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Presentation on theme: "75 何等奇妙的救主 WHAT A WONDERFUL SAVIOUR"— Presentation transcript:

基督已經完成贖罪, 何等奇妙的救主! Christ has for sin atonement made; What a wonderful Saviour! 重價已付,我被贖回! We are redeem'd, the price is paid, Stanza 1 of 6 聖徒詩歌

2 What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus,
(副) 何等奇妙的救主, 是耶穌,我耶穌! What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus! 是耶穌,我主! my Lord! Stanza 1 of 6 聖徒詩歌

3 讚美祂血洗罪有效, 何等奇妙的救主! 使我這人與神和好, I praise Him for the cleansing blood;
(二) 讚美祂血洗罪有效, 何等奇妙的救主! I praise Him for the cleansing blood; What a wonderful Saviour! 使我這人與神和好, That reconciled my soul to God, Stanza 2 of 6 聖徒詩歌

4 What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus,
(副) 何等奇妙的救主, 是耶穌,我耶穌! What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus! 是耶穌,我主! my Lord! Stanza 2 of 6 聖徒詩歌

5 祂已洗淨我的罪愆, 何等奇妙的救主! 今在我心作王掌權, He cleanses me from all my sin;
(三) 祂已洗淨我的罪愆, 何等奇妙的救主! He cleanses me from all my sin; What a wonderful Saviour! 今在我心作王掌權, And now He reigns and rules within; Stanza 3 of 6 聖徒詩歌

6 What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus,
(副) 何等奇妙的救主, 是耶穌,我耶穌! What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus! 是耶穌,我主! my Lord! Stanza 3 of 6 聖徒詩歌

7 時時刻刻與我親近, 何等奇妙的救主! 天天保守使我忠心, He walks beside me in the way;
(四) 時時刻刻與我親近, 何等奇妙的救主! He walks beside me in the way; What a wonderful Saviour! 天天保守使我忠心, And keeps me faithful day by day; Stanza 4 of 6 聖徒詩歌

8 What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus,
(副) 何等奇妙的救主, 是耶穌,我耶穌! What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus! 是耶穌,我主! my Lord! Stanza 4 of 6 聖徒詩歌

9 得勝能力隨時賜與, 何等奇妙的救主! 使我爭戰奏凱有餘, He gives me overcoming power;
(五) 得勝能力隨時賜與, 何等奇妙的救主! He gives me overcoming power; What a wonderful Saviour! 使我爭戰奏凱有餘, And triumph in each trying hour; Stanza 5 of 6 聖徒詩歌

10 What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus,
(副) 何等奇妙的救主, 是耶穌,我耶穌! What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus! 是耶穌,我主! my Lord! Stanza 5 of 6 聖徒詩歌

11 我已向祂獻上全身, 何等奇妙的救主! 世界不能再分一份, To Him I've given all my heart;
(六) 我已向祂獻上全身, 何等奇妙的救主! To Him I've given all my heart; What a wonderful Saviour! 世界不能再分一份, The world shall never share a part; Stanza 6 of 6 聖徒詩歌

12 What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus,
(副) 何等奇妙的救主, 是耶穌,我耶穌! What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus! 是耶穌,我主! my Lord! Stanza 6 of 6 聖徒詩歌

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