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10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) 一万个原因 (来頌讚上帝)

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Presentation on theme: "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) 一万个原因 (来頌讚上帝)"— Presentation transcript:

1 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) 一万个原因 (来頌讚上帝)

2 Bless the Lord, O my soul 噢,我的灵魂,要颂讚上帝 O my soul ,Worship His holy name 噢,我的灵魂,敬拜祂的圣名 Sing like never before,O my soul 好像前所未有般唱歌,噢,我的灵魂 I'll worship Your holy name 我要颂讚祢的圣名 Chorus

3 The sun comes up, 太阳出来 it's a new day dawning 这是新一日的白昼 It's time to sing Your song again 是时间再颂唱你的圣名

4 Whatever may pass, 无论甚麽会经过 and whatever lies before me 或是等待着我 Let me be singing 当晚上来临 when the evening comes 我要歌唱 Verse1-2

5 Bless the Lord, O my soul 噢,我的灵魂,要颂讚上帝 O my soul ,Worship His holy name 噢,我的灵魂,敬拜祂的圣名 Sing like never before,O my soul 好像前所未有般唱歌,噢,我的灵魂 I'll worship Your holy name 我要颂讚祢的圣名 Chorus repeat 1

6 You're rich in love, 你有丰富的爱 and You're slow to anger 你慢慢的发怒 Your name is great 你名字伟大 and Your heart is kind 你是仁慈的 Verse2-1

7 For all Your goodness, 为着你所有的恩慈 I will keep on singing 我一直歌唱 Ten thousand reasons 我的心要找寻 for my heart to find 一万个原因 Verse2-2

8 Bless the Lord, O my soul 噢,我的灵魂,要颂讚上帝 O my soul ,Worship His holy name 噢,我的灵魂,敬拜祂的圣名 Sing like never before,O my soul 好像前所未有般唱歌,噢,我的灵魂 I'll worship Your holy name 我要颂讚祢的圣名 Chorus repeat 2

9 And on that day 那天当我的 when my strength is failing 力量衰弱 The end draws near 结尾快要来到 and my time has come 生命快要终结 Verse3-1

10 Still my soul will sing 我的灵魂仍要 Your praise unending 歌唱没停 Ten thousand years 一万年 and then forevermore 及直到永远 Verse3-2

11 Bless the Lord, O my soul 噢,我的灵魂,要颂讚上帝 O my soul ,Worship His holy name 噢,我的灵魂,敬拜祂的圣名 Sing like never before,O my soul 好像前所未有般唱歌,噢,我的灵魂 I'll worship Your holy name 我要颂讚祢的圣名 Chorus end 1-1

12 Jesus, I‘ll worship Your holy name 主耶稣,我要敬拜你的圣名 Lord, I’ll worship Your holy name 上帝,我要敬拜你的圣名
Chorus end 1-2

13 Sing like never before, O my soul 好像前所未有般唱歌,我的灵魂 I'll worship Your holy name 我要敬拜你的圣名 Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name 主耶稣,我要敬拜你的圣名 I'll worship Your holy name 我要敬拜你的圣名 Chorus end 1-3

14 Bless the Lord, O my soul 噢,我的灵魂,要颂讚上帝 O my soul ,Worship His holy name 噢,我的灵魂,敬拜祂的圣名 Sing like never before,O my soul 好像前所未有般唱歌,噢,我的灵魂 I'll worship Your holy name 我要颂讚祢的圣名 Chorus end 2-1

15 Jesus, I‘ll worship Your holy name 主耶稣,我要敬拜你的圣名 Lord, I’ll worship Your holy name 上帝,我要敬拜你的圣名
Chorus end 2-2

16 Sing like never before, O my soul 好像前所未有般唱歌,我的灵魂 I'll worship Your holy name 我要敬拜你的圣名 Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name 主耶稣,我要敬拜你的圣名 I'll worship Your holy name 我要敬拜你的圣名 Chorus end 2-3

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