AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection )

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1 AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection )
Presented by: 傅楸善 & 何育哲 指導教授: 傅楸善 博士 Digital Camera and Computer Vision Laboratory Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2 歐壹科技 (EeVision) DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

3 Company Mission Improve Customers' Quality and Competitiveness through Image Processing Technology 以影像處理之核心技術提升客戶產品的品質及競爭力,協助企業客戶迎向 e世代的品質需求。 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

4 Company Mission 以人工智慧(AI) 做製程前、中、後100%的檢查(Inspection)
做1D/2D/3D之搜索、定位及調整(Searching , Positioning and Alignment) DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

5 Management Principle 以誠為本,尊重個人,強調團隊合作,創造良好的工作環境及多贏的局面 DC & CV Lab.

6 Major Products CD (Compact Disc)碟片印刷品質檢測系統—線上及線外 CD碟片身份辨識系統及裂片、濺料檢查
光碟片即時生產資訊整合系統 運用視準儀(Auto-Collimator)及影像處理技術之光碟機調整系統 陶瓷套筒(Ferrule)偏心量(CFE)及內徑之量測 干涉儀(Interferometer)光纖跳接線接頭品質之檢測 其他以影像處理為基礎之自動化檢測及調整系統 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

7 Major Achievement 使用分光鏡及兩組以上不同特性CCD (Charge-Coupled Device)攝影機之取像裝置
檢測圓形物件之照明裝置 僅使用一組可自動調整亮度之環形光源即達成對物件表面之多種照明模式,使欲檢測之項目或特徵更為明顯 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

8 Major Achievement 光碟片裂片檢查裝置-專利申請中 光源亮度自動調整、光碟片由機械手抓住下也能偵測
運用特殊之光源裝置,使光碟片中心孔處之裂紋由高解析度CCD偵出 可裝在CD-R (Compact Disc-Recordable )前段製程中印刷機處分檢機上 光源亮度自動調整、光碟片由機械手抓住下也能偵測 以自行開發之軟體程式,使待測物件之照明裝置的亮度自動調整至最佳取像品質 陶瓷套筒之夾治具及光源:偏心量之量測值重現性在0.08um之內 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

9 EVLEDC LED Dice Counter System LED計數檢測系統 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

10 Function This system can correctly count the amount of LED (Light Emitting Diode) chips in the inspection area It can improve the exact amount of LED CHIP shipment for LED makers 本系統主要目的為計算檢測區域內LED晶粒的總數,以確保出貨數量之正確性。 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

11 Major Features Suitable for counting diverse LED dice without changing the light source Suitable for counting the LED with bounding-pad (transparent) and without bounding-pad (un-transparent) Use high-resolution camera with top light to snap the image (Back lighting module can be selected depending on products) 適用於各種LED晶粒計數,不需更換光源。 適用於有極點(透明式)及無極點(不透明式)LED計數。 採正光搭配高解析度相機進行取像計數。(可依產品選配背光模組) DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

12 Major Features Countable LED dice arrangement
Dice which are already sawed and expended, but do not attach to a wafer ring Dice which are already sawed, expended, and adhered to the paper Dice which are sorted by chip sorter and adhere to the paper 可計數之LED排列形式: 。已切割且擴張過但未下固定環之晶圓上之晶粒。 。已切割且擴張過並轉貼至離形紙之晶圓上之晶粒。 。已經揀晶機分級,並轉貼至離形紙之晶粒。 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

13 Major Features If dice are already adhered to the blue tape, it doesn't need to remove the blue tape when counting. It can prevent the damages caused by the re-attached process, such as decrease of dice number, deviation of dice position, static and so on. As long as the product is within the detection area, it can be counted with no limitations in angles or positions. 轉貼至離形紙上之晶粒,計數過程中無須將LED晶粒表面藍膜撕開即可進行計數,可避免重覆黏貼造成晶粒歪斜、數量減少,或其他(如:靜電)之毀損。 待計數物只要在檢測範圍內,無擺放角度及位置限制。 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

14 Major Features Set up individual parameters to detect different products. It only needs a simple "click" to change the parameters. The brightness of light source can be set depending on products and becomes product's parameter. 針對不同產品可設定個別檢測參數,更換參數只需單鍵操作。 系統光源亮度為可依產品設定,為產品參數之一。 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

15 Major Features Bilingual user interface (Chinese/English) which can be switched on-line Input / Output the counting record in a customized format or upload the data to databases by connecting the server (Depend on need) 操作介面可即時中英文切換 可依客戶指定格式匯入/匯出計數紀錄檔案或連結伺服器資料庫。 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

16 Appearance and Basic Specifications
Machine size: 450mmW * 450mmL * 500mmH Inspection system: P4 3G Hz processor (or above), 15 Power supply: single phase 110/220 (selected) Field of View: 140mm * 140mm Detection area: 120mm * 120mm Counting precision: within ±0.1% Smallest pitch: 0.1mm (4 mil) Detectable dice size: 0.3 mm to 1.0mm (with bounding-pad) 0.5 mm to 10.0mm (without bounding-pad ) Light source: white LED top lighting module (standard) CCFL back lighting module(selected) 機台外觀尺寸:寬450*深450*高500mm 檢測系統:P4 3G以上電腦,15”TFT,DDR MB,40GB HDD 電源系統:單相110/220VAC(擇一) 可視範圍:140*140mm 檢測範圍:120*120mm 計數精度:±0.1%內 可檢最小間距:0.1mm(4mil) 可檢晶粒尺寸:0.3mm – 1.0mm(有極點)0.5mm-10.0mm(無極點) 光源:白光LED正光模組(標準), 冷陰極燈管背光模組(選配) 電源供應器:單相110/220VAC(擇一) DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

17 Appearance and Basic Specifications
操作介面可即時中英文切換 可依客戶指定格式匯入/匯出計數紀錄檔案或連結伺服器資料庫。 DC & CV Lab. NTU CSIE

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