Go, Tell in On the Mountain

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1 Go, Tell in On the Mountain
到山嶺上去傳揚 Go, Tell in On the Mountain

2 當牧羊人在夜間,看守安靜群羊 忽見照耀滿天空,神聖明亮大光
While shepherds kept their watching Over silent flocks by night, Behold throughout the heavens, There shone a holy light: 1/3

3 到山嶺上去傳揚,越過山崗到各地方, 到山嶺上去傳揚,傳耶穌基督降生。 Go, Tell It On The Mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere; Go, Tell It On The Mountain That Jesus Christ is born.

4 眾牧人驚慌害怕,因見大地之上 眾天使天軍高唱,慶賀救主降生
The shepherds feared and trembled When lo! above the earth Rang out the angel chorus That hailed our Saviour's birth: 2/3

5 到山嶺上去傳揚,越過山崗到各地方, 到山嶺上去傳揚,傳耶穌基督降生。 Go, Tell It On The Mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere; Go, Tell It On The Mountain That Jesus Christ is born.

6 在那卑微馬槽裡,謙卑之主降生 在快樂聖誕早上,真神賜下救恩Down in a lowly manger Our humble Christ was born And God send us salvation, That blessed Christmas morn: 3/3

7 到山嶺上去傳揚,越過山崗到各地方, 到山嶺上去傳揚,傳耶穌基督降生。 Go, Tell It On The Mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere; Go, Tell It On The Mountain That Jesus Christ is born.

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