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合一在愛裏 Unity in Love Romans 12:10-21 〈羅馬書第十二講〉.

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1 合一在愛裏 Unity in Love Romans 12:10-21 〈羅馬書第十二講〉

2 A Harmonious Life – Let your heart be a beautiful garden
※和諧的人生~美麗的心園! A Harmonious Life – Let your heart be a beautiful garden 「要保守你心,勝過保守一切,一生的果效 是由心發出。」〈箴四23〉 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. 1.散播~信實/愛心/寬恕 Sow– faithfulness/love/forgiveness 2.拔除~自私/傲慢/怨恨 Uproot- selfishness/arrogance/hatred

3 壹、《聖徒品格》Character of a saint
一、真誠愛心 Love must be sincere. v.9.10 「要彼此親熱 Be devoted to one another in love. 要彼此推讓 Honor one another above yourselves.   惡,要厭惡 Hate what is evil 善,要親近 cling to what is good 二、殷勤服事:Serve zealously. 不可懶惰 Never be lacking in zeal, 心裏火熱 keep your spiritual fervor 常服事主。」serving the Lord.  v.11

4 三、苦難靠主:Trust in the Lord During Hardships
※約伯「人生在世必遇患難」man is born to trouble 〈伯五7〉 ※耶穌「在世上你們有苦難,我已勝了世界」〈約16:33〉 In this world you will have trouble. I have overcome the world.” 1.指望中~要喜樂 Be joyful in hope 2.患難中~要忍耐 patient in affliction 3.禱告主~要恆切 faithful in prayer. v.12

5 貳、《愛心的實踐》Live Out Love
一、善待人:Be kind to others 「聖徒缺乏,要幫補;客,要一味地款待」v.13    Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 「逼迫你們的,要給他們祝福;不可咒詛」v.14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 二、關懷人:Be caring of others 「與喜樂的人同樂; Rejoice with those who rejoice 與哀哭的人同哭」 mourn with those who mourn. v.15

6 三、尊重人:Respect Others 「要彼此同心;不要志氣高大,v.16
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, 要俯就卑微的人。勿自以為聰明 but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 不以惡報惡;眾人以為美的事要留心去做,v.17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 若是能行,總要盡力與眾人和睦。」v.18    If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

7 四、以善勝惡:Overcome Evil with Goodness
「不要自己伸冤,寧可讓步,聽憑主怒; 主說:伸冤在我 ,我必報應。」 Do not take revenge, but leave room for God’s wrath, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. v.19 「不可為惡所勝, Do not be overcome by evil, 要以善勝惡」 but overcome evil with good. v.21 「凡事不可虧欠人;要常以為虧欠。」 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, 〈十三8〉

8 1.我得罪人~Do I sin against others?〈Mt.太5:26〉
五、饒恕人 Forgive Others 1.我得罪人~Do I sin against others?〈Mt.太5:26〉 「若有一文錢沒有還清,你斷不能從那裏出來」 you will not get out until you have paid the last penny. 2.被人得罪~Do others sin against me? ※原諒Forgive─3次? 7? 70x7! 《態度/靈/話語/方式/臉色/ 聲調/語氣/時機》都要對! 【心的監牢→ Jail of heart】

9 參、《合一在愛裡》Unity in Love (腓Phil 2:1-4)
一、團契方式~ How to Fellowship 1.主裏勸勉 Encourage each other in the Lord 2.愛心安慰 Comfort one another 3.靈裡交通 Fellowship in the spirit 4.互相包容 Accept one another 5.彼此同心 Have the same mind 二、愛的攔阻~ Barriers for love 1.紛爭結黨 Division 2.虛榮自大 Boastfulness 3.只顧自己 Selfish

10 1.拜偶像 Idolatry=「祭鬼 offered to demons」 〈林前十20〉 2.污穢的 Filthy
三、避免的對象 What to Avoid 1.拜偶像 Idolatry=「祭鬼 offered to demons」 〈林前十20〉 2.污穢的 Filthy 3.不敬虔 Ungodliness ※希臘Greek 船王歐納西斯 Onassis → 女1989 Christina ※保羅:「先前以為有益,現在因基督,都當作有損。 我以認識我主基督耶穌為至寶。」〈腓三8〉   I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, I have lost all things.

11 肆、《最高的榜樣》The Greatest Example
※效法基督六步: Imitate Christ-6 Steps (Phil腓2:5-11) 1.虛己~放棄神形像 Emptied himself–didn’t seek equal to God 2.無有~取奴僕樣式 Became nothing –Took on human likeness 3.謙卑~卑微生馬槽 Humbled himself – Born in a manger 4.順服~十架上受苦 Obeyed – Suffered on the cross 5.犧牲~甘心捨性命 Sacrificed himself – Died willingly 6.尊榮~神升為至高 Exalted - God exalted him

12 一、住在主裏面 Abide in the Lord 二、相交在愛裏 Fellowship in Love
「敗壞之先,人心驕傲;Before a downfall the heart is haughty, 尊榮以前,必有謙卑。」but humility comes before honor. 《結論》 一、住在主裏面 Abide in the Lord 二、相交在愛裏 Fellowship in Love 1.接納自己 Accept yourself 2.尊重別人 Respect others 3.坦誠對人 Treat others with sincerity 4.學習傾聽 Learn to listen 5.欣賞鼓勵 Admire & encourage one another

13 《榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy Name 》
1.父神,我愛祢 Father I Love You, We 我們敬拜讚美祢 praise you we adore You 在全地上榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy Name in all the earth 榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy Name〈Ⅹ2〉 2.耶穌 Jesus 3.聖靈 Spirit

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