2010 Presidents’ Forum 2010年主席论坛

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1 2010 Presidents’ Forum 2010年主席论坛
Vice President, CITA 中国工程机械协会工业车辆分会 副理事长 Chairman, Anhui Heli Forklift Truck Group Co.,Ltd. 安徽叉车集团有限责任公司 董事长 Zhang Dejin 张德进 Oct 2010, Istanbul 2010年10月,伊斯坦布尔

2 Dear distinguished Presidents, Ladies and Gentlemen
尊敬的主席先生们,女士们、先生们: Today we are glad to be present at FEM 2010 Congress on behalf of CITA. Getting together with all friends in this beautiful city - Istanbul, to share the information of macro-economic situation and the development of material handling industry, and also looking forward to the future of the industrial truck technology and market in the year 2025. 今天非常高兴代表中国工程机械工业协会工业车辆分会参加欧洲工业车辆协会年会,与新老朋友相聚在美丽的伊斯坦布尔,与各位共同分享一些宏观经济形势和工业车辆行业发展的信息,并且还有一个很大胆的话题,那就是与大家共同展望2025年的工业车辆技术和市场。

3 I. China’s Macro-economic Situation 中国宏观经济形势分析 II
I. China’s Macro-economic Situation 中国宏观经济形势分析 II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 III. Industrial Truck Market in the year 年的工业车辆

4 I. China’s Macro-economic Situation中国宏观经济形势分析
Based on our analysis of the international economic environment, the economic slowdown substantially effected the global financial crisis. The global GDP showed a negative growth in 2009 and start a slow-moving recovery in 从国际经济环境来分析,全球经历金融危机后,经济大幅下滑,2009年全球GDP出现负增长,2010年开始缓慢复苏。 单位:% From year 2008 to 2009, the global economy sank into the most serious decline since world war two 年,全球经济陷入了自二战以来最严重的一次衰退 Data Source: IMF 数据来源:IMF国际货币基金组织

5 Growth of GDP in China中国GDP增长情况
I. China’s Macro-economic Situation中国宏观经济形势分析 In 2009, the growth of China’s economy droped to a very low point. However, under the comprehensive effect of the economy stimulation package introduced by the Chinese Govt, the growth of GDP climbed to 11.1% in the first half year of 年,中国经济增长到低点。在中国中央政府一揽子经济刺激政策的综合效用下,到2010年上半年,GDP增长恢复到11.1%。 Growth of GDP in China中国GDP增长情况 units % 单位:% Data Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China 数据来源:中国国家统计局

6 The investment in fixed asset in Chinese urban areas
I. China’s Macro-economic Situation中国宏观经济形势分析 From 2005 to the first half year of 2010, the investment in fixed asset in Chinese urban areas increased 25%, while the overall rate of increase slowed down. The Chinese government is trying to seize the opportunity of transforming the economic growth in investment-driven mode 年上半年,中国城镇固定资产投资保持在25%以上增长,但增长幅度有所放缓。中国中央政府正在抓紧调整投资拉动型的经济增长模式。 100 Million RMB 2010 H1 The investment in fixed asset in Chinese urban areas Growth Rate %

7 Purchase Management Index –PMI %
I. China’s Macro-economic Situation中国宏观经济形势分析 In August 2010, the PMI (Purchase Management Index) of the manufacture industry in China rose to 51.7%, which was 0.5 percentage points higher than that of the prior month. After declining for 3 months, the index make positive progress in this month, rising above the critical point of 50%. It indicates that the overall economy development trend of the manufacturing industry in China is rising. 2010年8月,中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为51.7%,高于上月0.5个百分点。该指数连续三个月回落后,本月有所回升,并持续位于临界点50%以上,表明中国制造业经济总体仍呈现增长态势。 Purchase Management Index –PMI % 50%=no change comparing with last month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug

8 Domestic Demand Driven
I. China’s Macro-economic Situation中国宏观经济形势分析 China’s economy has made a rapid recovery after the financial crisis. The main reason includes 金融危机后中国经济快速复苏的主要原因 The proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy implemented by the Chinese government; 中央政府实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策; Leverage effects such as 4 trillion investment, and especially the infrastructural construction, post-disaster reconstruction, civil engineering, etc., all of which have effectively stimulated the market demand. 4万亿投资,特别是基础设施建设、灾后重建、民生工程等的杠杆作用,有效地刺激了市场需求。 The central government advocates “adjusting the structure, transforming the mode”, takes full consideration of the effect of “investment + consumption + export” on economic growth, and speeds up the economic transition. 中央政府倡导“调整结构、转变方式”,统筹“投资+消费+出口”对经济增长的作用,加快经济转型。 Three Changes三个转变: Export Driven 出口驱动 Domestic Demand Driven 内需驱动 Investment Driven 投资驱动 Consumption Driven 消费驱动 Resource Driven 资源驱动 Technology Driven 技术驱动

9 I. China’s Macro-economic Situation中国宏观经济形势分析
Industrial & Regional Revitalization Planning 中国中央政府的产业和区域政策规划 Since 2009, the State Council has published Ten Industrial Revitalization Plans, among which is the revitalization plans for equipment manufacturing industry and logistics industry that aims to accelerate the market growth and the development of the industrial truck market. 2009年以来,国务院密集出台十大产业调整振兴规划,其中对装备制造业、物流业的振兴计划会促进经济增长和工业车辆发展。 Many regional revitalization plans have been published subsequently, this includes: the development of the West Regions, the old industrial base of the Northeast China, the rise of Central China and the economic regions on the two sides of Taiwan Straits. 并相继出台了西部大开发、东北老工业基地、中部崛起、海峡两岸经济区等多个区域振兴规划。 Time 时间 Ten Industrial Revitalization Planning 内容 Feb 25, 年2月25日 Automotive Industry《汽车业振兴规划》 Feb 25, 年2月25日 Steal Industry《钢铁业振兴规划》 Feb 19, 年2月19日 Textile Industry《纺织业振兴规划》 Equipment Manufacturing Industry《装备制造业振兴规划》 Feb 18, 年2月18日 Shipbuilding Industry《船舶工业调整振兴规划》 Feb 11, 年2月11日 Electronic Information Industry《电子信息产业振兴规划》 Feb 4, 年2月4日 Petrochemical Industry《石化业振兴规划》 Light Industry《轻工业振兴规划》 Jan 11, 年1月11日 Non-ferrous metals industry《有色金属业振兴规划》 Logistics Industry《物流业振兴规划》

10 Challenges 面临的挑战 I. China’s Macro-economic Situation中国宏观经济形势分析
1. It’s still a bumpy progress to achieve a comprehensive, continuous and healthy growth of the global economy (due to sovereign debt crisis, trade protection, and political instability, etc.) 全球经济全面、持续、健康增长历程仍然坎坷;(主权债务危机、贸易保护、政局波动等) 2. The global trade is influenced by major currencies fluctuation and process. 主要货币波动幅度和进程影响全球贸易; 3. The healthy development of the downstream is influenced by the pricing and fluctuation of some factors such as a large amount of raw resource, labor cost, etc. 大宗原材料、人力成本等要素价格供给与波动影响下游产业健康发展; 4. The new growth point of the global economy is not available at present. 全球经济新的增长点尚不具备。

11 II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况
The material handling industry is greatly affected by the financial crisis in During the period, the domestic and overseas demands have shrunk, which caused a sharp decrease of the sales volume. 2008年金融危机之后,工业车辆行业受影响明显,国内外需求萎缩,销量大幅下滑。 Sales of Industrial Trucks in Global Market 全球工业车辆销量情况 Sales of Industrial Trucks per Continent ( ) 08-09世界工业车辆市场各大洲销量 Units 台 Sales Units Growth Rate Europe America Asia Africa Oceania Data Source: CITA资料来源:中国工程机械行业协会工业车辆分会

12 Sales Situation for Domestic Manufacturers
II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 Sales Situation for Domestic Manufacturers 中国机动工业车辆境内生产企业销量情况 10,000 units 万台 Sales units Growth rate The Chinese market has kept a rapid growth of around 30% since The overall sales volume reached more than 160,000 units at the end of 2008, however negative growth shown due to the great impact of the financial crisis in 2009, when the domestic market fell to138,000 . 中国市场从2001年开始连续保持高速增长,增速保持在30%左右,到2008年总销量超过16万台,但在2009年受金融危机影响明显,出现负增长,降至13.8万台。 Data Source: CITA 资料来源:中国工程机械行业协会工业车辆分会

13 Sales and Growth Rate of China Industrial Truck Market in 2010 H1
II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 In the first half year of 2010, the sales volume of the industrial trucks for domestic manufacturers increased sharply. Positive potentials emerged in the whole industry. 2010年上半年,中国机动工业车辆境内生产企业销量重新出现爆发式增长,全行业展现出很好的发展潜力。 Sales and Growth Rate of China Industrial Truck Market in 2010 H1 2010年上半年中国机动工业车辆销量和增长率 Units 台 118% 112% 108% 103% 61.5% 22.7% Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Data Source: CITA 资料来源:中国工程机械行业协会工业车辆分会

14 Quarterly Sales Situation in China Market (2009-2010 H1)
II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 Quarterly Sales Situation in China Market ( H1) 2009年—2010年上半年中国市场季度销售量 Units 2009 Q Q Q Q Q Q2 From 2009 to Jun2010, the quarterly sales volume of industrial trucks in the China market grew stage by stage. 2009年-2010年6月,中国市场机动工业车辆产品季度销售量呈现阶梯式增长

15 Electric Trucks accounts for 60% out of total sales in global market
II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 The Proportion of Electric Trucks vs. IC-CB in China Market ( ) 年中国市场电动叉车与内燃叉车的比例 It shows clearly from the chart that, the IC-CB trucks are the leading product in the Chinese market. In many developed countries, the MS of the electric forklift truck is 40% - 50%, which indicates that electric forklift truck remains a great potential in Chinese market. 从图中可以清楚地看出,长期以来内燃叉车一直是中国工业车辆销售市场的主导产品。和国际先进国家电动叉车占40%--65%相比,应该说中国电动叉车还有很大的发展空间。 The demands for low-carbon and environment protection becomes the main factors for the future development of electric trucks.对低碳、环保的要求,是促使电动叉车未来发展的直接因素。 Electric Trucks accounts for 60% out of total sales in global market 全球电动车销量占比接近60% Units 台 IC-CB Truck sales & proportion in China Market (incl. export) 中国内燃叉车销量(含出口)及占比 The sales of Electric Trucks take only 20% share in Chinese market 中国电动车销量占比仅为20% ICCB Sales in China % out of TT China Sales % out of TT Sales of World Market Sales of Electric Trucks % out of total sales

16 The proportion of the total cost of social logistics to GDP in 2010 H1
II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 In the first half year of 2010, the total logistics cost reached trillion, which is 17.8% more than that in the previous year. The proportion of the total cost of social logistics to GDP is 17.9%, which is much higher than that in some developed countries (10%). 2010年上半年,社会物流总费用为30902亿元,同比增长17.8%;社会物流总费用与GDP的比率为17.9%,远高出发达国家约10%的比例。 The value of the total cost of social logistics and its proportion to GDP (Year ) 年中国社会物流费用及占GDP比例 The proportion of the total cost of social logistics to GDP in 2010 H1 2010年上半年与发达国家的比较 万亿 17.9% 10.0% China Developed Countries Total Logistics Cost % out of GDP The sales of forklift truck is highly connected to the total cost of social logistics. Since the logistics cost takes a high proportion in GDP, with the ever-increasing labor cost and the change in logistics mode, the sales of forklift truck in domestic market will increase steadily in the following years. 叉车销量与社会物流费用总额密切相关,中国物流费用占GDP比例较高,随着劳动力成本的上升,物流方式的改变未来几年,中国国内叉车销量将保持一定速度的增长。 Data Source: CITA资料来源:中国工程机械行业协会工业车辆分会

17 Problems occurred for China’s Forklift Truck Industry 中国工业车辆行业发展存在的问题
II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 Problems occurred for China’s Forklift Truck Industry 中国工业车辆行业发展存在的问题 1. The gap still remains 差距依然存在 The basic components and accessories are backward 基础配套件水平落后 Reasons 差距形成的原因 Lack of core technology, rely highly on the overseas 缺少核心技术,对外依存度高 Low ability of sustainable innovation 持续创新能力不强 Mid-Low end market still the major part 用户需求层次总体上不高

18 Expansion of the existing production capacity 既有产能扩张
II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 Problems occurred for China’s Forklift Truck Industry 中国工业车辆行业发展存在的问题 The capacity for Forklift Truck production has exceeded the market demand 整个行业的产能已大于市场需求 2. Overcapacity 行业产能过剩 Expansion of the existing production capacity 既有产能扩张 New investment 新进入者投资 Potential investor 潜在进入者 World famous FLT manufacturers 全球著名工业车辆制造商 Fierce competition 恶性竞争压力和挑战 Domestic Auto or Machinery Manufacturers 国内汽车或工程机械生产商 Non-powered Industrial Truck Providers 手动物料搬运设备制造商

19 3. Unreasonable product structure 产品结构不合理
II. Development of China’s Industrial Truck Market 中国工业车辆发展状况 3. Unreasonable product structure 产品结构不合理 Traditional high-end products such as ICCB trucks and ECB trucks are under a severe product homogeneity situation. 传统优势产品内燃和电动平衡重叉车同质化严重 IC-CB Trucks 内燃平衡重式叉车 Product Homogeneity同质化 E-CB Trucks 电动平衡重式叉车 The development of high value-added and high-tech products are lagging seriously behind 高附加值和高技术含量的产品发展严重滞后 Electric WH Trucks 电动仓储车辆 Container Trucks 集装箱堆高机 Reach Stackers 正面吊 Explosion Proof Trucks 防爆叉车 Rough Terrain Trucks 越野叉车  Variable Reach Truck 伸缩臂叉车

20 Summary 总 结 The development of industrial truck market in China in recent years shows that the demand for industrial truck from various industries will be further enhanced, by the steady economic growth in China, as well as infrastructure construction, improvement in logistics , the development of the western regions and the process of urbanization. In addition, the application scope and area of the forklift truck use will be developed. It can be predicted that the industrial truck market in China will steadily increase for the next 5-10 years. However, taking into account that structural adjustment and industrial upgrading will accelerate may lead to an even more severe competition. 从中国工业车辆市场近年来的发展看,随着中国经济的稳步发展,基础设施建设、物流发展、西部开发、城市化进程等等,使得各行各业对工业车辆的需求还将得到进一步增长,叉车应用范围和应用地区得到不断发展。可以预见,在未来5~10年内,中国工业车辆市场仍将保持一定幅度的增长,但结构调整和产业升级进程将明显加快,竞争将更趋激烈。

21 Multiple uncertainties不确定因素多
III. Industrial Truck Market in the year 的工业车辆 It is courageous and interesting to predict the development of the industrial truck market in 对2025工业车辆进行预测是一个大胆并有非常有意思的话题。 As there are so many uncertainties, it’s difficult to predict the mid to long term development. My personal opinions are as below: 由于不确定因素很多,中长期发展情况是很难想象的,个人的一些基本判断如下: Multiple uncertainties不确定因素多 Sovereign Debt Crises, trade protection and barriers, regional political unrest, monetary fluctuations, influence of a large amount of raw resource, economic reconstruction, lack of some other reasons to drive the growth of the economy. 主权债务危机、贸易保护和壁垒、区域政局动荡、货币波动、大宗原材料影响、经济结构转型、经济增长的原动力不足等 The global integration process will be further accelerated, the industrial concentration will be even more enhanced, and merger and acquisition as well as in-depth cooperation will be the future trend.全球化一体化进程将进一步加快,行业集中度将进一步提高,并购重组与深度合作将成为趋势; The product application consciousness of industrial truck will be improved markedly The global volume of industrial truck will also be increased.工业车辆产品的使用意识大幅提升,全球工业车辆的保有量将增长; The industrial truck will adopt the design of sedan, which puts more emphasis on the protection of the environment ,energy savings, safety and ergonomics.工业车辆产品轿车化,更加注重环保、节能、安全、舒适; The performance and working efficiency of electric vehicles will come close to those of diesel vehicles. The electric vehicles and warehousing vehicles will take up a remarkable market share.电动车辆性能和工作效率接近内燃车辆,电动车辆、仓储车辆占比将大幅提高; Industrial vehicles with new energy will be widely used. Composite substitutes made from waste materials will be put into use during the production of industrial vehicles.新能源工业车辆广泛应用;由废旧材料制成的复合替代材料在工业车辆制造过程得到使用。

22 Total market size in China: around 300,000 units
Forecast for China’s Industrial Truck Market in 2025 (Personal Opinion) 2025中国工业车辆市场容量预测(个人观点) Total market size in China: around 300,000 units 中国市场总容量约30万辆 The economic growth of China will slow down from 10% to 6% gradually. The industrial truck market in China will be adjusted towards the optimization of the structure from the expansion of market scale. 中国经济增长速度由10%左右,逐步降低到6%左右,中国工业车辆市场将经历从总量规模增长向结构调整优化转变 China to realize the Economy Restructuring and Carbon Economy for the scientific development 中国经济结构的调整和发展方式转变,实现低碳科学发展 With the implementation of regional revitalization planning, logistics revitalization planning and revitalization planning in equipment manufacturing industry, the efficiency of logistics will be enhanced step by step, and the domestic logistics will be developed with an upward growth 中国区域振兴规划、《物流业振兴规划》、《装备制造业振兴规划》的实施,物流效率将逐步提高,中国国内物流业变得发达

23 Thank You! 谢谢大家!

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