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祢的同在 何等榮耀 我們敬拜 尊榮聖主 榮耀同在 O the glory of Your presence

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2 祢的同在 何等榮耀 我們敬拜 尊榮聖主 榮耀同在 O the glory of Your presence
Bb-016 榮耀同在 祢的同在 何等榮耀 O the glory of Your presence 我們敬拜 尊榮聖主 We Your temple give You reverence

3 And be blessed by our praise
願祢登上寶座 So arise to Your rest 悅納我們敬拜 And be blessed by our praise

4 榮耀之主 願祢降臨 榮耀同在 充滿這殿 As we glory in Your embrace
As Your presence now fills this place

5 As Your presence now fills this place
榮耀同在 充滿這殿 As Your presence now fills this place

6 Bb-001 我們成為一家人 我們成為一家人 We've become a family

7 In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus
因著耶穌因著耶穌 In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus 成為神兒女 We are God's children

8 我們成為一家人 We've become a family

9 因著耶穌因著耶穌 成為神國的子民 In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus
Enter into the kingdom of God

10 因著耶穌得潔淨 因著耶穌入光明 We are washed up by His blood
We are brought into His light

11 We enjoy the resurrected life of Christ
因著耶穌 同享復活的生命 We enjoy the resurrected life of Christ

12 同享生命的喜悅 同在主愛中連結 We partake the joy of life
We are bound by the love of Christ

13 We are heir to the full abundance of our God
因著耶穌同受豐盛的產業 We are heir to the full abundance of our God

14 因著耶穌同敬拜 因著耶穌蒙慈愛 Let us worship in one accord
Let us praise His love for all

15 Let us treat one another with a tender heart
因著耶穌彼此恩慈來相待 Let us treat one another with a tender heart

16 或在喜樂中歡唱 或遇苦難同哀傷 Whether we sing joyful songs
Or we grief our broken hearts

17 Jesus leads us through each stormy day and night
因著耶穌同渡人生的風浪 Jesus leads us through each stormy day and night

18 with thanksgiving in your heart
Bb-006 來到神的面前 來到神的面前 Come to His presence 我們以感恩的心 with thanksgiving in your heart

19 and give Him praise, and give Him praise
向祂歡呼 向祂歡呼 and give Him praise, and give Him praise

20 with thanksgiving in your heart
來到神的面前 Come to His presence 我們以感恩的心 with thanksgiving in your heart

21 your voices raise, your voice raise
揚聲歡呼 揚聲歡呼 your voices raise, your voice raise

22 Give glory and honor and power unto Him
將榮耀和尊貴權柄都歸給祂 Give glory and honor and power unto Him

23 Jesus, the name above all name
耶穌超乎萬名之名 Jesus, the name above all name

24 敬拜主 敬拜全能的主 榮耀能力一切讚美 都歸給祂
Bb-007 敬拜主 敬拜主 敬拜全能的主 Majesty, Worship His Majesty 榮耀能力一切讚美 都歸給祂 Unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise

25 敬拜主 敬拜權柄的主 從祂寶座 能力流出 流到萬民
Majesty, Kingdom, Authority 從祂寶座 能力流出 流到萬民 Flows from His Throne, Unto His Own, His anthem raise

26 來高舉 一同高舉 主耶穌聖名 來彰顯 一同彰顯 耶穌榮耀王
So exalt, lift up on high The name of JESUS 來彰顯 一同彰顯 耶穌榮耀王 Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King

27 Majesty, Worship His Majesty
敬拜主 敬拜尊貴的主 Majesty, Worship His Majesty

28 Jesus who died, Now Glorified
祂曾捨命 今得榮耀 Jesus who died, Now Glorified 萬王之王 King of all Kings

29 the glory of the coming of the Lord
Bb-009 我的眼睛已經看 我的眼睛已經看見 Mine eyes have seen 主降臨的大榮光 the glory of the coming of the Lord

30 祂正踏盡一切不良葡萄 使公義顯彰 He is trampling out the vintage
where the grapes of wrath are stored

31 祂已抽出祂的怒劍 發出閃閃的光芒 He hath loosed the fateful lightning
of His terrible swift sword

32 His truth is marching on
祂真理在進行 His truth is marching on

33 Glory Glory Hallelujah(x3)
基督已經得勝 Our God is marching on

34 基督誕生於猶太地 美麗正如百合花 In the beauty of the lilies
Christ was born across the sea

35 在祂心懷滿有榮光 使我們改變像祂 With a glory in His bosom
that transfigures you and me

36 祂捨命使世人成聖 我也願捨己救人 As He died to make men holy
let us live to make men free

37 While God is marching on
真神正在進行 While God is marching on

38 Glory Glory Hallelujah(x3)
基督已經得勝 Our God is marching on

39 祂已吹出得勝號筒 前進永不會退後 He has sounded forth the trumpet
that shall never call retreat

40 祂已設立審判寶座 鑒察揚盡眾人心 He is sifting out the hearts of men
before His judgment seat

41 Oh be swift, my soul, to answer Him
我魂興起急速答應祂 Oh be swift, my soul, to answer Him 我雙足躍跟從 be jubilant, my feet

42 我主正在前進 Our God is marching on

43 Glory Glory Hallelujah(x3)
基督已經得勝 Our God is marching on

44 主啊我神我每逢舉目觀看 祢手所造一切奇妙大工
Bb-020 (How Great Thou Art) 祢真偉大 主啊我神我每逢舉目觀看 O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder 祢手所造一切奇妙大工 Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made

45 看見星宿 又聽到隆隆雷聲 祢的大能遍滿了宇宙中
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder 祢的大能遍滿了宇宙中 Thy power throughout the universe displayed

46 當我想到 神竟願差祂兒子 降世捨命 我幾乎不領會
 當我想到 神竟願差祂兒子 And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing 降世捨命 我幾乎不領會 Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in

47 主在十架 甘願背我的重擔 流血捨身 為要赦免我罪
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing 流血捨身 為要赦免我罪 He bled and died to take away my sin.

48 我靈歌唱讚美救主我神 祢真偉大 何等偉大 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art, How great Thou art

49 我靈歌唱讚美救主我神 祢真偉大 何等偉大 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art, How great Thou art

50 How great Thou art, How great Thou art
祢真偉大 何等偉大 How great Thou art, How great Thou art

51 當主再來 歡呼聲響徹天空 何等喜樂 主接我回天家
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation 何等喜樂 主接我回天家 And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.

52 我要跪下 謙恭的崇拜敬奉 並要頌揚: 神啊祢真偉大
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration 並要頌揚: 神啊祢真偉大 And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!“

53 我靈歌唱讚美救主我神 祢真偉大 何等偉大 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art, How great Thou art

54 我靈歌唱讚美救主我神 祢真偉大 何等偉大 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art, How great Thou art

55 for a dying world to save
Bb-023 復興之火 主啊 賜下靈火 It’s fire we pray 來拯救失喪靈魂 for a dying world to save

56 建立聖潔的國度 To restore Holy nation 屬神的子民 the people of God

57 the fire to meet our need
主啊 賜下靈火 It’s fire we want 來滿足我們需要 the fire to meet our need

58 使我們行事正直 爭戰必得勝 for strength to always do right
for grace to conquer fight

59 that makes us fit to live or die
願火從天上降下 Consuming fire of God 願烈火焚燒我們的心 that makes us fit to live or die

60 A cleansing fire of God, Send the fire today
煉淨我們一生 點燃我們一生 A cleansing fire of God, Send the fire today 這是我的呼求 a burning flame of God

61 彰顯祢權能 主啊 焚燒除掉我們的罪孽 Reveal Your power once more
to burn up every trace of sin

62 賜我烈火 復興之火 願主烈火從天上降下 It’s fire we want, for fire we plead
Send the fire, the fire today

63 你願從你的罪擔釋放麼 在主寶血內大有權能 寶血大權能 Would you be free from your burden of sin
Bb-008 (Power In the Blood) 寶血大權能 你願從你的罪擔釋放麼 Would you be free from your burden of sin 在主寶血內大有權能 There’s power in the blood, power in the blood

64 你願勝過一切惡性情麼 耶穌寶血大有權能 Would you over evil a victory win
There’s wonderful power in the blood

65 There is pow’r, pow’r, Wonder working pow’r
大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r, pow’r, Wonder working pow’r 在羔羊寶血內 In the blood of the Lamb

66 大有權能 奇妙大權能 在聖潔羔羊寶血內 There is pow’r, pow’r, Wonder working pow’r
In the precious blood of the Lamb

67 你願從驕傲私慾釋放麼 在主寶血內大有權能 Would you be free from your passion and pride
There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood

68 各各他血泉內潔淨罪過 耶穌寶血大有權能 Come for a cleansing to Calvary’s tide
There’s wonderful power in the blood

69 你願被潔淨比雪還白麼 在主寶血內大有權能 Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow
There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood

70 這生命泉能洗淨你罪過 耶穌寶血大有權能 Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow
There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood

71 你願為主你君王做工麼 在主寶血內大有權能 Would you do service for Jesus your King
There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood

72 你願日日唱得勝凱歌麼 耶穌寶血大有權能 Would you live daily His praises to sing
There’s wonderful power in the blood

73 能力歸我神 能力歸我王 能力歸我主 祂統管萬有
Bb-015 能力歸我神 能力歸我神 能力歸我王 Mighty is our God, Mighty is our King 能力歸我主 祂統管萬有 Mighty is our Lord, ruler of everything

74 榮耀歸我神 榮耀歸我王 榮耀歸我主 祂統管萬有
Glory is our God, Glory is our King 榮耀歸我主 祂統管萬有 Glory is our Lord, ruler of everything

75 Higher than any other name
祂名是耶穌 His name is higher 超乎萬名之上的名 Higher than any other name

76 For He has created everything
祂滿有權能 His power is greater 因為祂創造宇宙萬有 For He has created everything

77 何等佳美那傳主福音的腳蹤 傳揚佳音佳音 神掌權 Who bring good news, good news
Bb-018 神掌權 何等佳美那傳主福音的腳蹤 How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him 傳揚佳音佳音 Who bring good news, good news

78 宣揚平安傳報真喜樂的信息 神掌權 神掌權 Announcing peace proclaim news of happiness
Our God reigns, Our God reigns

79 Our God reigns, Our God reigns (x2)

80 如此平凡 在祂沒有佳形美容 能使我們羨慕 He had no stately form He had no majesty
That we should be drawn to Him

81 and we took no account of Him
祂被藐視 He was despised 人們都掩面不看祂 and we took no account of Him

82 如今祂已掌權 And now He reigns 祂擔當我眾罪 with the Most high

83 Our God reigns, Our God reigns (x2)

84 為了我們所有的罪孽和過犯 祂受鞭打壓傷 It was our sin that brought Him down
It was our sin and quilt that bruised and wounded Him 祂受鞭打壓傷 It was our sin that brought Him down

85 had gone astray, our shepherd came
如羊迷失 When we, like sheep 我們各人偏行己路 had gone astray, our shepherd came

86 祂像羊羔被牽到宰殺的地方 默默無聲無聲 dumb as a sheep before it’s shearer
Meek as a lamb that’s led out to the slaughterhouse 默默無聲無聲 dumb as a sheep before it’s shearer

87 祂的生命如同甘霖沛然而降 使我們得重生 That we might be born again
His life ran down upon the ground like pouring rain 使我們得重生 That we might be born again

88 Our God reigns, Our God reigns (x2)

89 Our God reigns, Our God reigns (x2)

90 Out of the tomb He came with grace and majesty
戰勝死亡祂來帶著權柄慈愛 Out of the tomb He came with grace and majesty 祂已復活 復活 He is alive, He is alive

91 God love us so, see here His hands, His feet, His side
何等大愛看祂手祂腳祂肋旁 God love us so, see here His hands, His feet, His side 今我知祂活著 Yes we know, He is alive

92 Our God reigns, Our God reigns (x2)

93 願祂在教會中得榮耀 從今直到永遠 在教會中得榮耀 Unto him be glory in the church
Bb-019 在教會中得榮耀 願祂在教會中得榮耀 Unto him be glory in the church 從今直到永遠 throughout all ages, world without end

94 願祂在教會中得榮耀 從今直到永遠 Unto him be glory in the church
throughout all ages, world without end

95 榮耀祂 榮耀祂 Glorify him Glorify him 榮耀祂 榮耀祂 Glorify him Glorify him

96 願祂在教會中得榮耀 從今直到永遠 Unto him be glory in the church
throughout all ages, world without end

97 神羔羊 至聖者 主耶穌 神兒子 神羔羊 Lamb of God, Holy One, Lamb of God, Holy One,
Bb-013 神羔羊 神羔羊 至聖者 Lamb of God, Holy One, 主耶穌 神兒子 Lamb of God, Holy One,

98 祂甘願捨命在十架 寶血泉源湧流不盡 Lifted up willingly to die
The blood once shed still freely flowing

99 赦免我罪 洗我污穢 能潔淨 能醫治 that I the guilty one may know
Still cleansing, still healing

100 我尊崇祢 耶穌我救主 我尊崇祢主 我生命的主宰
I exalt You Jesus, my Sacrifice 我尊崇祢主 我生命的主宰 I exalt You, my Redeemer and my Lord

101 我尊崇祢 尊貴神羔羊 在祢寶座前我俯伏敬拜祢
I exalt You, worthy Lamb of God 在祢寶座前我俯伏敬拜祢 And in honor I bow down before Your throne

102 And in honor I bow down before Your throne
在祢寶座前我俯伏敬拜祢 And in honor I bow down before Your throne


104 Bb-014 每一天我渴慕祢 每一天我們在祢面前 渴慕祢敬拜讚美祢

105 每一天我們在祢面前 仰望祢至聖的榮面

106 求祢榮耀在每一天 都光照我們的心

107 求祢聖靈在每一天 都與我們同行

108 哦 主啊 我盼望 不再虧欠祢的榮耀

109 哦 主啊 我渴慕 祢聖靈的擁抱

110 哦 主啊 我願意 在每一天敬拜讚美祢

111 每一天 每一刻 敬拜讚美祢

112 Bb-010 得勝得勝哈利路亞 得勝得勝哈利路亞 得勝得勝哈利路亞

113 得勝得勝哈利路亞 基督已經得勝

114 榮耀榮耀哈利路亞 榮耀榮耀哈利路亞

115 榮耀榮耀哈利路亞(x3) 基督必快再來

116 Bb-011 神的靈在那裡 神的聖靈在那裡 在哪裡哪裡就有自由

117 神的聖靈在那裡 在哪裡哪裡就有自由

118 有自由 有自由 那裡就有自由

119 神的聖靈在這裡 在這裡這裡就有自由

120 神的聖靈在這裡 在這裡這裡就有自由

121 有自由 有自由 這裡就有自由

122 Bb-017 阿爸 天父 阿爸天父容許我 單單屬於祢

123 願我心思為主用 一生屬於祢

124 永不讓我心冷淡 永不丟棄我

125 阿爸天父容許我 單單屬於祢

126 耶穌就是光 這世上的光(x2) 祂永照亮我的靈魂
Bb-021 耶穌是光 耶穌就是光 這世上的光(x2) 祂永照亮我的靈魂

127 在基督裡我心信靠 在十字架的能力中得享榮耀
Bb-022 在基督裡 在基督裡我心信靠 在十字架的能力中得享榮耀

128 都成為我見證 我的力量 我的盼望 在基督裡


130 發出喜樂 Bb-012 我靈要發出喜樂 我靈要發出喜樂 在耶和華的面前 有永遠的喜樂 喜樂 喜樂 我靈要喜樂

131 我們成為一家人(台) Bb-001 咱攏成作一家人 因為耶穌因為耶穌 成作上帝子兒 咱攏成作一家人 因為耶穌因為耶穌 成作上帝的子民

132 *因為耶穌成作聖 因為耶穌入光明 因為耶穌咱有復活的人生
*因為耶穌成作聖 因為耶穌入光明 因為耶穌咱有復活的人生

133 歡喜享受主活命 歡喜結連於主疼 因為耶穌豐盛產業主賜定
歡喜享受主活命 歡喜結連於主疼 因為耶穌豐盛產業主賜定

134 *因為耶穌同敬拜 因為耶穌蒙慈愛 因為耶穌 彼此恩慈相款待
*因為耶穌同敬拜 因為耶穌蒙慈愛 因為耶穌 彼此恩慈相款待

135 有時歡喜同吟詩 有時苦痛同傷悲 因為耶穌 相與艱苦相甘甜

136 祂總是在我身旁 Bb-002(a) 祂總是在我身旁 祂總是在我身旁 祂用愛耐心等候 祂總是在我身旁

137 祂一直在等著我 Bb-002(b) 祂一直在等著我 祂一直在等著我 以愛耐心等著我 祂一直在等著我

138 榮耀充滿全地 Bb-003 神的大能和榮耀彰顯 祢的榮光遮蔽諸天 頌讚充滿全地 祢的輝煌如同日光

139 *頌讚祢 主 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 神的榮耀充滿全地 頌讚祢 主 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 神的榮耀充滿全地
*頌讚祢 主 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 神的榮耀充滿全地 頌讚祢 主 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 神的榮耀充滿全地

140 主我神我愛慕祢 Bb-004 主我神 我愛慕祢 我一生都獻給主祢 主我神 我愛慕祢 我一生都獻給主祢

141 *主 祢的愛 如高山深似海 主的愛無人可比 主 祢的愛如高山深似海 我一生都獻給主祢
*主 祢的愛 如高山深似海 主的愛無人可比 主 祢的愛如高山深似海 我一生都獻給主祢

142 來穿讚美衣裳 Bb-005 *來穿上讚美衣裳 代替憂傷痛悔的靈 揚聲向主歡呼 用心靈讚美 也用悟性歌唱 同來尊主為大

143 1.錫安必不再憂傷 我要來安慰你 我已將你安置在錫安 喜樂油必使你自由
1.錫安必不再憂傷 我要來安慰你 我已將你安置在錫安 喜樂油必使你自由

144 2.下垂的手要舉起 歌聲也要嘹亮 仍然獻上你的讚美祭 揚聲在錫安山
2.下垂的手要舉起 歌聲也要嘹亮 仍然獻上你的讚美祭 揚聲在錫安山

145 3.向主歌唱 哈利路亞 敬拜主耶和華 宣揚祂的聖名 在祂腳前敬拜 同來尊主為大
3.向主歌唱 哈利路亞 敬拜主耶和華 宣揚祂的聖名 在祂腳前敬拜 同來尊主為大

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