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AP教學法 曾金金/Chin-Chin Tseng 國立台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所

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1 AP教學法 曾金金/Chin-Chin Tseng 國立台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所
台灣(Taiwan),106 台北市和平東路一段129號

2 教學法 定義:the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning 功能:links theory and practice 理論基礎:語言是什麼?是怎麼學的? theories of second language acquisition (SLA) 教學設計:stated objectives, syllabus specifications, types of activities, roles of teachers, learners, materials 實際教學

3 Communicative language teaching
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as “communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages” or simply the “Communicative Approach”.

4 CLT的內涵 語言包含了〝溝通能力〞和語言所處的〝文化社會意涵〞,其功用則包括了功能性(functional; 指用言語和他人互動)、規範性(regulatory; 指用言語限制他人行動)、互動性(interactional; 指用言語和他人互動)、想像性(imaginative; 指用言語創造出想像世界)以及再現性(representative; 指用言語溝通、呈現訊息)等多種用途。

5 溝通能力 溝通能力〞還可細分為文法能力(grammatical competence,也就是字彙、構詞、語法的能力)、社會性語言能力(sociolinguistic competence,指對溝通者本身的角色、說 / 聽者雙方所共同知道的背景資訊、以及溝通互動之意旨等的瞭解)、言談能力(discourse competence,指如何根據聽 / 說者雙方間的關係來闡釋訊息、如何將意義呈現等之能力)、和溝通策略能力(strategic competence,只指如何開始、終止、延續或修正溝通過程的能力)。

6 CLT主張下列三種學習原則 (1)溝通原則---實際的溝通情境會增強學習效果; (2)任務原則---藉由語言溝通來完成任務;

7 Task Based Language Teaching and Learning (TBLT)
任務型教學法 Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is an approach which offers students material which they have to actively engage in the processing of in order to achieve a goal or complete a task. Much like regular tasks that we perform everyday such as making the tea, writing an essay, talking to someone on the phone, TBLT seeks to develop students’ interlanguage through providing a task and then using language to solve it.

8 main features of TBLT meaning is primary
there is some communication problem to solve there is some sort of relationship to comparable real world activities task completion has some priority the assessment is done in terms of outcomes

9 Content-Based Language Teaching with Technology
內容本位教學法 CoBaLTT provides professional development and online resources that help foreign language and immersion teachers create content-based lessons/units using technology to enhance students' language proficiency and content or cultural knowledge.

10 Cognitive code learning
老師所扮演的角色: 激發學生的思考能力 將所要學習的東西與學生已知的東西進行聯結 將學生的偏誤視為重要的學習里程碑 不強調背誦和反覆練習 2018/11/29 教材介紹與教學法

11 建構主義 The constructivist approach
傳統老師所扮演的角色為專家, 經由講授將知識傳給學生. 學生應熟記老師所教的內容, 且透過考試進行評量 John Dewey and Lev Vygotsky 認為老師應扮演輔導的角色, 協助學生建構其知識系統 教學重點在於學生所進行的活動 2018/11/29 教材介紹與教學法

12 聽說教學法 The Audiolingual Method
快速訓練聽說能力 聽說先於讀寫(習得順序) 課堂上不使用學生的母語 視語言習得為習慣的養成, 因此需要針對特定句型, 反覆不斷練習, 才能流利地進行溝通. 2018/11/29 教材介紹與教學法

13 語法翻譯法 Grammar Translation Method
起源於19世紀希臘文和拉丁文教學 閱讀經典文獻 強調語言的正確性 注重語法分析 進行語法規則教學 透過對譯生詞表學習詞彙 大量的翻譯練習 用學生母語作為教學媒介語 較缺乏聽說能力的訓練 較缺乏實用的溝通價值 2018/11/29 教材介紹與教學法

14 直接教學法 (The Direct Method)
在課堂上只使用目的語(中文) 學習者在日常生活中應儘量使用目的語 鼓勵學習者用目的語思考 先聽說後讀寫 2018/11/29 教材介紹與教學法

15 TPR(Total Physical Response)
即肢體反應教學法,是美國加州聖荷西洲立大學的一位心理學教授James Asher在1966年所提出的。它的精髓即為:以口頭發號施令、給了指示,並輔以肢體動作示範幫助瞭解指令的意義,等學習者充分瞭解語句的意義時,以肢體動作做出正確的回應,不但減輕開口的壓力,更累積足夠的信心,Asher深信大量的聽力訊息的接受與肢體動作反應的結合,能使學習的印象更深刻持久。 2018/11/29 教材介紹與教學法

16 中文AP課程 美國外語學習準則標準﹕5 C 課程難度﹕相當於大學二年級下學期中文課程或是相當於修過250學時的中文。除了能回答熟悉的日常話題外,學生應具備簡單的敘述、描寫或描述的語言能力。(OPI中級程度)老師授課應該盡量全部使用中文。 教材﹕強調真實材料(authentic materials)的應用。 可作為大學的學分。所有9 年級以上的任何中學生,均可報名參加AP 中文學習及測驗。

17 Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)
standardized procedure for the global assessment of functional speaking ability. It is a face-to-face or telephonic interview between a certified ACTFL tester and an examinee that determines how well a person speaks a language by comparing his or her performance of specific communication tasks with the criteria for each of ten proficiency levels described in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines-Speaking (Revised 1999) 

18 The ten proficiency levels
Superior Advanced High Advanced Mid Advanced Low Intermediate High Intermediate Mid Intermediate Low Novice High Novice Mid Novice Low

19 2009 College Board AP 中文 New AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam Date--May 6, 12 Noon Exam Duration:-- Section I—approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes Section II—approximately 45 minutes Course Equivalency: Fourth-semester college course in Mandarin Chinese

20 Description Section I consists of multiple-choice questions that assess communication skills in the interpersonal and interpretive modes using listening and reading questions. Section II consists of free response questions that assess communication skills in the interpersonal and presentational modes, as well as cultural knowledge, by requiring the student to produce written and spoken responses. Section II requires students to narrate a story, respond to an message, participate in a conversation, and make a cultural presentation.

21 AP Chinese Language and Culture
In 2009, students will be assessed on the following free-response question-types: Interpersonal Writing: Response; Presentational Writing: Story Narration; Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation; and Presentational Speaking: Cultural Presentation.

22 考試規則注意事項 1). 考生在應考的當天必需要 早點 到指定的考場.
2). 考生要提供自己的社會安全號碼(social security number).和在學校應用的名字 , 應該和以前考 AP 用的名字一樣 3). 監考老師先核對姓名, 之後發考卷, 考生不可先看試題.必需在老師指定的時間一起開始. 若有人先偷看,或先開始, 則考試作廢, 並且, 從此不准考AP 科目.

23 The Three Modes: Modes of Communication recognized by New Jersey and national standards: Interpretive Interpersonal Presentational

24 Interpretive “one way” reading or listening
Interpretation of authentic language sources, e.g. texts, movies, radio, conversation, speeches, etc. Multiple ways of comprehension Implies ability to read and listen for literal and inferential meaning

25 Interpersonal “two way” interactive communication listening – speaking
listening-writing reading -speaking reading - writing Emphasis on “direct”

26 Presentational “one to many” communication
Giving presentations, audio broadcasts, writing for publication, etc Focus on clear transmission of message

27 Listening-speaking Games Songs, Rhymes and Finger Plays
Props and concrete materials Dialogues Role play

28 Reading/listening-speaking-writing
Preview the context/topic by activating background knowledge and contextual clues Use visuals to present the main ideas/context Help students to anticipate/comprehend new vocabulary by conducting a Total Physical Response (TPR) activity to acquire new words Help students to establish a purpose for listening/reading/viewing Use skimming (get the gist) and scanning (seek specific information)

29 Using the Modes in Assessment
I. Interpretive Communication Students listen to or read an authentic text (e.g., newspaper article, radio broadcast, etc.) and answer information as well as interpretive questions to assess comprehension. Teacher provides students with feedback on comprehension/understanding. III. Presentational Communication Students engage in presentational communication by sharing their research/ideas/opinions. Sample presentational formats: speeches, drama, skits, radio broadcasts, posters, brochures, essays, websites, etc. II. Interpersonal Communication  After receiving feedback regarding the Interpretive Phase, students are engaged in realistic interpersonal oral communication about a particular topic for a specific purpose. This phase could be either audio- or videotaped.

30 Create an activity that reinforces interpersonal communication (the ability to describe) using this image.

31 Create an interpersonal activity based on this text

32 Create an interpersonal activity using this picture

33 教學目的 1提升學生口語表達、人際互動能力。 2能詮釋接受的語音及文字訊息。 3能充分闡述個人意見及評論。
4藉由教材內容認識中華文化和藝術。 5能比較不同文化及語言的差異性。 6能經由學習中文的過程,產生終身對中文學習的興趣,並延伸運用到周邊社群。 7能由中文的學習連結到其他與中文相關的課目:如藝術、文學、民俗等課題。

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