Office of International Affairs

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1 Office of International Affairs
國立臺灣大學簡介 及 國際學生計畫介紹 Introduction to NTU and International Student Programs Office of International Affairs

2 Part 1: 國立臺灣大學介紹 Introduction to National Taiwan University

3 National Taiwan University Rankings
Times Reputation Ranking of Worldwide Universities 2013/2014 overall QS World University Rankings 2014/2015 76 overall 10 subjects in world’s top 50 20 Engineering: Electrical 27 Earth and Marine Sciences 27 Engineering: Chemical 34 Engineering: Mechanical 35 Engineering: Civil, Structural 37 Chemistry 43 Medicine 44 Materials Sciences 45 Computer Science, Info Systems 48 Accounting and Finance

4 National Taiwan University
Today 11 學院 colleges 3 專業學院 professional schools 54 學系 departments 103 研究所 graduate institutes 66 研究中心 research centers 32,700 students

5 學院 Colleges 3 Professional Schools 11 Colleges
文學院 Liberal Arts 理學院 Science 醫學院 Medicine 法律學院 Law 生農學院Bio-resources & Agriculture 工學院 Engineering 電機資訊學院 Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 管理學院 Management 公衛學院 Public Health 社會科學院 Social Sciences 生命科學院 Life Science NTU is the most comprehensive university in Taiwan. It is rare to have a College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This reflects Taiwan's economic situation. 國立臺灣大學是臺灣規模最大的綜合性大學。 一般大學鮮少將「電機資訊」單獨設立為一個學院,這也正反映出臺灣一直以來的經濟與產業結構。 3 Professional Schools 獸醫專業學院 Veterinary Medicine 牙醫專業學院 Dentistry 藥學專業學院 Pharmacy

6 全臺灣,都是我的教室! Island wide Campuses
Total NTU land size 35,000 ha (86,000 ac) = 1% of Taiwan (3,500,000 hectares)

7 Part 2: 國際學生計畫 Overview of NTU International Student Programs

8 學位生計畫 Degree Students Programs
學位學生 Degree Program 雙聯學位 Dual Degree Program

9 非學位生計畫 Non-degree Student Programs
交換學生計畫 Exchange Programs 訪問學生計畫 Visiting Student Program 訪問研究計畫 Visiting Research Program NTU Plus Academy

10 數據 Numbers

11 Part 3: 國際學生照顧輔導 We care about all international students!

12 照顧輔導 Services & Activities
國際學生接待志工 International student volunteer 迎新系列活動 Activities for New International Students 團體接機 Group airport pick-up 宿舍入住 Dorm Check-in 校園導覽 Campus Tour 迎新說明會 Orientation 註冊 Registration

13 照顧輔導 Student Activities
國際暨跨文化活動 Cross-Cultural Activities 世界嘉年華 World Festival 異國美食系列工作坊 Exotic Cuisine Workshop 國際文化祭 International Cultural Festival 跨文化講座 Cross-cultural Lectures 語言交換 Language Exchange 臺灣文化體驗 Taiwanese Culture Experience 傳統節日活動 Taiwan Traditional Festivals 春節 Chinese New Year 元宵節 Lantern Festival 端午節 Dragon Boat Festival 冬至 Winter Solstice (搓湯圓Let’s roll the dumplings) 春節接待家庭 Host Families during Chinese New Year


15 照顧輔導 Student Associations/Clubs
臺大學生會 NTUSA 國際學生接待服務義工社 NTUISIS 國際學生協會 NTU International Students' Association 各國學生同學會 Oversea Students associations 華僑同學會 NTUOCSA 港澳同學會 Hong Kong and Macau Student Association 馬來西亞同學會 NTUMSA

16 英文授課 English Conducted Courses
文學院 Liberal Arts 122 理學院 Science 38 社會科學院 Social Sciences 18 醫學院 Medicine 34 工學院 Engineering 56 生物資源暨農學院 Bio-resources & Agriculture 66 管理學院 Management 61 公共衛生學院 Public Health 8 電機資訊學院 Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 32 法律學院 Law 11 生命科學院 Life Science 14 總計 460

17 照顧輔導 Emergency Support
英文心理諮商 Psychological counseling in English 國際學生急難救援小組 Int’l Student Emergency Support Team: 12 languages translation service 校園駐警隊 24 hr University Assistance

18 Part 4: 雙聯學位及 非學位學生計畫 Dual Degree and Non-Degree Programs

19 雙聯學位計畫 Dual Degree Program
母校須與本校簽有「跨國雙學位制備忘錄」 Your home university should have “Co-implementation of International Dual Degrees Program Agreement” with NTU. 符合修業規定,即可獲得母校及本校雙學位 Students who achieve the program requirements will gain the degrees both from the home university and hosting institution.

20 雙聯學位計畫 Dual Degree Program

21 交換學生計畫 Exchange Student Programs
交換學生必須獲得母校的提名,才能提出交換學生申請 You must get nomination from your current university before you apply to an NTU exchange program. 交換學生不必支付臺大學費 NTU Tuition is waived. 除了能自由選修臺大11個學院的豐富課程,也能上免費的 華語課! You are able to register courses from various departments at NTU and take a complimentary Chinese language course.

22 訪問學生計畫 Visiting Student Programs
訪問學生計畫是設計給有意來臺大自費選讀的國際學生 Visiting Student Program is a fee-paying program in which students register as non-degree-seeking but full-time students at NTU. 訪問期間可為一學期或一學年,同交換學生 The duration can be one semester or one academic year like exchange students.

23 訪問研究計畫 Visiting Research Programs
對前來本校進行短期研究有興趣的國際研究學生,在找到 合適的指導老師後,可申請本校的訪問研究計畫 This program is for international graduate students who are interested in doing short-term research at NTU and have found an appropriate supervisor.

24 Plus Academy NTU Spring+ NTU Summer+
Intensive Program for Chinese Language & Culture NTU Summer+ Summer Program for Laboratory Research & Culture Biodiversity, Agriculture and Culture of Taiwan (BACT) Summer Program for Biotechnology Global LEAD Summer Program International Trade Law and Practice Summer Program Understanding Taiwan in Global Settings Summer Program on Developmental Biology Emerging Technology in Civil and Building Engineering (BIM) Translating Chinese - Methods and Practice

25 Thank you

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