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多协议无线MESH加速智能照明应用落地 刘云 layne_liu 资深技术专家.

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1 多协议无线MESH加速智能照明应用落地 刘云 layne_liu 资深技术专家

2 世强简介 成立于1993年,总部设在深圳 2015年销售额达2.4亿美金 中国专业的半导体及测试测量仪器代理商
在全国设有16个办事处及子公司 有员工420人, 其中销售139人,技术人员49人,市场经理23人 实施SEKORM+互联网战略,上线世强元件电商,打造智能硬件创新服务平台


4 Silicon Labs FOUNDED IN 1996 LISTED SLAB ~35,000 CUSTOMERS >1,600 PATENTS A track record of multiple industry firsts, transforming and disrupting large markets Core competencies in mixed-signal and RF CMOS silicon architectures, software, and systems Focus on high-quality, diversified markets Well positioned for sustainable growth REVENUE ($M) 2015, 2016 & 2017 MOST RESPECTED SEMICONDUCTOR COMPANY

5 成功的照明 - 关键要素 定义和推动创新带来 实质商业成果 简化设置,调试和 满足不同需求, 包 括安全 系统管理,配置,更新,
Iot ideation Software development Lifecycle Management With connected lighting, OEMs need to master several new skills. Until recently, lighting used to be a product that was manufactured and installed, and the provided no more revenue. However, as we are moving away from lighting being a linear product that’s merely built, shipped and sold, several steps for successful products are necessary. Let’s look at three of them: Ideation:  understand and come up with solutions that deliver real business outcomes compared to a pure light only application Hardware and software development:  We mentioned the wireless protocols earlier, and choosing any of these requires a new type of skillset to be able to address the development of secure and user-friendly applications.  Lifecycle Management:  Maybe the most significant change and potential challenge for existing manufacturers. Lifecycle management involves securing the data provided by the connected lighting as well as updating and eventually disposing of products. We will talk a bit more about this later, but lifecycle management offers a way to realize a long-term revenue stream compared to a ship and forget approach. 定义和推动创新带来 实质商业成果 简化设置,调试和 满足不同需求, 包 括安全 系统管理,配置,更新, 修补和更新功能

6 扩大照明之外的功能 提升室内定位 的服务体验 增加设备集成 和自动化性能 丰富的传感器系统 可提供持续性和安 全性
Smart Cities Commercial RETAIL Home 提升室内定位 的服务体验 增加设备集成 和自动化性能 丰富的传感器系统 可提供持续性和安 全性 We have looked at the market potential and key drivers and requirements to ensure that we can provide new functionality to lighting products. Let’s see some examples of how this is implemented. Smart Cities – one of the easiest ways to roll-out IoT and connectivity in a city is by using the lighting infrastructure. Lamposts provide a perfect location to include sensors to monitor movement, sound or pollution. Pilot cities around the world have shown the feasibility of such infrastructure by adding sensors and wireless communication. Cities have fulfilled goals of providing Wi-Fi across the city using light poles. Another use case is making sure lights are always working or automatically report when they go out.  From an energy perspective, lights dim to full power only when cars or people approach areas. Research shows that citizens are looking to smart lighting for benefits like reducing congestion, improving emergency response, cutting pollution and improving their daily commute.  Commercial – In commercial settings, in offices, the educational sector or healthcare, lighting with human-centric features like daylight adjustment and specific color schemes can help people focus, learn better or even relieve pain. In food production, this can be used to increase the crop success rate, and lighting recipes exist to ensure the best growth conditions for different types of produce. Wayfinding is also possible by adding beacon functionality. Retail – The Annual American Time Survey shows that the average time that Americans spend shopping equals 45 minutes per day. (This includes both working- and non-working, and all ages and genders). Facing growing competition from online stores,  retailers have performed real-life tests showing improved revenue by focusing on optimizing customer’s shopping experience. A few ways lighting has been used lately is by adjusting the color to match the product being sold – e.g., produce vs. meat. Another way to help customers is by combining online and physical store experiences by providing real-time offers and wayfinding via for instance Bluetooth beacons embedded in luminaires. Home – In many ways, we could say that the connected lighting started in the home with the first smart light bulbs. In this application, the functionality needs to be geared more towards setup, ease-of-use and instant control compared to some of the other application. For smart lighting to achieve mass adoption, the eco-systems must make it possible to interconnect lights with fans and AC, security systems, door locks, and entertainment systems. Key thing for all of these are - Installation needs to be simple either by field technicians or individuals - Leverage lighting infrastructure to enable data collection and interaction - Maintain and respect data security and privacy - Be open about data collection and how data is used 用户不知不觉间 提升健康水平和 生活福祉

7 门锁利用Zigbee解锁并发送信息打开客厅灯光
利用多协议设备改善家庭自动化体验 In retail or commercial settings there is a desire to make use of technologies such as Bluetooth Beacons to provide location-based advertisements, track assets and also develop heat maps of foot traffic. One of the challenges we face for broad adoption is the need for dedicated beacon devices. Also, the higher the density of Beacons the more accuracy we can provide. For device lifecycle management the range of connectivity also has an impact on the logistics of updating devices. If we can integrate Bluetooth Beacons into other connected infrastructure such as lighting, we can build out large-scale, dense regions with Bluetooth beacons. Instead of having to deploy both connecting lights and beacons, a connected Light or Luminaire can also serve as the means to deploy Bluetooth beacon infrastructure. This can provide a more cost-effective means to improve beacon density than implementing separate dedicated Beacon devices with an added advantage of not requiring battery-powered beacon devices that must be monitored and maintained. Using the mesh network to deploy updates across the network also presents an opportunity to simplify lifecycle management as well. With the ability to support multiple protocols, innovative approaches to speed system updates can also be implemented, for example relaying system updates between devices over Bluetooth between devices by switching them into a Bluetooth mode to take advantage of the higher bandwidth of Bluetooth and then connecting back to the Zigbee network. 智能手机利用蓝牙连接发送信息解开门锁 门锁利用Zigbee解锁并发送信息打开客厅灯光 卧室灯发送信息到电话并利用蓝牙信标开灯

8 蓝牙MESH 应用场景 采用SIG MESH 组网,只需要一个APP就可以控制全部的设备,控制简单快捷。
在当前的蓝牙产品中多数采用的是点对点的控制方式,一个产品需要一个蓝牙APP或遥控器控制,当家庭中的蓝牙产品比较多时要用多个软件或遥控器控制,相对来说比较麻烦。采用SIG MESH将所有的蓝牙设备组成一个网络,只需要一个APP就可以控制全部的设备,控制简单快捷。

9 获取更多无线照明相关的选型/参考设计/用户指南/开发环境等资料
扫码下载世强元件电商 获取更多无线照明相关的选型/参考设计/用户指南/开发环境等资料

10 THANKS! 联系我们的销售工程师: 蒋 超 15000687529 周理文17805810276
蒋 超 周理文 THANKS! By Sekorm Advanced Technologies

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