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Unit 1 Descriptions of Electronics Technology Course

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1 Unit 1 Descriptions of Electronics Technology Course

2 Pre-reading Read the following passage, pay attention to the question.
What courses should a student majoring in the electronics study? What is the main content of AC/DC Circuit Analysis? What is the main content of Analog electronics? What career will a student majoring in the electronic technology follow?

3 1.1 TEXT There can be no doubt that the 1900’s is remembered as electronic century. 译文:毫无疑问二十世纪是电子的世纪。 句中“There can be no doubt that…” 译为“毫无疑问……”

4 1. AC/DC Circuit Analysis
Further topics include AC reactive circuits using both phasors and complex numbers for determining reactance, impedance and power factor. Additional studies involve three-phase power using Delta and Wye configurations.

5 2. Basic Electricity Students will construct circuits using voltmeters, ammeters, power supplies, signal generators, and oscilloscopes. 译文:学生将使用伏特计、电表、电源、信号发生器、示波器去构建电路。

6 3. Basic Electronics It is a beginning course covering the fundamentals of solid-state components found in electronic circuits. 译文:这门课程学习电子电路中的固体元件的基础。 句中“covering the fundamentals of solid-state components found in electronic circuits”做course的后置定语,其中“found in electronic circuit”又做components的后置定语。

7 4. Analog Electronics This module introduces the characteristics of semiconductor devices in a range of linear applications. 译文:这个课程模块介绍了线性放大器范围中的半导体器件的特征。

8 5. Digital Electronics binary, hexadecimal, and BCD number systems

9 6. Microcontroller Systems
This module will make a student to program a simple microcontroller to perform typical industrial tasks. 这个模块(教学)使学生能对一个简单的微处理器进行编程以便完成典型的工业上常用的控制任务 。

10 7. Computer Programming for Engineering Applications
Emphasis is towards the use of programming for Engineering Applications and solving problem. 重点是如何在工程中应用编程技术来解决实际问题。

11 8. Microprocessor Fundamentals
The Electronic technology will enable graduates to follow a career in electrical engineering, power and control engineering, electronics, computer engineering, telecommunications engineering, etc. 译文:电子技术将使毕业生能从事以下的职业:电子工程师、电力能源和控制工程师、电子设备技师、计算机工程师、电信工程师等。 enable sb. to do … 使人能(做)... follow a career in … 从事……方面的职业

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