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Presentation on theme: "AIBA 1-STAR COURSE FOR COACHES 年AIBA 1-星級教練課程"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIBA 1-STAR COURSE FOR COACHES 2017 2017年AIBA 1-星級教練課程

2 Welcome Remarks by Instructor講師致歡迎詞
Capt.(Rtd.) R.K. Indrasena(Rtd.)R.K.Indrasena隊長 3 Star Coaches Instructor AIBA AIBA三星級教練講師 2 Star Referee and Judge AIBA AIBA2星級裁判員與評判員 International Technical Official AIBA AIBA國際技術官員 Former National Coach Sri Lanka前斯里蘭卡國家教練

3 Roll Call點名 Please raise a hand when your name is called and give self introduction about your experience in Boxing. 請在叫到你的大名時舉手,並介紹你自己在拳擊方面的經驗。

4 Course Introduction課程介紹

5 Course Overview課程概述 Course Description課程說明 Instructors講師:
AIBA-Certified instructor AIBA-認證講師 Duration持續時間: 7 days 7天 Timing時程: 9:00-17:45 each day每天9:00-17:45 Number of Participants參與人數: 25 coaches 25位教練

6 Course Overview課程概述 Course purpose課程目的
The purpose of the AIBA 1-Star Course for Coaches is to provide the basic understanding of AIBA Coaching standards, AIBA Rules and regulations for Seconds. AIBA 1星級教練課程的目的,是對AIBA教練標準、AIBA規則和助手 規範提供基本的了解。 The course should aid the participants to develop their coaching skills. The course introduces and develops teaching and training methodology, basic knowledge of boxing techniques, tactics, physical and psychological preparation of the boxer. The course also provides an introduction to the coaching in AIBA Professional Boxing and the importance of a Cutman.本課 程應協助參與者發展他們的指導技巧。課程介紹並開發拳擊手的教學和訓練方 法、拳擊技術、戰術、身體和心理準備的基本知識。本課程還有介紹AIBA專業 拳擊的訓練和傷口處理師的重要性。

7 Course Overview課程概述 Course objectives課程目標
As the result of the course, AIBA 1-Star Coaches should:作為課程的成果, AIBA 1星級教練必須: understand the AIBA Technical and main AOB and WSB Competition Rules;了解AIBA技術和主要AOB和WSB競賽規則; have knowledge of basic physical preparation of boxers, technical and tactical elements;了解拳擊手的基本體能準備、技術和戰術要素; plan, implement and monitor a simple training program;規劃、實施和監 督簡單的訓練規劃; be able to prepare boxer for the competition;能夠為拳擊手準備比賽; assist 3-star Seconds at all AIBA Competitions.協助所有AIBA比賽的三星 助手。

8 Course Overview課程概述 Course contents課程內容
AIBA Technical and Competition Rules AIBA技術與比賽規則 Physical preparation of boxers拳擊手的體能準備 Endurance / Strength / Speed / Coordination耐力/力量/速度/協調 Selected aspects of psychological training精選心理訓練的觀點 Techniques in boxing拳擊技巧 Tactics in boxing拳擊戰術 Simple Training plan development簡單的訓練規劃開發 Competition preparation比賽準備 Corner Work (role of the Seconds)角落工作(助手的任務) Role of the Cutman傷口處理師的任務

9 Examination測驗

10 1-Star must earn 75% or more1星級必須得到75%或更高
Examination測驗 The Examination will consists of three parts測驗包含三個部分 Written Examination書面測驗 Training Plan Development制定訓練規劃 Practical Examination實務測試 The final score is calculated by summarizing all results of the practical and written examinations.最終得分的計算是經由加總實 務和書面測驗的所有結果。 In order to pass the course, the final score must be為了通過課程, 最終得分必須是 1-Star must earn 75% or more1星級必須得到75%或更高 Slide 11

11 Written Examination書面測驗
50 multiple choice questions 50題選擇題 Duration: maximum 3 hours時間:最長3小時 It is forbidden to use any material at the examination在測 驗時禁止使用任何材料 The exception may be given to dictionaries字典可能是例外 No electronic devise is allowed不允許使用電子設備

12 Training Plan Development制定訓練規劃
Each participant should develop 3 training plans as advised by the Instructor: 1 general preparation/training plan (one training unit), 1 technical preparation/training plan (one training unit) and 1 microcycle (1 training week).每名參與者應按照講師的建議而制定3項訓練規劃:1項一般準備/訓練規劃(1個培訓單位)、1項技術準備/訓練規劃(1個培訓單位)和1項微循環(1個培訓週)。 The training plan should be complete and include a short description of every training aspects, based on assigned topics.訓練規劃必須完整,並根據指定主題而包含各培訓方面 的簡要說明。

Daily – Training Plan 每日-訓練規劃 DAILY TRAINING PROGRAM 每日訓練規劃 NAME OF COACH 教練姓名 TRAINING PERIOC 訓練期間 DATE: 日期: TRAINING FOR: 訓練目的 TRAINING PARTS 訓練部分 EXERCISE 運動 DURATION (MIN) 時間(分鐘) INTENSITY 強度 COMMENTS 意見 I. Introduction Ι.介紹 II. Main Training Π.主要訓練 III. Conclusion Ⅲ.結論

14 Weekly training plan 每週訓練規劃 NAME OF COACH 教練姓名 DAY 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
DAY 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TIME/HOUR 時間 TRAINING OBJECTIVE 訓練目標 小時

15 Yearly – Training plan 年度訓練規劃 Name of coach 教練姓名 1-YEAR TRAINING PLAN
1年期訓練規劃 MONTH 月份 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 COMMENTS 意見 January 1月 February 2月 March 3月 April 4月 May 5月 June 6月 July 7月 August 8月 September 9月 October 10月 November 11月 December 12月

16 Practical Examination實務測試
Assignment to plan and conduct one training session or element of the training session.分配計劃並進行一期培訓課程或培訓課程 的內容。 The practical examination assignments will be within the topics covered during the course實務測試作業將涵蓋上課期間的主題範 圍。 The coaches should prepare the training plan in writing and conduct the demonstration of the training session during one of the practical sessions. For each practical demonstration each coach should have no more than 15 minutes to perform their practical assignment.教練應制定訓練規劃,並且在其中一堂實務 課程中示範培訓課程。關於分別實地示範,每位教練進行實務作 業不超過15分鐘。

17 % of the Final Score最終得分的比例
Total Score總分 The final score calculation will look as follows最終得分計算如下: Examination測驗 Maximum points最高得分 % of the Final Score最終得分的比例 Written Examination書面測驗 50 points 50分 50% Training Plan Development制定訓練規劃 10 points 10分 10% Practical Examination實務測試 40 points: 4 criteria of maximum 10 points 40分:最高10分的4項標準 40% To certify: 1-Star must earn 75% or more為了證明:1星級必須贏得75%或更高

18 Day 1第1天

19 Course Programme presentation課程規畫介紹

20 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室)/Gym體育館
Course Programme課程規劃 Day 1第1天 09: :30 Course programme presentation課程規劃介紹 Structure of AIBA AIBA組織 AIBA Coaches Management System AIBA教練管理系統 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室) 10:30 – 10:45 Break 休息 10:45 – 12:15 Sports training stages運動訓練階段 Sports training methodology運動訓練方法 Training unit structure and development訓練單位組織與發展 12:15 – 12:45 Feedback session回饋討論會 12:45 – 14:00 14:00-15:30 Practice examination - topics assignment and explanation實務測試-主題作業與說明 Training plan structure - examples (Russia, Cuba, USA, Europe)培訓計畫架構-案例(俄羅斯、古巴、美國、歐洲) 15:30 – 15:45 15:45-17:15 Training plan structure - examples (Russia, Cuba, USA, Europe) 培訓計畫架構-案例(俄羅斯、古巴、美國、歐洲) 17:15 – 17:45 17:45 – 20:00 20:00-21:00 (optional隨意) Facultative classes 彈性課程 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室)/Gym體育館

21 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室)/Gym體育館
Course Programme課程規劃 Day 2第2天 09: :30 AIBA Rules and Regulations: AIBA Technical Rules, AOB and WSB Competition Rules (selected aspects) AIBA規則:AIBA技術規則、AOB和WSB 比賽規則(選定部分) Lecture授課 (Classroom教室) 10:30 – 10:45 Break 休息 10:45 – 12:15 AIBA Rules and Regulations: AIBA Technical Rules, AOB and WSB Competition Rules (selected aspects) ) AIBA規則:AIBA技術規則、AOB和WSB比賽規則(選定部分) 12:15 – 12:45 Feedback session回饋討論會 12:45 – 14:00 14:00-15:30 Role of Cutman: video - 15 worst boxing injuries 傷口處理師的任務:影片-15種最嚴重的拳擊傷害 15:30 – 15:45 15:45-17:15 Role of Cutman - theory and practice傷口處理師的任務-理論與實務 Hand wrapping to WSB events 人工包紮到WSB事件 Hand wrapping -practice training 人工包紮-實務訓練 17:15 – 17:45 17:45 – 20:00 20:00-21:00 (optional隨意) Facultative classes 彈性課程 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室)/Gym體育館

22 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室)/Gym體育館
Course Programme課程規劃 Day 3第3天 09: :30 HeadsUp campaign抬起頭打競賽 Sports nutrition - basics運動營養 - 基礎 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室) 10:30 – 10:45 Break 休息 10:45 – 12:15 General training of beginners boxers初級拳擊手的一般訓練 Video: General training examples: motor abilities development (speed, strength, coordination, endurance)影片:一般訓練實例:運動能力發展(速度、力量、協調、耐力) 12:15 – 12:45 Feedback session回饋討論會 12:45 – 14:00 14:00-15:30 General preparation and training for beginners boxers - methods and forms初學拳擊手的一般準備和訓練 - 方法和形式 Gym體育館 15:30 – 15:45 15:45-17:15 Athlete's general preparation and training - methods and forms運動員的一般準備和訓練 - 方法和形式 17:15 – 17:45 17:45 – 20:00 20:00-21:00 (optional隨意) Facultative classes 彈性課程 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室)/Gym體育館

23 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室)/Gym體育館
Course Programme課程規劃 Day 4第4天 09: :30 Role of coach/second教練/助手的任務 Athlete's psychological preparation運動員的心理準備 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室) 10:30 – 10:45 Break 休息 10:45 – 12:15 Technical preparation and training for beginners boxers初學拳擊手的技術準備和訓練 Video: Technique teaching and improvemen影片:技術教學與改進 12:15 – 12:45 Feedback session回饋討論會 12:45 – 14:00 14:00-15:30 Technical preparation and training for beginners boxers- methods and forms初學拳擊手的技術準備和訓練 - 方法和形式 Gym體育館 15:30 – 15:45 15:45-17:15 17:15 – 17:45 17:45 – 20:00 20:00-21:00 (optional隨意) Facultative classes 彈性課程 Lecture授課 (Classroom教室)/Gym體育館

24 Course Programme課程規劃 Day 5第5天 09:00 - 10:30
Practice examination: Athlete's general preparation and training - training elements presentation實務測試:運動員的一般準備和訓練 - 培訓要素報告 Gym體育館 12:45 – 14:00 Break 休息 14:00-17:45 Practice examination: Athlete's general preparation and training - training elements presentation實務測試:運動員的一般準備和訓練 - 培訓要素報告 17:45 – 21:00

25 Course Programme課程規劃 Day 6第6天 09:00 - 10:30
Practice examination: Athlete's technical preparation and training - training elements presentation實務測試:運動員的技術準備和訓練 - 培訓要素報告 Gym體育館 12:45 – 14:00 Break 休息 14:00-17:45 Practice examination: Athlete's technical preparation and training - training elements presentation實務測試:運動員的技術準備和訓練 - 培訓要素報告 17:45 – 21:00

26 Examination測驗 (Classroom教室)
Course Program課程規劃 Day 7第7天 09: :00 Written Examination書面測驗 Examination測驗 (Classroom教室) 12:00 – 12:15 Break 休息 12:15-14:30 Final Feedback session最終回饋討論會 Classroom教室

27 Structure of AIBA AIBA組織

28 Structure of AIBA AIBA組織

29 AIBA Governance AIBA治理
AIBA is the world governing body of the sport of boxing AIBA是全球拳擊運動的管理機構 AIBA is the only International Federation recognized by the IOC in regard to the worldwide Olympic Movement for the sport of Boxing AIBA是國際奧 委會唯一認證世界奧運拳擊運動的國際聯合會 AIBA has a total of 201 its Member National Federations:AIBA共有201個 會員國家協會: Each National Olympic Committee only recognizes AIBA member NFs 各國奧委會只承認AIBA會員NFs Government will only give the funding to AIBA member NFs政府只對 AIBA會員NFs提供資金 All NFs conduct the competitions following only AIBA Rules所有NFs都 按照AIBA規則進行比賽

30 AIBA Reform and its Status AIBA改革及其現狀
Boxing in Past過去的拳擊 Boxing is a great sports commodity, possibly with a great future. However, its profile and prestige have diminished over the past 30 years拳擊是偉大的運動商品,可能擁有 偉大的未來。 然而,在過去的30年,它的形象和聲望已逐漸式微。 Currently seen and operated as two completely separate Boxing worlds – Amateur and Professional目前看到的,但是以兩個完全獨立的拳擊世界 - 業餘和專業在運作 Without cooperation and unity沒有合作和團結 Two different rules, competition styles兩種不同的規則、比賽風格 No crossover careers for boxers, coaches, officials, etc. No continuity未對拳擊 手、教練、官員等提供跨界職業,無延續性 Increasingly narrow target audience for events (TV and live)越來越少的活動目標觀眾 (電視與直播) Fragmented structure of professional side has led to lack of cohesion among principles, contributing to a lack of structure;專業方面的分裂結構導致缺乏原則之間 的凝聚力、造成缺乏組織; Absence of unified governance has hurt the sport‘s image, reducing sponsorship and network exposure缺乏統一治理,損害了運動形象、減少贊助和網路曝光率

31 AIBA Reform and its Status AIBA改革及其現狀
AIBA Goals for Boxing AIBA的拳擊目標 To enhance and manage Boxing to make it once more one of the best commercial sport products, with a passionate following.提升和管理拳擊,使拳擊再次成為最佳的商 業運動產品之一,找回熱情的追隨者。 To become the reference worldwide Boxing organization:成為全球拳擊組織指標: Establish AIBA as the Governing body that best represents, protects and supervises the sport of Boxing (starting with boxers and the Boxing family)建立 AIBA成為最能夠代表、保護和監督拳擊運動的治理機構(從拳擊手和拳擊家庭 開始) To convert the image of Boxing to being a benefit to the wider community and the social development of its Athletes.將拳擊形象轉化為更廣泛社群的福利和運動員的社會 發展。 To create a Business model that is equitable for all participants, starting with the Boxers.建立對於所有參與者都很公平的商業模式,並從拳擊手先開始。 To create an environment in which the boxers can enjoy Boxing with transparent and fair judging in competitions.建立良好環境,讓拳擊手在比賽中可享有透明公正的判決。 To change the image and reputation of the sport of Boxing.改變拳擊運動的形象和聲 望。

32 AIBA Reform and its Status AIBA改革及其現狀
AIBA Reform AIBA改革 With a new mission in mind, AIBA completed its reforms in 2007 有鑑 於新使命,AIBA在2007年完成了改革 AIBA’s Mission is: To govern the sport of boxing in all its forms worldwide AIBA的使命是:管理世界各地拳擊運動 The following programs have been implemented:已實施以下方案,包 括: Restructuring AIBA Organization重組AIBA組織 Adoption of AIBA Ethics and Disciplinary Codes通過AIBA倫理和紀律守 則 New Rules新規則 New R&Js and Coaches Management System新R&Js和教練管理系統 New AOB Competition Format and Look新AOB大賽方式與樣貌 Launch of World Series of Boxing推出世界系列拳擊 Development of AIBA Boxing World Academy AIBA拳擊世界學院的發 展

33 AIBA Reform and its Status AIBA改革及其現狀
Main Strategy for Reform Success改革成功的主要策略 One sporting continuum from AOB to Pro從AOB到專業的運動 連續體 Integrate the sporting structures:整合運動結構: Develop successful commercial formats開發成功的商業方式 Focus on quality專注於質量 Ensure transparency確保透明度 Harmonize the rules協調規則

34 Clubs and Grass-roots俱樂部與基層
Boxing in the Future of AIBA 未來AIBA的拳擊 AIBA Clubs and Grass-roots俱樂部與基層 Junior少年 (AOB) Elite WSB Pro 成年WSB專業級 Youth青年 (AOB) Elite, Youth, Junior 成年、青年、少年 Grassroots基層 Past過去 Now and Future現在與未來

35 Boxing with AOB and WSB拳擊與AOB和WSB
AIBA B O X E R S 拳擊手 Olympic Games奧運會 World Championships世界盃 WSB National Federations國家協會 Continental Championships洲際盃 National Championships國家盃 Boxers are eligible to stay in AIBA competitions and Olympic Games拳擊手有資格留在AIBA比賽和奧運會 Programs controlled by AIBA由AIBA主辦賽程

36 Global AIBA Structure全球AIBA組織
AOB PRO AIBA Open Boxing AIBA開放拳擊 Pro Boxing專業拳擊 WSB World Series of Boxing世界系列賽 Boxers拳擊手 Clubs俱樂部 Coaches教練 + 12 Million 1200萬 + 1 Million 1百萬 + 1,5 Million 150萬


38 Coaches Qualification Policy教練資格政策
All AIBA Coaches must be members of National Federations所有 AIBA教練都必須是國家協會的成員 AIBA only acknowledges Coaches affiliated with National Federations AIBA只承認隸屬於國家協會的教練 Only AIBA certified Coaches will receive all benefits from the IOC Solidarity fund and be allowed to coach in AIBA and Confederation competitions只有AIBA認證的教練才能接受IOC團結基金的所有福利,並 被允許在AIBA和聯邦比賽進行指導 There are three categories of AIBA Coaches: AIBA 1-star Coach, AIBA 2-star Coach, AIBA 3-star/WSB coach共有三種類別的AIBA教練 :AIBA 1星級教練、AIBA 2星級教練、AIBA 3星級/ WSB教練 The coaches with certifications received before 2013 should do the corresponded level courses in order to confirm the certification於 2013年之前取得認證的教練應參加相應程度的課程,以確認認證資格 AIBA Coaches are also allowed to take positions in National Federations as elected member AIBA教練也被允許在國家協會中擔任 票選成員

39 Coaches Certification Course教練認證課程
In order to become an AIBA Certified Coach, candidates MUST complete the corresponding level of AIBA Certification and successfully pass examination:為了成為AIBA認證教練,考生必須完 成相應程度的AIBA認證,並順利通過測驗: National to AIBA 1-star國家至AIBA 1星級 AIBA 1-star to AIBA 2-star AIBA 1星級至AIBA 2星級 AIBA 2-star to AIBA 3-starAIBA 2星級至AIBA 3星級 Any Coach active in professional boxing shall be allowed to be a Coach and/or Second in AIBA任何職業拳擊的合格教練,均可獲准成為AIBA比賽 的教練和/或助手

40 In-Competition Management比賽中的管理
AOB For AOB AIBA Controlled Competitions, each delegation must have at least one (1) 3-Star certified coach. It is mandatory for each Delegation to have one (1) 3-Star certified Coach along with other level certified coaches to work in the corner as Seconds.關於AOB AIBA 主辦的比賽,個別代表團必須至少有一(1)位3星級認證教練。個別代表團必 須有一(1)位三星級認證教練以及其他級別的認證教練擔任助手在角落工作 。 .


42 Training Stages訓練階段 啟動階段 基本階段 專業階段 高績效階段
藉由多重體能和技術訓練,而讓新進拳擊手接觸各種運動和技術技能 發展和諧的身體結構,並糾正身體姿勢 發展基本的有氧耐力,但不會使初學者感到有壓力的訓練負荷 透過自然的運動來發展速度、協調性、靈活性、平衡和感受 運用一般和特定體能運動而發展工作能力 發展並改善協調性、靈活性和有氧耐力 培養正確的技術執行 提升專注力、決心和動機 發展個人戰術,同時也強調防守 基本階段 改善協調性、速度、耐力 技術發展 戰術技能提升 發展心理能力 制定競爭策略和戰術 專業階段 高績效階段 達成更高的績效水準 提升心理素質 提升拳擊手的拳擊相關知識 42

43 Initiation Stage啟動階段 TRAINING OBJECTIVES訓練目標
Overall, multilateral physical and technical training, by exposing the beginner boxer to various movements and technical skills整體而言, 藉由多重體能和技術訓練,而讓新進拳擊手接觸各種運動和技術技能 Develop a harmonious body structure and correct body posture發展 協調的身體結構,並糾正身體姿勢 Develop basic aerobic endurance without exposing the beginner to stressful training loads發展基本的有氧耐力,但不會使初學者感到有壓 力的訓練負荷 Develop speed, coordination, flexibility, balance and perception through the natural movements透過自然的運動來發展速度、協調性、 靈活性、平衡和感受

44 Initiation Stage啟動階段 IMPLEMENTATION 實踐
Introduction to the basic elements of boxing technique介紹拳擊技術的基本 要素 Implement the exercises of running, jumping, and throwing實施跑步、跳躍 和投擲的練習 Strength training exercises with own bodyweight or partner, not with weight equipment藉由本身或夥伴體重的體力訓練練習,而不使用重量器材 Participate in technical sparring with different punches; emphasis on straight punches參與不同拳擊的技術出拳;強調直拳 Participate in various boxing events; Emphasis on gaining experience, having fun and motivate to win, but do not put stress on winning參與各種 拳擊活動;強調吸收經驗、享受樂趣和贏的動機,但不要強調勝利 Participation in various sports, sport games with simplified rules, such as basketball, football and other team sports參與各種運動、簡化規則的運動 競賽,如:籃球、足球等團隊運動 Various exercises to generate interest of the boxer各種運動引起拳擊手的 興趣

45 Basic Stage基本階段 TRAINING OBJECTIVES訓練目標
Develop working capacities applying general and specific physical exercises運用一般和特定體能運動而發展工作能力 Develop and improve coordination, flexibility, and aerobic endurance發展 並改善協調性、靈活性和有氧耐力 Develop the correct technique execution培養正確的技術執行 Improve concentration, determination, and motivation提升專注力、決心和 動機 Develop individual tactics with emphasis on defenses發展個人戰術,同時 也強調防守

46 Basic Stage基本階段 IMPLEMENTATION 實踐
Fitness Exercises, such as running, skipping and etc.健身運動,如:跑步、 跳躍等 Exercises for coordination and flexibility協調和靈活性的運動 Endurance exercises with all team sports, long-distance running and alternate running and walking in different conditions.耐力訓練以及所有團隊運動、長 跑和交替跑步和不同條件的健行。 Strength exercises to overcome own or partner’s body weight以體力訓練 克服本身或夥伴的體重 Boxing technique learning and improvement of basic technical skills拳擊技 術學習和改善基本技術技能 Participate in some exhibition bouts in accordance with individual capabilities 根據個人能力參與某些友誼賽

47 Specialization Stage專業階段
TRAINING OBJECTIVES訓練目標 Improve motor abilities which are dominant in boxing, such as coordination, speed, endurance改善拳擊優勢的運動能力,如:協調性、 速度、耐力 Technique Development技術發展 Tactical skills improvement戰術技能提升 Developing psychological abilities, such as anticipation, overcome anxiety, decision- making, and etc.發展心理能力,如:預期、克服焦慮、決策等。 Develop competition strategy and tactics制定競爭策略和戰術

48 Specialization Stage專業階段
IMPLEMENTATION實踐 Specific boxing exercises, such as heavy bag punching, sparring, pad work and etc.特殊的拳擊運動,如:重袋拳擊、對練、靶具練習等 Continuation of fitness exercise健身運動的延續 Exercises for coordination and speed協調和速度運動 Exercises for general endurance improvement一般耐力改善運動 Introduction of specific endurance介紹具體的耐力 Strength training with weights包含重量的體力訓練 Participation in different competition against various opponents參與各種對 手的不同競賽 Increase volume and intensity of training workloads without reaching complete fatigue增加訓練負荷量和強度,而不至造成完全疲勞

49 High Performance Stage高績效階段
TRAINING OBJECTIVES訓練目標 Achieve higher level of performance達成更高的性能水準 Improve psychological abilities, such as initiative, self-control, coping with stress in both training and competition提升心理素質,如:主動、自我控制、 應付訓練和比賽的壓力 Improve boxer’s boxing-related knowledge提升拳擊手的拳擊相關知識 Willingness to win想贏的意願

50 High Performance Stage高性能階段
IMPLEMENTATION 實踐 Continuing exercises for motor abilities with emphasis on individual potential and needs持續練習動作能力,包含強調個人潛力和需求 Increase volume and intensity of training增加訓練量和強度 Exercise to improve individual’s physical abilities經由訓練而提升個人的身 體素質 Continuing technical and tactical training持續的技術和戰術訓練 Focus on winning專注於獲勝 Administer adequate recovery提供足夠的恢復


52 Teaching & Training Methods教學&訓練方法
Teaching Methods教學方法: Uninterrupted Method不間斷方法 Demonstration Method示範方法 Explanation Method說明方法 Discussion Method討論方法 with steady intensity具備穩定的強度 Analysis Method分析方法 with changeable intensity具有變化的強度 Visual Method視覺方法 Interrupted Method中斷方法 with repetitions重複 with intervals間隔

53 Demonstration Method示範方法
Teaching Methods教學方法 Demonstration Method示範方法 Demonstrate, step-by-step, using the exact physical procedures if possible. While demonstrating, explain the reason for and the significance of each step. To be effective, plan the demonstration so that coach will be sure to show the steps in the proper sequence and to include all steps. 如若有可能,使用準確的體能程序而逐步證明 。在示範中,說明每個步驟的原因和意義。為了有效性,規劃示範,讓教練能夠確定以正確的順序示範步驟,並包括所有的步驟。 This method is recommended for teaching technique-related skills because it covers all the necessary steps in an effect learning order. The demonstration step gives learners the opportunity to see and hear.建議在教授技術相關技能時使用此方法,因為這涵蓋了效果學習順序中的所有必要步驟。示範步驟提供學習者看到和聽到的機會。 Effective效果 Technique training技術培訓 Physical training體能訓練

54 Explanation Method說明方法
Teaching Methods教學方法 Explanation Method說明方法 Explanation is use of statements to describe facts to clarify the questions or unclear contexts. To be effective using the explanation method in teaching, the coach or instructor must have clear understanding of the facts or subject that is going to be explained.說明是利用陳述敘述事實而釐清問題或不清楚的內容。 如要在教學中有效地使用說明方法,教練或講師對於要解釋的事實或主題必須有明確的了解。 This method is different from the demonstration method. While the demonstration method is good to clarify or help understand physical procedures, explanation helps the learner to understand the subjects.這種方法異於示範方法, 雖然示範方法有助於釐清或了解體能程序,但說明有助於學習者理解主題。 Effective效果 Tactical training戰術訓練 Understanding of training program了解訓練規劃 Understanding of nutrition and weight management了解營養和體重管理

55 Discussion Method討論方法
Teaching Methods教學方法 Discussion Method討論方法 Discussion is an open forum in which coach and instructor express their opinions and facts, as well as learners also expressing their opinions. The discussion method is a natural opportunity for learner and coach to interact and build understanding.討論是開放的論壇,教練和講師可表達自己的意見和事實,以及學習者也表達他們的意見。 討論方法是學習者和教練交互和建立理解的自然機會。 The discussion method can benefit coach and athlete to share a variety of information including attitudes, opinions, insights and talents.討論方法讓教練和運動員從分享各種資訊當中受益,包括:態度、觀點、見解和才能。 Effective效果 Tactical training戰術訓練 Mental training心理訓練 Motivation動機

56 Teaching Methods教學方法 Analysis Method分析方法
The analysis teaching method breaks down a complex topic or information into smaller parts to help the learner with a better understanding of the topic or information. To be effective, the coach must plan and pre-study the topic or information.分析教學方法將複雜的主題或資訊分割成較小的部分,以協助學習者更充分了解主題或資訊。為了產生效果,教練必須規劃並預先研究主題或資訊。 This method is recommended during the review of the boxer’s training, competition performance and the boxer’s development progress.在評估拳擊手訓練、比賽表現和拳擊手發展進度的過程中,建議採用這種方法。 Effective效果 Technique training技術培訓 Physical training體能訓練 Training session review培訓討論會評估 Competition performance review比賽表現評估

57 Teaching Methods教學方法 Visual Method視覺方法
Visual materials are very important tool in teaching. Depending on the different tool, the visual method can teach athletes from physical aspect to mental aspects. The Coach must select the appropriate visual product, in order to increase effectiveness and meet the purpose.視覺材料是教學中非常重要的工具。根據不同的工具,從體能到心理方面均可使用視覺方法教導運動員。教練必須選擇適當的視覺產品,才能增進效益並達成目的。 However, a disadvantage of visual method is the lack of interaction and possibly visual material is too general to focus on specific issues.然而,視覺方法的缺點是缺乏互動,並且可能的視覺材料往往聚焦在特定主題。 Effective效果 Technique training技術訓練 Physical training體能訓練 Tactical training戰術訓練 Mental training心理訓練

58 Training Methods教學方法 Training methods, which are applicable in the training process, are divided into two groups, uninterrupted and interrupted method. Uninterrupted method is training certain exercises without rest period in between sets. 適用訓練過程的訓練方法, 區分為兩組,不間斷和中斷方法。不間斷方法是兩場之間沒有休息期間的某些訓練練習。 Interrupted method is training exercises with rest periods between exercises or sets.中斷方法是在練習或兩場之間有休息的訓練練習。 Terminologies術語 • Sets: group of repetitions組合:重複的集合 • Repetitions: number of exercise重複:練習次數 • Rest period: rest time休息期間:休息時間 • Heart rate: number of heartbeats per certain amount of time心率:特定時間內的心跳數 • Work period: duration of exercise活動期間:運動持續時間

59 Uninterrupted Method不間斷方法
Training Methods訓練方法 Uninterrupted Method不間斷方法 The essential principle of the uninterrupted method is the lack of rest period between exercises. Uninterrupted method can also be divided into two categories; with steady intensity and changeable intensity. Intensity refers to how much work or effort athletes put into the exercises.不間斷方法的基本原則是練習之間沒有休息時間。不間斷方法也可區分為兩類:具備穩定的強度和具有變化的強度。強度是指運動員對練習投入多少勞動或努力。

60 Uninterrupted Method不間斷方法
Training Methods訓練方法 Uninterrupted Method不間斷方法 with Steady Intensity - Conduct an exercise without changing difficulties or intensity (i.e. long distances run on a course with soft surfaces, at steady pace).具備穩定的強度 - 進行訓練而不改變困難度或強度(亦即,以穩定的步伐,在柔軟表面的路線上長跑)。 Training Effects: development of general endurance and strength endurance訓練效果:發展一般耐力和體力耐力 with Varying Intensity - Conduct an exercise with constantly changing difficulties to change intensity (i.e. long distances run on a course with uphill, downhill, soft surfaces and hard surfaces).具有不同的強度 - 進行不斷變化的難度而改變強度的運動(亦即,在上坡、下坡、柔軟表面和硬表面的長距離跑步)。 Training Effects: development of general endurance and strength endurance in advanced degree訓練效果:發展進階程度的一般耐力和體力耐力

61 Interrupted Method – with repetitions中斷方法-重複
Training Methods訓練方法 Interrupted Method – with repetitions中斷方法-重複 The repetition method is a combination of three elements: duration of exercise, number of repetitions or sets of exercise, and rest period. In repetition training method, intensity of exercise shall be maximal, therefore, in order to achieve best outcome, exercise executing techniques should be familiar to the athlete.重複方法是三項要素的組合:運動持續時間、重複次數或運動組合以及休息時間。在重複訓練方法中,應當是最大的運動強度,因此為了達到最佳效果,必須是運動員熟悉的運動技巧。 Rest period in repetition method should be long enough for the athlete to achieve full recovery (close to normal heart rate). The reason that the athlete must achieve full recovery is because he or she will carry on the same exercise again with maximum intensity. Without full recovery, exercise with repetition method cannot be performed properly.重複方法應有足夠長的休息時間,讓運動員完全恢復(接近正常心率)。動員必須全面恢復的原因,是因為他或她將以最大強度重新進行相同的運動。如果沒有完全恢復,就無法適當執行重複方法。 In the repetition method, one set of exercise should be no more than 6 to 8 repetitions and shall be no more than 3 to 4 sets.在重複方法中,一組運動重複不得超過6〜8次,並且不超過3〜4組。 Training Effects: Development of speed, speed endurance, maximum strength and dynamic strength.訓練效果:發展速度、速度耐力、最大強度和動態體力。

62 Interrupted Method – with intervals中斷方法-間隔
Training Methods訓練方法 Interrupted Method – with intervals中斷方法-間隔 For interval method, the coach has to program the training session with carefully considering duration of exercise, intensity of the exercise and rest period. Unlike the repetition method, the athlete will not get enough rest periods to have full recovery. For example, short-distance running with maximum intensity for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds then start another short-distance running with maximum intensity for 30 seconds, next 30 sec rest, start running and etc. On the basis of training objective, the coach should select the proper duration of effort, duration of rest and number of repetitions.關於間隔方法,教練必須仔細考慮運動的持續時間、運動的強度和休息時間來規劃訓練課程。 與重複方法不同,運動員不會有足夠的休息時間可以完全恢復。例如,短跑包含最大強度為30秒、休息30秒,接著開始另一次短跑,最大強度為30秒,接下來休息30秒,開始跑步等。在訓練目標的基礎上, 教練應選擇適當的努力持續時間、休息時間和重複次數。 Training Effects: Development of specific endurance, speed endurance, strength endurance.訓練效果:發展具體的耐力、速度耐力、體力耐力。

63 Training Methods訓練方法 TRAINING METHODS 訓練方法

64 Teaching and training forms教學與訓練方式
T&T forms describe organizational aspect of training activity. T&T說明了組織方面的培訓活動。 We can specify the following training forms:我們可以指定以 下培訓形式: based on the amount of efforts put into different elements to be trained :根據投入待訓練不同要素的努力程度: physical training體能訓練 technical training技術訓練 tactical training戰術訓練 based on motor abilities to be trained:根據待訓練的運動能力: general training一般訓練 directed/oriented training定向/導向訓練 specific training具體訓練 speed training速度訓練 strength training體力訓練 endurance training etc.耐力訓練等

65 Teaching and training forms教學與訓練方式
We can specify the following training forms:我們可以指定以 下培訓形式: based on technique development根據技術發展 training with different arrangement/formation of athletes按照不同安排/組成的運動員 而進行訓練 shadow boxing空氣拳擊 bout elements比賽要素 training with boxing equipment訓練與拳擊設備 task-oriented bout任務導向 trainer pads etc.教練墊等 based on tactical skills development根據戰術技術發展 attacks攻擊 defenses防禦 Initiative skills主動技能 fighting againts taller or shorter opponent與更高或更矮對手的戰鬥 boxer’s strength distribution etc.拳擊手實力分佈等 based on type of training根據培訓類型 individual個人 high-altitude areas like mountains高海拔地區,如山脈 circuit training station training etc.

66 At all times, the coach should be mindful of the boxer’s SAFETY


68 Daily training program每日訓練規劃
The training program is an essential element to the development of athlete.訓練規劃是運動員發展的基本 要素。 The training program can be planned by daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly etc.訓練規劃可按日、週、 月、年等進行規劃。 Coach must monitor the athlete to progress and change the training program accordingly to their development.教練必須監測運動員的進展情況,並根 據他們的發展情況而改變訓練規劃。

69 Daily training program每日訓練規劃
Each training program should include:每項訓 練規劃應包括: Objective of the training session培訓課程的目的 Training method培訓方法 Exercises練習 Workload: Duration of exercises and rest periods between exercises and number of repetitionS負荷量:練習期間和休息時間之間的練 習和重複次數 Organization of the training (location, facilities, equipment) 培訓組織(位置、設施、設備)

70 Daily training program每日訓練規劃
Training programs must be well-organized and planned in advance to maximize the benefit,必 須事先妥善安排和規劃訓練規劃,才能產生最 大效益, Each training session must include proper warm-up and cool-down sessions to avoid injuries and support recovery. 每項培訓課程都 必須包括適當的熱身和緩和時間,以避免受傷 並支持恢復。

71 Training unit structure訓練單位組織
Introductory介紹 Warm Up熱身 Stretching拉伸 Jogging慢跑 Main Training主要培訓 Technical Training技術訓練 Tactical Training戰術訓練 Physical Training體能訓練 Closing – Cool Down結束 - 緩和 Relaxation鬆弛

72 WARM-UP熱身 What is the Warm-up?什麼是熱身? The warm-up consists of a series of physical exercises.熱身運動包括一系列體能運動。 How is the Warm-up carried out? 如何進行熱身? With Gymnastics walks, light jogs, legs and arms impulses, circles of upper and lower limbs, trunk movements in flexion and torsion, etc.).隨著體操步行、輕微慢跑、腿部和手臂的刺激、上肢和下肢轉圈、軀幹彎曲和扭轉運動等)。 When should the Warm-up be done?何時做熱身? Before a workout or a psycho-physical performance (competition) to prepare the body for more intense physical work.在鍛煉身體或心理 - 體能表現(比賽)之前,讓身體為更激烈的體能負荷作準備。 Why does one need to do the Warm-up?為什麼需要做熱身? Because it is made to prepare and adjust the joints, muscles, cardiovascular system to a more intense physical labor and, therefore, prevent injuries and accidents.因為是為了準備和調整關節、肌肉、心血管系統適應更強烈的體能負荷,因此才能防止傷害和事故。

73 WARM-UP熱身 Different types of Warm-up不同類型的熱身
Before a training session在訓練之前 Depends on the type of training:取決於培訓類型: technical training技術訓練 training for endurance耐力訓練 strength training體力訓練 training for speed訓練速度 etc..等等.. Before a competition比賽前 Gymnastics in general一般體操 Technical exercises技術練習 Technical and tactical exercises技術和戰術練習

74 COOL-DOWN緩和 Cool-down緩和
The training and/or sporting performance has a variable duration and intensity that depends on several factors.訓練和/或運動表現具有不同的持續時間和強度,這取決於若干因素。 When this ends, the body should not stop immediately to avoid musculo-skeletal and internal organs disorders. We aim for a better recovery. As the warm-up exercise starts gradually increasing as so to complete the physical activity we need to gradually decrease the intensity of physical work, doing Gymnastic exercises with ease until you reach a state of complete relaxation. 在結束時,身體不應該立即停下來,以避免肌肉骨骼和內臟疾病。我們的目標是良好的恢復。隨著熱身運動開始逐漸增加,為了完成體能活動,我們需要逐漸減少體能負荷的強度,輕鬆進行體操練習,直到達到完全放鬆的狀態。

75 COOL-DOWN緩和 Different types of Cool-down不同類型的緩和 Gymnastics體操
Technical exercises技術練習 Light running exercises輕鬆跑步運動 Light gaming activities輕鬆遊戲活動 Light alternative sports輕鬆的替代運動 Read with different physical activities閱讀不同的身體活動 Stretching exercises拉伸練習 Etc.等等


77 Practice examination topics實務測試主題
PRACTICE EXAMINATION TOPICS – GENERAL PREPARATION AND TRAINING實務測試主題 - 一般準備和訓練 Please develop the training plan draft and conduct/present general training with emphasis on:請制定訓練規劃草案並進行/提出一般性培訓,將重點放在: Speed速度 Agility敏捷性 Flexibility靈活性 Coordination協調性 Strength體力 Endurance耐力

78 Practice examination topics實務測試主題
PRACTICE EXAMINATION TOPICS – TECHNICAL PREPARATION AND TRAINING實務測試主題 - 技術準備和訓練 Please develop the training plan draft and conduct/present the training of teaching and perfecting:請制定訓練規劃草案並進行/提出教學和完善的培訓: boxing stance and movements拳擊姿勢和動作 straight punches to the head – single and series of punches打到頭的直拳 - 單一和連續出拳 straight punches – single and series of punches直拳 - 單一和連續出拳 hand defenses – active and passive defenses手部防禦 - 主動和被動防禦 trunk defenses – active and passive defenses軀幹防禦 - 主動和被動防禦 legs defenses – active and passive defenses雙腿防禦 - 主動和被動防禦 feints假動作 series of punches連續出拳 combinations of punches出拳組合

79 Practical Examination實務測試
Tips for Practical Examination:實務測試的提示: Be well prepared for the training and arrive in advance.為訓練 充分準備,並提前到達。 Ensure there is all equipment needed.確定現場有所需的全部 設備。 Welcome the boxers and present the training plan to the boxers歡迎拳擊手,並為拳擊手提供訓練規劃。 Use equipment correctly and supervise and considers the security of participants.正確地使用設備,並且監督和考量參與者 的安全。 Ensure the gradual progression from basic exercise to more and more advanced確認從基礎運動逐漸朝更進階程度發展。

80 Practical Examination實務測試
Tips for Practical Examination: 實務測試的提示: Use adequate teaching methods and training methods使用適當的教學方法和訓練方法 Demonstrate the exercise correctly正確地示範運動 Apply teaching and sports training principles運用教學和運動訓練原 理 Consider the audience考慮到觀眾 Follows the AIBA Coaches Manual theory遵循AIBA教練手冊理論 Be confident, illustrate knowledge clearly有信心,清楚地說明知識 Manage the group管理團隊 Demonstrates leadership skills and create a positive atmosphere that encourages each participant to develop.示範領導技能並營造積 極的氛圍,以鼓勵每位參與者發展。

81 Ex. training plans – prev. courses舉例:訓練規劃-先前的課程
DAILY TRAINING PROGRAM每日訓練課程 NAME姓名: DATE日期:   LOCATION地點: EQUIPMENT器材: Boxing gym equipped with everything you need. 拳擊健身房備有所需的全部器材 EXERCISE 訓練 DURATION (MIN) 時間(分) INTENSITY 強度 COMMENTS 註釋 I. INTRODUCTION: Ι.入門: GENERAL WORM-UP 一般暖身 20 MIN 20分 LOW 低度 Jogging, stretching. Attention to proper execution. 慢跑、伸展,注意適當的執行。 SPECIICWORM-UP 具體暖身 15 MIN 15分 MEDIUM 中等 Shadow boxing, with repeated movements known. 影子拳擊,包含已知的重複運動。 II. MAIN TRAINING: Π.主要訓練: DEMONSTRATION OFTEHNIQUE 示範技巧 30 MIN 30分 Hooks are punches that are used mostly at medium distances. Hooks are blows with both hands to the head and body, in place and in motion. Learning to run slow, right and attention to legs and body position. Shots are given after step. For improvement will perform hits isolated series. 鉤拳是中距離最常使用的出拳,鉤拳使用雙手對著頭和身體採取適當的發動攻擊。學習緩慢而正確的奔跑,並注意腿部和身體姿勢。在步伐後採取攻擊。為了改善,將進行單獨系列的攻擊。 ENDURANCE TRAINING WITH UNINTERRUPTED METHOD 採取不間斷方法的耐力訓練 HIGH 高度 The essential principle of the uninterrupted method is the lack of rest period between exercises. To control the intensity of the band can be used to control heart rate. Development of general endurance and strength endurance in advanced degree. 不間斷方法的主要原則是沒有運動間的休息時間。可藉由控制運動帶的強度來控制心率。於進階階段發展一般耐力和體力耐力。 III. CONCLUSION: Ⅲ.結論: Skipping, relaxation, stretching and discusion about training exercises 跳躍、放鬆、伸展以及檢討訓練運動。

82 Ex. training plans – prev. Courses 舉例:訓練規劃-先前的課程
TRAINING PERIOD 訓練期間 Special preparation training 特別準備訓練 DATE 日期 TRAINING FOR: 訓練目的: Defensive footwork training 防守腳步訓練 EXERCISE 訓練 DURATION 時間 INTENSITY 強度 COMENTS 註釋 1. INTRODUCTION 1.入門 Preparation 準備 15 min 15分 Low 低度 1. Step movement 台階運動 2. Jump movement 跳躍運動 3. The pace of change 改變步伐 4. Defence and fight back 防守和回擊 Manual training 手動訓練 20 min 20分 Medium 中等 2. MAINTRAINING 2.主要訓練 Moving on practise in pairs 配對練習的移動 30 min 30分 Practise in pairs配對練習 1. Moving forward and backward 向前與向後移動 2. Moving right and left 向右與向左移動 3. Retreat and fight back 躲避與回擊 4. Change the pace and fight back 變更步伐和回擊 5. Change the pace running, t groups, 30” 4 times 變更步伐跑步,5組、30”共4次 30” Change the pace running 30”變更步伐跑步 High 高度 3. CONCLUSION 3.結論 Tennis, relaxing 網球、放鬆

83 Ex. training plans – prev. Courses 舉例:訓練規劃-先前的課程
TRAINING PERIOD 訓練期間 Two months before the competition 比賽之前兩個月 DATE 日期 TRAINING FOR 訓練目的: Perfect target of hands defends 手部防守的完美目標 TIME 時間 100MIN 100分 EXERCISE 訓練 DURATION 時間 INTENSITY 強度 COMENTS 註釋 1. INTRODUCTION 1.入門 GENERAL WORM UP 一般暖身 10 min 10分 Low 低度 STRETCH 10MIN, Play 15min 伸展20分、對打15分 SPECIFIC WORM UP 具體暖身 15 min 15分 Medium 中等 2. MAINTRAINING 2.主要訓練 Technique shadow boxing with coath 與教練練習空氣拳擊技巧 20 min 20分 1. BLOCKTHE STRAIGI IT PUNCH AND COUNTKR 阻擋直拳與反擊 2. BLOCK, HOOK PUNCH AND COUNTER 阻擋鉤拳與反擊 3. BLOCK THE UPPER CUT PUNCH AND COUNTER 阻擋上鉤拳與反擊 4. THE TARGET SAME WITH THE SHADOW BOXING JUST BHFORE. 與先前影子拳擊的相同目標 5. MINX4RONUDS)X2PERSONS 至少X4回合X2人 Technique target exercise with boxers 與教練練習目標訓練技巧 45 min 45分 High 高度 3. CONCLUSION 3.結論 STRETCHING 20 MIN 伸展20分


The training program is an essential element to the development of the boxer. Training program must be well-planned and organized with individualization for the boxer with his/her skills level and preparations level.訓練規劃是拳擊手發展的基本要素。訓練規劃必須按照他/她的技能水準和準備程度,針對拳擊手進行個性化的精心策劃和安排。 When developing the training plan, coaches must consider the following:在制定訓練規劃時,教練必須考慮以下幾點: Goals and objectives of the boxer拳擊手的目標和目的 Boxer’s skills and preparation level拳擊手的技能和準備程度 Schedules of the Major Competitions主要比賽時程表

86 Daily - Training Plan每日-訓練規劃

87 Weekly training plan每周訓練規劃
NAME OF COACH 教練姓名    DAY 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TIME/HOUR 時間 TRAINING OBJECTIVE 訓練目標

88 Yearly - Training Plan年度-訓練規劃
教練姓名/1年期訓練規劃/月份/1月/2月/3月/4月/5月/6月/7月/8月/9月10月/11月/12月/意見 Yearly - Training Plan年度-訓練規劃 Name of coach 教練姓名 1-YEAR TRAINING PLAN 1年期訓練規劃 MONTH 月份 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 COMMENTS 意見 January 1月 February 2月 March 3月 April 4月 May 5月 June 6月 July 7月 August 8月 September 9月 October 10月 November 11月 December 12月



When developing 1-year training plan:在制定1年期訓練規劃時: Must be aware of when and where the control, major and target competitions are held必須清楚於何時和何地舉行控制、主要和指標比賽 Develop from backward to front, from the end of the calendar (target competition) to the first day制定方法為從後面到前面,從日曆最後一天(指標比賽)到第一天。 Participate in small or medium tournament before and between the major competitions to control and monitor (evaluate) boxer’s preparation level and progress在主要比賽之前和之間參加中小型比賽,以控制和監督(評估)拳擊手的準備程度和進度 Select tournament according to boxer’s preparation level. Harder tournament may have negative effect on boxer’s psychological level根據拳擊手的準備程度而選擇比賽,太困難的比賽可能對拳擊手的心理水準帶來負面影響。 Training program and schedule shall change accordingly by increase or decrease the intensity, mix of different training exercises to keep boxers’ interest and motivational evel high. 透過提高或降低強度而相對應改變培訓方案和時程表,混合不同的訓練練習,以保持拳擊手高度的興趣和激勵程度。

One of the methods of developing 1-year training plan for European Group is to divide the one year into two six months cycle.為歐洲團隊制定1年期訓練規劃的方法之一,是將一年分為兩次六個月的循環。 At the end of each cycle, coach selects one competition to become the target competitions that the boxer will focus his/her training on.在每次循環結束時,教練選擇一場比賽,讓 拳擊手作為訓練焦點的指標比賽。

1st CYCLE第一次循環 2nd CYCLE第二次循環 JANUARY 1月 Target Competition 指標比賽 DECEMBER 12月 General Preparation Period 一般準備期間 Specific Preparation Period 具體準備期間 Competition Period 比賽期間 Transition Period 過渡期間 Each cycle consists of four (4) periods:每次循環都包含四(4)段期間: General Preparation一般準備 Specific Preparation具體準備 Competition Period比賽期間 Transition Period過渡期間 In each periods, the boxer trains with different training goals and objectives to prepare for the “Target Competition” at the end of each cycle.在每段期間,拳擊手訓練都有不同 的訓練目標和目的,將為每次循環結束時的“指標比賽”作準備。

GENERAL PREPARATION PERIOD一般準備期間 Training focus of the general preparation period is the development of physical abilities such as endurance, strength, speed, coordination and flexibility which are the foundation to achieve an boxer’s goal in the major and target competitions. Important thing to note is that training exercises in this period shall not be limited to boxers’ physical abilities even though general preparation period’s focus is development of physical abilities.一般準備期間的訓練重點是發展體能能力,如:耐力、體力、速度、協調性和靈活性,這是拳擊手在主要和指標比賽中實現目標的基礎。重要的是應注意此時期的訓練不限於拳擊手的身體素質,即使一般準備時期的重點是發展體能素質。 Coach shall incorporate the elements of specific training as well as technical and tactical elements. Coach must remember to schedule the training of boxing-specific endurance, strength, speed, coordination and etc.教練應納入具體訓練要素,以及技術和戰術要素。教練必須記得安排針對拳擊的耐力、體力、速度、協調性等訓練。

GENERAL PREPARATION PERIOD一般準備期間 General preparation period can last around 10 to 15 weeks, however based on the yearly competition calendar and the progress of the boxer’s skills level and performance, it shall be adjusted accordingly. In each training program in this period can be planned with different exercises in approximately two-hour frame and two sessions a day.一般準備期間可能持續10至15週,但可根據年度比賽日程和拳擊手技能水準和表現的進展情況而相應地作調整。在此期間的每項訓練規劃中,能以一天約二-四個時間段和兩種課程藉由不同的運動而進行規劃。 When developing the training plan for this period, coach must be aware that the intensity of this period will be low level while the training volume shall be high.在制定此期間的訓練規劃時,教練必須清楚此時期維持低程度的強度,但要有很高的訓練量。

SPECIFIC PREPARATION PERIOD (ALSO KNOWN AS PRE-COMPETITION PERIOD)具體準備期間(也稱為賽前期間) Specific preparation period, also known as pre-competition period is the period that boxers have direct preparation for the major and target competitions. Therefore, major focus of the training is the development of boxing-specific physical abilities such as endurance, strength, speed, coordination and flexibility with boxing movement, technique and tactics.具體的準備期間,也稱為賽前期間,是拳擊手直接準備主要和指標比賽的期間。因此,培訓的主要重點是發展具體拳擊體能素質,如:耐力、體力、速度、協調性和靈活性,還有拳擊運動、技術和戰術。 Specific preparation period can last around 5 to 7 weeks. This duration can be adjusted accordingly based on the yearly competition calendar and level of boxer’s preparation for the competition. In each training program in this period can be planned with different boxing-specific exercises in 1 to 1.5 hours with high or maximum intensity.具體準備期間可持續約5至7週,但可根據年度比賽日程和拳擊手準備比賽的水準而相應地調整這段期間。在此期間的每項訓練規劃中,可藉由1至1.5小時內具備高強度或最大強度的不同特定拳擊運動而進行規劃。

COMPETITION PERIOD比賽期間 Competition period, the periods that starts approximately 2 to 3 weeks before the major and target competition and last until the final competition day. During this period, each training sessions are programmed to last 1 to 1.5 hours with high intensity but the low volume to reduce the tiredness of the boxer prior to competition.比賽期間,在主要比賽和指標比賽前大約2至3週開始,並持續到最後的比賽日。在此期間,規劃高強度但少量的訓練課程每次持續1至1.5小時,以降低拳擊手在比賽前的疲倦感。 In competition period, the coach will work with boxer to review and improve boxing specific physical abilities, techniques and tactics. The boxer will train with some tactical movement and psychological improvement sessions to have final preparation for the target competitions.在比賽期間,教練將與拳擊手共同評估並提升具體拳擊體能素質、技能和戰術。拳擊手將接受某些戰術運動和心理提升課程的訓練,已變為指標比賽做好最後準備。

TRANSITION PERIOD過渡期間 After the boxer competed at the major or target competitions, coach shall allow the boxer to have transition period also known as the rest period. Transition period shall be adjusted accordingly to the yearly competition calendar or training program and schedule. However, it can be two to four weeks.拳擊手在主要或指標比賽過後,教練應讓拳擊手有過渡期間,也稱為休息期間。過渡期應根據年度比賽日程或訓練規劃和時程表而相應地調整,但也可能是兩週至四週。 This period can divided into two phases, active-rest phase and preparatory phase. During the active-rest phase, boxer will focus on recovering physiological and psychological tiredness by relaxing and participating different sports or games other than boxing. The boxer should utilize this period to care or treat for any injuries. In preparatory phase, the boxer will start prepare physiologically and psychologically for the next training cycle by conducting low intensity general endurance and strength training.此時期可分為兩個階段,主動休息階段和準備階段。在主動休息階段,拳擊手將專注於透過放鬆和參與除拳擊以外的不同運動或競賽來恢復生理和心理疲勞。拳擊手應利用此時期來照護或治療任何傷害。在準備階段,拳擊手將經由低強度一般耐力和體力訓練,開始為下一次訓練循環做好生理和心理準備。


100 RUSSIA俄羅斯

PREPARATION PERIOD準備期間 The preparation period is divided into three phases. General physical phase, special physical phase and direct preparation phase. In each phase can be 6 to 9 weeks or less than 6 weeks depending on the competition calendar. The training focus is different and its goal and objectives. Between each phase, a week of active-rest period will be given to allow boxer to have good physical and psychological recovery, not only for each phase and period, but also throughout a year.準 備期間分為三個階段,包括一般體能階段、具體體能階段和直 接準備階段。每個階段是6至9週或不到6週,將取決於比賽日 程。培訓重點以及目標和目的都不相同。在各階段之間將提供 一週主動休息時間,讓拳擊手恢復良好的身心狀態,不僅適用 每個階段和期間,而且一整年適用。

GENERAL PHYSICAL PHASE一般體能階段 Training focus of the general physical phase is the development of physical abilities such as endurance, strength, speed, coordination including agility and flexibility. These physical abilities are the basic foundation for boxers’ development and his goal and objectives; therefore this phase is very important to boxer. In this phase, the coach shall include also the training of techniques, tactics and psychological aspects.一般體能階段的訓練重點是發展體能素值,如:耐力、體力、速度、 協調性,包括敏捷性和靈活性。這些身體素質是拳擊手發展及其目標和目的 的基礎,因此這個階段對拳擊手非常重要。在這個階段,教練還應納入技術、 戰術和心理方面的培訓。 The boxer shall train two to three weeks with two sessions per day. The duration of the phase can be adjusted accordingly with the competition calendar and the condition of the boxer. 2 to 3 hours of low intensity but, high volume training per training session is recommended.拳擊手應以每天 兩堂課訓練二至三週。可根據比賽日程和拳擊手的狀況相應地調整該階段的 持續時間。建議每堂訓練課程採用2至3小時低強度但是大量的訓練。

SPECIFIC PHYSICAL PHASE具體體能階段 Training focus of the specific physical phase is the development of physical ability associated with boxing. This phase is not technique development phase. During the specific physical phase, boxers will train to increase the endurance, strength, speed and coordination of punches and movements. As same as previous general physical phase, coach shall include small amount of training time for development and training of techniques, tactics and psychological aspect of the boxer.具體體能階段的訓 練重點是與拳擊相關的體能素質發展。這個階段不是技術開發階段。在具體體 能階段,將訓練拳擊手改善出拳與運動的耐力、體力、速度和協調性。如同先 前的一般體能階段,教練應包括納入一些訓練時間,用來發展和訓練拳擊手的 技術、戰術和心理面向。 It is recommended to train in specific physical phase for 2 to 3 weeks with 2 sessions per day. However, the coach shall adjust accordingly with the competition calendar and the condition of the boxer. 1.5 to 2 hours of increased intensity than general physical phase with decreased volume of work is recommended.建議在具體體能階段以每天2堂課訓練2至3週。然而, 教練應根據比賽日程和拳擊手的狀況相應地作調整。建議採取1.5〜2小時高於 一般體能階段的強度比但減少負荷量。

DIRECT PREPARATION PHASE直接準備階段 During the direct preparation phase, the boxer will be focused on to train to improve individual boxers’ technical and tactical abilities. Additionally the boxer will train to improve boxing-specific strength and speed further. Coach shall increase amount of time to train for psychological development of boxer during this phase.在直接準備階段,拳擊手將專注於訓練,以提升個別拳擊手的技術和戰術能力。此外,將訓練拳擊手進一步堤升特定拳擊的力量和速度。教練於此階段要利用更多的時間來加強拳擊手的心理發展。 It is recommended to go through direct preparation phase for 2 to 3 weeks with total 3 hours of training time in two sessions per day. However, the duration of the phase and number of session can adjust accordingly based on the competition calendar and the condition of the boxer. Volume of the work is recommended to be low, but intensity of the training must be high.建 議進行直接準備階段2至3週,每天以兩種課程訓練3小時。然而,該階段的持 續時間和客程數量可根據比賽日程和拳擊手的條件相應地作調整。建議維持低 負荷量,但必須有很高的訓練強度。

COMPETITION PERIOD比賽期間 Competition period starts on the day of the arrival at the competition location. During this period, the boxer will continue their training to stay in good condition for the competition.比賽期 間從到達比賽場地的日期開始。在此期間,拳擊手將繼續訓練, 才能保持比賽時的良好狀況。 Training shall be conducted in short period of time with low volume. Intensity shall be adjusted accordingly with boxer’s condition. If boxer’s excitement level is high, then coach could plan the training with a higher intensity to decrease the tension. If a boxer is calm and excitement level is low, coach shall plan low intensity training.必須以短時間加上少量進行訓練。強度則應 根據拳擊手的狀況相應地作調整。如果拳擊手很興奮,則教練可 以更高強度來降低緊繃而規劃訓練。如果拳擊手很平靜,興奮度 低,則教練應規劃低強度訓練。

TRANSITION PERIOD過渡期間 After the boxer competed at the tournaments or competitions, the boxer will have transition period to relieve tension from the competition, psychological recovery and treatment for any injury treatment. Also depending on the number and toughness of the bouts that boxer competed, the coach can allow the boxer to spend time at home during the transition period.拳擊手在錦標賽 或比賽中競爭過後,拳擊手將有過渡期間,以紓緩比賽中的緊繃、 心理恢復和任何傷害治療的處理。還有取決於拳擊手比賽的數量 和較量中的韌性,教練可允許拳擊手於過渡期間待在家中。 Transition period shall be around one to two weeks after the competition and during this period, the boxer can train or participate in different sports or games other than boxing.過渡期 間大約是比賽結束後一週至二週,拳擊手於此期間可培養或參加 拳擊以外的不同運動或競賽。

The training plan is one of the most important aspects in the development of boxer. The purpose of training plan is to:訓練規劃是拳擊手發展中最重要的方向之一。訓練規劃的目的是: Establish an efficient training process建立有效的訓練流程 Control and management of training process控制並管理訓練流程 Allow boxers to be ready for the competition讓拳擊手做好參賽準備 Improve boxer’s physical, physiological, technical, tactical and psychological skills提升拳擊手的體能、生理、技術、戰術和心理素 質

In reality, the 1-year training plan is developed based on the competition calendar, boxer’s skills level and his/her goal and objectives of the year. The boxer’s goal and objectives will determine the training loads, tournament and competition participation and when developing the 1-year training plan, coach must consider the location and distance of the tournament and competition take place. Other than the major and target competitions, coach selects different tournament and competitions to attend for control, monitoring and evaluation purpose. Whether these tournaments are small or big, important or not, the boxer will prepare for these tournaments with each training cycle which theoretically could allows 1-year training to have up to six training cycles.實際上,制定1年期訓練規劃是以比賽日程、拳擊手的技能水準和他/她的目標和目的作為依據。拳擊手的目標和目的將決定訓練負荷、錦標賽和比賽參賽,並且在制定1年期訓練規劃時,教練必須考量錦標賽和比賽的舉辦地點和距離。除了主要和指標比賽以外,教練為了控制、監測和評估的目的,而選擇不同的錦標賽和比賽參賽。無論這些是小比賽還是大比賽,重要或不重要,拳擊手將以每次訓練循環在理論上可允許一年期培訓最多可有六次訓練循環,而為這些比賽作準備。

Each cycle is consists of preparation period, competition period and transition period. In a 1-year training plan, number of cycles will depend on the number of tournaments and/or competition that boxer participates. To prepare boxer with an optimal form for the major competitions, it is recommended to have 2 to 3 tournaments or competitions before. Therefore, before a major competition, boxer could have 3 to 4 training cycles.每次循環包含準備期間、比賽期間和過渡期間。在1年期訓練規劃中,週期數將取決於拳擊手參加的錦標賽和/或比賽數量。為了讓拳擊手以最佳狀態針對主要比賽作準備,建議賽前先參加2至3場錦標賽或比賽。因此,在主要比賽之前,拳擊手能有3至4次訓練循環。

When developing 1-year training plan :在制定1年期訓練規劃時: Must be aware of when and where the major and target competition are held必須清楚主要和指標比賽的時間和地點 Start to schedule from Target competition day to the first day (work backward)開始從指標比賽日至第一天(向後操作)進行規劃 Training program and schedule shall change accordingly by increase or decrease the intensity, mix of different training exercises to keep boxers’ interest and motivational level high透過提高或降低強度而相對應改變培訓方案和時程表,混合不同的訓練練習,以保持拳擊手高度的興趣和激勵程度 It is important to have many active-rest or transition periods. After a hard-work, the tiredness remains in human body even after a good night rest. Short-rest period or small amount of rest time will wear-out the boxer physically, psychologically and have higher possibility of getting injured擁有很多主動休息或過渡期間極為重要。經過艱辛的勞動,即使一夜安眠仍感到身體疲累 。休息時間太短或太少,將在身體、心理上磨損拳擊手,並有更高的受傷可能性

When developing 1-year training plan :在制定1年期訓練規劃時: Depending on the boxer’s preparation level, skip or shorten certain phase or period of training, and train with more focus on boxer’s improvement on weak area根據拳擊手的準備程度,跳過或縮短特定訓練階段或期間,並且在訓練時更加關注拳擊手在弱點方面的改善 Coach must be aware that, boxer can gain best form of performance and experience after participating at least two to three small tournaments before the major competitions教練必須清楚在主要比賽之前,拳擊手在參加至少兩至三場小型比賽後,可取得最佳表現狀態和體驗 Select tournament according to boxer’s preparation level. Harder tournament may have negative effect on boxer’s psychological level.根據拳擊手的準備水而準選擇比賽,太困難的比賽可能對拳擊手的心理水準帶來負面影響。 Depending on opportunities, participate in international tournaments than national or domestic tournaments. At the international tournament, boxer has opportunity to experience and observe the international level of boxing and future opponents 根據機會,參加國際比賽優於國家或國內錦標賽。在國際比賽中,拳擊手有機會體驗並觀察拳擊的國際水準和未來對手

When developing 1-year training plan :在制定1年期訓練規劃時: Coach must utilize the small tournaments and competitions to monitor and evaluate boxer’s training progress and preparedness for the major and target competitions教練必須利用小型錦標賽和比賽來監督和評估拳擊手針對主要和指標比賽的訓練進度和準備 Include different training camps (training camps’ duration shall be around 14 – 21 days)包括不同的訓練營(訓練營期間約14-21天) After a long period of transition period or active-rest period, it is beneficial to have a training camp or arrange training at high-altitude areas like mountains在經過長時間的過渡期間或主動休息期間,在山區等高拔地區開辦訓練營或安排培訓是有助益的 Training cycle prior to major competition shall be conducted with submaximum and maximum intensity. The training volume should be low. It is crucial to remember to avoid boxer’s overtraining. 應當以次最大和最大強度進行重大比賽前的訓練循環,並維持低訓練量。關鍵點是記住避免拳擊手過度訓練。

1st CYCLE 第一次循環 2nd CYCLE 第二次循環 JANUARY 1月 Target Competition 指標比賽 DECEMBER 12月 Preparation Period 準備期間 3rd CYCLE 第三次循環 4th CYCLE 第四次循環 5th CYCLE 第五次循環 6th CYCLE 第六次循環 GP : General Physical Phase一般體能階段 SP : Special Physical Phase具體體能階段 DP : Direct Preparation Phase直接準備階段 C : Competition Period比賽期間 T : Transition Period過渡期間

When developing 1-year training plan :在制定1年期訓練規劃時: During the 1-year training plan, coach must have a boxer go through medical checks at least two times在一年期訓練規劃中,教練必須讓拳擊手通過兩次醫療檢查 If there are more than two major competitions in one year period (similar to the schedule shown in 1-year training period example), coach shall decide two of the three competitions to focus on. It is not recommended to train more than three training cycles with maximum effort如果一年內有兩場以上的重大比賽(類似於1年訓練期範例中的時程表),教練將決定三場比賽中的兩個重點。不建議以最大努力訓練三次以上的訓練循環


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1-year training plan is developed to forecast and prepare the training schedule based on the boxer’s target competition. Purpose of training plan is to enable coaches to plan ahead for the upcoming training and competitions. However, the most importantly, training plan is developed to organize and manage better training process for the boxer and prepare boxer for the major and/or target competition according to his/her goal.制定1年期訓練規劃,是根據拳擊手的指標比賽而預測和編制訓練時程表。訓練規劃的目的是使教練能夠為即將到來的培訓和比賽提前規劃。然而,最重要的是,制定訓練規劃是為了更適當安排和管理拳擊手的訓練過程,並讓拳擊手根據他/她的目標而為主要和/或指標比賽作準備。 When developing a 1-year training plan, one of the factors to consider is timing between one competition to next, coach must calculate the timing and provide adequate amount of rest and preparation for the boxer. Also coach must analyze the competition calendar carefully to take in consideration the level of competitions scheduled throughout the year and design the training program and prepare boxing for each training period and cycles.在制定1年期 訓練規劃時,考慮的因素之一是一場比賽與下一場比賽之間的時間安排,教練 必須計算時間,並為拳擊手提供足夠的休息和準備時間。此外,教練必須考量 全年排定比賽的水準而仔細分析比賽日程, 並設計訓練規劃以及準備每個訓練 期間和循環的拳擊訓練。

Eachcycle consists of six (6) periods : 每次循環包含六(6)個期間: ˙Pre-Conditioning預調整 General Conditioning一般調整 Specific Conditioning具體調整 Pre-Competition比賽前 Competition 比賽期間 Rest休息 In each periods, the boxer trains with different training goals and objectives to prepare for each competition at the end of cycle and Target competition toward the end of the 1-year plan.在每段時期,拳擊手以不同的訓練目標和目 的進行訓練,而為循環結束時的每場比賽與接近1年期計劃結束時的指標比賽 作準備。

One of the methods that U.S. coaches use to develop 1-year training plan is dividing one year into two to four training cycles based on the level of boxer and competition schedule. End of each cycle, boxer will participate at the tournaments or competitions that can help achieve boxer’s goals.美國教練制定1年期訓練規劃的方法之一是根據拳擊手的程度和比賽時程表,而將一年分成兩次至四次訓練循環。每次循環結束時,拳擊手將參加可協助拳擊手實現目標的錦標賽或比賽。 1st CYCLE 第一次循環 2nd CYCLE 第二次循環 JANUARY 1月 Competition 比賽 DECEMBER 12月 3rd CYCLE 第三次循環 4th CYCLE 第四次循環 PC : Pre-Conditioning Period預調整期間 GC : General Conditioning Period一般調整期間 SC : Specific Conditioning Period具體調整期間 PrC : Pre-Competition Period賽前期間 C : Competition Period比賽期間 R : Rest Period休息期間

WHEN DEVELOPING 1-YEAR TRAINING PLAN:在制定1年期訓練規劃時: Must be aware of when and where the major and target competition are held必須清楚於何時和何地舉行主要和指標比賽 Start to schedule from Target competition day to the first day (work backward)開始從指標比賽日至第一天(向後操作)進行規劃 Participate in small or medium tournament before and between the major competitions to control and monitor (evaluate) boxer’s preparation level and progress在主要比賽之前和之間參加中小型比賽,以控制和監督(評估) 拳擊手的準備程度和進度 Select tournament according to boxer’s preparation level. Harder tournament may have negative effect on boxer’s psychological level根據拳 擊手的準備水而準選擇比賽,太困難的比賽可能對拳擊手的心理水準帶來 負面影響。 Training program and schedule shall change accordingly by increase or decrease the intensity, mix of different training exercises to keep boxers’ interest and motivational level as well as fitness at high level透過提高或降 低強度而相對應改變培訓方案和時程表,混合不同的訓練練習,以保持拳 擊手高度的興趣和激勵程度。

1-year training plan is developed as part of the boxer’s quadrennial plan. Each year’s plan is based on the boxer’s individual performance, physiological development, skills development and the competition schedule. Plan is developed to assist coaches to closely monitor and control boxer’s development and give the coaches flexibility to manage and organize the training to allow boxers to have better fit for the competitions.制定一年期訓練規劃作為拳擊手四年計劃的一部分。每年的計劃都是基於拳擊手的個人表現、生理發展、技能發展和比賽時程表。制定計劃協助手練密切監督及控制拳擊手的發展,並讓教練靈活的管理和安排訓練,讓拳擊手更適應參加比賽。 When developing a training plan, the coach must consider the boxer’s competition goal, capability and room for the development and growth within four years. Then carefully divide these four years into one-year each and each year, the coach formulate the training plan and development chart according to the competition schedule and the boxer’s development.教練在制 定訓練規劃時,必須考量拳擊手的競爭目標、能力和四年內發展與成長的空間。 然後,將這四年細分為每一年,接著教練在逐年根據比賽時程表和拳擊手的發 展而制定訓練規劃和發展圖。


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Each cycle consists of three (3) periods:每次循環包含三(3)個期間: Preparatory預備 Competition比賽 Transition.過渡 In each periods are individualized and focused on boxer’s training for strengthening the strength area and correcting the weaknesses.每段期間 都是獨立的,但專注於拳擊手強化體例部分的訓練,同時糾正弱點。

WHEN DEVELOPING 1-YEAR TRAINING PLAN:在制定1年期訓練規劃時: Must be aware of when and where the major and target competition are held必須清楚於何時和何地舉行主要和指標比賽 Participate in small or medium tournament before and between the major competitions as a preparatory and fundamental purposes and each tournament will have its own purpose of participation. (Example, to monitor the progress, increases the psychological confidence and etc.)作為準備和基本目的而在主要比賽之前和之間參加中小型比賽,並 且每場比賽將有參賽本身的目的(例如:監測進度、增升心理信心等) Select tournament according to boxer’s preparation level. Harder tournament may have negative effect on boxer’s psychological level根 據拳擊手的準備水而準選擇比賽,太困難的比賽可能對拳擊手的心理水 準帶來負面影響。 Tactical, theoretical and psychological development and education must start from the beginning of the cycle and included in each periods從循 環開頭就應開始進行戰術、理論和心理發展與教育,並涵蓋每段期間

One of the concepts of developing 1-year training plan is dividing one year into two cycles based on the level of boxers and competition schedule. End of each cycle, boxer will participate at the tournament or competition that will allow coaches to control and monitor the boxer’s skills development and level of achievement.制定1年期訓練規劃的概念之一是根據拳擊手的程度和比賽時程表,而將一年分為兩次循環。 在每次循環結束時,拳擊手將參加錦標賽或比賽,讓教練能夠控制和監督拳擊手的技能發展和成就水準。 1st CYCLE第一次循環 2nd CYCLE第二次循環 JANUARY 1月 Competition 比賽 DECEMBER 12月 Transition Period 過渡期間 General Preparation 一般準備 Preparatory Period 準備期間 Competition Period 比賽期間 V.S.P: Variated Special Preparation變動特別準備 S.P. : Specific Preparation具體準備 O.S. : Shaping塑造 S.S. : Stabilizing穩定

TRAINING PLAN FOR GENERAL PREPARATION PERIOD-EUROPE 一般準備期間的訓練規劃 - 歐洲 EXERCISES 練習 DURATION 時間 TRAINING LOADS 訓練負荷 COMMENTS 註釋 1. Warm-Up熱身 Gymnastic Exercises 體操運動 Bend彎曲 Turn轉身 Rotation旋轉 Jump跳躍 25 min 25分 Moderate 中等 Exercise while walking or logging simultaneously 在走路或慢跑也同時運動 2. Main Training主要訓練 10 meters sprints (6 times) 10公尺衝刺(6次) 20 meters sprints (6 times) 20公尺衝刺(6次) Exercise with tennis ball練習網球 Throwing to partner拋向夥伴 Dribbling連續帶球 50 min 50分 Moderate and High 中等和高度 Repetition Method of training for Sprint Trainings 衝刺訓練的重複訓練方法 Running exercises shall be conducted at maximum speed 必須以最高速度進行跑步練習 Tennis ball exercise shall be done in single throws, two balls throw and/or catching together with other add tonal movement or exercises 必須以單一拋球、兩次拋球進行網球練習,和/或與其他額外運動或練習一起接球 3. Cool-Down緩和 Stretching伸展 Relaxing Exercise放鬆運動 20 min 20分

TRAINING PLAN FOR SPECIFIC PREPARATION PERIOD-EUROPE 具體準備期的訓練規劃-歐洲 EXERCISES 練習 DURATION 時間 TRAINING LOADS 訓練負荷 COMMENTS 註釋 1. Warm-Up熱身 General exercises一般運動 Jump Rope跳繩 Shadow boxing空氣拳擊 5min分 10min分 Moderate 中等 Warm-up properly to allow boxer’s body to adapt to upcoming efforts 適當暖身讓拳擊手的身體可以適應即將到來的操勞 2. Training主要訓練 Spa rung (16oz glove)對練(16oz手套) Train with a heavy bag (16oz glove)以重沙袋進行訓練(16oz手套) Shadow Boxing (with dumbbells)影子拳擊(使用啞鈴) Jump Rope (Change tempo)跳繩(改變速度) 3min/1 min rest (x 4) 3分/休息1分(X4) 3min/1 min rest (x 2) 3分/休息1分(X2) 3min/1 min rest (x 1) Very high 極高度 High高度 Interval training method 間隔訓練方法 3. Cool-Down緩和 Abdominal muscle training腹肌訓練 Jump Rope跳繩 15 min分 10 min分  High 高度 Different leg and trunk position for Abdominal Muscle Training 採取不同腿部和軀幹姿勢的腹肌訓練

TRAINING PLAN FOR SPECIFIC PHYSICAL PHASE (SPEED)-RUSSIA 具體體能階段(速度)的訓練規劃-俄羅斯 EXERCISES 練習 DURATION 時間 TRAINING LOADS 訓練負荷 COMMENTS 註釋 1. Warm-Up熱身 Briefing簡報 General Exercises一般運動 Stretching伸展 5 min分 10 min分 7m in分 Moderate中等 General exercises such as jumping, swing and etc. 一般運動,如:跳繩、游泳等 2. Main Training主要訓練 Technique improvement技術改善 Lead hand straight punch with feints (2 rds x 3.5 min)帶假動作的前臂直拳(2次X3.5分) Rear hand uppercut to the head with feints (2 rds x 3.5 min)帶假動作對著頭或身體的後臂直拳(2次X3.5分) Combination (uppercut to the head with rear hand and hook with the lead hand) with feints (2 rds x 3.5 min)假動作組合(以後臂對著頭的上鉤拳以及使用前臂的鉤拳)(2次X3.5分) Hook with either arm and defense movements (2 rds x 3.5 min)使用其中一隻手臂的鉤拳和防守移動(2次X3.5分) Technique recommended by the coach教練建議的技巧(2次X3.5分) Skipping (Jump Rope)跳躍(跳繩) Power training重力訓練 Strength exercise with weights包含重量的伸展運動 10 min分(2X5 min分) 20 min分 Moderate and High 中等和高度 Coach advise what techniques or tactics to improve 教練提示應改善哪些技巧或戰術 3. Cool-Down緩和 Light jogging輕鬆慢跑 Stretching伸展 Relaxation放鬆 10 min分 5 min分 8 min分

TRAINING PLAN FOR DIRECT PREPARATION PHASE-RUSSIA 直接準備階段的訓練規劃-俄羅斯 EXERCISES 練習 DURATION 時間 TRAINING LOADS 訓練負荷 COMMENTS 註釋 1. Warm-Up熱身 Briefing簡報 General physical exercise一般體能運動 Stretching伸展 5min分 10min分 Moderate 中等 General physical exercise and speed exercises 一般體能運動與速度運動 2. Main Training主要訓練 Technique and Tactics技巧與戰術 Straight punch exercises with both arm(2 rds x 3.5 min)使用雙臂的直拳練習(2次X3.5分) Defense exercises and follows with counter attach(2 rds x 3.5 min)防守練習並接著反擊練習(2次X3.5分) Straight punch and uppercut to the head (2 rds x 3.5 min)直拳與對著頭的上鉤拳(2次X3.5分) Use all techniques (2 rds x 3.5 min)運用所有的技巧(2次X3.5分)  Skipping (Jump Rope)跳躍(跳繩) 2 rds x 3.5 min 2次X3.5分  2次X3.5分 7 min (2 x 3.5 min) 7分(2次X3.5分) High 高度 Work with partner and try to create competition atmosphere 與夥伴共同合作並設法產生比賽氣氛 3. Cool-Down緩和 Light Jogging輕鬆慢跑 Tennis ball bounce網球彈跳 Stretching伸展 12 min分 3 min x 2 reps 3分X重複2次 10 min分  Moderate 中等

131 DAY 2第2天

132 AIBA RULES AND REGULATIONS AIBA Technical Rules, AOB and WSB Competition Rules (selected aspects) AIBA規則和法規 AIBA技術規則、AOB和WSB 比賽規則 (選定部分)

CURRENT AGE CLASSIFICATION:目前年齡分類: Age of Elite Boxers: 19 – 40 years old成年拳擊手的年齡: 歲 Age of Youth Boxers: 17 – 18 years old青年拳擊手的年齡: 歲 Confederation and National Federation Control only僅適 用聯邦和國家協會控制 Age of Junior Boxers: 15 – 16 years old少年拳擊手的年齡 : 歲 Age of Schoolboys/girl Boxers: 13 – 14 years old學齡男孩/ 女孩拳擊手的年齡: 歲 The age of the boxers is determined by year of birth以拳擊手 出生年度決定年齡

134 WEIGH-IN稱重 AOB – WEIGH-IN AOB-稱重 General Weigh-in:一般稱重:
The Boxer’s weight must not exceed the maximum nor the minimum of the Boxer’s Weight Category.拳擊手的重量不能超過拳 擊手重量類別的最高值和最低值。 In respect of closed competition (where qualification is required for registration) there will be no General Weigh-In. Boxers shall be required to Weigh-In on the day of their bout in accordance with the competition schedule.封閉式比賽(在報名時要求資格)沒有通用稱 重,將根據比賽時程表,要求拳擊手在比賽當天進行稱重。 Daily Weigh-in:每日稱重: Only the maximum weight limit will be controlled, not the minimum 只控制最高重量限制,但不控制最低限度 No tolerance無容許值

135 WEIGH-IN稱重 AOB – WEIGH-IN AOB-稱重 General Weigh-in:一般稱重:
The Boxer’s weight must not exceed the maximum nor the minimum of the Boxer’s Weight Category.拳擊手的重量不能超過拳 擊手重量類別的最高值和最低值。 In respect of closed competition (where qualification is required for registration) there will be no General Weigh-In. Boxers shall be required to Weigh-In on the day of their bout in accordance with the competition schedule.封閉式比賽(在報名時要求資格)沒有通用稱 重,將根據比賽時程表,要求拳擊手在比賽當天進行稱重。 Daily Weigh-in:每日稱重: Only the maximum weight limit will be controlled, not the minimum 只控制最高重量限制,但不控制最低限度 No tolerance無容許值

Official Weigh-in one day before the Match在比賽前一天進行 官方稱重 Tolerance 500 grams, will be allowed to compete however, the Boxer will be penalized, financial and disciplinary aspects 容許值500克將被允許參賽,但拳擊手將受到財務和紀律方面 的處罰

AOB = 12 hours AOB=12小時 WSB = 10 days WSB=10天

10 oz = 49 kg - 64 kg 10盎司= 49公斤 - 64公斤 12 oz = 69 kg kg 12盎司= 69公斤 - +91公斤 All other categories (Women/Youth/Junior)所有其他類別(女 子/青年/少年) 10 oz for all weight categories所有重量類別為10盎司

Headguards are not allowed不允許頭盔 All other categories (Women/Youth/Junior)所有其他類別(女 子/青年/少年) Headguards are mandatory頭盔是強制性的 AIBA can conduct some test events without headguards for the preparation of the definitive removal of headguards for all categories starting from January 1, 2018.自2018年1月1日起 ,AIBA可進行某些沒有頭盔的測試活動,準備最終撤銷所有類 別的頭盔。

Boxers must put their headguards only after entering the ring 拳擊手只有在進入拳擊場後才能戴上頭盔 Boxers must take off the headguards immediately after the Bout is over and before the announce the result of the Bout.拳 擊手必須在比賽結束後及宣布回合的結果前立即脫掉頭盔。 Boxers must wear a red or blue headguards, as per the respective Boxer’s corner.拳擊手必須戴上紅色或藍色頭盔, 按照個別拳擊手的角落。

141 BANDAGES繃帶 BANDAGES – Elite Men and WSB繃帶-成年男子組和WSB LENGTH長度
Maximum 15 meters for hand and 5 meters to cover the knuckles手部最多為15公尺以及5公尺覆蓋指關節 WIDTH寬度 5 centimeters for hand and 10 centimeters to cover the knuckles手部為5公分以及10公分覆蓋指關節 MATERIAL材料 Gauze紗布 SURGEON’S TAPE醫療膠帶 Maximum 5 meters length and 2.50 centimeters width最長5公 尺以及寬度2.50公分 Maximum 5 millimeters width may be apply between fingers手 指間的最大使用寬度為5毫米

142 BANDAGES繃帶 BANDAGES – Elite Men and WSB繃帶-成年男子組和WSB
Bandages must be applied in the locker room.必須在更衣室內 使用繃帶。 A inspector controls the application and sign to confirm that followed the rules檢查員控制使用狀況並簽署確認遵循規則。 A Boxer may apply his bandages as he likes.拳擊手可按他喜 歡的方式使用繃帶。 It is not allowed to cover the knuckles with tape, only gauze.不 能用膠帶、只能用紗布覆蓋指節關 。 It is not allowed to use any substance on the bandages不允許 在繃帶上使用任何物質

Maximum 4.5 meters and Minimum 2.5 meters最長4.5公尺及 最短2.5公尺 WIDTH寬度 5.7 centimeters 5.7公分 MATERIAL材料 Stretchy Cotton彈力棉 CLOSURE扣帶 Velcro魔鬼氈

Light boots or shoes – without spikes or heels輕靴或鞋子 - 無 尖釘或鞋跟 Socks – not be worn higher than knee襪子 - 不要高過膝蓋 Shorts:短褲: The length of the shorts must not be shorter than mid-thigh短 褲的長度不能高於大腿中部 Cannot cover the knee不能覆蓋膝蓋 Must not be worn above the belt line穿著不得高於腰帶線上方

Boxers must wear a set of red or blue vest and shorts according to their respective corner allocation.拳擊手必須根據 個自的角落分配而穿著一套紅色或藍色背心和短褲。 Women or Girls can wear skirts or shorts女子或女孩可穿著裙 子或短褲 COLORS:顏色: Red – Pantone 185, 199 or 485紅色 - 色票 185、199或485 Blue – Pantone 286, 293 or 661藍色 - 色票 286、293或661

The belt line of any shorts or skirt must be white and 6 – 10 cm wide.任何短褲或裙子必須搭配白色、寬6至10公分的腰帶 線。 Boxers will not allowed to have tape, in any form, on their uniform.不允許拳擊手的製服上有任何形式的磁帶。 For all Women competitions, a breast protector and a pubic protector may be worn by the Boxers關於所有的女子組比賽, 拳擊手可以穿戴乳房保護器和恥骨保護器

AOB Elite Men and Youth Boys – 3 Rounds of 3 Minutes AOB 成年男子與青年男子 - 3分鐘3回合 AOB Elite Women and Youth Girls – 3 Rounds of 3 Minutes AOB成年女子與青年女子 - 3分鐘3回合 AOB Juniors Boys and Girls – 3 Rounds of 2 MinutesAOB少 年男子和女子 - 2分鐘3回合 WSB – 5 Rounds of 3 Minutes WSB - 3分鐘5回合

An athlete who has competed at an amateur or professional level in any Individual Physical Contact Sport is eligible to compete in an AIBA or National Level Competition, at an appropriate level, under the following conditions:運動員以業 餘或職業級在任何個人身體接觸運動中參賽,都有資格以適當 層級在以下條件下參加AIBA或國家級比賽: National Federation need to complete and submit appropriate application and Medical Certificate to AIBA for acceptance and registration國家協會需要填寫並提交適當的申請和醫療證明書給AIBA收 件和註冊 The registration will be approved by AIBA in consultation with the AIBA Technical & Rules Commission. AIBA將透過與AIBA技術規則委員會協 商而核可註冊。 Any athlete registered as a Boxer by a National Federation under above conditions shall not participate in any other Individual Physical Contact Sport once approved by AIBA.任何運動員經國家協會在上述條 件下註冊為拳擊手,一經AIBA批准,就不得參加任何其他個人身體接觸 運動。

The Boxer must be considered as fit to compete upon examination by a Ringside Doctor before being weighed-in.在 稱重之前,須依據場邊醫生的檢查認為拳擊手適合參賽。 Men Boxers must be clean-shaved before all Medical Examinations and each Bout. Beards and Moustaches will not be allowed.在所有體檢和每次比賽前,男子拳擊手必須剃乾淨 鬍鬚,不允許有山羊鬚和八字鬍。 Women Boxers must sign a Declaration of Non-Pregnancy. If under 18, this declaration must signed by herself and one of her parents or legal guardians.女子拳擊手必須簽署未懷孕聲 明。如果未滿18歲以下,則必須由她自己和她的父母或法定監 護人之一簽署該聲明。

The Medical Certificate must be submitted to the AIBA Headquarters during the registration period. 必須在註冊期間 將醫療證書提交給AIBA總部。 The Medical Certificate must issued within the previous 3 months. 必須是前3個月內核發的醫療證書。 APB – The Medical Certificate is valid for one cycle. APB - 醫 療證書有效期限為一次循環賽。 WSB – The Medical Certificate is valid for one season. WSB - 醫療證書有效期限為一個賽季。 After any period of rest as prescribed by Ringside Doctor, a Boxer must be certified as fit to box with new Medical Certificate.經過場邊醫生規定的任何休息期間之後,拳擊手必 須取得新的醫療證明來證明適合進行拳擊比賽。

When the result of the Bout is Knockout (KO) or Referee Stops Contest (RSC), the Ringside Doctor must fill out and sign a Medical Bout Report which data will be updated in the AIBA Database and sent automatically to the National Federation concerned.當比賽的結果是擊倒(KO)或裁判員停止比賽( RSC)時,場邊醫生必須填寫並簽發醫療比賽報告,AIBA數據 庫將更新該數據將,並自動發送到相關的國家協會。 The Medical Bout Report must recommend how many rest days should be prescribed or the protective sanitary measures and be delivered to the Supervisor by the Ringside Doctor.醫 療比賽報告必須提出規定的休息天數或保護性衛生措施,並送 交場邊醫生監督。

1 KO – 30 days 1 KO - 30天 2 KO:s within 3 months – 90 days 2 KO:3個月內 - 90天 3 KO:s within 1 year – 1 year 3 KO:1年內 - 1年 LOC less than 1 minute – 90 days LOC不到1分鐘 - 90天 LOC more than 1 minute – 180 days LOC超過1分鐘 - 180天

Any Boxer who has a medical restriction must not train or spar during the restricted period.任何具醫療限制的拳擊手在限期內 不得進行訓練或拳擊賽。 All protective measures must also apply if a KO and/or concussion occur during training or anywhere else.如果在訓 練或其他任何地方發生KO和/或腦震盪,也必須採取所有保護 措施。 The Coach will be responsible to report to the National Federation.教練將負責向國家協會報告。

The Electronic Scoring System is based on a “Ten Points Must System”電子評分系統是基於“十點必須系統” AOB REFEREE AND JUDGES’ ASSIGNMENT AOB裁判員 和評判員的任務 Computerized Software Program and/or Draw Commissioner assigns 1 Referee and 5 Judges for each bout, without the position of the Judges, only names.電腦軟體程式和/或抽籤委 員針對每次比賽分配1名裁判員和5名評判員,但沒有評判員的 職位,只有名字。 WSB REFEREE AND JUDGES’ ASSIGNMENT WSB裁判員 和評判員的任務 The Supervisor assings Referee and Judges由監督分配裁判 員和評判員

At the end of each round the Judges must determine the winner of the round.在每回合結束時,評判員必須確定該回合的 勝利者。 It is mandatory, one Boxer must receive ten (10) and the opponent nine (9) or less, depending on his judgement, according to the criteria.這是強制性的,按照標準而根據他的判 斷,一名拳擊手必須取得十(10)分以及對手取得九(9)分或 更低分。 Every round must have a declared winner – NO TIE. 每一回合 必須有一位公開的勝利者 - 沒有平手。

Number of quality blow on target area質量數打擊目標範圍 Domination of the bout by technical and tactical superiority藉由技術和戰術優勢而主導較量 Competitiveness競爭力 Infringement of the rules侵犯規則           

157 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 LEGAL BLOW:合法出拳: Knuckle surface指關節面
Legal scoring area of body身體的法律記分範圍 Weight of body or shoulder身體或肩膀的重量 While not infringing a rule同時不侵犯規則 Clearly connected明確連接 Must have clear vision of punch必須有清晰的出拳視野

158 TARGET AREA – LEGAL BLOW目標範圍 - 合法出拳

159 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 What does the Technique & Tactic mean:技術與戰術代表什 麼意義:
Basically means a boxer who demonstrates Ring Generalship:基本上代表了展現拳擊場策略的拳擊手: A boxer who causes his opponent to miss and makes him vulnarable to his punches一名拳擊手造成使他的對手錯過並難以 防守他的出拳 A boxer throwing effective counter jabs and stands his opponent off一名拳擊手揮出有效的反擊拳,並擋住他的對手 A boxer who sets the positions in the ring and the pace of the action一名拳擊手設定拳擊場的位置和行動的速度 Neutarlizes style or type of boxer: sluggers vs boxer, southpaw vs orthodox, cuts off the ring, works opponent into a corner etc.中性風格或拳擊手的類型:重拳手 vs拳擊手、左撇子 vs正統、切斷拳擊場、將對手逼到角落等。 Body punch: is a Tactic and requires Technique to throw身體 衝擊:是一種策略,需要技術扔

160 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 What does the Technique & Tactic mean:技術與戰術代表什 麼意義:
Displays superior Defense:顯示優秀的防禦: Successfully avoids the clean hit of an opponent by blocking成功地避免了 對手透過干擾的打擊 Slipping, weaving, parrying and good footwork滑倒、迂迴、迴避和良好的 步法 Remember that running and holding is a tactic of self-defence, but not boxing defence記住,跑步和保留是自衛戰術,但不是拳擊防守 Holding is a deterrent to impede the tactics of a good boxer and an infringement of the rules.保留是一種嚇阻,可拖延良好拳擊手的戰術而 且違反規則。 Pushing the opponent is a nother tactic but as we know it’s also a foul 推開對手是另一項戰術,但是我們知道這同樣是犯規

161 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 What does Dominating an Opponent mean:
Boxer who is the „Effective Aggressor” A boxer who is constantly attacking by going forward is not necessarily and a „Effective Aggressor” Boxer who controls the bout with combination of attack and defense, he scores cleanly while defending against counter punching Boxer who forces the action and sets the tempo of the bout 支配對手意味著什麼? 拳擊手誰是“有效的進攻者” 不斷前進的拳擊手不一定是“有效的進攻者” 拳擊手誰控制回合與攻擊和防守的組合,他得分乾淨,同時防 止打孔 強制執行動作並設定回合節奏的拳擊手

162 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 What does Competitiveness mean:競爭力代表什麼意思:
Boxer who doesn’t give up不放棄的拳擊手 Boxer who loses the first round and comes back stronger 輸掉第一回合的拳擊手,反而變得更強 Boxer who gets knocked down and comes back stronger被 擊倒拳擊手,反而變得更強 Boxer who realizes his strategy didn’t work in the first round and changes it in subsequent rounds拳擊手意識到他 的策略在第一回合沒有奏效,但在隨後的回合改變策略

163 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 What does Infringement of the Rules mean:
It means that Judges will not award points for blows that do not meet the legal blow criteria (Holding&Hitting, punches to the back of the head etc.) 違反規則是什麼意思: 這意味著評判員不會給不符合法定打擊標準的打擊得分(持有 和打,打後頭等)

164 The Judges must consider whole round評判員必須考量整個回合
SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 SCORES:分數: Close round結束回合 In a very close bout and both boxers are evenly matched in most of the criteria在非常接近的較量中,兩名拳擊手在大多數標準中勢均力敵 Judge must examine the quantity and quality of punches評判員必須檢查出 拳的數量和質量 Clear winner明顯的勝利者 There is a clear winner due to the big diffrence in a number of quality blows scored or with smaller diffrence in a number of such blows but the winner has a clear advantage in another of the scoring criteria有一個明顯的勝利者 ,因為一些質量打擊得分的巨大差異,或者這些打擊中差異較小,但勝利者 在另一項得分標準取得有明顯的優勢 Total dominance整體優勢 One boxer is completely dominant over the opponent in all criteria一名拳擊 手在所有標準中全面掌控而勝過對手 Overmatched壓倒性比賽 An example where the Referee should stop the bout裁判員應停止比賽的例 子 The Judges must consider whole round評判員必須考量整個回合   


166 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 Round – Cannot remain a Tie回合 - 不能維持平手
Bout – Judge – May be tied at the end of the bout比 賽 - 評判員 - 在比賽結束時可能維持平手 Bout – Result – Cannot remain a Tie比賽 - 結果 - 不 能維持平手

167 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 TIEBREAKER延長賽 Electronic System:電子系統:
Flashing lights on the Score Pad, indicating a tiebreaker situation.記分板上閃爍的燈光,顯示延長賽形勢。 All Judges will then be required to Break the tie by pushing the Red or Blue button, and press OK to confirm the winner by tiebreaker.所有評判員接著被要求透過按下紅色或藍色按鈕 以打破平手局面,並按下確定鍵卻任延長賽的獲勝者。 Manual System:手動系統: When using Scorecards, on the last round, the Judge must indicate the winner of the bout in case of a tie.如使用記分卡, 評判員必須在最後一回合時指出雙方平手的勝利者。

168 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 Example 1 – TIE BOUT:案例1-平手比賽: RED x BLUE 紅X藍 R x 8 R2 - 9 x 10 R3 - 9 x x 28

169 SCORING SYSTEM記分系統 Example 2 – TIE BOUT:案例2-平手比賽: RED x BLUE 紅X藍 R x 9 R x 9 R3 - 9 x x 28 W - -1 x 0 28 x 28

170 Field of Play (FOP) 比賽現場(FOP)

171 AOB FOP – 1 ring AOB FOP-第1拳擊場
Judge 1評判員1 Judge 2評判員2 Judge 3評判員3 Judge 4評判員4 Judge 5評判員5 Deputy Supervisor副監督 Official Announcer官方播報員 Timekeeper計時員 Gong Operator敲鑼員 Scoring System Operator記分系統操作員 Ringside Physicians’ Table拳台醫師工作台 Red Corner Seating Area紅角休息區 Blue Corner Seating Area藍角休息區 Neutral corners中立角落 Photographers攝影師 Supervisor監督 Draw Commission Chairperson 抽籤委員會主席 R&J Evaluators R&J評估員 R&J evaluators should sit just outside of the FOP advertisement barrier, facing the centre of the ring. Positions of R&J coordinator and Standby R&Js will depend of the FOP. The Supervisor will define these positions upon FOP check. R&J評估員應坐在緊鄰FOP廣告屏障外面,面對拳擊場的中心。R&J協調員和待命R&J的位置將取決於FOP,監督將根據FOP檢查而確定這些位置。 The Graphics Operator must be placed outside the FOP. 各操作員的位置圖將放在FOP外面。 必須設有圍牆或柵欄,最高0.8公尺

172 AOB FOP – 2 rings AOB FOP-第2拳擊場
必須設有圍牆或柵欄,最高2公尺X長12公尺 必須設有圍牆或柵欄,最高0.8公尺 Judge 1評判員1 Judge 2評判員2 Judge 3評判員3 Judge 4評判員4 Judge 5評判員5 Deputy Supervisor副監督 Official Announcer官方播報員 Timekeeper計時員 Gong Operator敲鑼員 Scoring System Operator記分系統操作員 Ringside Physicians’ Table拳台醫師工作台 Red Corner Seating Area紅角休息區 Blue Corner Seating Area藍角休息區 Neutral corners中立角落 Photographers攝影師 Supervisor監督 Draw Commission Chairperson抽籤委員會主席 R&J Evaluators R&J評估員 R&J evaluators should sit just outside of the FOP advertisement barrier, facing the centre of the ring. Positions of R&J coordinator and Standby R&Js will depend of the FOP. The Supervisor will define these positions upon FOP check. R&J評估員應坐在緊鄰FOP廣告屏障外面,面對拳擊場的中心。R&J協調員和待命R&J的位置將取決於FOP,監督將根據FOP檢查而確定這些位置。 The Graphics Operator must be placed outside the FOP. 各操作員的位置圖將放在FOP外面。


174 DECISIONS判決 DECISIONS: 判決: Points – WP分數 - WP
Technical Draw – TD (Only WSB)技術抽籤 - TD(僅適用WSB ) Referee stops contest – RSC裁判員停止比賽 - RSC Referee stops contest Injury – RSC-I裁判員停止比賽傷害 - RSC-I Abandon – (AB)棄賽 - (AB) Disqualification – DQ取消資格 - DQ Knock-Out - KO擊倒 - KO Walk-Over – WO輕易擊敗 - WO No Contest – NC (Only WSB)無比賽 - NC(僅適用WSB)

175 DECISIONS判決 WP – POINTS (1): WP - 要點(1):
At the end of a Bout, the winner shall be determined on the basis of the total score of the Judges.在比賽結束時,將根據評判員的總分確 定獲勝者。 Unanimous Decision: 一致性判決: 5 Judges appoint the same Boxer as the winner of the bout. 5名評 判員確定同一名拳擊手作為勝利者。 Split Decision (examples): 分歧性判決(範例): 4 Judges appoint the same Boxer as the winner and the other Judge appoints the other Boxer as the winner. 4名評判員確定同 一名拳擊手作為勝利者,但其他評判員確定其他拳擊手作為勝利 者。 3 Judges appoint the same Boxer as the winner and the other Judges appoints the other boxer or declares a draw. 3 名評判員確定同一名拳擊手作為勝利者,但其他評判員確定其他 拳擊手作為勝利者或宣布抽籤。

176 DECISIONS判決 WP – POINTS (2):WP - 要點(2):
When an Injury is caused by an Unintentional Foul:當傷害是 由於非故意犯規所造成: AOB – any round AOB - 任何一回合 WSB – After the 2nd Round starts WSB - 第二回合開始後 The round in which the Bout is stopped will be scored, even if it is a partial round.停止比賽的回合將進行記分,即使是部分回 合。

177 DECISIONS判決 WP – POINTS (3):WP - 要點(3):
When an event occur out of the control of the Referee or of the Boxers such as lighting failure, damage of the ring or unforeseen conditions:當發生事件超出裁判員或拳擊手的控 制範圍,如:照明故障、拳擊場受損或無法預料的狀況: AOB – After the end of the 1st RoundAOB - 第1回合結束 後 WSB – After the start of the 3rd Round WSB - 第3回合開 始以後 The round in which the Bout is stopped will be scored, even if it is a partial round.停止比賽的回合將進行記分,即使是部分回 合。

178 DECISIONS判決 WP – POINTS (4):WP - 要點(4): AOB
When occurs a DKO in a Final.在決賽中發生DKO。 WSB When occurs a DKO in the Second Leg Play-Off Matches 在第二賽程發生DKO -放棄比賽 The round in which the Bout is stopped will be scored, even if it is a partial round.停止比賽的回合將進行記分,即使是部分回 合。

When an Injury is caused by an Unintentional Foul: 當傷害是 由於非故意犯規所造成: WSB – During the 1st Round WSB - 在第一回合時 AOB – There is no Technical Draw AOB - 沒有技術抽籤    

The Boxer fails to resume boxing immediately after the rest period between rounds.拳擊手在回合間的休息時間過後,無法 立即恢復拳擊。 If a Boxer, in the opinion of the Referee is being outclassed or is receiving excessive punishment.如果裁判員認為拳擊手被 超越或受到過度的懲罰。 If a Boxer is unfit to continue and fails to resume boxing after a Knock Down.如果拳擊手不適合繼續,並在被擊倒後無法恢復 拳擊。

If a Boxer doesn’t recover after 1’: 30”, in accordance with the Low Blow Rule. 按照”打擊過低規則“,如果拳擊手在1‘: 30“之後未能恢復。 If a Boxer doesn’t come back into the ring in the allowed thirty (30) seconds after this Boxer being knocked-out of the ring,。如果此拳擊手在拳擊場中被擊倒後,未能在允許 的三十(30)秒內回到拳擊場中, When the Bout is stopped by the Supervisor following the advice of a Ringside Doctor.當Bout根據場邊醫生的建議而 由監督停止比賽。

A Boxer is unfit to continue due to an injury from correct punches;拳擊手由於正確出拳而受傷,不適宜繼續比賽; A Boxer becomes incapable of continuing without receiving punches.拳擊手在未承受出拳時變成無法繼續比賽。

If a Boxer retires voluntarily due to injury or if the Coach throws the towel into the ring or appears on the apron, however not while the Referee is counting, the opponent will be declared the winner of the Bout by Abandon.如果拳擊手 由於受傷而自願退賽,或者如果教練將毛巾丟進拳擊場或出 現在圍繩上,但不是在裁判員讀秒時,對手將因為棄賽而被 宣佈為比賽的獲勝者。

A Boxer can be disqualified for a foul or misconduct.拳擊手 可能因為犯規或不當行為而被取消資格。 An intentional foul causes an injury to the opponent and the injured Boxer cannot continue due to the injury.故意犯規造成 對手受傷,受傷的拳擊手由於受傷而無法繼續比賽。 The third warning will automatically disqualify the Boxer.第 三次警告會自動取消拳擊手的資格。      

When the Referee reaches the count of ten (10)當裁判員數 到讀秒十(10) When the Referee summons the Ringside Doctor in the ring, in case of an emergency. 如遇緊急情況,當裁判員召喚拳擊 場的場邊醫生, In the event of a Double KO occurs both Boxers will lose the bout by DKO.。如果發生雙KO,兩名拳擊手將為DKO而輸掉 比賽。

When a Boxer is present in the ring and the opponent fails to appear after being announced and a maximum period of 1 minute has elapsed after the bell has been sounded.當拳擊 手在宣布後出現在拳擊場中,並且在響鈴後經過時間最長達1 分鐘,對方未能出現。 If a Boxer fails the Medical Examination or Weigh-in his/her opponent will win by Walkover.如果拳擊手未能通過體檢或稱 重,他/她的對手將不戰而取勝。 In case of the Supervisor knows in advance that a Boxer will not be present, he/she must cancel the procedure and the Announcer will announce the official result to the public.如果 監督事先知道拳擊手不在場,則他/她必須取消該程序,並且 播音員將宣佈官方結果。

187 DECISIONS判決 NC – NO CONTEST: NC – 沒有比賽: Unforeseen event: 不可預測的事件:
WSB – During the 1st or 2nd Round WSB - 第一回合或第二回 合時 AOB – During the 1st Round (rescheduling asap) AOB - 第一 回合時(盡速重新安排賽程) Weigh-in: 稱體: WSB – Both Boxers exceed or are under 500 grams WSB - 兩名拳擊手超過或低於500公克

188 PROTEST抗議 PROTEST抗議 AOB and WSB Competitions AOB和WSB比賽
No protest against Referees’ or Judges’ decisions is permitted.不允許對裁判員或評判員的裁決提出抗議。 The decisions of Referee and Judges in a bout are Final.裁判 員和評判員提出比賽的裁決是最後裁決。 AOB Competitions, if the Supervisor identifies that the decision of the Referee has been taken in contravention of the Technical and/or AOB Competition Rules, the Supervisor must review the decision after the Session along with Deputy Supervisors and R&J Evaluators. AOB比賽,如果監督確定裁 判員的判決違反技術和/或AOB比賽規則,監督必須與副監督和 R&J評估員共同在會期後審查判決定,。


190 FOULS違規 MINOR: 次要: Low Head but away from opponent低頭但遠離對手
Low Head but gloves are in front of head低頭但手套在頭前面 Minor pushing輕微推開 Minor holding輕微抓住 Unintentional Push of Opponent非故意推開對手 “No Harm, No Foul” 次要: 小 次要控股 “沒有傷害,沒有犯規”

191 FOULS違規 MAJOR: 主要: Low Head低頭 Head Butt頭錘 Holding抓住
Holding and Punching抓住和出拳 Slapping拍擊 Not stepping back on command “Break” 聽到“休息”指令不後退 Spitting out the gumshield intentionally without a punch故意吐出護 齒卻未出拳 Simulation/Faking模擬/偽造 Passive defense被動防禦 Hitting behind the head/back從頭後面/背部撞擊

192 FOULS違規 FLAGRANT: 公然: Hitting an opponent while he/she is down在他/她倒下時攻擊對方 Hitting 3 Special Points – Back of Head, Kidney, Low Blow攻擊 3個特殊部位 - 頭後面、腎、腰部以下 Intentional Head Butt故意的頭錘 Holding an opponent抓住對手 Kicking an opponent踢對手 Biting an opponent咬住對手 Usage of Elbow使用手肘 Usage of Shoulder使用肩膀 Throwing opponent to the canvas把對手摔到拳擊場地板 Deliberate blow after the bell鐘響後的故意攻擊

193 FOULS違規 NEW RULES ON HEAD BUTTING AND ILLEGAL BLOWS BY AIBA TECHNICAL RULES AIBA技術規則中關於頭錘和違法打 擊過低的新規定 8.3. If a Boxer receives head butting or illegal blows which do not cause an injury or cut, the Referee will give a Warning to the offending Boxer, deducting one (1) point per Judge or may disqualify the offending Boxer if actions deemed sufficiently serious to warrant a disqualification.如果拳擊手承受不致造成傷害或傷口的頭錘或違法打擊 過低,裁判員將對違規拳擊手發出警告,扣除每名評判員一(1)分, 或者如果行為的嚴重程度足以取消資格,則可能取消違規拳擊手的資格 。 8.4. If a Boxer receives head butting or illegal blows which cause an injury or cut the Referee must disqualify the offending boxer. 如果拳擊 手承受會造成傷害或傷口的頭錘或違法打擊過低,裁判員必須取消違規 拳擊手的資格。

If the Gumshield falls out for the 3rd time by punch –– Warning 如果透過出拳第三次掉落護齒- 警告 If a Boxer spits out intentionally - Warning如果拳擊手有意吐出 護齒 - 警告

195 LOW BLOW打擊過低 LOW BLOW: 打擊過低: After a low blow,在打擊過低之後,
if the offended Boxer does not complain and the low blow was not hard and intentional, the Referee signal the foul without interrupting the Bout. 如果受侵犯拳擊手沒有抱怨,並且不是猛力故意打擊過低,裁判員就會發 出不中斷比賽的信號。 if the offended Boxer complains about the severity of the low blow, the Referee has two options: 如果受侵犯拳擊手抱怨打擊過低的嚴重性,裁判 員有兩個選擇: the offending Boxer will be immediately disqualified if it is an intentional and hard blow.如果這是有意的猛力攻擊,違規拳擊手將立即被取消資格。 start an eight (8) count開始八(8)讀秒 After the eight (8) count, the Referee has two options: 在讀秒八(8)之 後,裁判員有兩個選擇: may give a warning to the offender, if offended boxer is fit to continue and the Bout will continue.如果冒犯的拳擊手適合繼續,Bout將繼續下去, 可以向犯罪者發出警告。 give a certain amount of time (max. 90 sec) to recover, if offended boxer is unfit to continue給予一定的時間(最多90秒)恢復,如果冒犯的拳擊手不 適合繼續

196 LOW BLOW打擊過低 LOW BLOW: 打擊過低:
After above mentioned timeframe, the Referee has two (2) options: 在上 述時間段過後,裁判員有兩(2)個選擇: may give a warning to the offender and the Bout will continue, if the offended boxer is fit to continue如果受侵犯的拳擊手適合繼續比賽,可向攻 擊者發出警告並繼續比賽 the opponent is declared the winner of the Bout by RSC, if the offended boxer is unfit to continue如果受侵犯的拳擊手無法繼續比賽,宣佈對手 為RSC比賽的獲勝者

A Boxer who does not obey the instructions of the Referee, acts against the rules of boxing, boxes in any unsportsmanlike manner, or commits fouls, will, at the discretion of the Referee, be cautioned, warned or disqualified.不遵守裁判員指示的拳擊手、違反拳擊規則、 以任何不具運動精神的方式進行拳擊比賽或犯規,將由裁判員決定予 以告誡、警告或取消資格。 The number of Cautions given before a Warning is issued will be at the sole discretion of the Referee由裁判員自行決定在發出警告之前 提出的告誡次數 The Referee must use Common Sense when deciding how many Cautions he allows before issuing a Warning裁判員必須使用常識來 決定在發出警告之前被允許使用告誡, The Referee can touch the Boxers, speak with Boxers and Cautioning during the Bout without stop the bout在比賽而不停止比賽 時,裁判員可以觸摸拳擊手、與拳擊手交談和提出告誡

If a Boxer receives a Referee’s warning, the Supervisor will record the warning in the Scoring System and each warning will reduce the total score of the offending Boxer by one (1) point per Judge. The third warning in a Bout will automatically disqualify the Boxer.如 果拳擊手收到裁判員的警告,監督將在記分系統中記錄警告,並且每 名評判員將按照分別警告而從違規拳擊手的總分數扣除一分。比賽中 的第三個警告會自動取消拳擊手的資格。 If a Boxer receives head butting or illegal blows which do not cause an injury or cut, the Referee will give a Warning to the offending Boxer, deducting one (1) point per Judge or may disqualify the offending Boxer if actions deemed sufficiently serious to warrant a disqualification.如果拳擊手承受不造成傷害或傷口的頭部碰撞或違法 打擊過低,裁判員將對違規拳擊手發出警告,每名評判員扣除一(1 )分,或者如果認為行為嚴重到足以取消資格,可能會取消違規拳擊 手的資格。

If a Boxer receives head butting or illegal blows which cause an injury or cut the Referee must disqualify the offending boxer.如果拳擊手承受頭部碰撞或違法打擊過低而造成傷害或 傷口,裁判員必須取消違規拳擊手的資格。 In the case any irregularity is found in the bandages after the Bout that in the Referee’s opinion gave an advantage to the Boxer, this Boxer must be immediately disqualified.如果在比 賽之後發現繃帶中的任何違規行為,就裁判員的意見有利於拳 擊手,則必須立即取消該拳擊手的資格。 The Supervisor has the right to caution, to remove and to disqualify a Second who has infringed these rules監督有權提 出告誡、撤除並取消違反本規則的助手資格

The Referee cares for both Boxers and makes of the health of both Boxers a primary concern throughout the Bout.整 場比賽,裁判員關注雙方拳擊手並且拳擊手的健康示他們的主 要職責。 | | | AOB WSB the paramount for the Referees is take care with the Boxers however it is no possible to start an eight count the same punch for the three programs. It is not the same Women Juniors and APB Boxers.  WSB & APB Boxers can receive some punches more before start an eight count.

If a Boxer is knocked down, the Boxer’s opponent must go to the neutral corner.如果拳擊手被擊倒,拳擊手的對手必須移動 到中立角落。 While the Boxer is going to neutral corner the Referee starts a count.當拳擊手開始移動到中立角落,裁判員開始讀秒。 The Boxer remain in the neutral corner until the Referee allows the Boxer to leave.拳擊手停留在中立角落,直到裁判員 允許拳擊手離開為止。

A maximum of three (3) eight counts will be given in one (1) Round一(1)回合中最多提供三(3)次讀秒八 Elite Men: 成年男子: No limit of the amount of eight counts will apply in one Bout 一場比賽不適用讀秒八的限額 Women, Youth and Juniors: 女子、青年與少年: A maximum of four (4) eight counts will apply in one Bout一 場比賽適用最多四(4)次讀秒八 KD due to an illegal blow, will not be considered in this amount 由於違法打擊過低的KD,不被納入此數量

Sounds the bell at begin and end of round在回合開始和結束時發出鐘響 Sounding last 10 seconds of the round在回合最後10秒時發出鐘響 Counting for knockdowns擊倒讀秒 Control the time: 控制時間: - Low Blow, LOC and if a boxer falls out of the ring打擊過低、LOC以及如果 拳擊手掉出拳擊場外 Does not sound the bell at the end of the Round if the Referee is counting a knockdown. Sounds the bell when the Referee says “Box” 如果在回合結束時裁 判員正在計算擊倒,則不會發出鐘響。 當裁判員說“Box”則發出鐘響。 Stop the clock, when the Referee says “Time” 當裁判員說“時間到”則停止時鐘 Resume time when the Referee says “Box”當裁判員說“Box”則恢復時間 Don’t stop the clock, when the Referee says “Stop” 在裁判員說“停止”時不可停止 時鐘        

Announce the entrance of the Boxer宣布拳擊手的入口 Announce the Referee and Judges宣布裁判員和評判員 Announce 10 seconds before the end of rest-period - “Seconds Out”在休息期結束前10秒宣布 - “助手退出” Announce the number of each round right after the start of each round在每回合開始後立即宣布每回合的次數 Announce the final results at the end of the bout after receiving the official results from the Supervisor在收到監督的正式結果 後,宣布比賽結束的最終結果


206 Weight Categories重量類別
RULE規則 AOB Age年齡 Elite Men成年男子 The boxers age is determined by the year of birth由出生年度決定拳擊手年齡 Weight Categories重量類別 10 Categories 10個類別 , 52, 56, 60, 64, 69, 75, 81, 91 and和 +91 Judges評判員 5 Position Randomly Drawn隨機抽出位置 Scoring System記分系統 10 Point Must System 10分必要系統

207 Max 3 in 1 round - No limit in1 bout
RULE規則 AOB Count Limits讀秒限制 Elite Men成年男子 Max 3 in 1 round No limit in1 bout 1回合最多3次 - 1次比賽中沒有限制 Gloves手套 10 oz - 49, 52, 56, 60, 64 kg 12 oz - 69, 75, 81, 91, +91 kg Headguard頭盔 NO無 Protest防護

208 Seconds on Ringside場邊助手 3
RULE規則 AOB Seconds on Ringside場邊助手 3 Medical Certificate醫療證明 Submit on line – Valid 3 months for AIBA Controlled Events線上提交 - AIBA主辦賽事之有效期為3個月 R&J Management System R&J管理系統 Same for 2 programs相同的2項計劃 Coaches Management System教練管理系統

209 RULE規則 AOB Weight重量 Weigh-in稱重 Gloves Closure手套扣帶 Number of Rounds回合次數
No Tolerance無寬容值 Weigh-in稱重 The same day of the Bout比賽當天 Gloves Closure手套扣帶 Velcro尼龍搭扣 One layer tape to cover一層膠帶覆蓋 Number of Rounds回合次數 3

210 Competition Officials競賽官員
RULE規則 AOB Bandage繃帶 4.5 meters Stretchy Cotton Or Pro bandage (Elite Men) 4.5公尺彈力棉 或專業繃帶(成年男子) Vest手套 YES是 Competition Officials競賽官員 Supervisor Deputy Supervisors ITOs 監督 副監督

211 Injury by Unintentional foul非故意違規的傷害
RULE規則 AOB Decision on Points關於分數的決策 Injury by Unintentional foul非故意違規的傷害 any round任何回合 Technical Draw技術抽籤 NO否

212 Unforeseen Circumstances無法預料的狀況
RULE規則 AOB No Contest沒有比賽 Unforeseen Circumstances無法預料的狀況 1st Round第1回合 Rest Between Bouts比賽間的休息 12 Hours 12小時

213 AOB – Women, Youth & Junior AOB-女子、青年&少年
RULE規則 AOB – Women, Youth & Junior AOB-女子、青年&少年 Count Limits讀秒限制 Max 3 in 1 round 1回合最多3次 Max 4 in 1 bout 1次比賽最多4次 Gloves手套 10 oz Age年齡 Elite Women成年女子: Youth Men and Women青年男子與女子: Junior Boys and Girls少年男子與女子:

214 AOB – Women, Youth & Junior女子、青年&少年 Weight Categories重量類別
RULE規則 AOB – Women, Youth & Junior女子、青年&少年 Headguard頭盔 YES是 Rounds回合 Women – Elite and Youth女子-成年與青年 = 3 x 3 Junior – Boys and Girls少年-男子與女子 = 3 x 2 Weight Categories重量類別 Elite & Youth - Women成年&青年-女子 , 51, 54, 57, 60, 64, 69, 75, 81, + 81 kg Junior - Boys & Girls少年-男子&女子 , 48, 50, 52, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 70, 75, 80, + 80 kg

215 ROLE OF A CUTMAN傷口處理師的任務

216 The role of Cutman傷口處理師的任務
AOB RULES: AOB規則: When o competitions without Headguards, the AIBA Cutman controls the handwraps prepared by the Coaches and intervenes only if these do not comply with these Rules.當被指定不戴頭盔比賽時,AIBA傷口處理師控制 由教練準備的手綁帶,只有在不符合本規則的情況下才能進行干預。 He oversees the work of the Teams’ cutmen at the corner and provides advice to the Seconds if necessary.他負責監督團隊傷口處理師在角落的工 作,並在必要時對助手提供意見。 The AIBA Cutman also conducts Handwraps Workshops, Seminars or Courses for Coaches. AIBA 傷口處理師還為教練進行手綁帶研討會、研討 會或課程。 When appointed to competitions with Headguards, the AIBA Cutman conducts Handwraps Workshops, Seminars or Courses for Coaches當被指 定戴頭盔比賽時,AIBA傷口處理師將為教練進行手綁帶研討會、研討會或課 程。    

217 The role of Cutman傷口處理師的任務
傷口處理師在準備戰鬥和照顧拳擊手的健康方面發揮了非常重要的作用。他是大型團隊的一部分,那是拳擊生涯的基礎。爬高而不遵守充分的安全也可能失敗。 Cutman takes a very important role in preparing to fight and taking care of the health of a fighter. He is a part of a large team that is fundamental in boxing career. Climbing high can also fail without keeping the sufficiant safety. How it looks generally?一般如何看待? coach / second trying to take care of a boxer, 教練/助手試圖照顧拳擊手, there is no responsible person, 沒有負責人員, How it should look like?應該如何看待? coach / second replacing cutman, 教練/助手取代傷口處理師, cutman replacing second, 傷口處理師取代助手, Responsibilities cutman / second's: 傷口處理師/助 手的責任: Full awareness of our work - theory and practice knowledge充分認識我們的工作 - 理論與實務知識 Taking care of boxers’ hands – hand wrapping,照顧拳擊 手的手-手部包紮, Good selection of equipment (high quality, hygienic)良好 的裝備選擇(高品質、衛生) Taking care of for sustainability of the skin (face tending with creams to keep it flexible)照顧皮膚的可持續性(使 用面霜護理臉部以保持彈性) Minimizing the injuries e.g. by using vaseline to cover boxer’s face or hands wrapping during the trainings將傷 害降至最低,例如:在訓練期間使用凡士林塗抹拳擊手的 臉部或手部包紮

218 1. Full awareness of your actions充分意識到你們的行為
Cutman / second before the beginning of their work in the competition time, should have at least basic knowledge of first aid and practical knowledge of cutman, 傷口處理師 /助手在比賽開始之前的工作時間,至少要有基本的急救知識和 傷口的實務知識, You should have this knowledge before the competition, not getting it during the competition, 你應該在比賽之前掌握這些知識,而不是在比賽中得到知識, Knowledge must be always extended to form a good team by e.g. diffrent courses and trainings, being on probation with medical doctors知識總是必須擴 展,藉由例如:不同的課程和培訓、與醫生共同察看,才能形成良好的團隊。 You should be conscious of the moves that you make, beginning from wrapping hands - on training, to treating of major bleeding in a competition,你 應該清楚你的舉動,從包紮手 - 受訓開始,才能處理比賽中的大出血,

219 2. Take care of Boxer’s hands – hand wrapping.照顧拳擊手的手 - 包紮。
Hands wrapping it’s a basic part of cutman’s / second's work.手部包紮是傷口處理師/助手之基本工作 的一部分。 You should perform them before strong workouts and much less before the Boxing competition,你應 該在強勁的鍛煉之前、而盡量不要在拳擊比賽之前進行, Skillfully wrapped hands are based on hours of practice and proper equipment selection,巧妙地包紮 手是基於練習的時間和選擇適當的裝備, Hands are an important part of the Boxer’s career, damaged of hands do not return to previous mobility,雙手是拳擊手職業生涯的重要組成部分,手部受損將無法恢復到以前的移動性,

220 3. Rightly selection of the equipment.正確選擇裝備。
We can specify some types of injuries for which we use different equipment – each injury is different and must be treated with diffrent equipment我們可 以指定使用不同裝備的某些傷害類型- 每次傷害都 不同,必須使用不同的裝備進行治療 The most common of these are cuts, swelling, fractures,其中最常見的是傷口、腫脹、骨折, To minimize or avoid some of the injuries we used theoretical, practical and equipment designed for these,為了盡量減少或避免某些傷害,我們使用理 論、實務和針對這些用途的裝備, First contact equipment should be sterile/maintained in hygienic conditions, a one- time use, disinfected,第一次接觸設備應屬於無菌/ 保持衛生條件、一次性使用、經過消毒, Starter Pack for second’s (cutman equipment) is presented on the next screen在下一個螢幕報告助 手的啟動工具包(傷口處理師裝備)

221 Seconds supplied equipment consist of: *助手供應的裝備 包括:*
*Starter pack入門包 Seconds supplied equipment consist of: *助手供應的裝備 包括:* One - time use gloves,一次性使用手套、 Set dressings gauze,套裝消毒紗布、 Various size cotton swabs for different cuts用於不同傷口的各種尺寸棉花棒 Nose plugs,鼻塞、 Liquid for disinfection,消毒液、 Universal iron boxing = enswell,通用鐵拳= enswell、 Cream Cavilon,Cavilon保膚霜、 Vaseline,凡士林、 Bucket with Ice to store the enswell儲存enswell的冰桶 Bandages, gauze,繃帶、紗布、 Tape繃帶 Scissor剪刀 * Sample package. Cost about $50. *樣品包,約花費50美元。

222 4. Caring for the sustainability of the skin. 照護皮膚的持續性。
Taking care of your skin begins before the first round with the usage of vaseline, 在第 一回合之前使用凡士林照護你的皮膚作為開始, You have to keep taking care of consistency of the Vaseline applied,您必須持續注意塗 抹凡士林的濃度, Using vaseline between rounds is an important element of the bout / Break to protect skin permanently在回合間使用凡士林是比賽/休息得以永久保護皮膚的重要因素 Take care of your skin every day - elastic skin(reduces the chances of injury),每天照護 皮膚-彈性皮膚(減少受傷的機會) 5. Minimize injuries.將傷害降至最低。 Theoretical knowledge of anatomy and physiology as a result incerases the practical knowledge - theory foundations let us extend practical knowledge and experience解剖學和生理學的理論知識 成為實踐知識 - 理論基礎讓我們擴展實踐知識和經驗 Thanks to gained knowledge you will look differently at the problem and know how to solve it even if it’s difficult and specific.由於獲得知識,你將以不同的角度看問題,即使是困難和特定 的問題,也知道要如何解決 。 Knowledge plus equipment will give the expected result - you need to know how to use equipment effectively.知識加上設備會得到預期的結果 - 您需要知道如何有效地使用設備。 Ability to predict injuries - supported by observing boxer’s face during the fight and effective usage of equipment during the breaks to minimize the injury預測傷害的能力 - 藉由觀察拳擊手在打擊 時的臉部所支持並在休息時有效使用設備,以盡量減少傷害

223 How do look a cutman work in practice?實務上如何看待傷口處理師的工作?
Amateur and professional boxing - 45 seconds (in the round) since starting work with a fighter (Neutral Cutman)業餘和職業拳擊 - 從開始與拳擊手(中立傷口處理師)一起工作共有45位助手(呈圓 形) Amateur and professional boxing - more than 50 seconds at each of the breaks between rounds (Cutman in a team, or second),業餘和職業拳擊 - 在每回合間的休息時間(團隊中的傷口處理師或助手) 超過50位助手, What you should remember?你應記住什麼事? Every second can be important. Each of them has specific tasks.每位助手都很重要,他們每個人都 有特定的任務。 You should make only the decisive moves – there is no time for mistakes你只須做出決定性的舉動 - 沒 有時間犯錯 Result of your work depends also on the result of the fight – the whole team, not only a boxer wins你 的工作結果也取決於戰鬥的結果 - 整個團隊,不 是只有拳擊手獲得勝利

224 Wrapping hands - professional boxing / sparring包紮手 - 專業拳擊/對練
What we need?我們需要什麼? gauze – max. 15m x 5cm on each hand. 紗布 - 最多每隻手15公尺x 5公分。 tape – max. 5m x 2.5cm on each hand. 膠布 - 最多每隻手5公尺x 2.5公分。 gauze pads on the knuckles – max. 5m x 10cm, 指關節上的紗布墊 - 最多5公尺 x 10公分 What is forbiddden? 哪些是禁止事項? taping on the knuckles,繃帶纏住指關節, What do we start from?我們從哪裡開始? Warming up hands暖手

225 Wrapping hands- Competition / sparring包紮手 - 比賽/對練
Every kind of hand wrapping is different.每一種手部包紮都不一樣。 You have to keep certain rules while hand wrapping: 在手部包紮時必須 保持一定的規則: Hand wrapping begins from bandaging hand after the tape is applied,手部 包紮從黏上膠布後包紮手作為開始, The important area of hand wrapping is: wrist, thumb and knuckle area,手 部包紮的重要部位是:手腕、拇指和指關節部位, At the end there must be a solid form connecting these three parts,最後, 必須有堅實的形式連接這三個部位, The area of knuckles must stay free (without tape), only the bandage can be visible. It is checked by commission. Taped knuckles are seems to be harder.指關節必須保持自由(無膠布),只看得見繃帶。由委員會進行檢查。 纏住指關節似乎更為困難。 On the knuckles, a thick layer of pads should be used to amortize the shock,在指關節上,應使用一層厚墊來攤平衝擊,

226 Example of injuries: cuts + reaction受傷案例:傷口+因應
You should specify the size, location and the consequences of cuts and give an opinion on whether a boxer can continue the bout or not:你必須指出傷口的大小、位 置和後果,並就拳擊手能否繼續比賽而進行判斷: Unable to box: 無法進行拳擊比賽: Cut of an eyelid,眼瞼傷口, Close nerve branches,接近神經分支, Visible bone,可見骨頭, Injuries in the area of eyes,眼睛部位 受傷, Heavily bleeding cut.大量流血的傷 口 Wide and deep cuts,寬而深的傷口, Able to box: 能夠進行拳擊比賽: Superficial cuts,表面傷口, Bleeding nose without displacement無 移位的鼻子流血 Deep cut away from the nerve branches, 遠離神經分支的深處傷口, Running along the muscle fibers,沿肌 肉纖維運行,

227 Example of injuries: cuts + reaction受傷案例:傷口+因應

228 Example of injuries: cuts + reaction受傷案例:傷口+因應

229 Example of injuries: cuts + reaction受傷案例:傷口+因應
How to react?如何因應? Prepare equipment: gloves (from the beginning of the round), sterile gauze, swabs with homeostatic – adrenaline or trombine, ice / cold pack / enswell, vaseline, wet towel,準備裝備:手套(從比賽一開始)、無 菌紗布、棉花棒與恆定機制 - 腎上腺素或止血劑、冰/冷包/ enswell、凡士林、濕毛巾、 Clean cut with sterile gauze - blood and sweat until almost dry - squeeze the cut – not wip,以無菌紗布清潔 傷口 - 血液和汗水流到幾乎乾燥 - 擠壓傷口 - 不要擦拭, Hold the cotton swab/s with a medicine on the cut as long as it is possible, push hard without taking your hand off for 25 seconds. After this turn over the swab and change the direction of pressure,只要可行的情況 下,握住沾了藥的棉花棒放在傷口上,手不離開用力按壓25秒。之後翻轉棉花棒,並改變壓力方向, During the pressure we also use the kriotherapy rule all over the wound,在壓力之下,我們在創傷周圍仍使用 冷凍療法原則, In the interim, clean the boxer’s body and his face from the rest of the blood to have a clear view of another potential injuries,在此期間,清理拳擊手的身體和臉部的其餘血液,以清除另一種潛在的傷害, After 40 seconds, slightly take off the swab and apply vaseline in this place and around the cut, 在40秒後, 輕輕拿開棉花棒,並在這個地方和傷口周圍塗上凡士林, During the nose bleeds, follow the same rules; for nose cleaning use plug; the vaseline should be put with the second clean swab to the inner part of the nose and outside,在鼻子流血時,遵循相同的規則;使用塞子 清潔鼻子;凡士林應使用第二枝乾淨的棉花棒放在鼻子裡面和外面, After the bout you should go to a doctor/hospital for stitches (up to 7 hours) without prior bathing and washing of the wound (risk of softening skin),比賽之後,應就醫生/前往醫院縫合(最長7個小時),無需清洗 和洗滌傷口(皮膚軟化的風險),

230 Examples of injuries: swelling +reaction:受傷案例:腫脹+因應:
Swelling = hematoma – this is a pool of blood gathered superficially or deep under the skin. The gathering of blood is a reason of an inner rapture of soft tissue (muscle, tendon, vein, artery). The size of a hematoma depends on the size of injury and boxer’s predisposition. In boxing the most often are: face hematoma and ear hematoma –cauliflower (blood stored in auricle/ear lobe).腫脹=血 腫 - 這是血液聚集在表面或皮下深層。 血液聚集是軟組織(肌肉、肌腱、靜脈、動脈)內部破 裂的原因。血腫的大小取決於受傷的大小和拳擊手的體質。在拳擊中最常見的是:臉部血腫和耳 朵血腫 - 花椰菜(血液聚積在耳廓/耳垂)。 Able to box: 能夠進行拳擊比賽: Superficial hematoma in a visible place可見部位的 表面血腫 Old ear hematoma - not dangerous, callous耳朵陳 舊血腫 - 不危險、長繭 Ungrowing hematoma,不規則血腫, Hematoma away from eyes – forehead,cheeks遠 離眼睛的血腫 - 額頭、臉頰 Unable to box: 無法進行拳擊比賽: Growing hematoma,生長性血腫, Hematoma near eyes,接近眼睛的血腫, New and big hematomas,新的大血腫, Painfull hematomas,疼痛性血腫,

231 Examples of injuries: swelling +reaction受傷案例:腫脹+因應:

232 Examples of injuries: swelling+reaction受傷案例:腫脹+因應:
How to react?如何因應? The fastest reaction is the best reaction; it helps stop the expantion of the hematoma,最快的反應是最好的反應,這有助於阻 止血腫的膨脹, You can recognize the onset of hematomas by a specific shiny surface of the skin or by touching this place with a glove,透過皮 膚的特定光澤表面或用手套觸摸這些部位就能識別血腫的發生 , You have to remember the following - you can not remove an existing hematoma, you can only minimalize it or stop the expantion,你必須記住以下事項 - 你無法消除現有的血腫,你只能盡量縮小或停止擴張, You can use different sizes and shapes of boxing irons or small “cold packs”,你可以使用不同尺寸和形狀的拳擊熨斗或小型“冰 敷袋”, You should use only a medium power of pressure and chose the right direction of static movement of blood,你應該只使用中等 壓力,並選擇正確的血液靜態流動方向, You should not move rapidly with the boxing iron (enswell), you can only press in a chosen direction,你不可以快速移動拳擊熨 斗(enswell) ,只能按所選擇的方向按壓, Before putting the iron on the face you should apply vaseline which gives slide and is a barrier from a direct contact between cold metal and skin,在將熨斗放在臉上之前,應塗抹賦予滑動的凡士林,這是冰冷金屬與皮膚直接接觸的面膜, 10 seconds before the end of a Break you should dry the skin and put some vaseline,在休息結束前10秒,你應該讓皮膚乾燥並 塗上一些凡士林, After the bout we use only preventional kriotherapy, after a few days we use preventional thermotherapy; swollen ears (cauliflower) – preventional kriotherapy (2-3 days) and after this, take out the infesting blood with a special syringe,比賽結束之 後,我們只使用預防性冷凍療法,幾天後,我們使用預防性熱療;腫脹的耳朵(花椰菜) - 預防性冷凍療法(2-3天),之後再 使用專用注射器取出感染的血液,

233 Examples of injuries: fractures + reaction:受傷案例:骨折+因應:
In boxing the most typical fracture are: face, hand and torso fractures,在拳擊中,最典型的骨折是:臉部、手部和軀幹骨折, This is a termination of continuity of osseous tissue during the pressure,這是在壓力期間終止骨質組織的連續性, In a consequence of fracture strong bleeding can appear, big inner swelling, pain and visible osseous replacement,骨折的發生 可能出現大出血、大內腫脹、疼痛及可見骨質置換, Every single fracture is dangerous for a boxer and is classified as one of the reasons terminating a bout,每次骨折對於拳擊手都 是很危險的,並且被歸類為終止比賽的原因之一, The fractures are often unrecognizable, the obesrvation and physical examination is recommended, 通常是無法識別骨折,建 議進行觀察和體檢, First aid in those kinds of cases, if we cannot recognize then if should be treated based on kriotherapy prevention – it helps in case of pain, swelling and anti-inflammatory reaction在這些情況下的急救,如果我們無法確認是否應根據冷凍療法預防進行治 療 - 這對於疼痛、腫脹和抗炎反應有所幫助 Always recommended to see a doctor immediately始終建議立即就醫 Able to box:能夠進行拳擊比賽: Unrecognizable fracture – with no final confirmation of fracture無法識別的骨折 - 未 最終確認骨折 No strong bleeding (nose)沒有大出血(鼻子) Doctor’s agreement to let boxer fight醫生同 意讓拳擊手搏鬥 Unable to box:無法進行拳擊比賽: Visible bone fracture,可見骨折, Strong bleeding (nose)大出血(鼻子) Specific swelling – e.g.blood effusion under the skin after face fracture特異性腫脹 - 例如 臉部骨折後皮下血液滲出

234 Examples of injuries: fractures + reaction:受傷案例:骨折+因應

235 Sport Evolution運動演進 It took many years for the sport which is Boxing has reached the fairness of the competition and secure witnessed the fight we are now. Evolution becomes normal when we raise our requirements and strive for perfection in sport拳擊經過很多年的時間才達到競爭的公 平性,並確保我們現在看到的搏鬥爭。當我們提出要求並 努力精進運動,進化就成為常態。 Debated a lot about the safety of boxers during the bout. Minimize injuries by increasing the size of the gloves, the introduction of mandatory headguard during the Olympic Games or the presence of a neutral cutman, which will give a certain result. 辯論拳擊手在比賽中的安全性。藉由 加大手套的尺寸、在奧運期間引進強制性頭盔或中性傷口 處理師的出現,都將傷害降至最低,這帶來一定的效果。 You should also consult the opinion of the coaches and boxers for whom this event is created.此外,必須諮詢教 練和拳擊手的意見,因為賽事是為他們創設的。

236 Sport Evolution運動演進 Unification of the rules adopted by AIBA for all international events facilitate the preparation of coaches, athletes and competition organizers. AIBA 對於所有國際賽採用統一的規則,有助於教練、運動員 和比賽組織者的籌備工作。 The experience of constantly working at such events certainly affect the development of events on a global level.在這些賽事中持續運作的經驗,肯定會影響全球 層級的賽事發展。 The next step in the evolution of sport will be to increase awareness among coaches, the seconds and participants in the prestigious competition.運動 演變的下一步將是在具聲望的競爭中提升教練、 助手和參與者的認知。

237 changes改變 Start training in first aid among the seconds - effective work with boxers during the 1 minute rest period.開始進行助手間的急救訓練-在1 分鐘的休息時間內,與拳擊手進行有效的工作。 The introduction of the second's starter package with basic equipment used by cutman.引進助手的入門包,包含傷口處理師使用的 基本裝備。 Cancellation of headguards for Elite Men.取消成年男子的頭盔。

238 For and against贊成與反對 FOR贊成 AGAINST反對
The evolution of gloves and size reduces the traumatism,手套和尺寸的演變減輕了創傷, To hold a referendum among the coaches on the removal of headguards,舉行教練之間針對撤除頭盔 的公民投票, Training for the seconds in first aid,助手的急救訓練, Cutman replacing the second's when he/she has injuries,當他/她受傷時,由傷口處理師取代助手, The use of headguards during training to avoid injuries until the start of competition直到比賽開始前 在訓練期間使用頭盔以避免受傷 Professional equipment for the seconds and cutmen助手和傷口處理師的專業裝備 Larger internal injuries when using headguards (transmitted vibrations),使用頭盔(傳送振動)時更 大的內傷, “Heads Up””抬起頭打” Injuries on the face,臉部受傷, Public misconception,公眾誤解, The comparison with other profession organizations 與其他專業組織的比較

239 answer答案 Cancellation of headguards will positively affect the dynamics of boxing in AIBA, increasing the level of head control, increasing the level of care for the boxer from the seconds and AIBA cutman, reducing internal injuries of the head for superficial skin injuries, 取消頭盔對於AIBA 的拳擊動力將產生積極的影響、提高頭部控制程度、提 高拳擊手從助手和AIBA傷口處理師獲得的護理水準、 減少表面皮膚損傷的頭部內傷,

240 Cutman Knowledge for Seconds助手的傷口處理師經驗
Hygiene,sterileness, disposable items衛生、 消毒、一次性物品 Effectively stop bleeding by using different medicines藉由使用不同的藥物而有效地止血 Reduction of swelling,減少腫脹, Working with a boxer before, during and after bouts. Massage, trainings在開賽前、比 賽時和之後與一名拳擊手合作。 按摩、訓練 Recognition of injuries, meeting with doctors to resolve doubts確認受傷,就醫解決疑慮 Learning to use professional equipment,學習 使用專業裝備,

241 Cutman Knowledge for Seconds助手的傷口處理師經驗
Seconds will be asked to take care of hygiene of boxer and himself by using sterile and disposable equipment.助手將被要求使用無菌和一次性裝備來照護拳擊手和本身的衛生。 After the theoretical and practical training, the seconds will have the knowledge to work effectively with a boxer,經過理論與實務訓練後,助手將具備與拳擊手有效合作的知識, The seconds should avoid bad habits while working with a boxer (use dirty towel, no use of sterile gloves, etc),助手在與拳擊手合作時應避免不良習慣(使用髒毛巾、不使用無菌 手套等),

242 Experience經驗 The practice of constantly working at such events, which see different situations is certainly necessary to carry out such steps. 在這些賽事不斷合作的做法,其中看到不同 的狀況當然有必要進行這些步驟。 Choosing the right people and equipment is the key to standardize the rules. Experience is crucial. 選擇合適的人員和 裝備是將規則標準化的關鍵。經驗至關 重要。

243 CAVILON CAVILON: AOB Elite Men Competition AOB成年男子比賽
To prevent the possible cut, it is recommended that all coaches should apply AIBA approved brand cream, Cavilon, on the areas of boxer’s face for several layers before the competitions.為了防止可能的傷口,建議所有教練在比賽前應 塗抹AIBA批准的品牌保膚霜Cavilon,在拳擊手的臉部範圍塗 上幾層。 Cavilon is a concentrated cream that protects red and strongly irritated skin by providing a long lasting barrier Cavilon是一種濃縮保膚霜,透過提供長期的面膜來保護發紅以 及受強烈刺激的皮膚。

The Boxer’s face should be gently and thoroughly cleaned to make it dry. 輕輕地徹底清淨拳擊手的臉部。 When all exposed areas are covered, the layer should be made more homogenous by using a finger to cover the entire face.當覆蓋所有暴露範圍,透過使用手指覆蓋整個臉部而使得 該層次變得更均勻。 Carefully wipe and remove the excess of Cavilon until the skin is transparent.仔細擦拭並擦掉多餘的Cavilon,直到皮膚呈現 透明。 The Coach should necessarily wear examination gloves to apply Cavilon.教練必須配戴檢驗手套才能塗抹Cavilon。

AFTER THE DAILY WEIGH-IN:每日稱重之後: A two grams single dose pack will be given to each Boxer’s Coach for an immediate application on the Boxer’s face.將兩 公克單劑量包提供給每位拳擊手的教練,以便立即塗抹在拳擊 手臉上。 After confirm this application immediately after the daily weigh-in the Boxer will receive the daily pass.在每日稱重之後 立即確認此次塗抹之後,拳擊手將收到每日通行證。

HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE BOUT比賽之前的半小時 The Coach must go to the Equipment Manager who will provide him/her with a single use dose pack.教練必須向設備 經理報到,他將為他/她提供單次使用劑量包。 After confirm this application, the Equipment Manager will give the Coach the boxing equipment as required.確認本次塗 抹之後,設備經理會將需要的拳擊設備提供給教練。

Apply the cream sparingly to cover each exposed areas as indicated below of the Boxer’s face:按照以下拳擊手的臉部, 小心地塗抹護膚霜以覆蓋分別暴露部位: 1 - Over eyebrows眉毛 2 - Infra orbital area and malar bone內眼窩部位和顴骨 3 - Front and supra orbital area前方和上眼窩部位 4 - Under eyebrow (but avoiding the inside of the eyes)眉毛 下方(但避開眼睛內側) 5 - Nose bridge鼻樑 6 - All the face and scalp全臉和頭皮


249 Video presentation影片報告



252 DAY 3第3天


254 #HeadsUp!抬起頭打! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 THE MISSION使命 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS主要成就

255 1. THE MISSION使命 Health健 康 Sport運動 Education 教育 Sustainabi lity永續發 展
HeadsUp! is a global program developed by AIBA to promote the values of boxing and its community worldwide. It will foster all AIBA initiatives aiming at changing the perception of Boxing.抬起頭打! 是AIBA為了提升拳擊及全球社群的價值而制定的全球計 劃, 並將瞄準改變拳擊的觀念以促進所有AIBA行動。 It is based around 4 core pillars: 該計劃基於4個核心支柱: Health健 康 Sport運動 Education 教育 Sustainabi lity永續發 展

#Health健康 AIBA’s main and long-standing concern is the safety of its boxers AIBA主要並長期關注拳擊手的安全 Headguard removal for all participants at AIBA competitions所有AIBA比賽的參賽者都脫掉頭盔 Education of our officials through established professional rules and transparent data透過既定的專業規則和透明數據來教育我們的官員 #Sports運動 AIBA has its “head up” towards the future AIBA秉持“head up”邁向未來 Long term development of boxing as one of the most exciting and appealing sports in the world長期發展的拳擊是世界上最令人興奮和吸引人的運動之一 Prevent our sport from being hurt by doping and match-fixing issue預防我們的運動受到興奮劑和配對問題的傷害 New emerging countries新興國家 #Education教育 AIBA accompanies boxers along their career path AIBA伴隨著拳擊手的職業生涯 Scholarship program / Boxing Academy / post-career opportunities獎學金計劃/拳擊學院/職業後機會

#Sports / #Sustainability #運動/#永續發展 AIBA grows the sport of boxing and promotes gender equality AIBA發展拳擊運動,並促進兩性平等 Active promotion of women’s boxing and grass roots activities積極推廣女子拳擊和基層活動 #Sustainability永續發展 AIBA imposes sustainable programs for its boxing events and partners AIBA為其拳擊賽事和合作夥伴而實施永續發展計劃 Demonstrate sustainability initiatives for all our competitions and stakeholders對於我們所有的比賽和利益相關者展現永續發展行動

258 2. HEADSUP! STRUCTURE抬起頭打!組織
Allowing our Association, our National Federations, our boxers, our officials, our stakeholders and our partners to: 讓我們的協會、我們的國家協會、我們的拳擊手、我們的官員、利益相關者和我們的合作夥伴能夠: #Health健康 - Support the total removal of headguards for all our competitions支持我們所有的比賽全面脫掉頭盔 #Sports運動 - Impact positively on the communication of AIBA and consequently the image of boxing at large對AIBA的交流產生積極影響,從而全面影響拳擊形象 #Education教育 - Focus on education and the development of our sport重視教育並發展我們的運動 #Sustainability永續發展 - Utilise the power of boxing for socially responsible projects為了社會責任任務而利用拳擊的力量

Four Pillars of Developments發展的四大支柱 Involvement of NFs for the boxing expertise, the selection of the athletes, the presence of the local R&Js NFs參與拳擊專長、選拔運動員、當地R&J的出現 Partnership with Ministries of Education and Sports in key territories就重點領域而與教育體育部合作 Identify an existing new sports academy that can host our Academic program確認現有的新體育學院,可以主辦我們的學術計劃 Selecting highly respected National Ambassador (former Minister of Sports, political figure, IOC family member… to guarantee the independence and the future of the program選出受人尊重的國家大使(前體育部長、政治人物、國際奧委會成員...,以保證計劃的獨立性和未來 Create an Athlete Ambassador program with former Olympic or World champ for third-party endorsement and presence in the media針對第三方認可和媒體的存在,與前奧運或世界冠軍共同建立運動員大使計劃 Ensure our partners/LOC signing off the Charter確定我們的合作夥伴/ LOC簽署“憲章”

260 5. HEADSUP! CHARTER抬起頭打! 憲章
Rationale: 理由: Amplify National and International initiatives aligned with our 4 pillars through the HeadsUp Charter 藉由“抬起頭打!憲章”而擴大符合我們4個支柱的國家和國際行動 Client Group: 客戶群: National Federations國家協會 Confederations聯盟 Local Organizing Committee地方組委會 Partners/suppliers/NGOs合作夥伴/供應商/非政府組織

261 5. HEADSUP! CHARTER抬起頭打!憲章
It is AIBA’s mission to responsibly govern the sport of boxing worldwide, and HeadsUp! is our global initiative to promote the values of boxing and the AIBA family worldwide. Our goal is to foster AIBA initiatives for the promotion and development of boxing at a national and international level. With HeadsUp! , we want to change the perception of boxing and reinforce the positive aspects of our sport including the discipline, training and sense of self that it imbues in all participants. AIBA的使命是負責管理全球拳擊運動,並且抬起頭打!(HeadsUp!) 是我們提倡的全球行動,旨在推廣拳擊和全球AIBA家族的價值觀。我們的目標是促進AIBA行動在國家和國際層級推動拳擊的發展和成長。隨著抬起頭打!我們想改變拳擊的看法,並強化我們體育的積極面向,包括紀律、訓練以及對所有參與者灌輸的自我意識。 THE HEADSUP! CHARTER IS BASED ON FOUR CORE PILLARS 抬起頭打!憲章是基於四個核心支柱 1. HEALTH健康 The health and safety of all boxers is of paramount importance to AIBA. Our work involves improvements in coaching methods and the ongoing assessment and development of officials and boxing techniques. In addition, boxers must be advised on nutrition, training and the psychological aspects of the sport to ensure that they are fully informed. 所有拳擊手的健康和安全對於AIBA均至關重要。我們的工作包括改良教導方法,以及對於官員和拳擊技巧的持續評估和發展。此外,也必須為拳擊手提供有關運動的營養、訓練和心理方面的資訊,以確保他們充分了解。 2. EDUCATION教育 Boxing promotes discipline in the athletes which must be extended to the world outside of the ring and into other areas of the sport. Education shall be provided to boxers on anti-doping, technical aspects of the sport and nutrition. 拳擊促進運動員的紀律,這應當延伸到拳擊場外的世界,進入其他領域的運動。必須為拳擊手提供關於反興奮劑、運動和營養技術方面的教育。 4. SUSTAINABILITY永續性 The sustainability of a boxer’s career is of paramount importance. By investing in athletes for the long term, creating post-career bridges into other areas of the sport like refereeing, judging, officialising and federation level, HeadsUp! will also be making an important social contribution. 拳擊手職業生涯的永續性是最重要的。經由長期投資運動員,建立職業之後的橋樑進入其他運動領域,如:官方和聯盟級別的裁判、評審,抬起頭打!也將提供重要的社會貢獻。 3. SPORTS運動 The importance of boxing and its training methods extend far beyond the sport itself, becoming part of daily life in all shapes and forms. The promotion of the art of boxing for all and the defence of gender equality will be at the heart of the program, to ensure continuous growth of awareness around the sport. 拳擊及其訓練方法的重要性遠超出運動本身,成為各式各樣日常生活的一部分。對所有人推動拳擊藝術和維護性別平等將成為該計劃的核心,以確保運動意識的持續提升。 The mission of AIBA is to govern the sport of boxing worldwide. Heads Up is a global program developed by AIBA to promote the values of boxing and the global AIBA family. The objective is to foster AIBA initiatives to promote the development and growth of boxing at a national and international level. Its aim is to change the perception of boxing to ensure that the positive aspects of the sport including the discipline, training and sense of self that it imbues in all participants. AIBA的使命是管理全球拳擊運動。抬起頭打是AIBA制定的全球計劃,旨在推廣拳擊和全球AIBA家族的價值觀。目標是促進AIBA行動,以便在國家和國際層級推動拳擊的發展和成長。其目的是改變拳擊的看法,以確保運動的積極面向,包括紀律、訓練以及對所有參與者灌輸的自我意識。 Ching-Kuo WU AIBA PresidentAIBA主席 吳經國

262 6. HEADSUP! ROLL OUT抬起頭打! 展開
Mini Website about HeadsUp News-photos-videos sections Presentation of all NFs initiatives Introduction from AIBA key executives Specific contents developed 關於抬起頭打! 的小型網站 新聞照片-影片部分/紹報告所有NFs行動 介紹AIBA主要管理人員/制定具體內容 HeadsUp Charter signing抬起頭打!憲章簽署 National Federation, NOC, NGO國家協會、NOC、非政府組織

HeadsUp lands in Brazil in scope of Rio 2016 Boxing Test Event: “抬起頭打! ”來到巴西境內2016年里約拳擊測試賽事: December 3, 年12月3日 The day before the start of the official Rio 2016 Boxing Test Event, AIBA rolled out its HeadsUp! initiative in conjunction with the city’s celebrated Fight For Peace organisation.在2016年官方里約2016年拳擊測試賽事開始前一天,AIBA與該市著名的和平戰鬥組織結合推出了HeadsUp! Launch of HeadsUp! programme in Brazil在巴西推出抬起頭打 ! 計劃 In the presence of executives from the International Boxing Association (AIBA) and Luke Dowdney, founder and director of Fight for Peace (FFP) in Rio’s Maré region, AIBA announced the sponsorship of five of the organisation’s top young athletes under the HeadsUp! initiative. Designed to help nurture and prolong boxers’ careers, the ground-breaking programme focuses on four core pillars: sport, health, education and sustainability.在國際拳總(AIBA)主管以及Maré地區的和平戰鬥(FFP)創辦人兼監督Luke Dowdney的陪同下,AIBA宣布根據抬起頭打! 行動而贊助該組織的五名頂尖年輕運動員, 旨在協助培養並延長拳擊手的職業生涯,突破性的計劃著重於四個核心支柱:運動、健康、教育和永續發展。 AIBA will support each of the five athletes with one-year grants, giving them the means to continue training and participate in national and international competitions by covering travel and living costs as well as competition fees. AIBA將為五名運動員分別提供一年補助金,為他們提供繼續訓練和參與國家和國際比賽的財源,涵蓋旅行和生活費以及競爭費用。

AIBA also confirmed the signing of the HeadsUp! Charter with the Brazilian Boxing Confederation (B.B.C.) illustrating the strong support of National Federations for this programme enhancing the values of boxing and ensuring its development from grass roots to professional level, especially in Brazil. AIBA還確認與巴西拳擊聯合會(B.B.C.)簽署抬起頭打! 憲章,說明了國家協會大力支持此方案,以提升拳擊的價值,並確保從基層到專業層級的發展,尤其是在巴西。 The launch came on the eve of the Aquace Rio International Boxing Tournament, which runs from 4-6 December and serves as a test event for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Among those competing will be Brazil’s Pan-American Games champion Roberto Custódio, who is looking to secure his place on the national Olympic team for next year. 本次發表是在12月4-6日舉行Aquace Rio國際拳擊錦標賽的前夕,並作為2016年里約奧運會的測試賽事。其中競爭對手將是巴西泛美運動冠軍RobertoCustódio,他希望明年能夠在國家奧運隊中取得勝利。 About Fight For Peace關於為和平戰鬥 Fight for Peace uses boxing and martial arts combined with education and personal development to realise the potential of young people in communities suffering from high levels of crime and violence. The organisation directly supports 3,000 young people in its academies in Rio and London, and reaches more than 250,000 young people around the world via a network of partners.為和平戰鬥使用拳擊和武術結合教育和個人發展,讓居住在高程度犯罪和暴力社區的年輕人可以發揮潛力。該組織在里約熱內盧和倫敦的學院直接支持3000位年輕人,並透過合作夥伴的網路擴及世界各地25萬個年輕人。

New corporate initiative to change the perception of boxing新企業倡議改變對拳擊的看法 Cover all AIBA major topics涵蓋所有AIBA主題 Put boxers first with health as a main concern置拳擊手的健康為首要重點 Epitomise the values of boxing展現拳擊的價值 Target all internal and external stakeholders瞄準所有內部和外部利益相關方 Capacity to open new doors and provide new commercial opportunities開闢新管道並提供新商業機會的能力


267 Introduction引言 Through many years, different areas of boxing has evolved, such as competition format, rules and regulations as well as boxing equipment.多年以來,不同領域的拳擊逐漸發展,如:競賽形式、 規章制度以及拳擊裝備。 Boxing has evolved from a defensive sport to discipline focused on offense and various forms of attack.拳擊從防守運動演變為專注 於進攻和各種攻擊形式的紀律。 Different systems of technique and tactics teaching and improvement/perfecting concentrating on selected elements such as:不同系統的技術和策略教學和改善/完善集中在選定要素,如: type of punches executed in series and such punches combinations一系列 執行的出拳類型和這些出拳組合 selected types of defenses選定的防禦類型

268 Introduction引言 These elements needs to be adjusted to changing criteria of how bouts are being judged and scored as well as to new boxing equipment (gloves, bandages, headguards, mouthguards) or ring dimension. For example:這些要素需要根據不斷變化的判斷標準以 及新的拳擊設備(手套、繃帶、頭盔、護口器)或拳擊場尺寸而進行 調整。例如: specific structure of AOB gloves make full hand clenching difficult AOB 手套的特定結構讓整個手握緊很困難 sponge inside these gloves absorbs significant punch power, so full power cannot be strictly delivered to opponent’s target areas.這些手套 中的海綿吸收顯著的出拳力道,所以全部力道無法完全傳遞給對手的目 標範圍。 On the one hand these factors reduce punching power, protecting athletes health but on the other hand it may increase the risk of injuries to their arms/palms (in the case of not being able to fully clench their fists). 一方面這些因素減少了衝擊力,保護運動員健康 ,但另一方面可能會增加手臂/手掌受傷的風險(如果無法完全握緊 拳頭)。

269 Introduction引言 The main purpose of headguards implementation to boxing competition was to protect athlete’s heads against micro- injuries, cuts, hematomas and abrasions. 在拳擊比賽採用頭盔 的主要目的是保護運動員的頭免於輕傷、傷口、血腫和擦傷。

270 Disadvanteges of headguards using使用頭盔的缺點
Such purpose was partially gained. However, we need to remember:此項目的已取得部分進展,然而我們必須記住: headguards reduce boxer’s side vision, so he/she cannot see all opponent’s actions and side punches.頭盔減少了拳擊手的側視力,所以他/她看不到所有 對手的動作和側拳。 boxer’s hearing and sense of touch as well as head thermoregulation are also disturbed. 拳擊手的聽覺和觸覺以及頭部溫度調節也受到干擾。 Headguards used during boxing competitions make boxing technique and tactics partialy limited.拳擊比賽期間使用頭盔使拳擊技術和策略部分受限。 Wearing headguards makes boxers more confident, so they prefer fighting in the middle and shorter distances creating a higher number of strong punches to the head, simple combinations of two-three punches and often forget about defence and potential injuries. This way of fighting is full of clinching and often unclear for judges and unattractive for spectators and media representatives. 配戴頭盔使拳擊手更有信心,所以他們偏好在中、短距離的對戰中產生更多對 頭部的強力出拳,簡單的組合兩三拳,經常忘記防守和潛在的傷害。這種對戰 方式充滿扭打,對於評判員來說往往很含糊,對觀眾和媒體代表也不具吸引力 。

271 Disadvantages of headguards using使用頭盔的缺點
Such purpose was partially gained. However, we need to remember: 此項目的已取得部分進展,然而我們必須記住: Wearing headguards causes that boxers sometimes cannot see the gestures and commands of the referee, who is standing from the side or moving in the ring during the bout.配戴頭盔導致拳擊手有時無法看 到裁判員的手勢和命令,裁判員在比賽時站在側面或是在拳擊場中移動 。 Despite headguards wearing, cuts or head injuries can happen, so their effective and fast treatment is difficult due to the headguards.儘管 穿戴頭盔,頭部也可能受傷或發生傷口,所以由於頭盔也使得迅速有效 的治療極為困難。 For the boxing tournaments, limited number of headguards are provided by the organizers for all attended boxers, who needs to wear different and previously used headguard to each bout – no way to maintain 100% hygiene.對於拳擊比賽,主辦單位為所有拳擊參賽者提 供了數量有限的頭盔,他們需要在每一場比賽中配戴不同和以前使用過 的頭盔 - 無法保持100%的衛生。

272 Disadvantages of headguards using使用頭盔的缺點
Headguards may reduce technical and tactical brilliance of boxers:頭盔可 能會降低拳擊手的技術和戰術亮點: Boxing training and boxing at various distances teaching and training is partially limited by coaches and even boxers拳擊訓練和不同距離和訓練的拳擊教學,部 分受到教練甚至是拳擊手的限制 chaotic attacks with a higher number of punches to the head are often the results混亂攻擊包含對頭部較多的出拳,往往就是結果 tactics are simplified戰術被簡化 strength-endurance preparation is privileged at the cost of coordination, speed and flexibility training.力量-耐力準備是以協調、速度和靈活性訓練作為代價。 chaotic counter attacks are often used at any price by a boxer and expose him to be counter-attacked by the opponent.拳擊手經常不計代價混亂反擊,並使他 受到對手的反擊。 importance of quality and number of defenses is reduced降低質量的重要性和防 禦次數 technique and tactics are conservative. For many years nothing changed within defenses and their performance. 採取保守的技術和策略,多年以來在防守和表 現都沒有改變。 using headguards became a defense in and of itself使用頭盔成為本質上的防守 lack of active and finessed defenses缺乏積極和適度的防禦

273 Disadvantages of headguards using使用頭盔的缺點
Technique and tactics teaching by a coach is reduced減少了經由教練的技 術和戰術教學 training with more emphasis on physical preparation than technical and tactical preparation.訓練更強調身體準備重於技術和戰術準備。 reduced self-education and skills improvement within sports training, which includes boxing technique and tactics減少了運動訓練中的自我教 育和技能提升,包括拳擊技巧和戰術 Headguards cause the limited vision of opponent頭盔造成對手的視力受限 Unsuitable and maladjusted headguard make vision of side punches difficult to see, which can be a reason of knockdowns and serious injuries.不適合和不正確的頭盔使得側出拳的視力無法看清楚,這可能是 擊倒和嚴重傷害的原因。 Hedguards decrease marketing value of boxers – their recognition by the specators and media representatives. 頭盔降低了拳擊手的行銷價值 - 觀眾 和媒體代表對他們的認同。 Unfavorable changes in training methodologies can be observed.可觀察到 訓練方法的不利變化。 simplification of methods, forms and training means簡化方法、形式和 訓練手段

274 Disadvantages of headguards using使用頭盔的缺點
Another negative influence during a bout比賽時另外的負面影 響 Boxer’s safety and protection is questionable拳擊手的安全和保護令人 懷疑 Increased shock wave of received punches, which is accumulated inside the headguard增加承受出拳而累積在頭盔內的衝擊波 Decreased comfort of the boxer降低拳擊手的舒適度 pressure on the head and chin頭部和下巴的壓力 unstable position of headguards on the boxer’s head, which causes his/her deconcentration拳擊手頭上頭盔不穩定的姿勢,導致他/她分心

275 Headguards removal reform取消頭盔改革
Careful analysis of mechanism determining boxing development pushed AIBA to take some steps and propose organizational and Rules amendments.仔細分析結構確定了拳 擊發展,推動AIBA採取一些措施並提出組織和規則修正案。 These analysis were focused on the headguard’s mandatory using during competition bouts.這些分析集中在競賽對戰中強 制性使用頭盔。 In 2013, AIBA decided to remove headguards in Elite Men competitions. 於2013年,AIBA決定取消成年男子比賽的頭盔 。 Such decision was made after careful research and based on collected information and expert’s reports. 這些決定是依據詳 細的研究,並且基於收集的資訊和專家報告。

276 Headguards removal reform取消頭盔改革
Headguard removal in AIBA Elite men competitions is a right decision and good direction. AIBA成年男子比賽取消頭盔是正確的決 定及適合的方向。 Now it’s more attractive and interesting for the audience as well as more competitive to pro boxing.現在,職業拳擊對觀眾來說更具吸引 力及趣味性,也更有競爭力。 However, it’s necessary to take care and protect the boxer’s health as well as continuously develop and different injury prevention ways, inc.: 然而,有必要照顧和保護拳擊手的健康以及不斷形成與不 同的傷害預防方法,包括: providing new sizes of gloves, made of high quality materials.提供 以優質材料製成的新尺寸手套。 boxer’s face greasing before and during a bout在比賽之前和比賽時 潤滑拳擊手的臉部 new types and sizes of bandages to be approved有待批准新型和新 尺寸的繃帶

277 Injury prevention傷害預防
To improve the quality of boxing today and protect athlete’s health, we need to focus on proper techniques and tactics. Teaching effective mental and physical preparation of boxers.為了提升當今拳 擊的質量並保護運動員的健康,我們需要專注於適當的技術和戰術。 教導拳擊手關於有效的精神和身體準備。 All technical elements need to be equally trained: boxing stance, movement, punches execution, defenses and feinting.必須同等訓練 所有技術要素:拳擊姿勢、移動、出拳動作、防禦和假動作。 During technique perfecting/improvement, more attention should be paid on protecting the head by correct arm placement, bodyweight distribution, head against trunk position or distance skills.在技術完 善/改善過程中,應藉由正確的手臂擺放、體重分配、頭部依靠軀幹 的位置或距離技能,而更加重視保護頭部。 Arm movements, wrist position, quick arm retraction to base position along the same path as delivered must be carefully considered along punch execution improvement. 隨著出拳動作改善 ,必須仔細考量手臂移動、手腕位置、沿著發動的相同路徑而將手臂 快速縮回基本姿勢 。

278 Injury prevention傷害預防
Such elements and their proper teachings are a crucial part of injury prevention.這些要素及正確的指導是傷害預防的關鍵部分。 Tactical preparation is an important part of sports competition. Applying effective tactics is crucial to avoid injuries.戰術準備是運動競 賽的重要組成部分。應用有效的策略對於避免受傷至關重要。 Boxer with very good physical preparation are able to benefit from and use different tactics depending on changing situations in the ring. 具備極佳體能準備的拳擊手能夠受益於並使用不同的戰術,這取決於 拳擊場的不同情況。 Various tactics must be taught during training sessions to let boxers effectively use these tactics during competition bouts, based on boxer’s and his/her opponent’s  strengths and weaknesses. 在訓練期 間必須教導各種策略,以便讓拳擊手依據他/她對手的長處和弱點,而 在競賽對戰中有效地使用這些策略。 Effectiveness of tactics depends on physical preparation, technical skills, mental preparation, boxer’s build, type of competition (number of rounds) etc. 戰術的有效性取決於身體準備、技術技能、心理準備、 拳擊手的體隔、比賽類型(回合次數)等。

279 Injury prevention傷害預防
Harmonious development of all major abilities such as endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility is an important part of the athlete’s career. Even slight head or arm injuries can ruin a boxer’s promising career. Comprehensive preparation and training can significantly reduce the risk of injuries.所有主要能力的和諧發展,如 :耐力、速度、體力、協調性、靈活性是運動員職業生涯的重要組成 部分。即使輕微的頭部或手臂受傷也可能會破壞拳擊手光明的職業生 涯。全面準備和訓練可顯著降低受傷的風險。 Such abilities are necessary for the boxer to execute active and passive defenses effectively.這是拳擊手有效執行主動和被動防禦的 必備能力。 It’s crucial to remember the difference in endurance preparation when preparing for different types of competitions, including AOB and WSB.在準備不同類型的比賽時,包括AOB和WSB,記住耐力準 備的差異至關重要。 Speed preparation is important for correct and effective punch executions, legs, hands  or trunk defenses performance.速度準備對 於正確有效的出拳動作、腿部、手部或軀幹防守的表現業非常重要。 Good coordination and flexibility preparation allow a boxer to effectively move his body during the bout which also supports injury prevention. 良好的協調性和靈活性準備使得拳擊手能夠有效地移動身 體,同時也支持傷害預防。

280 Injury prevention傷害預防
The removal of Headguards does not increase the risk of  athlete’s head injuries.取消頭盔不會增加運動員頭部受傷的 風險。 Such risk is widely determined and based on poor technical and tactical, physical as well as mental preparation of athletes. 這種風險被廣為確定,還有基於運動員的技術和戰術、身體和心 理各方面準備不足。 Proper warm-up before the competition bout or sports training, especially its duration, range and character is the next important element of injury prevention.在競賽對戰開始或運動訓 練前進行適當的熱身,尤其是其持續時間、範圍和特性,是傷害 預防的下一個重要因素。 Advanced boxers warm-up is individual and depends on the boxer’s needs and preferences. 個人自行進行進階拳擊手熱身,並取決於拳擊手 的需求和喜好。 However it must be comprehensive and concentrate in general and specific exercises. So different types of Gymnastic exercises, shadow boxing, pad work with coach, basic massage can be included to warm- up.然而,這必須是全面性的,並集中在一般和特定練習。所以熱身可以 包括不同類型的體操運動、空氣拳擊、與教練練習靶具、基本按摩。

281 Injury prevention傷害預防
The next element of injury prevention is suitable and high quality sports equipment, protecting boxer’s during training and competition.傷害預防的下一個要素是合適與高質量的運動 器材,在訓練和競賽中保護拳擊手。 During a bout, boxer should be equiped with:拳擊手應準備 比賽中的裝備,包括: high quaility, suitable and well adjusted gloves高品質、適當和調整良好 的手套 certified and best quality bandages – preferably made of 15 m of gauze and padding like for WSB and Elite Men events.通過認證和最佳質量的 繃帶 - 最好是以15公尺的紗布和襯墊等製成,專供WSB和Elite Men賽事 使用。 well-fitted mouthguard合適的護口器 cup protector護檔

282 Head injuries頭部傷害 Exemplary forms of boxing offence/attacks that can cause athlete’s head injuries: 拳擊進攻/攻擊可能導致運動員頭部受傷 的示範形式: Head-butting before a punch is executing (attacking opponent with their head, leaning forward)在出拳動作之前用頭衝撞(以他們的頭、向 前傾斜攻擊對手) Head-butting after a punch is executed or feinting在出拳動作或假動作 之後用頭衝撞 Head-butting (attacking opponent with their head, leaning forward) after a defensive move but without executing a punch在防守移動之後用 頭衝撞(以他們的頭、向前傾斜攻擊對手),但沒有動作 Hitting with elbow and forearm within different areas以手肘和前臂攻擊 不同的部位 Hitting with an open glove, the inside of the glove, wrist or side of the hand due to incorrect arm and hand position由於不正確手臂和手部姿勢 ,以打開的手套、手腕或手部側邊攻擊 。 Head butting in a clinch due to too wide movements of head and trunk etc.由於頭部和軀幹等太大的移動,以扭打方式用頭衝撞

283 Head injuries頭部傷害 Possible head injuries: 可能的頭部受傷: Cuts傷口 Hematomas血腫
Nose/jaw/cheekbone fractures鼻/下巴/ 顴骨骨折 Broken teeth牙齒斷裂 Eyeball damages眼球受傷

284 Head injuries頭部傷害 Tactical ways to create head injuries to an Opponent - examples對對手造成 頭部受傷的戰術方法 - 例子 When a boxer has a minor eyebrow cut that occurs as a result of his opponent’s unintentional actions, he/she (the opponent) continues to execute punches to the injured area, in order to increase the damage of the cut and make it more severe. As a result of such intentional actions, the referee can stop the contest.當一名拳擊手由於對手的非故意動作而 發生輕微的眉毛傷口,他/她(對手)繼續對受傷部位出拳,增加傷口的 傷害,使傷勢更加嚴重。由於此類故意行為,裁判員可以停止比賽。 An injury that occures on a boxer’s head can be increased by unintentional actions of his/her opponent’s – the injured area causing a laceration with the head, shoulder, arm or forearm. 因為對手的非故意動 作可能會增加拳擊手發生的傷害- 受傷部位造成頭部、肩部、手臂或前臂 的撕裂。 Wait for opponent’s actions/attacks to him/her by illegal head butt or elbow hit/blow.等待對手的行動/攻擊,以違法的頭部撞擊或手肘攻擊/打 擊來碰撞他/她。 Middle distance fighting with the head low and advanced forward against the arms低著頭的中距離對戰並擋著手臂向前進 These are only exemplary actions that can occur causing head injuries. 這 些只是可能導致頭部受傷的舉例行為。

285 Head injuries頭部傷害 Head injury can occur due to unsuitable, maladjusted or poor quality of boxing equipment頭部受傷可能由於不合適、調整不 當或品質不良的拳擊器材 Uncovered glove closures, by tape (velcro or lace closure system)使用 膠帶、未扣上手套扣帶(魔鬼氈或蕾絲扣帶系統) Displaced or broken glove padding移位或破裂的手套襯墊 Using unserviceable or wet/unclean gloves使用不堪使用或潮濕/不潔的 手套 Lack of bandages or using significantly wet bandages缺乏繃帶或使用 很潮濕的繃帶 Unsuitable or maladjusted mouthguard不合適或不適當的護口器

286 Key ways of injury prevention預防受傷的關鍵方法
Key ways to prevent against injuries預防受傷的關鍵方法 Effective physical training有效的體能訓練 Athlete’s effective preparation to training sessions/contest bouts運動員對於訓練 課程/比賽對戰的有效準備 Applying proper training forms and means應用適當的訓練方式和手段 Effective technical and tactical training – proper teaching and improvement/perfecting有效的技術和戰術培訓 - 適當的教學和改善/完善 Training process periodization培訓過程定期化 Coaches and athletes education教練和運動員教育 Intensive control and consistent actions of referees within the ring in case of any irregularities/illegal situations during a bout在比賽時發生任何違規/違法情況下, 加強控制和拳擊場內裁判員的一致行動 Intensive control and consistent actions of ringside doctors加強控制和拳擊場內 醫生的一致行動 Careful control of equipment by managers and supervisors/inspectors由經理和 監督/督察小心的控管器材 Competition monitoring比賽監測 Technical briefings with presentation of exemplary illegal actions包含介紹違規行 為案例的技術簡報 Course and workshops for coaches and R&Js at all levels適合各級教練和R&Js 的課程和研討會

運動營養 - 基礎


289 Training Planning訓練規劃
Preparation for 12-round bout準備12回合比賽 total 10 weeks (2 – 6 – 1- 1)共10週( ) 密集比賽準備 密集 具體準備 直接準備 中等 輕度訓練 比賽期間 過渡期間 一般準備 比賽

290 Training Planning訓練規劃
Preparation for 12-round bout準備12回合比賽 total 10 weeks (2 – 6 – 1- 1)共10週( ) Weight loss 減重 密集比賽準備 密集 具體準備 直接準備 中等 輕度訓練 比賽期間 過渡期間 一般準備 比賽

291 TYPICAL 60kg BOXER典型60kg拳擊手
Training 2-3 times per day每天訓練2-3次 Weighs 10% (6kg) over category limits on average.平均測量類別限制的10 %(6kg)。 Miss meals to make weight.錯過進餐以補足重量。 Hydration is poor most days.大部分時間水合作用不良。 Lose weight rapidly in the last 2 weeks.在最近2週內迅速減體。 Most food consumed is high energy, high in fat & sugar and low in nutrient's.消耗的大多是高能量、高脂肪和高糖、低營養素食物。

Dehydrated脫水 No Energy沒有能量 Loss of muscle mass肌肉質量下 降

293 The love of dehydration對於脫水的喜好
1-2kg of fluid loss through sweat = 1hour! 透過流汗減少1-2kg流質 = 1小時! 0.5kg of fat loss through training & diet = 1week!透過訓練&飲食減少 0.5kg脂肪= 1週!

294 The body can survive 30 days without food, but only 4 to 10 days without fluids, based on the environment.基於環境,身體在沒有食物的情況下可存活30天,但沒有流質則只能存活4到10天。

295 70% of your body is water身體的70%是水
Daily requirements are 3-4L每日需要量是3-4L

296 Dehydration 脫水的嚴重影響 Serious effects
Physical Activity體能活動 Breathing體能活動/呼吸 Sweating流汗 Leads to :導致: Nausea, headaches, irrationality, muscle cramps, rise in body temperature, and dizziness 噁心、頭痛、不理性、肌肉痙攣、體溫上升和頭暈 Loss of fluid流失流體 Blood more viscous血液更黏稠 Blood circulation shows血液循環減緩 Reduced circulation降低循環 Reduced nutrients降低養分

Water composes more than 70% of body weight水佔體 重的70%以上 A loss of as little as 2% body weight will restrict athletic performance即便體重減輕2%,也將限制運動表現 Water provides the medium in which chemical reactions occur水提供了發生化學反應的介質 Water serves as a component of the body’s cooling system水提供作為身體冷卻系統的一部分 Dehydration puts stresses on the heart and blood vessels脫水對心臟和血管造成壓力 It takes many hours to replace and achieve water balance更換和達到水平衡需要花費好幾個小時 Do NOT use salt tablets, which can cause stomach irritation, diarrhea, and increase dehydration不要使用可 能導致胃部刺激、腹瀉和增加脫水的鹽片

increases perceived effort增加感知努力 reduces aerobic exercise performance減損有氧運動表現 impairs reaction time損害反應時間 impairs judgement損害判斷 impairs concentration損害專注力 impairs decision-making損害決策 increases risk of brain injury增加腦部損傷的風險 Losses in excess of 5% of body weight can decrease the capacity for work by about 30% (Armstrong et al. 1985; Craig and Cummings 1966; Maughan 1991; Sawka and Pandolf 1990).多減輕5%的體重可能使工作能力約下降30%(Armstrong等人1985年; Craig and Cummings 1966年; Maughan 1991年; Sawka and Pandolf 1990年)。

299 NUTRITION FACTS營養真相 "Gatorade Thirst Quencher contains a blend of electrolytes – sodium, potassium and chloride – to replenish the minerals lost through sweat. Electrolytes help regulate a number of body functions. In addition to replacing what is lost through sweat, the electrolytes in Gatorade trigger activation of the body’s thirst mechanism, encouraging the consumer to continue to hydrate themselves." It’s like Cool-Aid for people playing sports. It’s a sugary drink. It contains calories (sugar and other carbohydrates).

Dehydration can cause heat strokes脫水可能引起熱衝擊 Signs of heat strokes: 熱衝擊的跡象: Increased temperature, cramps, headaches, increased pulse rate, weakness, fainting 溫度升高、痙攣、頭痛、脈搏加速、虛弱、昏厥 Do not work out in rubber or plastic suits不要穿著橡膠或 塑料服裝進行訓練 Stay out of steam rooms and saunas離開蒸汽房和三溫暖

301 Which is better?哪個比較好? potassium is an electrolyte, to equal the potassium in one banana you will have to drink 216 ounces of Gatorade, which is 1.7 gallons. So think about the gallon milk jugs in your head, you would have to drink almost 2 gallons of Gatorade in order to equal the potassium. And that will provide 1350 calories in that Gatorade which if you eat the banana you would only get 200 calories. And not only that, the sugar would be 378 grams of sugar in the Gatorade versus 27 grams of sugar in banana. So in other words, bananas are rich in minerals. The apple has antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and it’s low glycemic index. And then to top all that off, it’s only 65 calories. If you were to order a quarter-pounder value meal at McDonalds, and that’s not the super size, just the regular meal, it has 1330 calories and only 11 grams of fiber in the whole meal.  In order to get the same amount of fiber, actually a little bit more fiber, you can eat two bananas and only get 400 calories.  So in other words, you have to eat so much of the junk food in order to get just the amount of fiber that your body needs to function correctly.  And of course, that’s going to promote weight gain if you’re trying to find fiber in those kinds of foods. Let’s go back to the quarter-pounder value meal at McDonald’s.  In order to equal the calories in that value meal, it’s not the super size—it’s the regular value meal, guess how many apples you would have to eat to equal the calories.  Just think about it for a second.  You would have to eat 20 1/2 apples to equal the calories in that value meal.  Some people would even find that hard to eat that many apples in a week, much less in one sitting.  So if you’re eating that many apples, not only are you going to be getting all these nutrients but you’re going to feel so full, whereas with the value meal, you are hungry in a few hours. 鉀是一種電解質,要得到等於一根香蕉的鉀,你必須喝下216盎司Gatorade,這等於1.7加侖。所以在腦海想像加侖牛奶壺,你為了得到等量的鉀必須下喝幾乎2加侖Gatorade。而此Gatorade會提供1350卡路里的熱量,如果你吃香蕉就只有得到200卡路里。而且不僅如此,Gatorade含有378公克的糖,而香蕉中含糖量為27公克。換句話說,香蕉含有豐富的礦物質。 蘋果含有抗氧化劑、酶、維生素、礦物質、纖維、水分、低血糖指數。然後,最重要的是只有65卡路里的熱量。 如果你要在麥當勞訂購四盎司牛肉堡餐,而這不是超大尺寸,只是一般餐點,則全部食物含有1330卡路里和僅11克的纖維。為了得到相同數量的纖維,實際上多一些纖維,你可以吃根個香蕉只得到400卡路里。所以換句話說,你必須吃這麼多垃圾食品才能得到你的身體正常運作所需的纖維量。當然,如果你想要在這些食物中得到纖維,那麼將推升體重增加。 讓我們回到麥當勞的四盎司牛肉堡餐。為了取得那個餐點中的相等卡路里,這不是超級尺寸 - 而是一般餐點,猜測你要吃多少蘋果以取得相等卡路里。想像個幾秒鐘,你必須吃20下 1/2個蘋果才能取得該超值餐的相等卡路里。有些人甚至會發現無法在一個星期內吃下那麼多蘋果,更不用說是一口氣吃下。所以,如果你吃那麼多的蘋果,你不僅會得到所有這些營養,而且會感覺很飽實,然而吃下超值餐,過幾個小時就會感覺饑餓。

302 Fruit juice vs Coca-Cola: The healthy choice? 果汁相對可口可樂: 是健康的選擇嗎?
你不會吃掉22包的糖,但為什麼喝掉那麼多糖? There is a big difference between fruit juice and the whole fruit.  Your whole fruits are typically in the low to medium ndex range and it’s because they are so full of fiber.  Fiber slows the absorption rate of sugar down and slows down the entry of the sugar into your blood stream.  If you’re drinking the juice you’re not getting any fiber.  So now, if you’re drinking fruit juice it’s higher up in the glycemic index scale, which is going to cause that spike in your blood sugar.  And that also is high in calories. So to give you an example, if you’re going to eat one orange that would equal 62 calories, it would give you 4 grams of fiber and it would be 12 grams of sugar.  If you were to drink one cup of orange juice, and a lot of people are going to drink more than one cup, I think the standard serving size of orange juice is typically 2 to 3 cups at least especially if you’re at a restaurant and they’re serving it to you.  But 1 cup of orange juice is 112 calories, it’s no fiber, absolutely none, and 21 grams of sugar.  So, just in one cup you’re getting twice the amount of sugar and twice the amount of calories.  So if you’re drinking 2 or 3 cups, you can just imagine how much more sugar and calories you’re getting.  So in other words, give your kids the fruit, not the juice. 果汁和完整水果之間有很大的差別。完整水果通常處於低至中等血糖指數範圍內,這是因為其中充滿了纖維。纖維會 減緩糖的吸收速度,並降低糖進入血液的速度。如果你喝了果汁,你就沒有得到任何纖維。所以如果你現在喝了果汁 ,那麼血糖指數量表就會升高,這將導致你的血糖上升。而且熱量也很高。 所以在此提供一個例子,如果你要吃一個等於62卡路里的橘子,這將提供4公克的纖維和12公克的糖。如果你喝一杯 柳丁汁,並且很多人都會喝一杯以上,我認為柳丁汁的標準供應量通常至少是2到3杯,尤其是如果你在餐廳用餐並且 他們提供給你。但是1杯柳丁汁包含112卡路里,沒有纖維,絕對沒有,和21公克的糖。所以,只要一杯,你就會吃下 兩倍的糖和兩倍的熱量。所以如果你喝了2杯或3杯,你可以想像一下吃下多少的糖和卡路里。所以換句話說,給你的 孩子水果,而不是果汁。


304 Time to exhaustion (min)
達到疲憊的時間(分) High carbohydrate 高碳水化合物 Normal正常 High fat高脂肪 Initial muscle glycogen (g100 g muscle-1)初始肌醣

CHO (g/kg/day) Activity level sustained活動水準持續 1 The amount of carbohydrate associated with weight loss programmes. Makes people feel tired, hungry, constipated, low concentration與減肥計劃相關的碳水化合物數量,使人感到疲勞、飢餓、便秘、無法專注。 2 Sleeping, watching TV, day dreaming !睡覺、看電視、作白日夢! 3 The amount most adults eat大多數成年人的食量 Exercise limited to short walking distances i.e. to catch the bus運動限制在短距離步行,亦即趕公車 4-5 Moderate level exercise (3 – 5 hrs/wk)中等水準運動(3 - 5小時/週) Recreational athlete, fitness programmes walking休閒運動員、健身計劃、步行 5-7 Medium level exercise (10 hrs/wk)中等水準運動(10小時/週) Serious amateur athlete, football, netball, weight training.認真的業餘運動員、足球、網球、重量訓練。 7-9 High level exercise (20+ hrs/wk)高水準運動(20+小時/週) Serious professional athlete, endurance athletes認真的職業運動員、耐力運動員 10+ Full time athletes, endurance sports全職運動員、耐力運動 Ultra-endurance, Iron man events, Olympic athlete.超耐力、鐵人賽事、奧運運動員。 Source: Gold Medal Nutrition; G. Cardwell; 1999

306 0.06kg is not just 0.06kg... 0.06kg不僅僅是0.06kg ...
290 kcal卡 42.0g Sugar糖 12g Fat 脂肪 62g 32 kcal卡 8.0g Sugar糖 0g Fat脂肪

307 280kcal 280kcal It can be 0.54kg 能夠只有0.54kg
Mars Bar(巧克力棒) 62.5g kg 280kcal Apples(蘋果) 540.0g 0.54kg 280kcal

308 It could be… 也許是... 1 Chicken Breast or Protein Shake 1份雞胸肉或健身奶粉
1 Medium Bowl of Salad 1碗中份量沙拉 1 Baked Sweet Potato 1顆烤紅馬鈴薯 1 Apple 1顆蘋果 1 litre of sugar free squash 1公升無糖蘇打

309 Normal Training Diet正常訓練飲食
Protein蛋白質 Vegetables蔬菜 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Protein蛋白質 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Protein蛋白質 Vegetables蔬菜 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Protein蛋白質 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Protein蛋白質 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Protein蛋白質

310 Weight Making Phase 1 第1階段重量補充
Protein 蛋白質 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Protein 蛋白質 Vegetables 蔬菜 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Vegetables 蔬菜 Protein 蛋白質 Protein 蛋白質 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Protein 蛋白質 Protein 蛋白質 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物

311 PHASE 2 LOW CAL DIET Food Item Kcal Carbohydrate GI Protein Apple 50.9
Apple 50.9 12.5 40 1 Orange Milk 86.9 10 Pear 60.3 15 Banana 97.8 25 55 Totals 871 180 47

312 PHASE 2 LOW CAL DIET第2階段低卡飲食
Food Item 食物項目 Kcal Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 GI Protein 蛋白質 Apple蘋果 50.9 12.5 40 1 Orange橘子 Milk牛奶 86.9 10 Pear梨子 60.3 15 Banana香蕉 97.8 25 55 Totals 871 180 47

313 PHASE 3 LOW RESIDUE第3階段低殘留
Used during the last 48 hours before competition在比賽前48小時內使用 Taken from a clinical / surgical model借用臨床/手術模型 Preferred over food and fluid restriction as it allows the athlete to meet fluid and energy needs優於食物和流質限制 ,因為允許運動員滿足流質和能量需求 Depending upon the size of the athlete we can cut a further 0.5 to 1kg根據運動員的體形,我們可以再減少0.5至1kg ?

314 PHASE 3 LOW RESIDUE第3階段低殘留
• Low-fibre cereals (corn flakes, rice krispies)低纖維穀物(玉米片、穀片) • White bread白麵包 • Jam, honey果醬、蜂蜜 • Juice, low-fat milk, sports drink果汁、低脂牛奶、運動飲料 • Tinned fruit罐頭水果 • Jelly果凍 • Clear soups清湯 • White pasta & rice白色麵食和米飯 • Tomato based sauces番茄醬 • Liquid meal replacement (Shakes)流質代餐(雪克) Foods to be avoided include fried foods, whole grain products and raw vegetables with skins and seeds.要避免的食物包括油炸食品、全穀物製 品和帶皮和種子的蔬菜。

Last training session 1-1.5kg上前次訓練課程1-1.5kg Plastics avoided避免塑料 But allowed if necessary但如有必要則可允許 Drift overnight 0.4-1kg整晚漂移0.4-1kg If necessary hot shower ~0.1如需要熱水淋浴〜0.1

316 MONITORING監測 Girths周長 Mid arm中臂 Waist腰部 Hips臀圍 Mid thigh大腿中部
Skinfold sites皮摺部位 Biceps肱二頭肌 Triceps肱三頭肌 Sub scapular小肩胛骨 Supraspinale棘上肌 Abdomen腹部 Mid-thigh大腿中部 Mid-Calf中小腿 Girths周長 Mid arm中臂 Waist腰部 Hips臀圍 Mid thigh大腿中部 Mid calf中小腿



Liquids流質 500ml immediately 立即500ml 500ml over the next hour下一個小時 500ml Carbohydrates碳水化合物 84g Carbohydrate per litre每公升含84g碳水化合物 Electrolytes電解質 0.4g Sodium per litre每公升鈉(20mmol/l) 27mg Calcium鈣 5mg Magnesium鎂 60mg Potassium鉀

320 FIGHT DAY戰鬥日 If weight making has been professional, re-hydration and re-fuelling has been completed after the weigh in, muscle stores should be full.如果以專業方式補充重量,在稱重後已 完成重新補水和補充能量,應充滿了肌肉儲備。 The main goal on fight day is: 戰鬥日的主要目標是: Top up liver and blood glycogen levels.補足肝臟和血糖水 準。 Maintain hydration.維持水分。 Support appetite.保持胃口 Feel good factor. 感覺良好因素。   

3 hours before 3小時前 High Carbohydrate meal (low in fat & protein)高碳水化合物(低脂肪& 蛋白質) Pasta or Rice based meals are perfect.麵食或米飯是很完美的。 White meat like chicken or fish is fine.白肉,如:雞肉或魚肉極佳。 Avoid red meat and high fibre vegetables.避免紅肉和高纖維蔬菜。 60min before 60分鐘前      4-600ml fluids including Carbohydrate & Electrolyte 4-600ml流質,包 括碳水化合物和電解質 40 min before 40分鐘前     50mg of Caffeine (in carbohydrate gel) 50mg咖啡因(碳水化合物凝膠 )


Physical training develops the motor abilities, such as: 體能訓練發展運動能力,例如: Endurance耐力 Strength體力 Speed速度 Coordination協調性 That are crucial for boxers, physical training must be conducted adjacent to technique training.這對於拳擊手至關重要,進行體能訓練必須與技術訓 練連貫。

General Endurance Training Exercises – examples: 一般耐力訓練練習 - 例子: Long distance running with low and medium speed長距離中低速慢跑 Long distance swimming長距離游泳 Skipping (Jumping rope)跳繩(跳繩) Any exercises with various training methods – interval etc任何各種訓練方法 的運動 - 間隔等 Team games團隊競賽 Boxing Specific Endurance Training Exercises – examples: 特定拳擊耐力訓 練運動 - 例子: All bags punching, punching to the other boxing equipment所有沙袋擊拳,打 擊其他拳擊器材 Sparring對練 Shadow Boxing空氣拳擊 Pad work with coach與教練練習靶具

Strength is the ability to apply forces to physical objects using the muscles. Physical strength is also referred as muscular strength. It is easy to connect strength training with weight training. However, in the early stages of training, weight training with heavy weights is not recommended.力量是使用肌肉對身體施加力量的能力。體能力量也被稱為肌肉力量。要結合力量訓練與體重訓練很容易。然而,在早期訓練階段,不建議使用重力重量訓練。

General Strength Training Exercises – examples: 一般力量訓練練習 - 例子: Various forms of Push-ups各種形式的伏地挺身 General Push-Up一般伏地挺身 Clap Push-Up拍手伏地挺身 Chin-up引體向上 Vertical extensions垂直伸展 Dumbbell Swings啞鈴鞦韆 Parallel Bars Dip平行槓引體下降 Throwing the Ball投擲球 Throwing the stones投擲石頭 Exercise using Dumbbells運用啞鈴運動 Exercises using own bodyweight or partner’s運用自己或伴侶的體重運動 Various forms of jumps, multi-jumps各種形式的跳躍、多重跳躍

Boxing Specific Strength Training Exercises – examples: 拳擊特定力量訓練練習 - 例子: Shadow boxing with very light weights藉由非常輕量的空氣拳擊 Shadow boxing on soft surfaces (legs strength) 在柔軟表面的空 氣拳擊(腿強度) Shadow boxing and other exercises in water with light weights 在水中使用輕量的空氣拳擊等練習 Punch exercise with heavier gloves使用較重手套的出拳練習 Exercises with rubber-band resistance使用橡膠帶阻力進行練習

Speed is the ability to perform movements in the fastest way in the shortest time. Speed training can be done to develop reaction time, quick movements and frequency of movements.速度是在最短的時間內以最快速度進行運動的能力。進行速度訓練可以發展反應時間、快速運動和運動頻率。 General Speed Training Exercises – examples: 一般速度訓練練習 - 例子: Short distance ( meters) running短距離( 公尺)跑步 Running and physical exercises with repetition training method – sprints跑步和藉由重複訓練方法的體能鍛煉- 衝刺 Downhill running – easier conditions下坡跑步 - 更容易的條件 Skipping (Jump Rope) with acceleration加速跳繩(跳繩) Team games and plays團隊競賽和比賽 Boxing Specific Speed Training Exercises – examples: 拳擊特定速度訓練練習 - 例子: Pad work with the coach與教練練習靶具 Shadow boxing with different pace on the coach’s signal. 根據教練的信號採取不同步伐的空氣拳擊。 All bags punching with different pace, based on the coach’s signal根據教練的信號,所有沙袋出拳都採取不同的步伐 Boxing technique exercises with partner from lower weight category與較低重量類別的夥伴進行拳擊技巧練習 Shadow boxing in limited movements space在有限動作空間內的空氣拳擊

Coordination is the ability to control movement of own body in space and time and it includes balance, spatial orientation and rhythm. During the coordination training, the coach must consider that some people are less coordinated and show slower progress than people who are naturally coordinated. Coordination skills can be improved. Therefore, try to encourage athletes who make slower progress in coordination development.協調性是控制自己身體在空間和時間內的運動能力,包括平衡、空間取向和節奏。在協調訓練中,教練必須考慮到某些人協調程度較差,要比自然協調的人進步更慢。協調技能可以逐漸改善。因此,應盡量鼓勵協調發展進度緩慢的運動員。

General Coordination Training Exercises一般協調訓練運動 Walking with arm swings手擺動走路 Walking and performing straight punches走路和執行直拳 Weave In – Weave Out迂迴前進 Tennis ball exercises (with or without partner)網球練習(有或沒有夥伴) Throw and Catch投擲和抓住 One leg balance exercises一條腿平衡練習 Games (Soccer, mini-hockey, Basketball or volleyball)比賽(足球、迷 你曲棍球、籃球或排球) Roll forward, backward and to both sides向前、向後和兩邊滾動 Summersault, jumps etc. Summersault、跳躍等 Skipping (Jump Roping) in various ways –skipping backward, on the one leg etc.以各種方式跳過(跳繩) - 以一條腿向後跳等

Boxing Specific Coordination Training Exercises – examples拳擊具體協調訓練練習 - 例子 Shadow boxing in different boxing stance不同拳擊姿勢的空氣拳擊 Sparring against boxers with different boxing stances (orthodox boxer – southpaw boxer and vice versa)以不同拳擊姿勢與拳擊手對練(正統拳 擊手 - 左撇子拳擊手,反之亦然) Boxing steps with punches (same arm and leg, different arm and leg)拳 擊步驟與出拳(相同的手臂和腿、不同的手臂和腿) Various technical combinations各種技術組合

332 Video presentation影片報告
General training examples: motor abilities development (speed, strength, coordination, endurance)一 般訓練實例:運動能力發展 (速度、體力、協調性、耐力)



335 Day 4第4天


Only AIBA certified Coaches can work as Seconds in all AIBA Competitions.只有通過AIBA認證的教練才能在所有AIBA比賽 中擔任助手。 Any Coach active in professional boxing shall be allowed to be a Coach and/or Second in AIBA Competitions once the Coach has been certified by AIBA as a registered Coach.任何 現役專業拳擊教練,一經AIBA認證為註冊教練,均可被允許在 AIBA比賽擔任教練和/或助手。

338 COACHES教練 RING: 拳擊場: 3 Seconds can accompany the Boxer to the ringside共有3名 助手可陪同拳擊手到拳擊場 2 Seconds can mount the apron of the ring2名助手可爬上拳擊 場的圍繩外部分 1 Second can get inside the ring1名助手可進入拳擊場 Seconds must leave the ring and the apron prior to the start of each round.在每回合開始之前,助手必須離開拳擊場和圍繩外 部分。

339 COACHES教練 BAG沙袋 Seconds may use a bag with maximum dimension of
30cm x 20cm x 20cm.助手可以使用最大尺寸為30公分x 20公 分x 20公分的沙袋 SEATING AREA休息區 Seating area 50cm to 1 meter away from the ring corner with meters squared.休息區距離拳擊場角落50公分至1公 尺,面積為 平方公尺。

340 COACHES教練 TOWEL毛巾 Seconds must be in possession of a towel for the Boxer during the Bout.在比賽期間,助手必須拿著拳擊手的毛巾。 A Second may throws the towel indicating retirement of the Boxer but never when the Referee is couting for the Boxer.助 手可能會拋出指示拳擊手棄賽的毛巾,但是當裁判員正在為拳 擊手讀秒時則不會有此動作。 WATER: 水: The Seconds can only use the transparent bottled water provided by the Organizing Committee.助手只能使用組委會提 供的透明瓶裝水。

341 COACHES教練 STOP BLEEDING: 停止流血: The Seconds can use:助手可以使用: Vaseline凡士林
Collodion火棉膠 Thrombin Solution凝血酶溶液 Micro Fibrilar Collagen微纖維膠原蛋白 Gelfoam明膠海綿 Surgicel血止紗 Adrenaline 1/1000腎上腺素1/1000 Ice bags冰袋 Enswell Swabs棉花棒

The Seconds can give instructions to their Boxers助手可以對 拳擊手提供指示 The Seconds can not stand up, incite the spectators, cause a scandal or unsportsmanlike behavior.助手不能站起來、煽動 觀眾、引起公憤或不符合運動員精神的行為。 DEVICES: 器材: It is not permited any communication device in the FOP.在 FOP當中不允許任何通信設備。 It is not permited to administrate supplemental oxygen or any type of inhaler to a Boxer during the rest period.在休息期間不 允許對拳擊手提供補充氧氣或任何類型的吸入器。

For a first violation, the Second receives a Caution.對於第一 次違規,助手接受警告。 For a secont violation, the Second receives a Warning and stay outside of the FOP area.至於第二次違規,助手收到警告 並且只能待在FOP區域之外。 For a third violation, the Second will be removed from the Competion Venue for the rest of the day.至於第三次違規,助 手在當天其餘時間將被驅離競爭場地。 If a Second are removed for a second time, the Second will be completely suspended from the competition.如果助手被第 二次驅離,助手就完全不能再參與比賽。

On the day of the bout, the coach must ensure that boxers attend the Medical Examination and Daily Weigh-In. The coach should also make sure that boxer has all the personal equipments, including both red and blue vest and trunks, in case of changes of corners prior to the bout.在比賽當天,教練必須確定拳擊手參加體檢和每日稱重。教練還應確定拳擊手準備好所有的個裝設備,包括紅色和藍色背心和短褲,以防比賽前變更角落。 It is beneficial for the boxer to arrive at the competition venue at least an hour before he/she is due to box. Upon the arrival at the competition venue, the coach must ensure the day’s competition schedule is the same as his/her bout schedule. In some cases, the order of the competition can be changed without notice.拳擊手最好在他/ 她上場至少一個小時以前抵達比賽場地。在抵達比賽場地後,教練必須確定當 天的比賽時程如同他/她的對戰時程。在某些情況下,可能不另行通知就變更比 賽順序。 After confirming the day’s competition schedule, the coach shall pick up the headguard, boxing gloves, and bandages from the equipment check table, if it is available by organizing committee. Equipment pick up should be done at least minutes prior to the bout.確認當天的比賽時程後,教練將拿走裝備檢查表中的頭 盔、拳擊手套和繃帶,如果組委會有準備的話。應在比賽前至少20-30分鐘內 拿走設備。 AIBA 1-Star & 2-Star Course for Coaches

When the coach enters into the Field of Play (FOP) with the boxer, he/she will be referred as the Second. As the Second, he/she should sit by the assigned corner of the ring, monitor the boxer’s performance, and assist the boxer between the rounds.當教練與拳擊手進入比賽現場(FOP),他/她將被視為助手。他/她擔當助手第二,應坐在拳擊場的指定角落,監測拳擊手的表現,並在回合間協助拳擊手。 The Second should monitor progress of the bout. Seconds are allowed to possess the towel and if he/she believes that the boxer is unfit to box, unable to continue, or getting punished by the opponent boxer, he/she shall retire the boxer by throwing a towel into the ring. However, the Second shall not retire the boxer while the referee is conducting a count. 助手應監測比賽的進展, 允許助手拿著毛巾,並且如果他/她認為拳擊手無法負荷、無法繼續或 被對方拳擊手處罰,他/她將透過將毛巾扔進拳擊場而讓拳擊手退賽。 但是,裁判員在讀秒時,助手不能讓拳擊手退賽。

When the bell rings that indicates the end of the round, the Second is allowed to come up to the platform and one of the two Seconds can enter the ring to assist the boxer. Assisting the boxer between the rounds may include:當鈴響指示比賽結束,助手可以來到平台,兩位助手其中的一位可進入拳擊場來協助拳擊手。在比賽之間協助拳擊手可能包括: Have the boxer to sit or stand in the corner to take deep breaths讓拳擊手坐在或站在 角落深呼吸 Check the boxer’s condition and ensure he/she is fit to box in the next round檢查拳擊 手的狀況,並確定他/她可以勝任下一回合的拳擊 Advise with tactics in short, clear, and understandable manner以短暫、清晰、可理解 的方式提出建議 Provide encouragement給予鼓勵 Provide a good recovery, such as supply water, place ice pack on the back of the neck and generate a breeze with the towel to lower the body temperature.提供良好的 恢復,如:供水、將冰袋放在後頸部,並用毛巾產生微風以降低體溫。 Before the start of the next round, the Seconds must step away and shall not remain on the platform. Also, before the round begins, everything (buckets, sponges, towels, and etc.) on the platform must be removed.在下一回合開始前,助手必須離開,不能 再留在平台上。此外,在回合開始前,必須移開平台上所有的東西(水桶、海綿、毛巾 等)。

Safety of the boxer should a priority at all the stage of the competition. If the boxer is in danger the coach should feel confident to stop the bout.在 比賽的所有階段都必須優先考慮拳擊手的安全性。如果拳擊手處於危險之 中,教練應該有把握停止比賽。 Should guide the boxer through the bout as to what is happening and give him the right advice and remind tactics and techniques at all the times.應該透過比賽而引導拳擊手關於發生的事情並提供正確的建議,並 隨時提醒戰術和技巧。 To observe the opponent and make decisions accordingly. To advise the boxer regarding the physical, technical and tactical weaknesses of the opponent during the bout.觀察對手並做出相應的決策。告知拳擊手關於對 手在比賽時體能、技術和戰術上的弱點。 Must provide adequate amount of water for boxer’s hydration.必須為拳擊 手的水合而提供足夠的水量。 Must keep the boxers as cool as possible.必須讓拳擊手盡可能保持涼爽。 Must be aware of the boxer’s attitude and encourage him at all times with sensible advice.必須清楚拳擊手的態度,並隨時以明智的建議鼓勵他。

348 AFTER AOB BOUT在AOB比賽後 At the end of the final round, the coach shall take off the gloves, headguard, and gumshield of the boxer. Appreciate and recognize the boxer for his/her effort.在最後一回合結束時,教練必須脫掉拳擊手的手套、頭盔和口罩。讚賞並認可拳擊手付出的努力。 HAND SHAKE握手 After the bout’s decision has been indicated by the referee, the boxers may walk to opponent’s corner and the Second shall shake hands with the opponent boxers as a sign of sportsmanship and friendly rivalry in accordance with the Rules of boxing.在裁判員達 成裁決後,拳擊手可能會走到對手的角落,助手將根據“拳 擊規則”與對方拳擊手握手,作為運動精神和友好競爭的象 徵。

Upon the exiting the ring, the Second and the boxer will be directed to the Mix Zone在退出拳擊場後,助手和拳擊手將被引導到混合區 Before leaving the FOP, boxer who lost the bout shall pick up the record book在離開FOP之前,輸掉回合的拳擊手將拿起記錄簿 After the leaving the FOP, the boxer will walk through the mix zone. The mix zone is the area dedicated to media離開FOP後,拳擊手將 通過混合區。混合區是媒體專用區域。 As soon as the boxer passes through the mix zone, he/she must visit the medicamedical room before going back to the locker room. Even if there are no noticeable injuries.一旦拳擊手通過混合區,他/她必須 在返回更衣室前先到醫療室報到,即使沒有明顯的傷害。 Despite the result of the bout, the Coach should wait for several hours or until the next day to evaluate and discuss the performance with the boxer. The coach should focus more on the boxer’s health and appearance at this point than the performance and the result.儘 管如此,教練應等候幾小時或直到第二天再來評估和討論拳擊手的表 現。於此時點,教練應更加關注拳擊手的健康和外觀,而不是表現和 結果。

To make sure the boxer is safe and healthy確定拳擊手保持安全健康 To congratulate boxer with the bout祝賀拳擊手的比賽 To remove the gloves and bandages in the ring脫掉拳擊場中的手套 和繃帶 To accompany the boxer to see the doctor陪同拳擊手去找醫生 If the boxer is asked to be tested to accompany the boxer for the doping control如果拳擊手被要求進行測試,則陪同拳擊手進行興奮劑 管制 To guide the boxer to the changing room引導拳擊手前往更衣室 Hydrate the boxer滋潤拳擊手 Give the time to the boxer to adjust mentally weather he has won or lost給拳擊手時間,調整他獲勝或失敗的心理處境 If your boxer have been knocked-out or has received severe punches after he has seen the doctor at the venue either you or a member of your team or boxer’s family member must look after the boxer for at least next 24 hours如果拳擊手被擊倒或承受嚴重出拳,在他看過場地 醫生後,你或者團隊成員或者拳擊手的家庭成員必須在接下來至少24 小時照顧拳擊手

Leadership領導能力 Technical Knowledge技術知識 Teaching Ability教學能力 Communicator溝通者 Motivator動力 Disciplinarian規律 Psychologist心理學家 Adaptable to Stress適應壓力 Organizer組織者 Flexible靈活


353 Psychological preparation helps the boxer reduce the high anxiety level and allows boxers to avoid the mental overload (stress) that may affect performance. 心理準備有助於拳擊手降低高焦慮程度, 並讓拳擊手避免可能影響表現的心理負擔(壓力)。 A boxer with weak psychological preparation will not perform to their full capacity.心理準備薄弱的拳擊手將 無法盡全力比賽。 Mental preparation begins a long time before the competition. 在比賽很久以前就開始做心理準備。

354 Coaching Notes指導注意事項 Coach’s behavior is the model for his/her boxers教練的行為是拳擊手 的榜樣 Create a comfortable and friendly training environment創造舒適友好 的訓練環境 Gradually challenge a boxer in training and competition逐漸在訓練和 比賽中挑戰拳擊手 Discuss training/competition with the boxer與拳擊手討論訓練/比賽 When discussing performance, praise achievements, and provide strong support for any outcome在討論表現時,讚美成績,並對任何結 果提供有力的支持 Use constructive feedback, rather than criticism運用建設性的回饋, 而不是批評 Emphasize advantages of competition beyond winning強調競爭優勢 超越勝利 Change training activities/environment if boxer(s) need a change如果 拳擊手需要改變,應改變訓練活動/環境 354

355 General Psychological Preparation 一般心理準備
Coach must understand why boxers are participating in sports, discuss goals and explain their responsibilities to the sport教練必須明白拳擊手為何參與運動、討論目標並解釋他們對運動的責任 Boxer determines the goal with assistance of coach拳擊手透過教練的協助而確定目標 Set attainable goals (focus on performance, not outcome)設定可實現的目標(注重表現而不是結果) Regularly discuss situation involving ethics in boxing定期討論拳擊倫理的現況 Coach must have realistic expectations教練必須擁有實際的期望 Skills learned and training should make boxing fun技能學習和訓練應使拳擊變得有樂 Provide rewards and encouragement提供獎勵和鼓勵 Individual attention to each boxer will increases motivation每位拳擊手的個人專注力將提升動機 Prepare and practice for media presentations準備和練習媒體展示 Look at mistakes positively正面看待錯誤 355

356 Psychological Preparation in Competition 比賽心理準備
Motivate by making boxers aware of their progress, both in training and competition透過讓拳擊手了解他們在訓練和競爭中的進步作為激勵 Plan and format the training and competition enjoyable規劃和安排 令人愉快的培訓和競賽 Help boxer understand the meaning of success: “Winning isn’t everything”協助拳擊手了解成功的意義;“勝利不是一切” Give continuous encouragement不斷鼓勵 Emphasize sportsmanship強調運動精神 Teach the rules to the boxer, so if any problem occurs, he/she can resolve it themselves (and increase confidence)向拳擊手教導規則, 所以如果發生任何問題,他/她可以自己解決(並增加信心) The boxer must have mutual trust – respect, confidence – cooperation with coach 拳擊手必須相互信任 - 尊重、信心 - 與教練 的合作

357 Psychological Preparation for Competition比賽心理準備
Make a boxer aware and become familiarize with the competition atmosphere, for example lighting, crowds, opponents and etc.讓拳擊手清楚並熟悉競爭氣氛, 例如:照明、人群、對手等。 Make a boxer familiarize and learn to cope with any unexpected situation in competition environment – prepare a boxer with “what if” scenarios in training and sparring讓拳擊手熟悉並學會應付競爭環境中的任何意外情況 - 在訓練和對練中讓拳擊手準備“如果”的情況 “What if” the boxer gets boo’ed by crowds “如果”拳擊手面臨人群噓聲,應如 何處理? “What if” the boxer has strong opponent in upcoming bout如果”拳擊手在即 將到來的比賽將遭遇強勁的對手 After competition, organize a psychological recovery session 在比賽結束後, 安排心理康復課程 Active-rest主動休息 Spa, Sauna水療中心、三溫暖 Short period of off-training days短時間停止訓練日

358 Psychological Recovery Methods 心理康復方法
Fluid and Fuel (nutritional therapy)流質與能量(營養治療) Passive rest (sleep)被動休息(睡眠)、 Active rest (light, but different, activities, such as a jog, walk, swim, cycle)主動休息(輕鬆但不同的活動,如:慢跑、步行、游 泳、騎自行車) Hydrotherapies (spa, pool, steam room, cold plunge, contrast temperature protocol)水療(水療、游泳池、蒸汽室、冷浸、對 比溫度方案) Sport massage, Acupuncture, Acupressure運動按摩、針灸、指 壓 Debriefing彙報 Relaxation techniques (meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, breathing exercises)放鬆技巧(冥想、 漸次肌肉放鬆、可視化、呼吸練習)

359 Use of Positive Key Words 使用積極的關鍵詞
Use motivating words/statements with a specific purpose to gain/regain control, and become confident-focused使用具有特定目的的激勵詞/語 句來取得/重新取得控制,並變得更有自信 Refocus from negative thoughts從負面想法重新 聚焦 Cue words to center/focus提示中心/焦點詞句 Repeat verbally/mentally (also can make visual lists)口頭/心理上重複(也可製作視覺清單)

360 Visualization (self-imaging) 可視化(自我成像)
Right setting to avoid distractions正確的設定,以避免分心 Alert relaxation and concentration required提醒放鬆和必要的 集中 Reduce tension; learn to work under pressure減輕緊張感; 學會在壓力下工作 Turn pressure into positive energy將壓力轉化為正面能量 Train as in competition在競爭中訓練 Find what works in order to relax找到有助於放鬆的事物 Different techniques for different individuals不同的人適用不同 的技術 Use imagery on correct skill performance使用正確技能表現的 圖像

361 Sport Psychology運動心理學
Make psychological preparation part of boxers’ overall preparation使心理準備成為拳擊手整體準 備的一部分

362 Athlete Motivation運動員動機
Help develop self-esteem協助發展自尊 Help develop self-confidence through small successes透過小型成功來協助發展自信 Help develop courage協助培養勇氣 Point out his/her strengths指出他/她的優勢 Use the positive opinions of his/her peers and environment about him/her 運用他/她的同儕和關於他/她的環境的積極意見 Use awards and negative evaluation appropriately with 50:50 ratios以50:50的比例適當地運用獎勵和負面評估 Establish objectives which are obtainable建立可達成的目標 Adjust workload to individual’s capabilities按照個人能力而調整負荷 Gradually increase the difficulties of training exercises逐步增加訓練難度 Support the athletes more when they are not successful當運動員失敗時給予更多支持 Teach to use defeats as motivation to increase efforts教導利用失敗作為增加努力的動力 Teach him/her how to take defeat with dignity教導他/她如何有尊嚴地面對失敗 Do not give up on a boxer who loses the bout. The boxer can learn from defeats and gain experiences through defeat不要放棄輸掉比賽的拳擊手。拳擊手可從失敗中學習,並透過失敗吸收經驗 Get the family and his friends etc. involved in the training process and have a parent to help you in motivating the athletes讓他的家人和朋友等參與培訓,並讓一位家長協助你激勵運動員


364 What is technique in boxing?什麼是拳擊技巧?
Technique is an ability to do something; the way of executing movements, which let boxer achieve effective and well-balanced results in accordance with current rules and regulations. Technique is a way of tactics implementation.技術是做某件事的能力;執行動作的方式,讓拳擊手按照現行的規則制度而達成有效和充分平衡的結果。技術是戰術實施的方式。 Elements of boxing technique:拳擊技術要素: boxing stance拳擊姿勢 boxing steps/ legs movement拳擊台階/雙腿運動 punches出拳 defenses防守 feints假動作

365 What is tactics in boxing?何謂拳擊手段?
Tactics – intentional, well-balanced, effective and planned way of fighting, considering boxer’s own and opponent’s strengths, weaknesses and different conditions, including rules and regulations complying.戰術 - 故意、充分平衡、有效和規劃戰鬥的方式,考量拳擊手本身和對手的優勢、弱勢和不同的條件,包括遵守的規則至度。 Tactics implementation by a boxers during a bout depends on:拳擊手在比賽中實施的戰術取決於: range and variety of technical skills 範圍和多樣化的技術技能 physical skills體能素質 willingness to win取勝意願 courage勇氣 decision-making skills決策能力 self-control in stressful situations在壓力情況下自我控制 self-esteem and confidence自尊和自信 initiative skills主動技能 grit and not showing tiredness or fatigue膽視並且不表現倦怠或疲累 anticipating opponents actions預測對手的行動 hiding intentions skills隱藏意圖技巧 being fully focused and careful regardless opponent’s skills無論對手的技能都能非常專注和細心 perceptiveness and observation skills知覺和觀察技能 attention divisibility專注力可分割性 effective cooperation with seconds有效地與助手合作 tactical thinking – quick information processing during a fight戰術思維 - 在戰鬥中快速處理資訊

366 What is a strategy in boxing?何謂拳擊策略?
Strategy: how to gain an advantage in a boxing match, involving planning and carrying out the plan. This includes overall goals for the match. Directing the movement.策略:如何在拳擊比賽中獲得優勢,涉及了規劃和實施計劃,這包括比賽的總體目標、指導運動。 A boxer’s match strategies are dependent upon the boxer’s skills and understanding of the sport, and can be influenced as well by knowledge of the opponent.拳擊手的比賽策略取決於拳擊手的技能以及對運動的理解,也可能受到對手的知識所影響。

367 BOXING STANCE拳擊姿勢 A proper boxing stance enables a boxer to effectively move in the ring, and to both attack and defend while constantly remaining in a balanced position適當的拳擊姿勢使拳擊手能夠有效地在拳擊場中移動,並且在不間斷地保持平衡的位置進行攻擊和防守 ORTHODOX正統 SOUTHPAW左撇子

368 BOXING STANCE拳擊姿勢 Boxer stands sideways on (about 45 degrees angle)拳擊手側身(約45度角) Place feet shoulder-width apart雙腳打開與肩同寬 Distribute the bodyweight equally onto both feet將體重平均分配到兩隻腳 上 Bent your knee slightly down and inward彎曲你的膝蓋稍微向下和向內 Toes of lead foot point slightly inward while toes of rear foot points forward 在後腳趾指向前方時前腳趾略微指向內部 The body (trunk) rotates inward身體(軀幹)向內旋轉 Slightly raise the heel of the rear foot略微抬起後腳的腳跟 Position lead hand up to the eye level前面的手位於眼睛水平 Keep the chin down and protect it by your lead shoulder收起下巴並以前方 肩膀作為保護 Pull rear arm elbow close to the body (nearly touches the rib)後手肘拉近身 體(幾乎觸及肋骨) Keep rear arm fist up near the chin抬高後手臂拳頭接近下巴 Keep wrist straight, so that back of the hand should be in straight line with a forearm保持手腕筆直,因此手背將與前臂保持一直線

369 BOXING STANCE拳擊姿勢 Boxing Stance View from Different Angle從不同角度觀察拳擊姿勢

370 BOXING STANCE拳擊姿勢 Common Mistakes in Boxing Stance拳擊姿勢中常見的錯誤
Feet too wide – hindering rapid movement腳的距離太寬 - 阻礙快速運動 Feet too narrow – disturbing the balance腳的距離太窄 - 打 亂平衡 Both heels flat – hindering fluent movement兩個腳跟攤平 - 阻礙流暢的運動 Standing straight up – creating a bigger target for the opponent直立站立- 為對手創造更大的目標 Lifting chin upward – bigger chance of getting hit on the chin, which is a knock-out point抬起下巴向上 - 更大打中下 巴的機會,這是一個打擊點

371 BOXING STEPS拳擊步伐 Boxing steps are the way in which boxers move in the ring拳擊手段是拳擊手在環中移動的方式 The foot which stands closest to the direction of the movement starts moving first最靠近運動方向的腳開始移動 Common Mistakes in Boxing Steps拳擊步伐中的常見錯誤 Boxing stance with feet too narrow or too wide拳擊姿勢與 雙腳太窄或太寬 Flat footed movement平坦的腳步移動 Movement on heels以腳跟移動 Bodyweight not evenly distributed to both legs未將體重平 均勻分佈於雙腿

372 BOXING STEPS拳擊步伐 1. Stand with boxing stance以拳擊姿勢站立
Forward Steps向前步伐 FORWARD STEP (ORTHODOX) 向前步伐(正統) FORWARD STEP (SOUTHPAW) 向前步伐(左撇子) 1. Stand with boxing stance以拳擊姿勢站立 2. Lift lead foot very slightly非常輕微提起前腳 3. Push body forward with rear foot以後腳將身體向前推 4. After toes of the lead foot touches the floor, slide rear foot forward在前腳趾觸地後,向前滑動後腳 5. Keep the feet shoulder width apart and keep weight distribution on both legs保持雙腳與肩同寬,並將重量分配在兩隻腿

373 Basic Technique: Boxing Steps 基本技術:拳擊步伐
Backward Steps向後步伐 BACKWARD STEP (ORTHODOX) 向後步伐(正統) Stand with boxing stance以拳擊姿勢站立 Lift rear foot very slightly非常輕微提起前腳 Push body backward with lead foot以前腳將身體向後推 After forefoot of the rear foot touches the floor, slide lead foot backward在後腳趾觸地後,向後滑動前腳 Keep the feet shoulder width apart and weight distribution on both legs保持雙腳與肩同寬,並將重量分配在兩隻腿 BACKWARD STEP (SOUTHPAW) 向後步伐(左撇子)

374 Basic Technique: Boxing Steps 基本技術:拳擊步伐
Left Side Steps左側步伐 1. Stand in boxing Stance以拳擊姿勢站立 LEFT SIDE STEP (ORTHODOX) 左側步伐(正統) LEFT SIDE STEP (SOUTHPAW) 左側步伐(左撇子) Orthodox正統 2. Lift lead foot very slightly非常輕微提起前腳 3. Push body to the left side with rear foot以後腳將身體向左推 4. After toes of the lead foot touches the floor, rear foot follows在前腳趾觸地後,接著是後腳 Southpaw左撇子 2. Lift rear foot slightly輕微提起後腳 3. Push body to the left side with lead foot以前腳將身體向左推 4. After toes of the rear foot touches the floor, lead foot follows在後腳趾觸地後,接著是前腳 5. Keep the feet shoulder width apart and weight distribution on both legs保持雙腳與肩同寬,並將重量分配在兩隻腿

375 Basic Technique: Boxing Steps 基本技術:拳擊步伐
Right Side Steps 1. Stand with boxing Stance以拳擊姿勢站立 RIGHT SIDE STEP (ORTHODOX) 右側步伐(正統) RIGHT SIDE STEP (SOUTHPAW) 右側步伐(左撇子) Orthodox正統 2. Lift rear foot very slightly非常輕微提起前腳 3. Push body to the right side with lead foot以前腳將身體向右推 4. After toes of the rear foot touches the floor, lead foot follows在後腳趾觸地後,接著是前腳 Southpaw左撇子 2. Lift lead foot slightly輕微提起前腳 3. Push body to the right side with rear foot以後腳將身體向右推 4. After toes of the lead foot touches the floor, rear foot follows在前腳趾觸地後,接著是後腳 5. Keep the feet shoulder width apart and weight distribution on both legs保持雙腳與肩同寬,並將重量分配在兩隻腿

In the early stages of learning techniques, all punches, straight punches, hook, and uppercut must be practiced and mastered in standing position before training with boxing steps.在學習技巧的初期階段,必須練習所有出拳包括直拳、鉤拳和上鉤拳,並在進行拳擊步伐訓練之前掌握站立姿勢。 Then practice the punches together with boxing steps. Teaching and training approach for punches must be in following sequence:接著練習出 拳與拳擊步伐。教導和訓練出拳方法必須按照以下順序: Punch in standing position以站立姿勢出拳 Punch with forward and backward step以前進和後退步伐出拳 Punch with side steps以側面步伐出拳 Learn single punch with boxing stance then with movement, learn the next punch with boxing stance and movement. After mastering at least two punches with both standing and with movement, learn to use these two punches as a combination by standing, then with the movement. 以拳擊姿勢 學習單拳,接著包含移動,學習下一個包含拳擊姿勢和移動的出拳。在掌握 至少兩種出拳包含兩種站立和移動之後,結合站立而學習使用這兩種出拳, 接著再結合移動。

Common Mistakes in Basic Boxing Punches:基本拳擊出拳的常見錯誤: Punching without rotating body未旋轉身體出拳 Bodyweight shifted to the wrong side體重偏移到錯誤的那邊 Lifting chin upward抬起下巴 Chin not protected未保護下巴 Head leaned forward, backward, or sideways頭向前、向後或向側邊傾斜 Legs in wrong position before and after punching with steps在包含了步伐的出拳前後,腿部姿勢錯誤 Fists not rotated correctly未正確旋轉拳頭 Retract arm low or sideways after striking a blow在出手攻擊後將手臂縮得過低或側向 Slow retracting hand to base position緩慢將手縮回基本位置

TRAINING OBJECTIVES訓練目標 Straight punches are very useful against an opponent standing at long distance. Long distance refers to the distance between two boxers being far enough that the boxer cannot deliver the punch without stepping forward.直拳對於遠距離的站立對手非常有幫助。長距離是指兩名拳擊手間足夠遠的距離,以至於拳擊手不向前推進就無法出拳。 The straight punch is an important punch as it can be used to prepare for the main attack in a bout. It can also be used to measure the proper distance to the opponent, disturb the opponent’s actions and to score blows.直拳是重要的出拳,因為可以用來準備比賽中的主要攻擊,也可以用來測量與對手的適當距離、干擾對手的行動以及攻擊得分。

There are two types of straight punches:共有兩種類型的直拳: straight punch to the head對著頭的直拳 straight punch to the body對著身體的直拳 Also, these are divided into:另外,這些區分為: straight punch to the head or body using lead arm使用前臂對著 頭或身體的直拳 straight punch to the head or body using rear arm使用後臂對著 頭或身體的直拳

In order to effectively train the boxer, the following sequence of teaching and training is recommended:為了有效訓練拳擊手,建議以下的教學和訓練順序: Lead arm straight punch to the head對著頭的前臂直拳 in standing position採站立姿勢 with forward step包含前進步伐 with backward step and side steps包含後退步伐和側向步伐 Rear arm straight punch to the head對著頭的後臂直拳 Lead arm straight punch to the body對著身體的前臂直拳 Rear arm straight punch to the body對著身體的後臂直拳 After a boxer masters the punches with movement, coach should start teach basic defense against the punches that he/she learned.在拳擊手掌握出拳與移動 之後,教練應該開始教導他/她學習針對出拳的基本防守。 After mastering basic defense, coach should start teaching and training the counter attack. 在掌握基本防守後,教練應開始交導和訓練反擊。

Lead arm straight punch to the head對著頭的前臂直拳 From the boxing stance從拳擊姿勢開始 Aim at the opponent’s chin with knuckles of the lead hand以前方手部的指關節瞄準對手的下巴 Shift the body weight from rear leg to the lead leg將體重從後腿轉移到前腿 Rotate the body toward the rear side將身體朝向後方轉動 Keep the chin down收起下巴 Extend your lead arm straight out to the target: knuckles up and palm down伸直前臂朝向目標:指關節朝上和掌心朝下 After hitting the target, retract the arm quickly along the same path as delivered擊中目標後,沿著進攻的同一路徑迅速縮回手臂 Return to the boxing stance回到拳擊姿勢

Rear arm straight punch to the head對著頭的後臂直拳 From the boxing stance從拳擊姿勢開始 Aim at the opponent’s chin with knuckles of the lead hand以前方手部的指關節瞄準對手的下巴 Body weight shift to the lead leg將體重轉移到前腿 Rotate the body toward the lead side將身體朝向前方轉動 Keep the lead hand up to protect the head and elbow to protect the body保持前方手部朝上以保護頭部和手肘部進而保護身體 Extend the rear arm straight to the target: Knuckles up and palm down伸直後臂朝向目標:指關節朝上和掌心朝下 After hitting the target, retract the arm quickly along the same path as delivered擊中目標後,沿著進攻的同一路徑迅速縮回手臂 Return to the boxing stance回到拳擊姿勢

Other punches:其他出拳: Rear arm straight punch to the body對著身體的後臂直拳 Lead arm hook to the head對著頭部的前臂鉤拳 Rear arm hook to the head對著頭部的後臂鉤拳 Lead arm hook to the body對著身體的前臂鉤拳 Rear arm hook to the body對著身體的後臂鉤拳 Lead arm uppercut to the head對著頭部的前臂上鉤拳 Rear arm uppercut to the head對著頭部的後臂上鉤拳 Lead arm uppercut to the body對著身體的前臂上鉤拳 Rear arm uppercut to the body對著身體的後臂上鉤拳 Lead arm straight punch to the body對著身體的前臂直拳

384 BASIC DEFENSE基本防守 In the early stages of learning techniques, all defenses must be taught and trained after mastering particular punches. Each basic defense is designed toward to defend against specific punches.在學習技巧的早期階段,經過掌握特定的出拳後才能教導和訓練所有的防守。每種基本防守的目的都是為了防禦特定的出拳。 In order to teach and train basic defenses effectively, start the teaching defense in standing position, then with a partner. The partner can perform basic punches while the boxer defends him/herself using basic defense.為了有效地教導和訓練基本防守,以站立姿勢開始教導防守,然 後與夥伴練習。在拳擊手使用基本防守防禦自己時,夥伴可進行基本攻 擊 。 After mastering basic defense, the coach shall teach counter attack movement where the boxer defend against the partner’s punch then uses a basic punch to counter attack.在掌握基本防守後,教練將教導拳 擊手防禦夥伴出拳時的反擊移動, 然後採取反擊的基本出拳。

385 BASIC DEFENSE基本防守 Common Mistakes in Basic Boxing Defense基本拳擊防守的常見錯誤
No eye contact with the opponent與對手沒有眼睛接觸 Eyes closed and/or mouth opened眼睛閉上和/或張開嘴巴 Defenses performed too early/too late太早/太晚執行防禦 Incorrect defense performed執行不正確的防禦 No protection against next punch by the opponent沒有保護 對手的下一次出拳 Defending movements are too wide or too low or too far防守 移動太寬或太低或太遠 Stiff movement僵硬的移動 Does not return to boxing stance after defense performed防 守後未回到拳擊姿勢

386 BASIC DEFENSE基本防守 Types of defenses防守類型 Double arm cover雙臂覆蓋
Catch / block抓住/阻擋 Rear arm block後臂阻擋 Elbow block手肘阻擋 Shoulder block肩膀阻擋 Parry with rear arm以後臂迴避 Ducking閃避 Ducking to the lead side向前閃躲 Ducking to the rear side向後閃躲 Swaying back後仰搖擺 Rotation旋轉 Stepping back向後退 Jumping back跳回來

387 Boxing at Various Distances 不同距離的拳擊
Long Distance遠距離 Medium Distance中距離 Short Distance短距離

388 Video presentation影片報告
Technique teaching and improvement技術教學與改進

389 開發新進拳擊手的技術準備和訓練 - 方法和形式

390 DAY 5第5天

391 PRACTICE EXAMINATION: 實務測試: Athlete's general preparation and training - training elements presentation運動員的一般準備和訓練 - 訓練要素報告

392 DAY 6第6天

393 PRACTICE EXAMINATION:實務測試: Athlete's technical preparation and training - training elements presentation運動員的一般準備和訓練 - 訓練要素報告

394 DAY 7第7天


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