Lesson 2 Dialogue II how many is in your family? 你家有几口人?

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1 Lesson 2 Dialogue II how many is in your family? 你家有几口人?
March 2015 Ling-Ling Shih Bard High School Early College One Youtube on talking about family Talk about the professions

2 This week Learn how to ask about other people’s family
Learn how to how to ask and talk about professions. We will finish L2-2 this week.

3 家 Jiā 家人 jiā rén 我家 wǒ jiā 你家 nǐ jiā 王朋家 老师家 lǎoshījiā 国家 Guó jiā
wángpéng jiā 老师家 lǎoshījiā 国家 Guó jiā nation 老家 lǎojiā Old home; Native place Jiā Just a fun picture to show that the character 家 is “a little pig under the roof”!

4 有/沒有 yǒu/méiyǒu Read Textbook p.47 你 有 兄 弟 姐 妹吗?
Ni you xiōngdì jiěmèi ma? 我有?个…,我沒有…

5 (Pair work: Ask three classmates)
请问,你家有几口人? How many Kǒu (Measure word for number of family members ) You can first introduce your own family by saying 我家有…口人. Then ask a couple student 你家有几口人? When the students get the pattern, let the students pair up and ask each other this question. You can also ask a couple students to report to class “xxx家有…口人“. 我家有(三)口人。 Caveat: “我有一口姐姐”

6 (Pair work) (你家)有几口人? 和 hé “and” 我家有六口人。我爸爸、妈妈、两个哥哥、一个弟弟和我。
Same as the last slide. You can first introduce your own family, then ask a couple students. After that, pair students up for this mini-conversation. The button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice. 我家有六口人。我爸爸、妈妈、两个哥哥、一个弟弟和我。

7 和 hé--“and” Taiwanese reads “和”as “hàn”. You and I 你和我
China and America 中国和美国 Teacher and Student 老师和学生

8 几 jǐ : how many A: 你家有几口人? B:我家有五口人。 A:你有几个弟弟? B:我有两个弟弟。 A:你家有几个老师? B:我家有三个老师。

9 Question Pronouns (Txbook on 56) 谁,几 ,什么
A: 这是______? B: 这是我妈妈。 A:那是_______? B:那是一张照片。 A:你有___个姐姐? B:我有 两 个姐姐。

10 What do these characters “妈”、“姐”、“妹”have in common?
They all have the radical “女” ,meaning “woman”。 (“妈” 女+马) This phonetic part, giving clue to this character’s pronunciation. The tone of “馬”(马) is different from “媽”, but the initial and the final are the same. Can you think of any Chinese character that also have “马” in it? The radical for “妈”,to signify a “woman”

11 Kinship terms 爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 弟弟 姐姐 妹妹 bà ba (informal) father mā ma
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition 爸爸 bà ba (informal) father 妈妈 mā ma mama; mommy; mother 哥哥 gē ge older brother; 弟弟 dì di younger brother 姐姐 jiě jie older sister 妹妹 mèi mei younger sister

12 nǚ ér ér zi hái zi nán hái nǚ hái 女儿 女兒 儿子 兒子 孩子 男孩 女孩 daughter; son;
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition 女儿 女兒 nǚ ér daughter; 儿子 兒子 ér zi son; 孩子 hái zi child; 男孩 nán hái boy; 女孩 nǚ hái girl; lass;

13 大 dà:big 大哥 dàgē --eldest brother 大姐 dàjiě –eldest sister 大弟 dàdì
大妹 dàmèi 大人 dàrén– adult (antonym:小孩) 大名 dàmíng– big name 大国dàguó—big power (big nation) 大学生 dàxuéshēng—college student 大家dàjiā --everyone

14 两个姐姐 二 and 两 2 elder sisters
How do you say “the second oldest sister? 两个姐姐 “二姐” for the second oldest sister, likewise for 二弟,二妹, and 二哥.

15 二 and 两 二:used for counting (1,2,3,...), and in a 2-digit number (12, 22, 25, 72, ...) 两:used for measuring (two something) 两张照片 This is an information sheet for students to read.

16 二 and 兩(两) 两个男孩子 两个小孩

17 “你爸爸做什么工作?” 做 zuò to do 工作 gōngzuò n/v Work He is a teacher. 他是老师。

18 “请问您做什么工作?” xuéshēng 学生 lǎoshī 老师 小学生 中学生 大学生

19 “英文”的“英” 中文老师 yīngwén lǎoshī—English teacher 英国:yīngguó--England 英国人:yīngguórén—British

20 “请问您做什么工作?” “我是律师。” lǜshī 律师

21 “你爸爸妈妈做什么工作?” “他们是医生。” yīshēng 医生

22 Occupation 工程师 Gōng chéng shī Engineer

23 Occupation 经理 Manager Jīng lǐ

24 Occupation 会计 Accountant Kuài Jì

25 Occupation 家庭主妇 House wife Jiā tíng zhǔ fù

26 Occupation 退休了 Retired Tuì xiū le

27 Occupation 你妈妈做什么工作? 我妈妈是老师。

28 (Pair work) ...做什么工作? Then it is time for students to ask each other. You should walk around the classroom, make sure students don’t answer “…做…”. Correct them by using “是” The button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice. ...是...。

29 “请问这个先生做什么工作?” “请问这个男孩是小学生吗?”

30 “请问那个小姐做什么工作?”

31 “他们做什么工作?”

32 “这位先生是律师吗?” No,he is not a lawyer; he is an English teacher?”

33 这是谁的名片? 这个人姓什么? 他是一个医生吗? What is his telephone number? Say in Chinese.
张文中律师 律师事务所 电话: 网址:ww.weny.com 这个人姓什么? 他是一个医生吗? What is his telephone number? Say in Chinese.

34 Do Textbook J. Pair Activity on p. 58
Ask about your partner’s family: A: 你家有几口人? B:我家有____口人。我家有….和我。 A:你爸爸/妈妈/哥哥/姐姐/弟弟/妹妹做什麼工作? B:… Switch role. Report your findings to the class.

35 Do G. on textbook p. 56: Find out who or what they are on Textbook p
It’s almost Halloween. Your friends put on costumes and props and you want to know who or what they are. Ask them the following questions to find out who they are. 1. 你是________人吗? 2. 你做什么工作? See their costumes and props on p.56.

36 Ca you count 1-99? (Whole class)
Youtube Video 1 on Counting from 1 to 100 Before practicing, you might want to review the numbers. Try some fun ways (1-20, 40 down to 30, the odd numbers starting 1, the even numbers starting 2, etc.) You could ask the whole class to say them one by one, or together, or ask individual students. Youtube Video 2 on counting from 1 to 99n Youtube Video 3 on counting from 1 to 10

37 (Pair work) 都 dōu all;both 王朋、李友、高文中都是学生。 王朋是学生。李友是学生。高文中也是学生。
王朋、李友、高文中 These 5 slides practice on the use of 都, the difference between 都不,不都,都没有,不都有. Students can do this as a pair work. Please make sure to give students enough time to discuss, then work it out together in class. 王朋、李友、高文中都是学生。

38 (Pair work) 王朋不是老师。李友不是老师。高文中也不是老师。 王朋、李友、高文中 王朋、李友、高文中都不是老师。

39 (Pair work) 王朋、李友、高文中不都是男学生 不都是女学生。 王朋和高文中是男学生。李友是女学生。
王朋、李友、高文中 王朋、李友、高文中不都是男学生 不都是女学生。

40 Distinguish between “不都” and “都不”
We are not all Americans. 我们不都是美国人。 All of us are not Pilipinos. 我们都不是菲律宾(Fēilǜbīn)人。

41 (Pair work) 王朋没有儿子。李友没有兒子。高文中也没有兒子。 王朋、李友、高文中 王朋、李友、高文中都没有儿子。

42 (Pair work) 高文中、李友、白英爱 不都有姐姐。 高文中、李友、白英爱... ... 高文中有姐姐。李友也有姐姐。白英爱没有姐姐。
The button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice. 高文中、李友、白英爱 不都有姐姐。

43 tone for一/不 the tone after it \ – \ / \ √ / \
Tone change for 一 and 不 (一and 不 follow the same tone change rules.) tone for一/不 the tone after it \ – \ / \ √ / \ Yìzhāng 一张 Yìpíng yì běn yíwèi bùdōu不都 Bùnéng Bùdǒng Búyào

44 More examples: Tone change for 不
bu tīng bù tīng bu lái bù lái bù mǎi bu mǎi bú shì 不是 bu shì

45 yi zhāng yì zhāng一张 yi nián yì nián yi běn yì běn yi gè yí gè 一个
Tone change for 一 yi zhāng yì zhāng一张 yi nián yì nián yi běn yì běn yi gè yí gè 一个

46 Reading and Speaking Practice:
Simpified version: 小李家有七个人。爸爸是律师。妈妈是中文老师。姐姐是医生。弟弟妹妹都是中学生。 Based on the text, please ask your classmate questions. Vocabulary you can use to ask questions: 几口人/做/什么/工作/律师/医生/中文老师 英文老师/吗/小学生/中学生/大学生

47 How many is in your family? Who is this woman?
Homework: Be prepared to work in pair in front of the class and perform the following: Show each other your family photo, and ask questions such as: who each person is, whether your partner has any brothers, what each of his/her family does. You can ask questions, such as: How many is in your family? Who is this woman? What work does your xx do? Who is this man? Who is this girl/boy? Is this your eldest brother? What work does your parents do? Is your xx an English teacher? Is your xx a doctor?

48 谢谢!再见! Xiexie! Zài jiàn!

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