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基督教的神是否獨一無二的真神? 信耶稣是否唯一的救恩?

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Presentation on theme: "基督教的神是否獨一無二的真神? 信耶稣是否唯一的救恩?"— Presentation transcript:

1 基督教的神是否獨一無二的真神? 信耶稣是否唯一的救恩?
宣教神學 基督教的神是否獨一無二的真神? 信耶稣是否唯一的救恩? 池峈鋒 Peter L. H. Tie 系統神學教授 基督工人神學院

2 Larycia Hawkins with a hijab(穆斯林女士頭巾):
惠顿學院 Wheaton College Controversy (2015-) Larycia Hawkins with a hijab(穆斯林女士頭巾): "I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book.” "And as Pope Francis stated…we worship the same God."

3 穆斯林和基督徒是否敬拜同一位神? Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? 概括 General 具體 Specific

4 The possible causes behind the controversy?
爭議背後可能的原因? The possible causes behind the controversy? Post-truth “後真理”: truth as irrelevant Postmodernism 後現代主義: truth as relative Pluralism 宗教多元主義: truth as pluralistic Enlightenment (16th-18th cent.): From Revelation to Reason—elevating reason over Scripture and tradition Romanticism (18th-19th cent.): From Reason to Experience —elevating individual over Scripture Postmodernism (mid-20th cent.-): From Experience to Emotion—elevating feeling over fact

5 1966 2017 1. Post-truth “後真理” : Truth as Irrelevant
(Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2016) 1966 2017

6 a. I don’t understand the question 我不明白這個問題
1930: Define rhythm 節奏… 1960: The movement of music in time, including tempo and meter is called________. 1990: The movement of music in time, including tempo and meter is called: a. melody b. harmony c. rhythm d. interval 2000: The movement of music in time, commonly called Rhythm, makes you feel: a. I don’t understand the question 我不明白這個問題 b. I think this is an unfair question 我認為這是一個不公平的問題 c. I don’t know what the word Rhythm means 我不知道節奏是什麼意思 d. It doesn’t matter how I feel, as long as it is my own authentic feeling 不管我的感受如何,只要是我自己的真實感覺 Millard Erickson, Postmodernizing the Faith: Evangelical Responses to the Challenge of Postmodernism, 1998, 14.

7 2. Postmodernism (PM) 後現代主義:Truth as Relative
否認客觀真理 Objectivity of knowledge is denied; uncertainty of knowledge accepted. 質疑美好知識 The inherent goodness of knowledge is questioned. 抵制進步發展 Progress is rejected (e.g., Two World Wars). 知識基於團體 Knowledge as communally, culturally conditioned. 直覺可得知識 Not reason only, but intuition or emotion is one of the channels to truth. 否認普世真理 Extreme PM rejects any rationality; no universal truth. 讀者意思為準 Not what the author meant, but what the reader thinks what it means. 從相對到多元 Hard PM moves relativism to pluralism; equally true and valuable truth. Adopted from Millard Erickson, Postmodernizing the Faith: Evangelical Responses to the Challenge of Postmodernism, 1998, 18-19, 85-89,

8 3. Pluralism 宗教多元主義: Truths in Religions; All are one
所有宗教到來 All religions have come to USA 所有宗教教好 All religions teach about good 所有宗教同神 All religions lead to the same God 所有宗教救人 All religions are able to save

9 2. Inclusive 包容性: God’s grace in all religions
宗教意識 Increased awareness of other faiths and saintly people. 救恩渠道 Neither denying Christ’s uniqueness nor rejecting redemptive possibility in other religions. 未傳之民 Concern for the unevangelized people. 神愛超越 Love of God beyond the church wall to the whole world. 恩典普及 Universal prevenience of God’s grace. 聖靈運行 Spirit of life is operative in religions (and in all places). 宗教對話 Interreligious dialogues. 聖經例證 Visible examples: Gen 14:17-24; Acts 10:1-48, Matt 2:1-12. 福音預備 Evangelistic preparation for the Gospel of Jesus. Clark H Pinnock, “An Inclusivist View,” in Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World, 1996,

10 基督與聖經 Christ of Scripture (約 1:1; 10:30-33; 20:28)
1. Particular/Exclusive/Unique 獨特性: 唯獨基督 Christ Alone (Solus Christus) 基督與聖經 Christ of Scripture (約 1:1; 10:30-33; 20:28) 基督唯救主 Christ the Sole Savior (約8:23, 56-59; 14:6) 基督為標準 Christ as Standard (約3:36; 17:3)

11 穆斯林和基督徒是否敬拜同一位神? Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? 概括 General 具體 Specific

12 討論:若耶穌不是唯一的救恩途徑,那又如何?
What happened if Jesus was not the only way of salvation? 普遍啟示可救人 General revelation saves. 罪的問題被輕視 Reality of sin trivialized. 聖經的主被扭曲 Jesus in Scripture altered. 道成肉身為徒然 Jesus incarnated in vain. 主要信仰被拋棄 Major doctrines/confessions rejected. 信徒不再被逼迫 Persecution ceases. 神學成宗教對話 Theological studies become comparative studies or dialogues. 以宗教解基督教 Other religions as “interpretation” for Christianity. 傳福音為不必要 Evangelism or mission as “sharing experience,” if not unnecessary.

13 新約時期的多神環境; 然而門徒照傳基督的獨特福音
宏觀 In Perspective: 新約時期的多神環境; 然而門徒照傳基督的獨特福音 The New Testament time was as religiously pluralistic, if not more so, but the apostles still preached on the exclusive Christ. 所有大宗教有排他性; 顯明各宗教“真理啟示”各有不同 All major religious adherents believe in their religions as exclusive/unique (e.g., Islam, Hinduism). 最終答案是“唯獨基督”; 分辨信仰真真假假的核心 The ultimate answer is “Christ alone!” to distinguish our identity (vis-à-vis other religions). Millard Erickson, Postmodernizing the Faith: Evangelical Responses to the Challenge of Postmodernism, 1998, 33, 36, 86, 152, 153

14 應用 In Practice: 分辨真意 Not every interpretation is true, but there is true meaning in the text of the inspired Bible (i.e., biblical). 真知所信 We are not to be simplistic or naïve with our faith, but to know our faith firmly (i.e., theological)(腓1:9-10). 生命故事 In addition to the propositional approach, use a narrative approach (i.e., personal). 聖靈工作 As we do our part of knowing the truth, living the truth, and sharing the truth, let the Holy Spirit do his work of conviction (i.e., spiritual). Millard Erickson, Postmodernizing the Faith: Evangelical Responses to the Challenge of Postmodernism, 1998, 33, 36, 86, 152, 153

15 基督教的神是否獨一無二的真神? 信耶稣是否唯一的救恩?
宣教神學 基督教的神是否獨一無二的真神? 信耶稣是否唯一的救恩? 池峈鋒 Peter L. H. Tie 系統神學教授 基督工人神學院

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