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電子郵件如何兼俱安全, 行動與科技的功能 台灣微軟 技術經理 Tom Charng.

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Presentation on theme: "電子郵件如何兼俱安全, 行動與科技的功能 台灣微軟 技術經理 Tom Charng."— Presentation transcript:

1 電子郵件如何兼俱安全, 行動與科技的功能 台灣微軟 技術經理 Tom Charng

2 電子郵件如何兼俱安全, 行動與科技的功能 Outlook 與Outlook Express之比較 手機與郵件系統完美結合
電子郵件如何兼俱安全, 行動與科技的功能 Outlook 與Outlook Express之比較 手機與郵件系統完美結合 -- 快速設定與聰明使用 Smart Phone的應用介紹

3 Outlook Express 與 MicroSoft Outlook
Outlook Express是屬於Windows XP作業系統所附贈的軟體,功能比較簡單。 MicroSoft Outlook是屬於Office軟體內建軟體的版本,它的功能比Outlook Express多,而且也比較強,比較適合辦公室的人使用這套軟體。

4 Outlook Express 與 Microsoft Outlook
功能 Outlook Express Microsoft Outlook 收發電子郵件 個人通訊錄 行事曆 工作管理 郵件規則 簡單 完整 安全性要求* 註:安全性要求是指MS Outlook會限制一些不安全的行為,如傳送.exe的附檔。

5 Version/Feature Matrix
Exchange 2003 (SP2) Exchange 2007 (SP1) Exchange 2010 (RTM) Outlook 2007 Outlook Anywhere RMS Managed Folders Sender ID Anti-Spam AutoDiscover Settings Cached mode Reduced Network traffic (50-70%) Server Search Search Folders Resource Booking Attendant Schedulable OOF Internal/External OOF Voic Scheduling Assistant Share Calendar Information Calendar Attendant Exchange 2003 (SP2) Exchange 2007 (SP1) Exchange 2010 (RTM) Outlook 2003 Outlook Anywhere RMS Cached mode Reduced Network traffic (50-70%) Search Folders Productivity Performance Security and Control Color Key

6 微軟智慧型電子郵件解決方案 提供一個讓您一次就可以讀取屬於您所有訊息的地方. 電子郵件 群組行事曆 連絡人 組織通訊錄 記事 待辦事項
語音信箱 手機簡訊 RSS 即時訊息 線上信箱封存 Talking Points: A universal inbox means all of your means of communication come into one place. This makes it easy to see all the ways people have communicated with you at once as well as gives you one place where you can go to find the information you want. Whether it’s responding to a message you just received, or looking up a customer response you sent nine months ago; a universal inbox means one place to go to find what you want and to receive what you need. Slide Takeaways: Exchange Server 2010 helps unify your communications by placing many of your critical messages in one inbox for easy consumption, production and retention. 提供一個讓您一次就可以讀取屬於您所有訊息的地方.

7 工欲善其事必先利其器 電話 (企業訊息中心) 瀏覽器 PC & MAC 11/27/2018 7:52 AM Talking points:
Outlook: Outlook Web App: Outlook Mobile: Slide Takeaways: 瀏覽器 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

8 支援更多行動裝置 Apple Situation:
Mobile devices are a heterogeneous group these days. IT Admins need to know which ones they will support. Talking Points: Licensees get access to Microsoft’s Exchange ActiveSync Patents and protocol specifications. Many of the worlds most used smartphones come with (or have available) Exchange ActiveSync clients that give native connectivity to Microsoft’s Exchange Servers. Not only those listed but: Apple, Big Bang Systems, DataViz, HTC, NitroDesk, Nokia, Notify Corp., Palm, Remoba, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Symbian, Virgin Mobile, and others are planned. No matter what device users choose, there is almost always an Exchange ActiveSync solution available, either out of the box (in many cases) or from a 3rd party ISV. Slide Objective: Allow people to realize that choosing exchange for mobility give them large amounts of freedom in choosing which devices they support.

9 Outlook 2010 效能更好更快 Outlook 效能更好更快 可以使用大的儲存設備 啟動至少快提升25% 下載新郵件速度提升30%
讀信,文件,法規 - 減少工作流程中的停頓34% 關機時間少於 10秒在96%的Beta 2使用客戶. 可以使用大的儲存設備 提升最大檔案大小2.5倍(20GB到50GB的) 大大提高處理 multi-gigabyte 信箱和歸檔文件能力 During the development of Outlook 2010, we focused on making everything faster.  We see that falling in to 2 categories: we made Outlook faster, and we made you faster. Let’s break that down.  Making Outlook faster is about making it quick to get the things done you typically do in Outlook.  For instance, we improved startup so that you can get to your Inbox faster.  We improved download time so that you can see new mail right away.  We improved underlying architecture to make common operations quicker such as clicking to read a mail, moving mails to other folders, and switching to those folders.  The mantra during development was to leave the user in control – that is, you’re not waiting on Outlook to perform your next task.  We also wanted to complete the cycle by making shutdown fast as well – Outlook starts up and goes away as fast as you want it to. Additionally, we know that not everyone can keep their room clean.  Not only did we improve the performance of small Inboxes, but for people with large Inboxes and piles of mail everywhere, Outlook 2010 can handle the volumes.  We’ve increased our maximum supported file size by 2.5x and vastly improved the ability for Outlook 2010 to cut through multi-gigabyte mailboxes and archive files. Startup details: cached exchange, cold boot on a 3GB store: 10.3s (O12 SP2)7.6s (O14). Warm boots, obviously, are faster than this raw timing and are also improved over SP2. Sync details: 18.6mins (O12 SP2)  12.7mins (O14) on a 1GB store. Pauses details: ms pauses (O12 SP2)  ms pauses (O14) for an 11 minute workflow. If comparing 1 second pauses, the count went from 6 (O12 SP2) to 4 (O14). Shutdown details: (PerfTrack) takes less than 4 seconds for 78 of Beta 2 customers. takes less than 5 seconds for 83% of Beta 2 customers. 92% of Beta 2 customers shut down in less than 10 seconds. (From SQM): 86% take less than 4 seconds, 96% take less than 10 seconds.

10 OWA Browser Support OWA Premium OWA Lite Microsoft Confidential
Situation: OWA users have traditionally used IE if they wanted to get the OWA premium experience. Talking Points: OWA is now supported on IE, FireFox (PC & Linux) and Safari (Mac only) Only differences are around Active X controls (Inline UM player, S/MIME control) Slide Objective: OWA now supports all three major borwsers. Microsoft Confidential

11 最佳風險控管 在不改變使用者及IT專業人士的經驗下,提供電子郵件保護,保存和收搜尋等功能 防止惡意軟件和垃圾郵件進入到郵件訊息環境
數位資訊版權保護 Hosted Service 線上信箱 封存 郵件保留規則 On-Premises Software Exchange simplifies and automates the process of protecting your organization’s communications and meeting regulatory requirements Situation: Tighter regulatory requirements and growing volumes require greater vigilance to prevent data breaches. Slide Objective: Show how Exchange can help customers better manage risk by complying with security and governance needs Talking Points: Protect, preserve and discover data without changing the user or IT pro experience Exchange Server 2010 adds integrated information protection, control, and compliance tools to help simplify and automate the process of protecting your company’s communications and meeting regulatory requirements. New, integrated archiving capabilities support preserving and discovering data without changing the user or IT Pro experience. For example, users can easily “drag and drop” s from their .PST files into a new Exchange 2010 personal archive, which looks just like another folder. Users can easily access archived in both Outlook 2010 and Outlook Web App, helping you eliminate the proliferation of .PST files on your network. Users can easily read and author IRM-protected messages natively through Outlook Web App without plug-ins or extra steps. Prevent malicious software and spam from entering into the messaging environment Exchange better protects data with automatic encryption at both the network and message levels. Exchange isolates spam with built-in, multi-layered filtering and continuous updates. Exchange leverages advanced APIs to easily integrate leading anti-virus software.

12 郵件生命週期 記錄資料需保留 至少二年、最多五年
依據個資法第30條損害賠償請求權, 自請求權人知有損害及賠償義務人 時起,因二年間不行使而消滅;自 損害發生時起,逾五年者,亦同 依據個資法第29條非公務機關違反 本法規定,侵害當事人權利者,負 損害賠償責任。但能證明其無故意 或過失者,不在此限 版權共有.中華數位. 12 P.12

13 Exchange 2010 個人信箱封存 個人信箱線上封存 個人信箱封存(本地) HUB Transporter Server
Edge Server Mail Box Server 個人信箱線上封存 Client Access Server 個人信箱封存(本地)



16 郵件提示(MailTips) 使用者部份: 系統部份: 早期預警系統 提示不能執行的作為 避免不必要的伺務器負載 避免違反政規定
不在辦公室 (OOF) 外部收件者 回覆自己在郵件副本的信件 (BCC) 郵件仲裁群組 (DL) 限制收件人 提示不能執行的作為 發送大量使用者的通訊群組L發送受限制的通訊群組 郵件大小 郵件信箱已滿 系統部份: 避免不必要的伺務器負載 避免違反政規定 可客製化的郵件提示 Slide Objective: Instructor Notes:

17 整合RMS(Windows Rights Management Services)

18 郵件答錄機 可設定啟始與結束時間 可設定對內部同事與對外部來信不同的回應訊息
Rich HTML Out of Office messages 18

19 電子郵件交談示檢視 See the number of unread messages No paging through e-mails
Expand or collapse conversations and individual messages Conversation view consists of the list view and the reading pane Duplicated information is removed Identify the reply trail and message forks Move an entire conversation See all messages in a conversation in one view Slide Objective: Instructor Notes: Situation (demo slide, can be removed if demo can be done).

20 Attachment Preview Accessing attachments is often a tedious, multi-step process. In previous releases of Outlook, there was no easy way to gain insight into an attachment without opening it. With Attachment Preview, you can view your attachments in one click directly from within the reading pane. This saves you time because you can view attachments in context with the message.

21 Flagging Mail as Tasks Often tasks are contained within , so getting tasks into your task list used to mean manually entering the information. With new mail flagging in Office Outlook 2007, that is no longer the case. With Flagging Mail as Tasks, you can create a task from your in one simple step. Simply right-click to flag your message and designate a date for completion. The item is then added to your To-Do Bar and the due dates are integrated automatically into your calendar.

22 Task Integration on the Calendar
Previously you may have scheduled fake appointments on your calendar to account for the time your tasks would take. Office Outlook 2007 integrates tasks on the calendar in the Daily Task List so that you see them displayed beneath your daily appointments and meetings. To allot time for working on a task, you simply drag the task onto your calendar. When you complete a task on a given day, the task “sticks” to that day, providing a visual record of the work you performed. Tasks you do not complete roll over to the next day and accumulate until you mark them as complete.

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