Describe a student’s routine life Write a simple diary entry

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1 Describe a student’s routine life Write a simple diary entry
Diary I Objectives By the end of this chapter, SWBAT Describe a student’s routine life Write a simple diary entry

2 Connection Check Sound with Symbol
piān lèi chuáng zăo shì yīn biān jiào zăo diàn xīn năo 宿 men shàng cān tīng jīng wăng er shè zhèng zài gào zhī qián nán dào

3 Connection Check Write pinyin under each character

4 Connection Check Write the character above each pinyin
chuáng lèi zăo biān yīn xīn diàn jiào shì năo wăng cān zăo tīng jīng shè zhī dào qián gào

5 Diary - I Write in Chinese: To arrive: Computer: When arrive:
cafeteria: Diary: Already: Tired: Know: Bed: Go online: To get up: Dormitory: Lunch: There: Breakfast: To tell: To bathe/shower: Before: Simultaneously: To be doing…: New: After: Classroom: MW for essays: Pronunciation:

6 Study Chinese II Vocabulary
MW for essay: Cafeteria: Diary: Lunch: Tired: Surfing online: Get up from bed: Dormitory: Bath/shower: There: Breakfast: Where: Simultaneously: In the middle of: Classroom: Before: Pronunciation: Tell: New: Already: New year: Know: Computer: After: Noon: Arrive: 餐廳 午飯 日記 上網 起床 宿舍 洗澡 那兒 早飯 哪兒 一邊 正在 教室 以前 發音 告訴 已經 新年 知道 電腦 以後 中午

7 Do Now Diary - I Diary: Noon: One entry of chapter context: Cafeteria:
Write in Chinese: Diary: Noon: One entry of chapter context: Cafeteria: Lunch: Tired: To go online: Bed: Dormitory: To get up from bed: There: Bathe/shower: To be doing; Simultaneously: Before: Breakfast: To tell: Classroom: Already: Pronunciation: To know: New year: After: Computer: To chat:

8 一邊 日記 上網 電腦 床 新 累 發音 正在 起床 教室 宿舍 洗澡 餐廳 一篇日記 Reading Exercise
Click and match Diary - I 一邊 日記 上網 電腦 發音 正在 起床 教室 一篇日記 宿舍 洗澡 餐廳

9 bed Diary Tired xīn New Fā yīn Rì jì Xĭ zaŏ lèi Yì biān Jiào shì
Listening Exercise Diary - I One entry of the diary Diary Rì jì Yì piān rì jì bed chuáng Qĭ chuáng Get up from bed Xĭ zaŏ Take a bath Tired lèi Yì biān New xīn Simultaneously Jiào shì Computer Diàn năo Dormitory Sù shè Classroom Zhèng zài Serf internet Cafeteria Cān tīng In the middle of Pronunciation Fā yīn Shàng wăng

10 xīn Fā yīn Rì jì Xĭ zaŏ lèi Sù shè Yì biān Jiào shì Cān tīng Zhèng zài
Speaking Exercise Diary - I Click the picture for answers Rì jì Xĭ zaŏ Yì piān rì jì chuáng Qĭ chuáng lèi xīn Yì biān Jiào shì Diàn năo Sù shè Shàng wăng Fā yīn Cān tīng Zhèng zài

11 日記 rì jì diary 寫日記. 我的日記. EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 這是誰的電話\ 不要看我的日記. 這是誰的日記?

12 篇 piān 一篇日記 一篇課文. 念一篇課文. MW for diary/article/essay 寫兩篇日記
One entry of diary 寫兩篇日記 一篇課文. 念一篇課文.

13 Reading Exercise Diary - I 日記 起床 一篇日記 洗澡 教室 一邊 電腦 宿舍 餐廳 正在 發音 上網

14 lèi tired 很累/真累. 我今天很累 我沒有時間看書 因為我今天很忙,所以很累. 我寫功課寫得很累.

15 起床 qĭ chuáng chuáng bed To get up 你這麼晚起床! 我今天七點起床. 我今天七點就起床了.

16 洗澡 xĭ zăo To bathe shower 你今天有沒有洗澡? 你洗澡了沒有? EX. 這是誰的電話\ 你昨天幾點洗澡?

17 一邊 yì biān 我一邊唱歌一邊跳舞. 我一邊寫功課一邊吃飯. 一邊喝水一邊吃飯. 不要一邊說話一邊吃飯.
Simultaneously/doing 2 things at the same time 我一邊唱歌一邊跳舞. 我一邊寫功課一邊吃飯. EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 一邊喝水一邊吃飯. 不要一邊說話一邊吃飯.

18 教室 jiào shì classroom 這是我的教室. 你的教室在哪裏? EX. 這是誰的電話\ 大家到教室去上課.

19 發音 fā yīn pronunciation 這個字怎麼發音? 這個字的發音是什麼? 我沒有時間看書 這個字不容易發音.

20 xīn new 新年/新課文/新書 這是我的新書. 我沒有時間看書 他是我的新學生/老師.

21 電腦 Diàn năo computer 今天我們有電腦課. 電腦課很有意思. 我沒有時間看書 這是我的新電腦. 第二節是電腦課.

22 餐廳 cān tīng 學校餐廳在哪裏? 我在學校餐廳吃中飯. 我們中午在學校餐廳見. 你家餐廳很漂亮.
Cafeteria/dinning room 學校餐廳在哪裏? 我在學校餐廳吃中飯. 我沒有時間看書 我們中午在學校餐廳見. 你家餐廳很漂亮.

23 上網 Shàng wăng 我的朋友幫我上網. 我喜歡和朋友上網聊天. 昨天晚上我上網上得很晚. 我常常上網聊天.
To go online/to surf the internet 我的朋友幫我上網. 我喜歡和朋友上網聊天. 我沒有時間看書 昨天晚上我上網上得很晚. 我常常上網聊天.

24 宿舍 Sù shè Dormitory 我的宿舍. 我的學校宿舍. 我沒有時間看書 我的學校宿舍很漂亮. 我週末才回宿舍.

25 那兒 nà er there 我的家在那兒. 那兒是我的家. 我沒有時間看書 不要去那兒. 不要到那兒去.

26 正在 zhèng zài To be doing…. 我正在洗澡. 他正在做功課. 我沒有時間看書 學校正在考試. 他正在打電話.

27 以前 yĭ qián before 睡覺以前別吃飯. 考試以前別看電視. 我沒有時間看書 睡覺以前得洗澡. 我平常十點以前睡覺

28 告訴 gào sù To tell 他告訴我明天要考試. 他告訴我今天不上課. 我沒有時間看書 不要告訴老師. 請告訴我你家怎麼去.

29 已經 yĭ jīng already 我已經回家了. 我已經懂了. 我沒有時間看書 他已經聽錄音了. 我們已經開始上課了.

30 知道 zhī dào To know 你知道不知道? 我已經知道了. 我沒有時間看書 你知道老師去哪裏嗎? 你知道怎麼去她家嗎?

31 Word Search Identify the words
1 一篇課文 日記 已經 知道 2 教室 洗澡 發音 告訴 3 電腦 餐廳 午飯 上網 一邊 4 中午 早飯 宿舍 那兒/那裏 以前 5 正在 起床 以後

32 Word Search Identify the words
1 一篇課文 日記 已經 知道 2 教室 洗澡 發音 告訴 3 電腦 餐廳 午飯 上網 一邊 4 中午 早飯 宿舍 那兒/那裏 以前 5 正在 起床 以後 One entry of chapter context Diary Bed Already To know Classroom Bathe Pronunciation Tell New Computer Restaurant Lunch Go online simultaneously Noon Breakfast Dormitory Where Before In the middle of Get up from bed Tired After Arrival

33 Read and translate Who is faster
1 2 3 4 5 一篇 課文 日記 已經 知道 教室 洗澡 發音 告訴 電腦 一邊 餐廳 午飯 上網 那兒/ 那裏 中午 早飯 宿舍 以前 正在 起床 以後

34 Diary – I 什麼時候?/ …的時候 EX. 我到place的時候他正在做功課. 你什麼時候到他家? When I arrive her house, she is watching TV. When did you arrive her house? When I arrive school, he is having a class. When did you arrive her school? When I arrive the library, teacher Lin has already returned home. When did you arrive the library? When I am in the office, students are taking the test. When are you in the office. When I am playing ball, she is playing computer. When are you going to play ball?

35 Diary – I Exercise 以後 &以前
以後: 我回家以後做功課. Go home  HW 我吃晚飯以後看電視. Dinner  TV 我寫功課以後上網. HW -> On-Line 我洗澡以後打電腦. Shower -> Computer 我看電視以後做功課. TV -> HW 以前 我回家以前做功課. HW -> Go home 我吃晚飯以前看電視. TV -> Dinner 我寫功課以前上網. On-line ->HW 我洗澡以前打電腦. Computer -> Shower 我看電視以前做功課. HW -> TV

36 Diary – I Exercise 以後 &以前
以後: After I get up I shower. 我起床以後洗澡. After I eat breakfast I go to school. 我吃早飯以後去學校. After I return home I do homework 我回家以後做功課. After I eat dinner I watch TV. 我吃晚飯以後看電視. 以前 Before I sleep I make phone call. 我睡覺以前打電話. Before I write homework I go online. 我寫功課以前上網. Before I shower I play computer. 我洗澡以前打電腦. Before I watch TV I do homework. 我看電視以前做功課.

37 Diary 8- I V. +了…就+V.…then right away
吃了午飯以後就 ? 學了中文以後就 跟朋友打了球以後就 吃晚飯以前 學中文以前 跟朋友打球以前 做什麼? 上網. 做什麼? 去圖書館. 做什麼? 洗澡. 洗澡. 做什麼? 上網. 做什麼? 去圖書館. 做什麼?

38 Diary 8- I V. +了…就+V.…then right away
Once the first action completed the 2nd action occurred right away. For example: 我洗了澡就去睡覺. Translate the following sentences use 了… 就: She bathed, then right away went to bed. She ate meal, then right away went to class. After I made the phone call, then right away went to do homework. After I took the test, then right away told teacher. After I practiced speaking Chinese, then right away went to eat. After I went online, then right away went to the library. After I listened the recording, then right away went to her dormitory. After I wrote diary, then right away went to shower. After I got up the bed, then right away felt tired. After I watched TV, then right away went to sleep.

39 Diary 8- I 到 +Pl. + 去 + V. VS. 去 + Pl. + V.
到…去: Redo the following sentences using “去”. 我到學校圖書館去上網. 我們到餐廳去吃午飯. 我和同學到老師家去做功課. 你為什麼到王朋家 去睡覺? 週末我得到學校去考試. Redo the following sentences using “到…去”. 李友去學校上課了. 我們去王朋家打電話. 我去她的宿舍打電腦. 我們去208教室上課. 你為什麼去白同學家洗澡? 我 學校 打球 我去學校圖書館上網

40 Diary 8- I 已 經...了 /..have already…
For example: 我已經洗澡了. I have already taken a shower. Translate the following sentences use 已經… 了: She said she has already known. She tells me she has already eaten dinner. Teacher tells me students have already gone home. Chapter eight’s vocabulary has already (been) tested. Chapter seven’s grammar I have already understood. I know she has already told him. I don’t know she has already gone home. I don’t know the movie has already started. Teacher says we have already started class. Younger brother has already gotten up from bed, gone to school.

41 Quiz Diary Write in Chinese: MW for essays Computer: Diary: Know:
Tired: Go online: Bed: There: Dormitory: To tell: Already: Before: To get up: Pronunciation: Noon: Simultaneously: Lunch: To be doing…: Breakfast: cafeteria: To bathe/shower: After : New: To arrive: Classroom:

42 Diary – I Make up sentences
Make up a sentences using each one of the given words: 篇: 日記: 累: 起床: 洗澡: 一邊: 發音: 新: 上網: 宿舍: 以前: 正在: 告訴: 已經: 知道:

43 Diary I Expending Exercises
Write in Chinese: To bathe/shower: Go to shower right away: Right after I ate breakfast, I went to shower. To eat lunch Go to cafeteria to eat lunch Go together to cafeteria to eat lunch Go together with classmates to cafeteria to eat lunch. Right after I showered, I went together with classmates to cafeteria to eat lunch. I went online and were writing diary the same time. When the time I arrive, she is watching TV and studying (reading book) the same time. I am having a test now. Mother is making a phone call.

44 Diary – I Review structures: 到…去(去…)/ 已經…了/ …了…就/ …的時候/什麼時候
I have already written homework. I’ve already understood. I go to school library to play computer. (or去….) I go to office to ask teacher questions. (or去….) She showers before she goes to sleep. She eats lunch before she does homework. After I play ball, right away I take shower. After I eat dinner, right away I go to school. When did you eat breakfast? When I arrive dormitory, she is surfing internet.

45 Diary – I Read the chapter context and give all the activities in a right order (12)
起床 洗澡 吃早飯 ~ 聽錄音 九點上中文課 電腦課 吃午飯 ~ 說中文 去圖書館上網 打球 吃晚飯 去白英愛宿舍聊天 回家 高文中打電話給我 睡覺 作夢Dreaming

46 Diary – I 1. Ask your partner about what he/she does routinely
6:30am 起床 7:00am 吃早飯 7:30am 到學校… ……上課 Write done the questions you might ask him/her. ……吃午飯 2:30pm 下課 2. Record your interview results. ……做功課 ……打電腦/上網 ……洗澡 Write the answer for each question you wrote.(10) ……睡覺 4. Write a diary includes 12 things you do everyday in different time. Use items listed in 3. as references. 3. Report to the class. Draw a schedule chart will help you to complete the task. EX.

47 II. Translate the following into Chinese:5@
TEST Diary I I. Write in Chinese: Very tired: Computer: To know: Shower: Cafeteria: New bed: Classroom: To go online: Pronunciation: Dormitory: II. Translate the following into I am playing computer. Right after I took shower, I went o to sleep. I have written 2 diaries. When I get up, (I) feel very tired. I arrived classroom at 7:30 to take a lesson. The first class is computer. I went online before doing homework. I went to my classmate’s dormitory after I ate dinner. I am writing diary and listening the pronunciation the same time. I have already told Chinese teacher. Continue on the back

48 Wrap up TEST I. List out at least 12 things you do a day in an order, and II. Write a diary based on the list Write a diary using the diary format about what you do in a particular day. You should indicate at least 12 things you do. You can make up the date and time, and list out the things you do in order. “Before” , “After”, and 一邊/ 到…去/ …去…/…了…就/ have to be mentioned at least once in your diary.

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