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Unit 8 Sports.

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1 Unit 8 Sports

2 Warming up Please talk about the Olympic Games with your deskmates and finish the quiz on your books.

3 Listening Report 1 What sport were they playing? Basketball Who won?
The Los Angeles Lakers won against/beat/defeated the Miami Heat. What was the result? The lakers scored 20 points in the last quarter, beating the Heat 101—96.

4 Report 2 What sport were they playing ? Soccer/Football What was the result? Manchester United tied Leeds 2—2.

5 Report 3 What sport were they playing? Table tennis Who won? China won against/beat/defeated Russia. What was the result? The Chinese team won the first two singles matches 3-1 and 3-0, while the Russians won the doubles match. The win in the last singled match gave them a final win of 3-1.

6 Speaking Use some useful expressions to practice your spoken English

7 Reading Language points:
1. “every+基数词+时间/距离单位” 表示“每多少时间/距离”。注意:在汉语中,“每四年=每隔三年”=every four years=every fourth day Eg. every five days=every fifth day=每五天=每隔四天, every three hours=every third hour=每三天=每隔两天 另外,特别的是“每隔一天”的表达方式有:every second day, every two days, every other day.

8 2. each 和 every的用法和区别 1) each着重于个别,有“各自”的含义,并不强调整体概念;every着重于全面而不是个别的每个,有“整体”的含义,指的是一个整体中的每一个组成部分或单位。

9 Eg. Each of them has a different view of the problem.(强调“各自”) Every one of them has the same view of the problem.(侧重“整体,无例外”)

10 2) each 一般只用来指可数的人或物中的一个,而every可以用来泛指一般的人或物。
Eg. I know each member of the club.(强调团体中的每一个) As every body knows, he is a good man. 3) Every不可用于指两者中的一个,each可以。

11 3. “in which young men competed”在句中作为定语从句修饰games,介词“in”可以放到competed后面。
4. Do one’s best=try one’s best 尽全力 5. Track and field 田径 6. In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking third of all the competing countries.动词-ing形式短语作伴随状语

12 相当于“In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals and ranked the third of all the competing countries”.

13 7. History-making 创历史性的

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