‘Organizing’ in the changing world of work’ 在不断变化的劳动世界的“工会组建工作”

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Presentation on theme: "‘Organizing’ in the changing world of work’ 在不断变化的劳动世界的“工会组建工作”"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Organizing’ in the changing world of work’ 在不断变化的劳动世界的“工会组建工作”
ORGANISING APPROACHES AND STRATEGIES 组织方法与战略 Arun Kumar, Actrav-ILO-Turin 国际劳工组织-工人活动局-都灵 阿伦 ·库玛

2 Organizing & Collective action – are one of the main ways for unions to promote Decent Work & Social Protection for workers 组织和集体行动-是工会促进体面劳动及社会保护的诸多方法之一 But its a task made very difficult in this period of flexible and insecure employment where neither freedom of association, nor collective rights are respected (as compared to the rights of share holders and Companies). 但在当前结社自由和集体谈判权不受尊重(对比股东及企业的权利而言)的灵活、不稳定就业期,这是一项很艰巨的任务 So, what is the state of FoA & unionism in A-P? 那么,亚太区域的结社自由与工会主义的现状如何?

3 Union Density Asia/Pacific 亚太工会建会率
Country国家 % Mongolia蒙古 38.9 Taiwan台湾 37.7 Fiji斐济 30 Thailand泰国 1 Singapore新加坡 26 Australia澳大利亚 24 Hong Kong香港 22 New Zealand新西兰 21.5 Japan日本 18 Sri Lanka斯里兰卡 Korea韩国 ? Country国家 % Malaysia马来西亚 9 India印度 Indonesia印尼 8 Nepal尼泊尔 7 Philippines菲律宾 Pakistan巴基斯坦 Papua NG巴布亚新几内亚 5 Bangladesh孟加拉 4 China中国 ? Viet Nam越南

4 FoA & Collective Bargaining 结社自由及集体谈判
Asia has the lowest ratification of the Convention 87 (19) and Convention 98 (25). 亚洲是第87及98号公约批约率最低的地区 Important countries like China, India, Iran, Korea, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. have not ratified these conventions although FoA & Right to collective bargaining exists in some form or the other.中国、印度、伊朗、韩国、缅甸、泰国、越南等重要国家尚未批准这些公约,尽管存在某种形式的结社自由和集体谈判权 – this implies approximately half of the world’s economically active population is still not covered by Convention No. 87 and 98. 这意味着约世界一半的经济活跃人口未被第87及98号公约覆盖

5 Number of complaints originating from Asia, (1951-2010)
来自亚洲的申诉数目( ) 32 29 28 18 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 67 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 India Japan Pakistan Philippines Indonesia Australia Bangladesh Malaysia Sri Lanka Iran, Islamic Jordan Myanmar Thailand Iraq Cambodia Korea, Republic of New Zealand Bahrain Lebanon China Fiji Viet Nam Nepal China - Hong Yemen Syrian Arab Papua New Guinea Saudi Arabia International Training Centre of the ILO

6 Where is our power in a market economy? 我们在市场经济中的力量何在?
in numbers ? Union memberships, density, collective bargaining coverage & trade union resources数量上? 工会会员,建会率,集体谈判覆盖率及工会资源 Political influence ? 政治影响力? Social dialogue tradition & institutions in the country? 一国的社会对话传统及机制? Identity problems? How do workers perceive unions? Does the ‘past’ legacy of unions a problem? 身份归属问题?工人如何看工会?工会过去的“遗产”是否是个问题? Ability to influence capital ? 影响资本的能力?

7 Organizing Actions at Workplace 工作场所的组织行动
Questions to be considered 考虑的问题 Why should a worker join the union? What can union give them in this age of flexible employment? 工人为什么要加入工会?在这个灵活就业的时代,工会能给工人什么? How have we been organizing so far? 目前为止我们的组织工作怎么样? What new strategies can we develop for organizing and strengthening TUs? 我们能制定哪些新战略推进组织工作,加强工会作用?

8 Facing the Organizing Challenge 应对组建工作的挑战
Broadly speaking, TU Actions need to be taken at two levels – 广义而言,工会行动需要在两个层面开展: Macro policy level – to create enabling environment for organizing 宏观政策层面-为组建工作创造有利环境 In the field/workplace, at community level – where the workers are 在工作场所和社区层面-工人们所在的地方

9 Creating enabling environment 创造有利环境
What are the main demands of trade unions in your country? 你们国家的工会的主要需求是什么? Campaigns at national level on issues such as – 在全国层面就以下问题开展活动: Right to Organise, to Union Recognition & Collective Bargaining Rights (ILO Conventions 87 & 98) 结社自由(组织权,认可工会),集体谈判权(国际劳工组织第87、98号公约) Tripartitism & Social Dialogue – right to be represented in the decision making bodies 三方主义与社会对话—在决策机构被代表的权利 Domestic social clause 国内社会条款 Building partnerships with other movements 与其他运动构建合作伙伴关系 In China context, what is needed? 在你们国家的背景下,需要做什么?

10 Organizing workers: what are unions doing? 组织工人:工会做什么?

11 Union Approaches 工会方法 Servicing Model – Not much involvement of members in union activities 服务模式-会员并不太参与工会活动 Organizing Model - Not just an approach to organizing but also a vision of union purpose & form - workers active participants rather than passive consumers, 组织模式-不仅是一种组织方法,还是工会目的和形式的远景, 工人是积极的参与者,而不是被动的消费者

12 Organizing Strategies 组织战略
TU resources limited - We cannot go out & organize each & every worker. SO, can we then think of a way to make workers come to us?工会资源有限-不能走出去组织每一位工人。是否能想办法让工人来找我们? Need to go beyond wage bargaining – into social welfare - linking with govt schemes for providing access to workers for social welfare programmes – such as in delivery of unemployment benefits (NORDIC and Belgian unions role) 不仅限于工资谈判-涉及社会福利,与政府社保相联系,使工人获得社会福利,如提供失业津贴(北欧及比利时工会的作用) - Using group insurance schemes to provide social protection - health care, life insurance (Luxembourg, Netherlands, SEWA/India), 使用集体保险提供社会保护-医疗,人身保险(卢森堡、荷兰、印度) - What is it that workers want & managements don’t give to workers? 工人需要当管理层不愿让步的是什么?

13 Organizing Strategies 组织战略
Leveraging power of the other organized groups - for MNCs and those companies with Export interests in OECD countries – companies that are susceptible to consumer power – build links with international TUs (GUFs), NGOs and consumer movement. 利用其它组织的力量-对于跨国企业及对经合组织国家出口感兴趣的企业 等易受消费者实力影响的企业,与全球工会联盟、非政府组织、消费者 运动构建联系 Role of International / Global Framework Agreements 国际/全球框架协议的作用 Equal Pay campaign (such as in German Metal sector for agency workers through works agreement). 同酬运动(例如德国五金部门,通过劳动合同雇佣派遣工) Collective bargaining agreement to apply to workplace, and not restricted to just direct company employees 集体谈判协议适用于工作场所,不仅限于直接受企业雇佣的员工 Cyber space/internet as organizing tool 将虚拟空间/网络作为组织工具

14 OECD Guidelines for MNEs and ILO MNE Declaration 经合组织有关跨国企业指南及国际劳工组织跨国公司宣言
International instruments accepted by tripartite social partners – seek to promote socially responsible behaviour of MNEs, including the right of their employees to be represented by trade unions.三方社会伙伴接受的国际文书-寻求促进跨国企业对社会负责的行为,包括尊重员工被工会代表的权利 OECD Guidelines now require MNEs to – Respect human rights of all workers, in line with the Guiding Principles for Implementing the UN Framework of ‘Protect, Respect, Remedy’ - also require compliance in subsidiaries and supply chains. Complaints can be made to National Contact Points. 经合组织指南现要求跨国企业:依据执行联合国“保护、尊重、弥补”框架指导原则,尊重所有工人的人权,也要求子公司及供应链遵守。可向全国联络点提出申诉。 Where to get these instruments: 获得上述文书的途径:

15 Food for thought 精神食粮 Adopt & advocate policies that will apply to all workers and prevent further divisions of the workers in the labour market – that is, put all workers in one boat – to promote workers solidarity. 通过并倡导适用于所有工人的政策,预防劳动力市场工人的进一步分裂,即所有工人同舟共济,倡导工人团结 Using Workers Capital to promote Union Rights and other labour standards 使用工人资本促进工会权利及其他劳工标准 And – what else can TUs do ??? 此外,工会还能做什么?

16 Lessons from ‘organizing’ success stories 组建工作成功实例
Worker involvement central to building union success - involvement of those being organized in organizing themselves and their co-workers 工人的参与是成功组建工会的核心-促进入会的工人参与自我组织并组织 身边的同事 Highly centralized, bureaucratized and inflexible v/s union structure that incorporates the active local & workplace structures and builds necessary networks and alliances, with representative leadership 高度集中,官僚化,不灵活-对比-结合积极的地方及工作场所结构的工会构架,构建必要的网络和联盟,有代表性的领导层 New Workers, New Expectations, New Methods? - creating workplace based structures, ad hoc committees, and decentralizing decision making, cyber meeting spaces 新工人,新期待,新方法?-创建基于工作场所的构架,特设委员会,下放决策权,网络会议空间

17 Participants views on the union movement, its structures and changes needed.
学员对工会运动、构架及所需的变化的 观点

18 Barriers to TU development 工会发展的阻碍
Internal/due to union limitations/ drawbacks内部/由于工会限制/障碍 On account of Worker 因为工人 Due to Employers 因为雇主 Government/Political/ Legal 政府/政治/法律

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