Our Father’s Priority as Our Priority

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1 Our Father’s Priority as Our Priority
以天父為優先 Our Father’s Priority as Our Priority Joshua約書亞記 24:14-15


3 父親的角色 The Role of Father

4 舊約歷史書的父子關係 Father-&-Son Relationship in OT Historical Books
基甸和亞比米勒 Gideon & Abimelek (Judges師士記8-9章) 以利和他的兒子 Eli & his sons(1Samual 撒母耳記上2章) 撒母耳和他的兒子 Samuel & his sons (1Samuel撒母耳記上8章) 掃羅和約拿單 Saul & Jonathan(1Samuel 撒母耳記上) 大衛和他的兒子 David and Absalom (2Samuel撒母耳記下13-18章)

5 尹谷恩長老全家

6 約書亞的三個提醒 Three Reminders from Joshua
我們要敬畏耶和華 Fear God


8 約書亞的三個提醒 Three Reminders from Joshua
我們可以選擇 Freedom of Choice 我們要全家事奉 Serve as a Family 我們要敬畏耶和華 Fear God

9 仅此一生 One Life Only 词曲:许南盛.陈志群

10 你对什么感兴趣? 你的热情在那里? 日子要怎么过, 才算对得起自己?
What holds your interest? Where is your passion? How should you spend your life that you won’t look back with regret?

11 Thinking of the next half of your life
快50了, 想做的几乎都已经做过, 想着下半辈子, 人生要在那里继续坚持? Almost fifty, Been there, done that, Thinking of the next half of your life How would you go on?

12 你对什么会流泪? 你的心还想不想飞? 青春仿佛走远, 有些歌依旧叫人心碎
What would make you cry? Does your heart still want to fly? Youth seems far away though still There are songs that will break your heart

13 往日情怀, 相约午后一起喝咖啡 谈着过去现在, 未来是一种怎样的期待?
With some sentiment, gathering in the afternoon over a cup of coffee Talking about the past and present What is there to look forward to in the future?

14 仅此一生,要怎么过? 为谁奔波,为什么而活? 生命无法倒带 却可以重新再来
One life only, how would you live? Who do you work for, what do you live for? There is no turning back But you can do it all over again

15 仅此一生,要怎么过? 为谁奔波,为什么而活? 生命不堪一击,却因此坚韧无比 生命影响生命,把握永远的生命
One life only, how would you live? Who do you work for, what do you live for? Life is for an instant and therefore persevering Live an influential life, take hold of the everlasting

16 仅此一生,要怎么过? 为谁奔波,为什么而活? 生命无法倒带 却可以重新再来
One life only, how would you live? Who do you work for, what do you live for? There is no turning back But you can do it all over again

17 仅此一生,要怎么过? 为谁奔波,为什么而活? 生命不堪一击,却因此坚韧无比 生命影响生命,把握永远的生命
One life only, how would you live? Who do you work for, what do you live for? Life is for an instant and therefore persevering Live an influential life, take hold of the everlasting

18 What holds your interest? Does your heart still want to fly?
你对什么感兴趣? 你的热情在那里? 你对什么会流泪? 你的心还想不想飞? What holds your interest? Where is your passion? What would make you cry? Does your heart still want to fly?

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