如何製作 「保家舒」 堆肥 ,………………. 1 1.

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Presentation on theme: "如何製作 「保家舒」 堆肥 ,………………. 1 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 如何製作 「保家舒」 堆肥 ,………………. 1 1

2 ….以享受更多的收成及園藝樂趣。 ,………………. Why compost reason 4: Grow all this –
The tutor may want to highlight that gardens can produce a surplus – (usually all of the same thing at the same time! ). This surplus can be given away to friends and family – it can be a real blessing for others. ,………………. ….以享受更多的收成及園藝樂趣。

3 堆肥桶 桶蓋必須密封 兩個桶 叠在 一起 無氧發酵!! 上層桶, 底部有洞 ,………………. Booklet, page 18
Demonstrate and pass around a real bucket – empty. Encourage people to take it apart and put it back together. Beware of too many questions at this stage because answers all coming in next slides. 上層桶, 底部有洞 ,………………. Booklet, page 18

4 灑上 (堆肥粉) 是天然的 用醃製方法使廚餘發 酵,能防止發出臭味 。 含木屑、糖蜜及有效 微生物。 ,……………….
Use a culturally appropriate example of something that you pickle to explain it. ,………………. Booklet, page 18 4 4

5 製成品 Demonstrate with real end product. Encourage people to smell. Show the solid with a garden fork perhaps. Tutor could comment: The sprinkle releases the effective microorganisms into the food and the end result really is quite amazing! We don’t realise it but we can damage the health of soil with modern day habits (not replacing what we take; weed sprays; synthetically produced fertilizers; even tap water (with chlorine)). The effective microorganisms in Bokashi restore the soil back to the way God intended it to be. This is why the Bokashi product creates big healthy green plants – because it has made the soil is healthy. 固體肥料 液體肥料 ,………………. 5

6 什麼可放進堆肥桶? 所有食物 ,………………. 6

7 甚至這些 ? 是! Bokashi really does take all food! Cooked and uncooked food. Tea bags, coffee grounds, raw meat, fat, small bones (the biggest bone from a chicken is about the maximum) and even kina shells! But don’t give it liquids such as soup, coffee and used oil. ,………………. 7

8 什麼不能放進桶內? 液體及奶製品,如牛奶、牛油、雪糕 大件骨頭 湯及其他液體 ,……………….

9 如何製作「保家舒」 你將拿到: 兩套「保 家舒」堆 肥桶 兩袋「保 家舒」堆 肥粉 ,………………. 9 9

10 你需要準備: 一個放廚餘的盒子 一個勺子 一件可用以推壓的器皿 ,……………….

11 把「保家舒」堆肥桶放在 遮蔭擋雨的地方。 ,………………. Booklet, page 19
Direct sunlight and near freezing will stop the Bokashi from working properly. Storing in the garage in ideal. Outside in the shade also works well. ,………………. Booklet, page 19 11 11 11

12 開始時,在桶底灑上堆肥粉。 用勺子 ,………………. Booklet, page 19
Get one out of the laundry powder box – or use an egg cup ,………………. Booklet, page 19 12 12 12

13 把食物殘 餘暫存於 放廚餘的 盒子內。 ,………………. Booklet, page 19 13 13 13

14 每天把廚餘清理 入「保家舒」堆 肥桶。 ,………………. Booklet, page 19 14 14 14

15 壓出空氣. . . 然後,灑粉 ,………………. Booklet, page 19 15 15 15

16 跟著,壓下中央圓環,然後,把第四邊壓緊,這樣,桶蓋便能密封。
上蓋。先把三邊緊緊壓下。 跟著,壓下中央圓環,然後,把第四邊壓緊,這樣,桶蓋便能密封。 ,………………. Booklet, page 19 16 16

17 跟著下來的日子是… 加入廚餘 壓出空氣 灑粉 密封 ,……………….
Overcomes the barrier of making a resource out of all food rubbish ! ,……………….

18 廚餘産生的汁液會流入桶底。 經常清理桶 底汁液。 ,……………….

19 這汁液可用在花園、菜園。 你會驚訝地看到植物的吸收及成長 …但是 ,………………. 19

20 「保家舒」汁液是非常強勁的,所以, 必須混和:
3 湯匙「保家舒」汁液 This slide shows how liquid from Bokashi must be diluted with a lot of water. If Bokashi liquid is put straight on to the garden it is too powerful and may kill the plants. Dilute 2 tablespoons in 5 litres of water (1:100). This does not need to be measured – its just LOTS of water and a little bokashi liquid. Some people add water straight to the bucket. If using this method fill the water up to the top. Demonstrate with real liquids and people will get the idea. 5 公升水

21 不需稀釋,在上午把汁液倒入去水道,下午用清水冲一下。
「保家舒」汁液也能幫助清潔去水道 。 不需稀釋,在上午把汁液倒入去水道,下午用清水冲一下。 ,………………. 21

22 當「保家舒」堆肥桶滿了: 多灑點「保家舒」 堆肥粉在上面 。 把桶蓋緊緊蓋上。
在10 – 14 天內不要把桶蓋打開 (這時應轉用第二套堆肥桶。) Needs to be packed down and full ie no air space 有需要時便把汁液清理。 ,………………. Booklet, page 20 22 22

23 在10-14天後可把固體肥料填埋。 。days bury the solids
Spread out, stir through with fork, cover with at least 6 inches of soil. 它們會很快地被分解,因為它們被醃製過。 ,………………. 23

24 3 - 4 星期後便可在上面種植。 ,……………….

25 亦可加入你花園的堆肥桶內作綠料,然後蓋上一層厚厚的褐料。
褐料可以是: 碎紙/卡紙 乾樹葉 乾草碎 稻草 褐料 綠料 褐料 綠料 褐料 小樹枝層 ,……………….

26 好好享受

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