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Floral Formulas & Floral Diagrams

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1 Floral Formulas & Floral Diagrams
花式及花式圖 Floral Formulas & Floral Diagrams



4 花式 floral formula 以英文的簡寫符號及數字,將花的結構自外圍向內寫成類似分子式的表示法

5 Key to Floral Formulas Ca (K) =花萼calyx: or whorl of sepals
Co (C) =花冠 corolla; or whorl of petals CaCo (P) =花被 perianth; if sepals and petals are alike termed 'tepals'. A (S) =雄花器 Androecium; or whorl of stamens. G =雌花器 Gynoecium; or ovary bearing carpels.

6 Symbols for the parts of a flower:
K = calyx C = corolla A = androecium (* = a staminode, sterile stamen) G = gynoecium a straight line below the G indicates a superior ovary, a straight line above the G indicates an inferior ovary, -G- indicates half inferior & are used to designate male and female flowers _

7 Tradescantia 鴨跖草 水竹草


9 superior ovary half inferior inferior ovary -G- G G

10 Penstemon 鐘鈴花

11 Oenothera 月見草  柳葉菜科

12 Liriodendron 鵝掌楸屬

13 Crassula 肉葉草屬

14 Geranium 天竺葵

15 Asarum 細辛屬

16 Citrullus 西瓜屬

17 Lamium 寶蓋草

18 Oenothera 月見草

19 花式圖 floral diagram ○ 以圖形符號將花的構造依相關位置排列於一平面圖形 Ca3 Co3 A5 G 3
Pistil Stamen Petal Sepal Ca3 Co3 A5 G 3 K3 C3 A5 G(3)

20 Tulipa gesneriana (tulip)
Ca3 Co3 A3+3 G(3) P3+3 A3+3 G(3)

21 Papaver (Papaveraceae) 罌粟屬

22 Silene (Caryophyllaceae) 蠅子草屬

23 Oenothera月見草 (Onagraceae)

24 續隨子

25 Euphorbia lathyris (Euphorbiaceae) 續隨子 大戟屬(大戟科)

26 Poaceae 禾本科 (formerly Graminae)

27 Lilium (Liliaceae)

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