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Presentation on theme: "诊断工具,等待事件,SQL优化原则."— Presentation transcript:

1 诊断工具,等待事件,SQL优化原则

2 Statspack的使用 STATSPACK的安装 性能快照的采集 统计报告的生成 性能快照的自动采集
脚本将自动创建PERFSTAT用户,并提示保存STATSPACK统计信息的表空间以及临时表空间 性能快照的采集 SQL>exec statspack.snap; 统计报告的生成 性能快照的自动采集

3 安装Statspack的准备 设置参数timed_statistics=true 单独表空间(>90M)
在init<sid>.ora中设置该参数,并让其生效 SQL>alter system set timed_statistics=true;

4 Statspack报告—构成内容 Enqueue activity for DB Cache size
rollback segment stats for DB rollback segment storage for DB Undo Segment Stats for DB latch activity for DB dictionary Cache stats for DB SGA memory summary for DB init.ora parameters for DB Cache size Load profile Instance efficiency Percentages Top timed event Top SQL Instance Activity statistic tablespace IO stats for DB file IO stats for DB buffer pool statistics for DB PGA Aggr Target Stats for DB

5 Statspack报告—分析重点 Top 5 timed events Instance efficiency Top SQL
数据库主要都在干什么 Instance efficiency 内存命中率 Top SQL 80/20原则

6 生成报告 — Context/Cache Sizes
DB Name DB Id Instance Inst Num Release Cluster Host HAW haw NO HAWKING Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Curs/Sess Begin Snap: Oct-02 16:45: End Snap: Oct-02 16:46: Elapsed: (mins) Cache Sizes (end) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffer Cache: M Std Block Size: K Shared Pool Size: 12M Log Buffer: K Here we start discussion of the actual report. This slide illustrates the Context and Cache sizes sections. There is not much we can conclude from these sections. The most important information here is the elapsed time which is useful to bear in mind while looking at the rest of the report and the number of sessions. Note: These are end cache sizes because in 9i some of them are dynamic the init parameter section at the end of the report can detect changes.

7 生成报告 — Load Profile Redo size: 77,138.42 2,931,260.00
Per Second Per Transaction Redo size: 77, ,931,260.00 Logical reads: ,089.00 Block changes: ,492.00 Physical reads: Physical writes: User calls: Parses: ,658.00 Hard parses: ,125.00 Sorts: Logons: Executes: ,145.00 Transactions: % Blocks changed per Read: Recursive Call %: 99.99 Rollback per trans %: Rows per Sort: 18.96 Here is the first diagnostic screen is it an initial 50,000ft view of the database load based on selected v$sysstat parameters. It is most useful to revisit this section over time to reveal how the database load is changing (more users, different transaction mix, etc). In practice, any of these statistics could highlight problems however, the two areas that have the most dramatic effect on performance are highlighted in black and are parsing statistics and IO statistics I.e. Parsing is the process Oracle goes through to prepare SQL statements for execution. Our goal is to reduce parsing to a minimum (by parsing once and executing many times) how this is done differs between development environments. As a DBA we do have some parameters we can set that will reduce parse rates if necessary, we discuss these on the next slide. IO is always a potential bottleneck in a database system if we are experiencing unnecessarily high IO rates then we will perform poorly and won’t scale as we should. Of course, there are no right or wrong answers here, different systems will experience different loads.

8 生成报告 — Load Profile 根据v$sysstat 得到的instance负载
与之前的报告进行比较,预先发现问题- IO是否显著增加了? 随软硬件配置不同而变化,无固定上限– 粗略规范为 Logical reads > 10,000 per 100MHz CPU per second Physical reads > 100 per disk per second Hard parses, soft parses > 100, 300 per second 着重检查parse (可调整 cursor_sharing and session_cached_cursors参数) 和 IO Point three provides rough upper limits for parse and IO rates. If we are experiencing high parse rates then consider setting cursor_sharing=force which turns hard parses into soft parses and session_cached_cursors which eliminates soft parses.

9 生成报告 — Instance Efficiency
Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffer Nowait %: Redo NoWait %:100.00 Buffer Hit %: In-memory Sort %: 99.48 Library Hit %: Soft Parse %: 5.00 Execute to Parse %: Latch Hit %:100.00 Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: % Non-Parse CPU: 23.35 Underlined items have good corresponding wait events Shared Pool Statistics Begin End Memory Usage %: % SQL with executions>1: % Memory for SQL w/exec>1: This section contains various useful pre-computed ratios based on the v$sysstat. This is a section where it is necessary to understand the definitions so I will explain them briefly. I’ll cover the underlined ones first , Buffer Nowaits measures how often we are experiencing block waits (e.g. most likely due to multi process block contention) Redo Nowaits = redo log space requests/redo entries, redo log space requests are primarily determined by the numer of log switches and speed of log switches. Latch hit is the total latch misses/gets. The underlined items have good corresponding wait events so unless you also see waits for this in the wait session then I wouldn’t worry about these ratios Buffer hit =This is a measure of how frequently we are reusing data blocks in the block buffer cache. Due to how the buffer cache algorithms work high values are suggestive of significant index reads low values are suggestion of full table scans. If this is below 80% check the SQL by physical reads section looking for unnecessary full table scans In-memory sorts% High values are usual but be careful large disk sorts are performed as lots of smaller memory sorts so this can be misleading Library Hit = pinhits/pins*100 perform other shared pool size checks and don’t worry about this unless it is really bad Soft parse %: Ratio of soft to hard parse Execute to Parse = Never parse always execuete 100%, parse once execute once 0%, goes negative if parse>executes which is bad Parse CPU to Parse Elapsed is measure of how available CPU cycles are when we are parsing, low values indicate that we waiting for access to the CPU e.g. waiting for latches % Non parse CPU How much of how CPU is not spent parsing.

10 生成报告 — Instance Efficiency
如果统计收集时间过短,或者数据库重启,可能得到错误的命中率 粗略的命中率范围 90-100% Buffer/redo nowaits, Latch, Sorts 50-100% Library Cache 0-100% Parse, Buffer Hit 结合命中率和等待事件进行分析 Shared pool usage 应稳定在 80-90% 如果 >90% 则检查绑定变量和 reloads

11 命中率 Buffer Nowait 数值大(>95%)表示数据缓冲区足够大 否则需要增加数据缓冲区的大小,或调整数据文件IO的速度

12 命中率 Redo Nowait 数据大(>99%)表示log_buffer足够 否则调整log_buffer的大小

13 命中率 Buffer Hit 足够大(>95%)表示命中率较高 否则可以调整数据缓冲区的大小

14 命中率 In-memory Sort 数字大(>95%)表示大部分数据在内存中进行排序

15 命中率 Library Hit 数据大(>95%)表示SQL的命中率较高
否则需要调整shared_pool_size的值,或者需要调整SQL,使用bind variable

16 命中率 Soft Parse 数字大(>95%)表示SQL的缓存情况比较好 否则需要增加shared_pool_size的值

17 命中率 Execute to parse =100 * (1 - Parses/Executions)
数值高表示重新执行的次数较多,在Materialized View较多的系统中值可能很低,因为完全刷新后很多SQL语句执行时需要重新解释,动态的创建表或索引等也会增加Parse的次数.

18 命中率 Latch Hit 数值大(>99%)表示内部锁比较好 否则需要查询Oracle有关版本的bug说明

19 命中率 Parse CPU to Parse elapsed
做SQL解释时CPU的利用率 数据越大表示解释的效率高

20 命中率 Non-Parse CPU 表示用于SQL 执行的CPU的比重 数值越大越好

21 生成报告 — Top 5 Timed Events 报告最有价值的部分 9.2 在wait event基础上,增加了 ‘CPU Time’
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % Total Event Waits Time (s) Ela Time CPU time direct path read control file sequential read log file parallel write db file parallel write In 8i - top 5 wait events. Lets talk about the wait events first. Oracle is constantly tracking what events processes are waiting for e.g. disk reads, etc. This is section is an important tuning aid because in addition to highlighting what we are waiting it shows us timing information so we can prioritize. Note, wait events don’t capture important CPU related information – e.g. parsing is largely CPU intensive and has no corresponding wait events, similarly logical reads don’t have wait events. For this reason Oracle have included the system statistic ‘CPU Used by this session’ in this section. This slide illustrates that over 90% of the elasped time was spent actually performing work involving the CPU that would not show in a ‘pure’ wait event section.

22 生成报告 — Wait Events Oracle提供的重要诊断工具 每个等待的解释参考联机手册 常见的 I/O waits:
Db file sequential read – Index reads or scans Db file scattered read – Full table scans Direct path read/write – Temp IO Log related waits - IO, switches, buffer

23 生成报告 — 常见Wait Events Db file * read ->SQL by buffer gets/disk reads, File IO stats CPU Time -> Parse rates, Sorts, SQL executions, SQL buffer gets/disk reads, SMP processes(bugs) Direct path reads/writes -> Sorts, Hash joins, hash/sort_area_size, File IO Stats Buffer busy waits -> Buffer pool, Buffer waits, File IO stats, Segment statistics 重要的内部 wait events (e.g. latches, enqueues) 有对应的详细部分 As previously explained the wait event section is a good jumping off point. Here are five common timed events and where else in the statspack report we would look.

24 事件 DB File Scattered Read
读取大量的数据块到Cache中 调整思路: 调整大表上的索引 收集更新统计信息 DB file scatter read:这通常意味着等待与全表扫描有关。该指数的数量过大说明缺少扫描或者限制使用索引。这种情况也可能是正常的,因为全表扫描可能比索引扫描效率更高。当你看到这些等待的时候,需要通过检查确定全表扫描是否必须的(缓存较小的表 )

25 事件 DB File Sequential Read
一般指读取索引的数据 调整思路: 调整索引的设计 Rebuild索引,提高索引效率 pool join orders of tables, or unselective indexing

26 事件 Direct Path Read/Write
磁盘上进行的排序,并行的全表扫描 调整思路: 增加SORT_AREA_SIZE或 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET

27 事件 Buffer Busy Wait 访问的块正在读取中 其他他进程正在将数据读到Cache中
调整思路: 将数据文件放在读取速度更快的设备上 减少数据争用 Wait for a buffer that is being used in an unshareable way or is being read into the buffer cache. Should NOT greater than 1%

28 事件 Checkpoint Completed
调整思路: 减小log buffer的大小 增加Checkpoint的频率 将log文件放在更快的磁带设备上,如RAID

29 事件 Enqueue Enqueue是Oracle内部的一种锁,用来进行串行操作 调整思路: 使用本地管理表空间 外键建索引

30 事件 Free Buffer Wait 寻找可用Cache块,如大量的数据被修改,或没有可用的空闲块
调整思路 增加db_cache_size的值 检查DBWR效率

31 事件 Log Buffer Space 生成日志的速度大于将日志写到磁盘的速度
调整思路 增加log_buffer的值 将log文件放到空闲的磁盘设备上

32 事件 Log File Switch (…) Archiving needed 等待归档完成 调整思路:增加log_archive_processes的数量 Checkpoint not completed 等待切换到下一个日志 调整思路:增加日志组的数量,调整大小 Completion 等待日志切换完成 调整思路:将log放到更快的磁盘设备上

33 事件 Log File Sync 在用户commit/rollback时,等待将Log buffer写入日志文件的过程
原因:LGWR效率低下,系统提交过于频繁 调整思路 将日志放到更快的磁盘设备上 一次提交更多纪录 适当使用NOLOGGING/UNRECOVERABLE等选项

34 生成报告 — SQL Section 根据buffer gets, disk reads, executions, parse counts 排序得到四类 “问题SQL” SQL ordered by Gets for DB: HAW1 Instance: haw1 Snaps: CPU Elapsd Buffer Gets Execs Gets per Exec %Total Time(s) Time(s) Hash Value 13, , Module: SQL*Plus SELECT * FROM policies WHERE policy_type = :b1 We have four sections of ‘worst SQL’, e.g. ‘top SQL by total number of logical reads’, ‘top SQL by physical reads’, etc. If we are not using statspack we would usually get at this information by querying against v$sqlarea. Here is have an example, a select from the policies table causes buffer gets 9i includes CPU Times(s) & Elapsd Time(s) figures. Note the %Total does not sum to 100 because PL/SQL blocks display the cumulative figures for all the SQL statements they include and the SQL statements also appear by themselves. The hash value is used in the second statspack report and can be used to get more of the SQL (up to 1000 characters) from the statspack table STAT$SQLTEXT

35 生成报告 — SQL Section 非最优SQL通常是数据库问题的主要根源
“如何利用更少的资源得到相同的结果?” 根据 ‘number per execution’ 寻找问题SQL

36 生成报告 — Segment Statistics
9.2新增view v$segstat Top 5 Logical Reads per Segment for DB -> End Segment Logical Reads Threshold: Obj. Logical Owner Tablespace Object Name Type Reads %Total TB TAB ANALYSIS_COMMON_RESU TABLE 106, TB TAB ANALYSIS_TESTS TABLE 103, TB TAB SAMPLES TABLE 40, TB IND SAMPLES_UK INDEX 18, TB TAB ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PK INDEX 18, This segment specific information is useful in loads of ways. For example, we now have better information with which to assign segments to buffer pools, tune tablespace IO, etc.

37 生成报告 — Tablespace and Datafile IO
Tablespace IO Stats for DB: Instance: PAYROLL ->ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc Tablespace Filename Av Av Av Av Buffer Av Buf Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd Writes Writes/s Waits Wt(ms) PAY_ /u01/oradata/payroll/PAY_6_1.dbf 438, ,

38 生成报告 — Buffer Pool and Buffer Waits
Buffer Pool Statistics for DB: NETMON Instance: netmon -> Pools D: default pool, K: keep pool, R: recycle pool Free Write Buffer Buffer Consistent Physical Physical Buffer Complete Busy P Gets Gets Reads Writes Waits Waits Waits D 4,859,734 4,765,667 4,755, , ,333 Buffer wait Statistics for DB: NETMON Instance: netmon -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc Tot Wait Avg Class Waits Time (cs) Time (cs) data block 8, , undo block This is where we drill down on the buffer pool statistics, if we have multiple buffer pools we can get their individual buffer hit ratios from here (9i includes them in the report but for 8i we can compute them). If we are showing buffer waits in the timed events section we can investigate what class of blocks we are waiting for in the buffer wait statistics section.

39 生成报告 — Buffer Pool and Buffer Waits
9i 分别计算每个pool的命中率 如果free buffer waits or write buffer waits 很高,表示db writer 速度跟不上buffer pool 需求 Busy buffer waits 表示多个进程竞争某个数据块 (解决方案 reverse key indexes, fewer rows per block, freelists, initrans, more rollbacks, etc.)

40 生成报告 — Latches Latch Activity for DB: Pct Avg Pct
Get Get Slps NoWait NoWait Latch Name Requests Miss /Miss Requests Miss cache buffers lru chain 4,925, ,749, Latch Sleep breakdown for DB -> ordered by misses desc Get Spin & Latch Name Requests Misses Sleeps Sleeps 1->4 cache buffers lru chain 4,925, ,245 35, /29608 /2337/269/0

41 生成报告 — Library Cache Reloads 表示代码移出内存,重复解析。如果已经使用了bind variables,考虑增加 shared_pool大小, keep objects Library Cache Activity for DB: PROD Instance: PROD ->"Pct Misses" should be very low Get Pct Pin Pct Invali- Namespace Requests Miss Requests Miss Reloads dations BODY , CLUSTER , , PIPE SQL AREA ,146, ,434, , TABLE/PROCEDURE 1,988, ,940, , TRIGGER

42 SQL语句的实现机制 Oracle 如何处理 SQL语句 Stage 1: Create a Cursor
Stage 2: Parse the Statement (Most expensive step) Stage 3: Bind Any Variables Stage 4: Run the Statement (Most expensive step) Stage 5: Fetch Rows of a Query (can be expensive) Stage 6: Close the Cursor

43 RBO和CBO 优化器决定SQL语句的执行路径,对性能至关重要。 基于规则的优化器 RBO (Rule Based Optimizer)
No change since oracle 7.3,desupported in oracle 10 Stable, generate the execution plan according to fixed rules Not necessary good Do not support new oracle features(like IOT, partition, materialized view,…) 基于成本的优化器 CBO (Cost based optimizer) Since oracle 7.3 Support all oracle features Better than RBO in most case, Can be bad in some case Choose the best execution plan according to internal algorithm Need to analyze schema to get the best execution plan

44 统计信息的采集 SQL> dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname=>‘CTAIS',estimate_percent=>20,cascade=>true,degree=>2); ownname:为用户名 estimate_percent:为采样频率 cascade:表示表和索引的统计信息同时采集 degree:并行度 SQL> analyze table <table_name> compute statistics;

45 索引的使用(1) 索引不起作用的情况 存在数据类型隐形转换 列上有数学运算 使用不等于(<>)运算 使用substr字符串函数
% 通配符在第一个字符 字符串连接(||)

46 索引的使用(2) 删除不使用的索引 定期重建大量删除操作的索引
SQL>alter index <index_name> REBUILD [online];

47 索引设计原则(1) 提高查询语句的效率,减慢了DML语句的速度 在全表扫描和索引之间权衡 在哪些列建立索引 在哪些列上不要建立索引
Where字句中引用的列 Join中引用的列 在子表的FK上建立索引 防止对父表操作时锁住子表 在哪些列上不要建立索引 经常有DML操作 排它性小

48 索引设计原则(2) 不建议表上的索引超过5个 能够用组合索引则尽量用组合索引 组合索引的靠左原则 对于大表,尽量利用local的分区索引

49 SQL编写原则(1) 建议使用CBO 对于任何SQL语句一定要考虑其性能 通过查看执行计划来比较SQL语句的优劣,防止经验主义
可以利用10g的新功能调整SQL(在Oracle的4个Pack中) SQL Tuning Advisor SQL Access Advisor 可以利用HINT,SQL profile和query rewrite等功能

50 SQL编写原则(2) Where条件中等号左边不要引用函数 Where条件中对于不同的数据类型要做显示数据转换
NOT,!=,<>,||不会用索引 not exists好于not in Exists好于in 用case代替DECODE 用UNION ALL代替UNION 用UNION代替OR

51 SQL编写原则(3) 避免复杂的SQL语句 避免不必要的排序 用多条语句代替 用GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE做临时表
CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE 避免不必要的排序 Distinct Group by Order by 对排序进行调整 Temporary tablespace Sort_area_size UNION ALL 代替 UNION 强制使用order by中所引用列的索引 Hint SELECT acc_name, acc_surname FROM account WHERE acc_name > chr(1)

52 SQL编写原则(4) select 子句避免使用 * 使用表的别名 连接多个表时, 把表的别名前缀于每个column上
使用复合索引的第一个列 及时commit释放资源 回滚段上用于恢复数据的信息 程序语句获得的锁 redo log buffer 空间

53 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE SUBSTR(account_name,1,7) = 'CAPITAL'; SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE account_name LIKE 'CAPITAL%';

54 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE TRUNC (trans_date) = TRUNC (SYSDATE); SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE trans_date BETWEEN TRUNC (SYSDATE) AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) ;

55 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE account_name || account_type = 'AMEXA'; SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE account_name = 'AMEX'  AND account_type = 'A';

56 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE account_name = NVL(:acc_name, account_name); SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE account_name like NVL(:acc_name,%);

57 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary*12>100000;
优化前 优化后 SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary*12>100000; SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary>100000/12;

58 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE amount != 0; SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount  FROM transaction  WHERE amount > 0;

59 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_type=‘123’;
优化前 优化后 SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_type=123; 相当于 WHERE to_number(employee_type)=123; *employee_type is varchar2 SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_type=‘123’;

60 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT DISTINCT dept_no, dept_name  FROM dept D,              emp E  WHERE D.dept_no = E.dept_no; SELECT dept_no, dept_name  FROM dept D  WHERE EXISTS (                        SELECT 'X'                        FROM emp E                        WHERE E.dept_no = D.dept_no);

61 SQL语句优化案例 优化前 优化后 SELECT * FROM orders WHERE (customer_num=104 AND order_num>1001) OR order_num=1008 SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_num=104 AND order_num>1001 UNION SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_num=1008


63 常用网站

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