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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
週六崇拜 Saturday Worship 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日學 Sunday School 主日 Sun 9:00 am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 我的救贖者活著 <1/4> My Redeemer Lives

4 我的救贖者活著 <2/4> My Redeemer Lives

5 我的救贖著活著 <3/4> My Redeemer Lives

6 我的救贖者活著 <4/4> My Redeemer Lives

7 看見復興 <1/3> Until We See You

8 看見復興 <2/3> Until We See You

9 看見復興 <3/3> Until We See You

10 主啊 我們等候祢 帶著偉大的期待願祢來 主啊 我們渴慕祢 渴慕祢聖靈澆灌充滿我
主啊 我們等候祢 帶著偉大的期待願祢來 主啊 我們渴慕祢 渴慕祢聖靈澆灌充滿我 Oh Lord, we’re waiting for You With great expectation for Your coming Oh Lord, You are our desire We desire Your Holy Spirit to fill us

11 Wind of the Spirit lift us
我要回轉歸向祢 求祢紀念 願聖靈的風吹起 帶我翱翔 Please remember us as we turn back to You Wind of the Spirit lift us higher and higher

12 我要緊緊抓住祢 願祢國降臨 震動這地 使萬民敬畏
願祢國降臨 震動這地 使萬民敬畏 We want to embrace You May Your kingdom come and shake this land Till we honor You

13 Rend the heavens Oh! Lord Descend upon us and all nations
願祢裂天而降 裂天而降 降臨這地 降臨萬國萬邦 Rend the heavens Oh! Lord Rend the heavens Descend upon us and all nations

14 Rend the heavens Oh! Lord Let revival fires ignite us
願祢裂天而降 裂天而降 使復興的火不斷燃燒 求復興我們 Rend the heavens Oh! Lord Rend the heavens Let revival fires ignite us Revive us Oh! Lord

15 盡情地敬拜 Extravagant Worship
耶穌 聖潔公義救主 彰顯 神的智慧能力 祢的愛是何等長闊高深 滿有豐富無窮的恩典 Jesus, holy and just Savior Who has God’s wisdom and power Your love is so very deep and wide Your love is full of abundant grace

16 耶穌 權柄統管萬有 配得 榮耀 尊貴 頌讚 我以心靈誠實盡情敬拜 坐在寶座上深愛我的主
耶穌 權柄統管萬有 配得 榮耀 尊貴 頌讚 我以心靈誠實盡情敬拜 坐在寶座上深愛我的主 Jesus, You reign over the earth With all glory, honor and praise To You I worship You in spirit and truth You sit on Your throne loving me so much

17 舉起我的心來敬拜祢 用生命來回應祢的愛 哦!我的主 讓我單單在乎祢 盡情地敬拜祢
I worship You Lord with all my heart I offer my life because of Your love O my Lord I want to praise Your name and Give You extravagant worship

18 主我神我愛慕祢 我一生都獻給主祢 Lord my God I adore you I give all my life to you

19 Higher and deeper than mountain and sea Who can compare with your Love
主祢的愛如高山深似海 祢的愛無人可擬 我一生都獻給主祢 Higher and deeper than mountain and sea Who can compare with your Love I give all my life to you

20 主的愛像一道江河 寶座能力流到萬民 祂是光照耀我的生命 敬拜主高舉祂的聖名
The love of God’s like a river flow From His throne to all His own He is light shining onto my life Worship Him and lift His name on high

21 主的靈如風吹我心 安慰憂傷破碎的靈 祂是王掌管我的心靈 親愛主願你從天降臨
The Spirit of God’s blowing like the wind Comfort broken and weary hearts He is King, reigning my soul, my life Precious Lord, come and dwell in my heart

22 一道江河 流呀流呀 流到豐盛的生命 頌讚奇妙榮耀的聖名
The stream of river is flowing Flowing through our abundant life Come praise His amazing, glorious name

23 我靈歌唱 唱呀唱呀 唱到靈裡都歡欣 主聖靈現在來掌權運行
Our souls shall sing songs of praises Until we are filled with joy O Holy Spirit, come reign among us all




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