireless and G/HS for multimedia. 1.面臨韓、日強烈競爭,如Fujiitsu和Samsung 加入90奈米生產。 2.中國大陸在低階產品市場競爭。

64 Q4 台積電的核心價值和競爭優勢有何關聯?試說明之。

65 Teaching Notes 台積電的核心價值 Integrity Commitment Innovation Customer focus
台積電的競爭優勢 Technology Leadership Manufacturing Excellence Service Customer partnership

66 Teaching Notes TSMC的誠信正直(integrity)和對客戶及股東的信任(commitment),不斷開發新產品如90奈米以上的高階製程,65奈米G型晶圓,省電型LP晶圓及高速HS晶圓(innovation),不斷找尋具有潛力之IC設計公司合作和幫助客戶成長(企業或個人)甚至度過難關,技術或產品(Customer focus)均是造成TSMC持續保有競爭優勢的重要因素。

67 Q5 台積電的主要客戶策略為何?可否為台積電帶來正面的競爭優勢?試說明之。

68 Teaching Notes (1)Technology Leadership and Manufacturing Excellence
Identify and engage potential winner in the future in each product segment. TSMC 希望能找到所有的明日之星; 因此只要能提出合理有意義的 Business Plan, 我們一般都會給予一試的機會. 公司的大小及財力不是優先考慮的項目; 產品, 研發能力, 銷售計劃及團隊士氣是我們優先考慮的項目. Example : ATi, nVidia, Marvell, Broadcom, Silicon Lab, ….etc.

69 Teaching Notes TSMC的誠信正直(integrity)和對客戶及股東的信任(commitment),不斷開發新產品如90奈米以上的高階製程,65奈米G型晶圓,省電型LP晶圓及高速HS晶圓(innovation),不斷找尋具有潛力之IC設計公司合作和幫助客戶成長(企業或個人)甚至度過難關,技術或產品(Customer focus)均是造成TSMC持續保有競爭優勢的重要因素。

70 Teaching Notes New customer review criteria: Product Roadmap.
R&D key members past experience. Sales channel. Financial structure. (Funding & Shareholder structure) Funding team’s spirit.

71 Teaching Notes (2)Service TSMC重視對股東及客戶的承諾,確保彼此〝信任〞的關係。
(3) Customer partnership TSMC幫助客戶成長和度過難關,TSMC站在客戶角度成為客戶的virtual Fab。

72 Q6 台積電的主要產品策略為何?如何具體落實?可否為台積電帶來正面的競爭優勢?試說明之。

73 Teaching Notes (1) Service and Customer partnership
TSMC’s product portfolio strategy : Virtual product concept. Increase Product portfolio coverage. 在每一 Product segment 中, 擴大 TSMC/客戶的市佔率. 擴大市佔率 Prod. 1 Prod. 2 Prod. 3 Prod. N 擴大Product portfolio

74 Teaching Notes (2)Technology Leadership and Manufacturing Excellence
透過橫向增加產品線和縱向擴大客戶的產品組合,擴大市場佔有率;以及產品客製化。 (3)開發低耗電產品如明年三月推出省電型LP晶圓及高速晶圓及高速HS晶圓。 (4) Crolles Alliance on schedule(three Tech. alliance) Mask Portable with leading IDMs

75 Q7 試從台積電內部的發展和外部的環境綜合評析公司的未來遠景。

76 Teaching Notes TSMC內部不斷加強R&D,配合引入更多的工程人才,持續強化現有的產品策略和客戶策略,降低未來景氣變化之不確定性,以保有Sustainable competitive advantages。 To facilitate 65nm process to continue to be a leader in advanced technology to help their customers achieve cost advantages, better performance and lower power.

77 Case Writing in General Terms
Case Writing Structure

78 個案研究論文寫作格式 個案研究論文寫作格式

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