顏色yán sè COLORS 紅色 藍色 綠色 黃色 紫色 白色 黑色 咖啡色 bái sè hēi sè hóng sè lǜ sè

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Presentation on theme: "顏色yán sè COLORS 紅色 藍色 綠色 黃色 紫色 白色 黑色 咖啡色 bái sè hēi sè hóng sè lǜ sè"— Presentation transcript:

1 顏色yán sè COLORS 紅色 藍色 綠色 黃色 紫色 白色 黑色 咖啡色 bái sè hēi sè hóng sè lǜ sè
huáng sè 白色 bái sè 黑色 hēi sè

2 衣服 yī fú Clothes 短裙 長褲cháng kù 短褲 長裙cháng qún 外套 帽子mào zi 鞋子 一件衣服一件外套
duăn qún 長褲cháng kù 短褲 duăn kù 長裙cháng qún 外套 wài tào 一件衣服一件外套 一條裙子 一條褲子 帽子mào zi 鞋子 xié zi 一雙鞋子

3 money 錢 一百 塊 錢 五 十 塊 錢 二 十 塊 錢 五塊 錢 一 塊 錢 qián 一毛錢/一角 一分錢
yì băi kuài qián 五 十 塊 錢 wǔ shí kuài qián 一毛錢/一角 máo jiăo 二 十 塊 錢 èr shí kuài qián 五塊 錢 wǔ kuài qián 一分錢 fēn 一 塊 錢 yí kuài qián

4 $美金 ¥人民幣 和 $台幣 mĕi jīn rén mín bì tai bi
$2.00兩塊錢 $2.20 兩塊兩毛錢 $2.22 兩塊兩毛二 四塊五毛七 九塊兩毛八 一塊六毛二 七塊四毛 兩塊零六分 三塊零八分 兩塊半 Say the currency in Chinese ¥2.05 $7.50 $10.22 ¥22.09 $40.60 $52.20 ¥20.20 ¥102.50 $99.98 $50.71 人民幣兩塊零五 美金七塊半 美金十塊兩毛二 $4.57 人民幣二十二塊零九 $9.28 台幣四十塊六毛 ¥1.62 台幣五十二塊兩毛 ¥7.40 人民幣二十塊兩毛 $2.06 人民幣一百零二塊半 台幣九十九塊九毛八 ¥3.08 台幣五十塊七毛一 ¥2.50

5 衣服 1外套 2短裙 3長裙 4鞋子 5短褲 6長褲

6 一共 多少 yí gòng duō shăo 一共多少錢? 一共多少張紙? 一共多少件衣服? 一共多少個學生?.
Altogether how much/how many 一共多少錢? 一共多少個學生?. EX. 一共多少張紙? 一共多少件衣服? How many clothes altogether?

7 穿 條 chuān 我今天穿一條黃色短褲 wear 穿衣服 穿鞋子 穿紅色裙子. 穿綠色褲子. tiáo
EX. 穿綠色褲子. I wear yellow shorts today. 我今天穿一條黃色短褲

8 顏色 color 這是什麼顏色? 你喜歡什麼顏色? 我喜歡黃色的衣服. 你喜歡什麼顏色的短褲? yán sè
EX. 我喜歡黃色的衣服. What color’s shorts do you like it? 你喜歡什麼顏色的短褲?

9 賣 買 măi mài To buy To sell 你買什麼? 我買衣服. 買褲子,賣裙子. 你要買什麼?
EX. 買褲子,賣裙子. What do you want to buy? 你要買什麼?

10 商店 shāng diàn 這家商店賣衣服 媽媽在商店裏面. 我常常在這家商店買衣服. 我喜歡這家商店的衣服 store
EX. 我常常在這家商店買衣服. 我喜歡這家商店的衣服 I like this store’s clothes.

11 東西 dōng xi things, objects 這是什麼東西 你要買什麼東西? 我要去買東西. 不要買太多東西.
EX. 我要去買東西. Don’t buy too many things. 不要買太多東西.

12 售貨員 sales person 他是這家商店的售貨員 這家商店 有很多售貨員. 這個售貨員很帥. 請問你是這家商店的售貨員嗎?
shòu huò yuán sales person 他是這家商店的售貨員 這家商店 有很多售貨員. EX. 這個售貨員很帥. May I ask are you the sales person in this store? 請問你是這家商店的售貨員嗎?

13 便宜 pián yí Cheap, inexpensive 這件衣服很便宜 這條褲子不便宜. 這件衣服便宜不便宜? 這條短褲很便宜?
This shorts is very inexpensive. 這條短褲很便宜?

14 shì try 試一下 你要不要試一下? EX. 不用試/不用說. Ok, let me try it. 好, 我試一下

15 合適 hé shì suitable 很合適 ,不合適 這件衣服很合適. 這件衣服合不合適? 我不知道這件衣服合不合適?
EX. I don’t know if this clothes suitable or not? 我不知道這件衣服合不合適?

16 如果…的話 suitable 如果合適的話… 如果這件衣服合適的話,我就買. 如果這件衣服不貴的話,我就買. 如果你喜歡的話, 我就給你.
rú guŏ … de huà suitable 如果合適的話… 如果這件衣服合適的話,我就買. 如果這件衣服不貴的話,我就買. EX. If you like it, then I will give it to you. 如果你喜歡的話, 我就給你.

17 找 zhăo To give change 找您錢. 找您兩塊錢. 找我兩塊兩毛二. 請找我兩塊兩毛.
EX. 找我兩塊兩毛二. 請找我兩塊兩毛. Please give me $2.20 change.


19 他們在 Describe the pictures in Chinese
買東西. 做什麼? 這雙鞋子 很合適 你要不要 試一下? 買什麼? 買衣服. 買鞋子. 買什麼?

20 Word Search Read and translate the word in each box.
1 如果…的話 商店 東西 衣服 長短 2 黃色 紅色 褲子 襯衫 大小 3 顏色 穿 4 中號 便宜 售貨員 白色 5 合適 不用 一共 多少 綠色 6 找錢 太貴

21 Quiz - Shopping Write in Chinese
Shirt: Pants: Store: Long pants: Medium: Shorts: Objects: Inexpensive: To buy: If…: Clothes: Suitable: MW for clothes: To try: MW for Pants: Need not: Sales clerk: Altogether: Colors: How much money: Yellow colors: To give change: Red colors: Money/currency: Wear:

22 Shopping 兩塊錢 Write the currency in Chinese 兩塊兩毛錢 兩塊兩毛二 四塊五毛七 九塊兩毛八
Write the given amount into the number amount: Write the currency in Chinese 2.15 7.50 10.22 22.09 40.60 52.20 20.20 102.50 99.98 50.71 兩塊錢 兩塊兩毛錢 兩塊兩毛二 四塊五毛七 九塊兩毛八 一塊六毛二 七塊零四 兩塊零六 三塊零八 兩塊半

23 Shopping Write in Chinese Make up a sentence for each following word except 3. 7. 13.
Store: Number/size: To buy: Medium: To sell: Inexpensive: Things: If…: Sales person: Length: Clothes: Long: MW for clothes: Short: Shirt: Suitable: Color: Need not to: Yellow color: Try: Red color: To give change (money): To wear: Altogether: MW for pants: How much money: Pants: Too expensive

24 9 – I “Shopping” Sentence structure reinforcement
Translate it into to English and say it back to Chinese: 的 the noun is implied 你穿什麼顏色的(衣服)? 你喜歡紅的還是綠的()? 你要大的還是小的()? 您穿中號還是大號的()? 多used as a question word 你今年多大? 你有多少張紙? 你的弟弟多高? 你們有多少個學生? 你穿多大的衣服? 你的褲子多長? 如果…的話,就…If…, then… 如果大小合適的話,我就買. 如果你沒有錢的話,就別買. 如果你喜歡的話, 我就給你. 如果你覺得沒有意思的話,就不要去. What color do you wear? Do you like red or green one? Do you want big or small one? Do you wear medium or large one? How old are you this year? How many paper do you have? How tall is your brother? How many students do you have? What size clothes do you wear? How long is your pants? W If the size is suitable, then I will buy it. If you don’t have money, then don’t buy it. If you like it, then I will give it to you. If you feel it’s not interesting, then don’t go.

25 9 – I “Shopping” Common questions used in shopping
Translate the following sentences into Chinese: How tall are you? How many paper do you have? How long is your pants? What color’s clothes do you like? What color’s (clothes) do you wear? What color’s (clothes) do you like to wear? How big size pants do you wear? Do you like yellow one or red one? Do you want the big one or small one? One Shirt and one pants how much in total?

26 9 – I “Shopping” Asking the price and give change back
Translate the following sentences into Chinese: How much is one long pants? How much is one shorts and one shirt? If you buy two clothes only need $22.22. How big the pants you want to buy, large, medium, or small? I wear medium. I don’t want too expensive or too cheap’s ... Do you want to try it on? How much in total? This is one hundred dollars. Pleas give me twenty dollars change. Give you twenty two dollars change back.

27 9 – I “Shopping” What do you say in the following situations?
What clothes do you want to buy? I would like to buy a shorts and a long pants. What color do you like, yellow or red? I would like to buy a red color clothes. I like to wear white shirt. What size do you wear? Do you wear medium or large? Is this pants expensive? I don’t want too cheap. How about this red shirt? If the length is suitable…, Do you want to try it? Need not to try, very suitable. How much in total? Please give me $4.22 (change).

28 買東西 Chapter 9-I A:你想買什麼東西? B:我想買一條長褲. A:你喜歡什麼顏色的? B:我喜歡白色的. B:我穿中號.
Write a dialogue: You are a clothes sale person and are trying to make a sale. Following are the factors you need to mention in the dialogue: 1. Kind of clothes 2. Color 3. size 4. Expensive/or not 5. Try it before buy it, 6. Made the sale 7. Give changes. A:你想買什麼東西? B:我想買一條長褲. A:你喜歡什麼顏色的? B:我喜歡白色的. B:我穿中號. A:你穿幾號? B:很好看,但是貴不貴? A:這一條白色的長褲怎麼樣? B:太好了!我可以試一下嗎? A:不貴,很便宜. B:多少錢? A:很合適. B:給你三十一塊錢. A:三十塊 半. A:找你五毛錢. B:謝謝.

29 A:如果你買一件襯衫和一條長褲的話,一共只要十一塊九毛五 B:好, 我買了. 給你十二塊錢.
Chapter 9-I 買東西 Write a dialogue: You are a clothes sale person and are talking to a customer. Following are the factors you need to mention in the dialogue: 1. Red long pants size 3. Very cheap 4. Try it on 5. If it’s suitable she/he will buy it 6. $7.50 each 7. If you buy one shirt and one pants it’s only $ she/he buy both 9. change $.05 A:你想買什麼衣服? B:我想買一條紅色長褲. B:我穿三十六號. A:你穿幾號? B:很漂亮,但是貴不貴? A:這一條紅色的長褲怎麼樣? B:我可以試一下嗎? A:不貴,很便宜.一條七塊半. B:如果合適的話,我就買. A:沒問題. A:如果你買一件襯衫和一條長褲的話,一共只要十一塊九毛五 B:好, 我買了. 給你十二塊錢. A:找你五分錢. B:謝謝.

30 Chapter 9-I 買東西 Write a dialogue based on the following scenario: You are a clothes sale person and are talking to a customer. Following are the factors you need to mention in the dialogue: 1. Red long pants size 3. Very cheap 4. Try it on 5. If it’s suitable he/she will buy it 6. $7.50 each 7. If you buy one shirt and one pants it’s only $ She/he buy both 9. change $.05

31 Test Shopping - I 1. Store:
I. Write in II. Write in Chinese for the following 1. How tall are you? 2. What color do you like? 3. Do you wear large or medium size? 4. How much in total? 5. If the length is suitable, I will buy it. 1. Store: 11. Altogether: 12. How much: 2. Color: 13. $102.22: 3. Inexpensive: 14. $9.07 4. Long pants: 15. $20.50 5. Length: 16. Things: 6. Medium: 17. To wear: 7. Sales clerk: 18. Red color: 8. Clothes: 19. To give change: 9. Suitable: 20. Need not to: 10. Try a bit:

32 III. Write a dialogue based on the given scenario
You are a in a clothes store shopping for a shorts. Following are the factors you need to mention in the 1. Yellow color 2. Medium size 3. Inexpensive 4. Try it on 5. If it is suitable you will buy it 6. It’s $6.98 each 7. $12.50 for two 8. you buy two.

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