香煎豆角魚餅 (2人份量) 調味料: 材料 : 鹽 ½ 茶匙 馬鮫魚肉 200 克 (5) 胡椒粉 少許 青豆角 100 克 (2½ )

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Presentation on theme: "香煎豆角魚餅 (2人份量) 調味料: 材料 : 鹽 ½ 茶匙 馬鮫魚肉 200 克 (5) 胡椒粉 少許 青豆角 100 克 (2½ )"— Presentation transcript:

1 香煎豆角魚餅 (2人份量) 調味料: 材料 : 鹽 ½ 茶匙 馬鮫魚肉 200 克 (5) 胡椒粉 少許 青豆角 100 克 (2½ )
香煎豆角魚餅 (2人份量) 調味料: 鹽 ½ 茶匙 胡椒粉 少許 咖哩粉 ¼ 茶匙 生粉 ½ 茶匙 麻油 ½ 茶匙 清水 湯匙 材料 : 馬鮫魚肉 克 (5) 青豆角 克 (2½ ) 鮮檸檬葉 片 油 茶匙 做法 : 將馬鮫魚肉加調味料(除水外),順一方向攪拌,慢慢加入水撻到起膠。 青豆角洗淨,切細粒。檸檬葉切幼絲,加入魚膠內,分成8小份餅狀。 易潔鑊加熱,落1茶匙油,將魚膠煎至兩邊金黃色,再加入1湯匙清水,加蓋焗至全熟便可。 營養師意見: 煎魚餅是家家戶戶都愛吃的,這裏介紹一種改良菜譜,就是加入青豆角和檸檬葉,增加了健康的元素--纖維質,青豆角粒可使魚餅更爽口,更有質感。煎的時候用易潔鑊,慢慢煎至金黃色。 營養成份 (1人份量): 255 卡路里,19克蛋白質,4克醣份,18克脂肪,2克纖維素 律敦治鄧肇堅醫院 營養部

2 Fried Green Bean Fish Cake (2 Servings)
Ingredients: Minced mackerel 200 g (5 taels) Green bean 100 g (2 ½taels) Fresh lemon leaves 1 leaf Oil 1 tsp Instructions: Add seasoning (except water) into minced mackerel. Mixed in one direction and hit mackerel against bowl. Slowly add in water and hit mackerel repeatedly until mackerel becomes sticky paste. Rinse green beans and cut horizontally into small round pieces. Dice lemon leaf. Mixed green beans and lemon leaf into fish paste and divide into 8 portions. Press the fish paste into cakes. Heat non-stick pan, add 1 tsp. oil to fry fish cakes until golden brown on both sides. Then add in 1tbsp water, cover pan and simmer until cooked. Serve. Dietitian’s Tip: Fried fish cake is a much-loved Chinese style entrée. We modified the recipe to include green beans for the texture and fiber content. We also include lemon leaf to add fragrance to the fish cake. To save oil, we fry the fish cake slowly in non-stick pan until the surfaces become golden yellow. Nutritional Information (1 serving): 255 kcal,19g Protein,4g Carbohydrates,18g Fat,2g Dietary fiber Seasoning: Salt ½ tsp White pepper a sprinkle Curry powder ¼ tsp Cornstarch ½ tsp Water tbsp Sesame oil ½ tsp RTSKH Dietetic Department

3 芝麻串燒雞 (2人份量) 醃料: 材料: 去皮雞脾肉 300克(7½) 日本醬油 1 茶匙 紅椒 15克 鹽 1/3 茶匙 洋蔥 15克
去皮雞脾肉 克(7½) 紅椒 克 洋蔥 克 青瓜 克 大蒜 克 油 茶匙 蜜糖 茶匙 做法: 芝麻用易潔鑊炒至金黃色(不用加油),備用。 去皮雞脾肉洗淨、瀝乾水份,去肥羔,切成12小塊,加入醃料、芝麻攪勻。 紅椒、洋蔥切塊。大蒜、青瓜切段。 用竹籤將材料串成4串。 加熱易潔鑊,加入1茶匙油,將雞串煎熟,然後掃上一層蜜糖便可。(雞串可與飯或粉麵一同上碟。) 營養師意見: 大家可以用小量的糖作調味,(每餐1個人的量不超過1平茶匙糖),可以令食物美味一些,而對身體無不良影響。這道菜式共採用了蜜糖1茶匙和糖1/5茶匙,平均每人會吃到的會少於7克醣。即使對糖尿病人也是可以接受的做法。 營養成份 (1人份量): 217卡路里,18克蛋白質,7克醣份,11克脂肪,1克纖維素 醃料: 日本醬油 1 茶匙 鹽 1/3 茶匙 酒 ½ 茶匙 蒜茸 1 茶匙 薑茸 ½ 茶匙 辣椒粉 少許 糖 1/5 茶匙 芝麻 1 茶匙 律敦治鄧肇堅醫院 營養部

4 Grilled Sesame Seed Chicken (2 Servings)
Ingredients: Skinless chicken thigh 300g (7½ taels) Onion 15g Red bell pepper g Cucumber g Leek g Oil tsp Honey tsp Instructions: Fry sesame seed (no oil) in non-stick pan until golden brown. Rinse chicken thigh and pat dry. Remove all visible fat. Cut into 12 small pieces. Marinate and add sesame seed. Cut red bell pepper and onion into 1-inch squares. Cut leek and cucumber into long thin strips. Pierce chicken cubes and vegetables on 4 wooden skewers. Fry chicken skewers with 1 tsp oil in a non-stick pan until done. Brush a layer of honey onto chicken. Serve with rice, pasta or noodles. Dietitian’s Tip: 1 tsp of honey and 1/5 tsp of sugar are used to prepare this dish. Overall, the dish is low in carbohydrates and thus acceptable for the diabetics. Nutritional Information (1 person): 217kcal,18g Protein,7g Carbohydrates,11g Fat,1g Dietary fiber Marinade: Japanese soy sauce 1 tsp Salt 1/3 tsp Chinese rice wine ½ tsp Crushed garlic 1 tsp Crushed ginger ½ tsp Chili powder a sprinkle Sugar 1/5 tsp Sesame seed 1 tsp RTSKH Dietetic Department

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