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Jesus shall take the highest honor

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1 Jesus shall take the highest honor
耶穌,因祢聖名 Jesus shall take the highest honor Chris Bowater

2 耶穌,祢配得至聖尊榮 耶穌,當受最高讚美 Jesus shall take the highest honour
Jesus shall take the highest praise CCLI #

3 願全地響應,諸天唱和 來尊崇主聖名超乎萬名
耶穌,你配得至聖尊榮 Jesus shall take the highest honour 願全地響應,諸天唱和 Let all earth join heav'n in exalting 來尊崇主聖名超乎萬名 The Name which is above all other names CCLI #

4 讓我們屈膝俯伏敬拜衪 因衪聖名,萬膝要跪拜
耶穌,你配得至聖尊榮 Jesus shall take the highest honour 讓我們屈膝俯伏敬拜衪 Let's bow the knee in humble adoration 因衪聖名,萬膝要跪拜 For at His name every knee must bow CCLI #

5 讓萬口承認:衪是主耶穌Let every tongue confess He is Christ God's only Son,
耶穌,你配得至聖尊榮 Jesus shall take the highest honour 讓萬口承認:衪是主耶穌Let every tongue confess He is Christ God's only Son, 全能神,今我榮耀祢 Sovereign Lord, we give You Glory now CCLI #

6 但願尊貴,頌讚和權能 都歸於祢,都歸於祢 For all honour and blessing and power
耶穌,你配得至聖尊榮 Jesus shall take the highest honour 但願尊貴,頌讚和權能 For all honour and blessing and power 都歸於祢,都歸於祢 Belongs to You! Belongs to You! CCLI #

7 願尊貴,頌讚和權能 都歸於祢,都歸於祢 For all honour and blessing and power
耶穌,你配得至聖尊榮 Jesus shall take the highest honour 願尊貴,頌讚和權能 For all honour and blessing and power 都歸於祢,都歸於祢 Belongs to You! Belongs to You! CCLI #

8 耶穌,你配得至聖尊榮 Jesus shall take the highest honour
主耶穌 Lord Jesus Christ 永活真神兒子 son of the Living God CCLI #

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