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MeSH 主題 查找瀏覽 精準的關鍵字 搜尋 文獻標題 文獻摘要 文獻主題 文獻全文

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1 MeSH 主題 查找瀏覽 精準的關鍵字 搜尋 文獻標題 文獻摘要 文獻主題 文獻全文
期刊文獻(原始文獻)資料庫使用流程 1. 文獻查找 期刊(出版品)導向 知道 不確定 關鍵字導向 不確定 (MeSH) 2. 文獻儲存、寄送 單筆 多筆 3. 文獻參考格式引用與匯出至書目管理軟體 單筆文獻之參考文獻格式 多筆文獻之參考文獻格式 4. 文獻之自動通知(線上宅配) 來自某期刊 (出版品) 之最新文獻 來自某主題或檢索條件之最新文獻 MeSH 主題 查找瀏覽 精準的關鍵字 搜尋 文獻標題 文獻摘要 文獻主題 文獻全文

2 欲提供實證以答覆問題時,醫師最常見的6個障礙
找尋資訊時所需耗費的時間 難以重新描述,以符合最初的原始問題 難以選擇搜尋條件與執行搜尋策略 選擇錯誤的方向與資源,回答問題 當擁有所有的相關實證後,答案卻不明確 許多未經過充份系統性整理的實證資訊碎片 發掘實證醫學資料之前所面對的障礙 Ely, J. W., Osheroff, J. A., Ebell, M. H., Chambliss, M. L., Vinson, D. C., Stevermer, J. J., et al. (2002). Obstacles to answering doctors‘ questions about patient care with evidence: qualitative study. BMJ, 324(7339), 710. 2

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評論性資料庫(文獻)查找方式 若能以精確的關鍵字或主題找到相對應的主題 (這當然最好……) 如果上述方式找不到…… 建議先以「主題、大方向」的標題或分類 進行「查找」或「瀏覽」 再到「最接近」或「最相關」主題內 進行全文查找 善用快捷鍵「Ctrl+F」進行整頁關鍵字搜尋 (適用PDF檔案或HTML檔案)

4 Labour: Stages of the CEBIS Model
Clinical Evidence Based Information Specialist Actions completed and reviewed Handover or grand / ward round Further action planned / decision to maintain or change current practice Scoping search/evidence summary feedback Ppt presentation and discussion Ppt Presentation


6 Clinician Dashboard

7 Type stuff here PATIENT The Doctor is: REAL SICK Here Not Here SICK
To Internet (push button) NOT SICK

8 Clinician’s expertise Patients’ wishes Relevant evidence


10 interface Update frequency? readability Quality 可信 易讀 簡易 即時

11 DynaMed – Systematic Literature Surveillance
Surveillance of more than 500+ journals directly and indirectly through many journal review services Each article is assessed for clinical relevance and each relevant article is further assessed for validity relative to existing DynaMed content The most valid articles are summarized, the summaries are integrated with DynaMed content, and overview statements and outline structure are changed based on the overall evidence synthesis Systematic Literature Surveillance occurs daily Annals of Family Medicine American Family Physician Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews BMC Clinical Pharmacology We have achieved critical mass. EBSCOhost now has more than 100 databases – 48 of which are secondary databases.

12 7 Steps of Evidence-Based Information
七大步驟提出者 Brian Alper(DynaMed創立者與總編輯) David Tovey(BMJ Knowledge Editor主編、Clinical Evidence主編) Jon Brassey(TRIP Database 編輯) Bruce Arroll(奧克蘭大學 醫療照護與業務系 系主任) 透明 Transparent 持續 Consistent 完整 Complete

13 7 Steps of Evidence-Based Information
Article Review 1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有的實證案例並分類 Step 1: Systematic identification of evidence 2. 以系統性方法從鑑定過的實證案例選擇出各類別最佳實證案例 Step 2: Systematic selection of the best available evidence from that identified 3. 以系統性方法同時以最嚴謹的態度評價所選出的最佳實證案例 Step 3: Systematic evaluation of the selected evidence (critical appraisal) 4. 對於選出的實證案例提出準確的結論與品質鑑定 Step 4: Accurate summarization of the evidence and its quality 5. 基於這些所選擇的實證案例結論作出總結 Step 5: Making conclusions dependent on the evidence 6. 結合各個類別的實證總結成為一個完整的最後結論 Step 6: Synthesizing multiple bits of evidence for overall conclusions 7. 當有更好的實證案例出現時立即修正最後結論 Step 7: Changing the conclusions when new evidence alters the best available evidence Topic Review

14 線上與編輯群互動討論

15 7 steps 可信 易讀 簡易 即時

16 information structure for
Disease topics Description (including ICD- 9 Codes) Prognosis Causes and Risk Factors Treatment Complications and Associated Conditions Prevention and Screening History References (including Reviews and Guidelines) Physical Patient Information Diagnosis Acknowledgements

17 兩次滑鼠點擊即刻進入所需資訊

18 information structure for AHFS Drug topic
Warnings (if applicable) Mechanisms of Actions/Pharmacokinetics General Information Stability Uses and Efficacy Preparations Dosage and Administration Patient Information Cautions References Drug Interactions Acknowledgements

19 兩次滑鼠點擊即刻進入所需資訊

20 證據等級&建議強度 方便臨床快速比較之 提供容易判讀的實證等級 (summary by studies)
Level of Evidence: Level 1 (likely reliable) Evidence          Level 2 (mid-level) Evidence          Level 3 (lacking direct) Evidence 提供容易判讀的建議等級(Summary by Guidelines) Recommendations: Grade A recommendation (consistent high-quality evidence)           Grade B recommendation (inconsistent or limited evidence)           Grade C recommendation (lacking direct evidence)

21 DynaMed Level 1 (likely reliable) evidence
最有效之報告(以病患導向為主的結論),例:以RCT為主之實驗結果(有效追蹤達80%以上)、來自世代研究初期(inception cohort studies)的預後資訊(prognostic information)、系統性文獻回顧所得之結果。 Level 2 (mid-level) evidence 以病患導向為主的結論而產生的報告,且以科學化的檢視為方法,但是還未到level 1 的標準。例如有效追蹤低於80%的RCT、非隨機對照實驗的研究方式、缺乏足夠參考標準的診斷研究。Level 2並不代表可靠的證據等級。例如荷爾蒙補充療法在大多數的世代研究中都顯示可以降低心血管疾病的發生,但在許多的屬於LEVEL 1等級的RCT實驗中,此一療法不但無法預防心血管疾病,甚至有還可能會增加心血管疾病的風險。 Level 3 (lacking direct) evidence 非科學化的分析研究且不是以病患為導向的結論報告,例如:病例報告、專家意見、及缺乏科學根據的推論

22 Level of Evidence labels

23 Grade of Recommendation

24 Structure LOE 7 steps 可信 易讀 簡易 即時

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32 Mobile Device Access included in DynaMed subscription
Available to all DynaMed users Supported mobile platforms include: BlackBerry iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch Palm Pocket PC Windows Smartphone

33 臨床 介面 每日 更新 Structure LOE 7 steps 可信 易讀 簡易 即時

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38 DynaMED實證醫學週報

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40 We Work With Any and All EMR Vendors
與DynaMED合作整合之EMR廠商 We Work With Any and All EMR Vendors

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