傳送架構及功能 (Architecture and functions for communicating)

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Presentation on theme: "傳送架構及功能 (Architecture and functions for communicating)"— Presentation transcript:

1 傳送架構及功能 (Architecture and functions for communicating)
1 2 3 運作及功能設定 第二部份 運作, 功能 及 設定 傳送架構及功能 (Architecture and functions for communicating) 調解器設定及硬件更新 (Modems configuration, Update firmware) 電話目錄 (Phone directories) 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging) 站與站之間的訊息交換 (Inter-station exchanges) 1

2 傳送架構及功能 傳送架構 傳送功能 設定傳送架構 的 methodology 1

3  I. 傳送架構及功能 聯接 Zelio-COM 摸塊的 Zelio-Logic 模塊透過以下途徑進行遙距通話:
- GSM無線電話(輸送SMS訊息) - 經RTC, GSM網絡的電腦連Zelio-Soft 1

4 (a) ) 於 Zelio-Com 方面的傳送架構 (1/3)
Zelio-Soft 的啟動通話 Zelio-COM 的啟動通話 聯接 Zelio-COM 摸塊的 Zelio-Logic 模塊透過以下途徑進行遙距通話: - GSM無線電話(輸送SMS訊息) - 經RTC, GSM網絡的電腦連Zelio-Soft Zelio-COM 模塊在特定情況出現於程式時(一般在數值轉變狀態),可撥一個至多個電話號碼及發送警號訊息 Zelio-COM 模塊可發送小型訊息(最多120字)到GSM無線電話. 1

5 (a)於 Zelio-Soft 方面的傳送架構 (2/3)
用戶可使用接上調解器(RTC, GSM)的Zelio-Soft電腦去召Zelio-COM模塊及監察Zelio Logic模塊,就似是直接接駁上電腦的串行連接埠 註: Zelio-COM 模塊儲存: - 對相關變數 (Ix, Qx, Mx, Cx, Tx, Rx, Ax, Xx, Zx, Vx …)的建議 - 對程式中變數的建議 - 警報訊息內容;收件人號碼;轉送訊息條件…. 當 PC >> Module transfer 數據會傳送至Zelio-COM 模塊 Zelio-Soft 可以取出相關建議: - 於Module >> PC transfer, - 於監督時. 1

6 (a) Multi Zelio-Logic方面的傳送架構 (3/3)
Zelio-Soft 的啟動通話 任何有Zelio-COM地方,都有建立擁有多個Zelio-Login模塊架構的可能 - 每個模塊可召不同的Zelio-Soft電腦及GSM無線電話 - 每個Zelio-Soft電可監測及控制幾個不同的ZELIO-Logic模塊 於以下的架構, “站”解作以下裝置: - Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM 模塊站: 由名稱,電話號碼,密碼確定 - Zelio-Soft 電腦站: 由名稱,電話號碼確定 - GSM 流動站:由名稱,電話號碼確定 1

7 (b)功能:發送訊息到 Zelio-Soft 電腦 (1/4)
1. 當特定條件於程式出現時,Zelio-COM 模塊可召一個或多個 Zelio-Soft 電腦號碼(最多5個) 2. 一經聯接,Zelio-COM介面摸塊即依摶召輸送資料,若用戶缺席便會收.訊息可由純文帶程式資料/數據字組成.資料/數據可增加或減少 3. 所撥的號碼在發放前可作修改制(0至10或無限) 1

8 (b)功能:發送訊息到GSM無線電話 (2/4)
 I. 傳送架構及功能 (b)功能:發送訊息到GSM無線電話 (2/4) (b) 1.當特定條件於程式出現時,Zelio-COM 模塊可召一個或多個 Zelio-Soft 電腦號碼(最多5個)一經聯接,Zelio-COM介面摸塊即依摶召輸送SMS訊息,召喚完結後便會收線. 2.訊息可由純文帶程式資料/數據字姐組成.資料/數據可增加或減少. SMS 訊息傳送分先後次序. 1

9 (b)功能:由Zelio-Soft 電腦傳送指令 (3/4)
Zelio-Soft 電可召Zelio-COM 模塊做以下工作: - 監測Zelio-Logic 模塊. - 操控Zelio-Logic 模塊啟動或停止. - 轉送以下資料到Zelio-Logic模塊:程式,參數.當轉送資料時,訊息,地址,輸送條件等資料也會被送出. - 由Zelio-Logic 轉送以下資料: 程式,參數. 當轉送Zelio-COM模塊的儲存資料時:訊息,地址,輸送條件等資料也會被送出. 所有以上功能均可實行,情況就像Zelio-Logic模塊直接接駁電的串行連接埠. 1

10  I. 傳送架構及功能 (b)功能:由 GSM 模塊發送指令 (4/4) GSM手電 / GSM 模塊
GSM 摸塊可召Zelio-COM 摸塊做以下工作: - 控制Zelio-Logic 模塊啟動或停止. - 讀/更改參數及輸入/輸出 - 設定時間 Zelio-COM 會核對獲批准的用戶電話號碼方可便用此功能 1

11  I. 傳送架構及功能 (c) 設定傳送架構 的 methodology – 1/2 1

12  I. 傳送架構及功能 (c) 設定傳送架構 的 methodology – 2/2 Zelio-COM應用由兩個部份組成:
其中一部份透過調解器聯接兩組儀器 另一部份負責兩組儀器的對話 我們建議:   1.設定調解器及測試兩組儀器間的聯線:硬件測試   2.為交換的料及條件作定義   3.測試在本地模式時Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM及Zelio-Soft電腦之間的調換   4.運用調解器,測試Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM及Zelio-Soft電腦之間的調換   4.測試Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM及GSM無線電話兩者間之調換 1

13 (Modems configuration, Update firmware) GSM 調解器 (GSM modem)
調解器設定及硬件更新 (Modems configuration, Update firmware) GSM 調解器 (GSM modem) RTC 調解器 (RTC modem) PC port Zelio-COM 硬件更新 (Update firmware Zelio-COM) 1

14  II. 調解器設定:硬件更新 (a) 設定GSM調解器 (1/4) 目的 (Purpose) GSM 調解在要編程後才可使用:
- 輸入PIN 碼 - 鎖定PIN 碼 - 變更 PIN 碼 - 輸入號碼 - 測試網絡 - 通話速度的自我調較 Zelio-COM 模塊啟動 輸入PIN碼, 測試網絡 選擇Tools/ GSM 調解器的設定目錄 2. 選擇調解器的聯接接口後按“Next”. 在測到調解器後,詳情會顯示 步驟 (Procedure) 3. 選擇要設定的調解器類型: - 用於Zelio-Soft 的調解器 - 用於Zelio-COM的調解器 然後按Next. 4. 啟動PIN 號碼要求 5. 輸入PIN 號碼然後按Next 6. 測試SMS 服務(發出一個訊息到到GSM 接收者) : - 輸入撥號伺服器號碼, - 輸入GSM 接收者的電話號碼, - 輸入要發出的訊息, - 按 Send, 1

15  II. 調解器設定:硬件更新 (a) 設定GSM調解器 (2/4) 1 2 3 1

16  II. 調解器設定:硬件更新 (a) 設定GSM調解器 (3/4) 3 1

17  II. 調解器設定:硬件更新 (a) 設定GSM調解器 (4/4) 3 1

18  II. 調解器設定:硬件更新 (b) 設定 RTC 調解器 1

19  II. 調解器設定:硬件更新 (c) 設定電腦連接埠 - 與Zelio-COM溝通 1

20  II. 調解器設定:硬件更新 (d) Zelio-COM/Zelio-Logic Configuration
Zelio-COM or Zelio-Soft 設定 1. 選擇Tools/ GSM 調解器設定目錄 2. 選擇調解器的聯接接口後按“Next”. 在測到調解器後,詳情會顯示 3. 選擇以下的設定: - 帶有Zelio-Soft本地元件用的調解器: baud 及 PIN 要求解除 - 帶有Zelio-COM本地元件用的調解器: 9600 baud 及 PIN要求解除 然後按Next. 4. 解除 PIN 號碼 為要跟Zelio-Soft及Zelio-COM相容,,一定要把PIN號碼解除.有需要時才會才會PIN號碼 為便Zelio-COM摸塊能送出SMS訊息到GSM無線電話,您一定要在宣告Zelio-COM模塊地址時檢查“Send SMS”項. 見Zelio-Logic 模塊電話目錄 1

21 電話目錄 (Phone directories)
Zelio-Logic 模塊 Zelio-Soft PC GSM手提電話 (GSM mobiles) 更新 authorized SMS 1

22  III. 電話目錄 (a) Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM 站的電話目錄 目的 (Purpose)
為Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM 地址及在Zelio-Soft 電腦用的,以聯繫各站. 步驟 (Procedure) 1. 選擇Directory/Distant Zelio-Logic module 目錄. 2. 選擇Create 去為站地址定義. 3. 輸入模塊確認. 這樣可幫助確認不同站的地址. 4. 依照聯線種類撰擇繪圖.直接或經調解器 (Zelio-COM). 如選擇直接接駁,便一定要顯示所用的通訊埠 (COM 1 to 4). 5. 有關調解器接駁 : 5.1. 為Zelio-Soft 電腦的調解器選擇通訊接口, 5.2. 依照 Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM 站,顯示要召喚的電話號碼 5.3. 輸入操作 Zelio-COM 模塊的保安密碼然後按Next, 5.4. 顯示所用的調解器: RTC 或 GSM 然後按 Next, 5.5. GSM 無線電話: 選擇Send SMS項便Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM 站發送 SMS 訊息GSM 無線電話,然後按 Next. 6. 軟件會顯示可操作的模塊地址 7. 按Done, Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM 站的電話目錄會顯示. Modify 及Delete 按鈕可更改目錄. 1

23 (b) Zelio-Soft PC stations 電話目錄
 III. 電話目錄 (b) Zelio-Soft PC stations 電話目錄 目的 (Purpose) 設定 Zelio-Soft PCs 的地址,使Zelio-COM/ Zelio-Logic stations能召喚. 設定將會和Zelio-COM module 連結的數目. 步驟 (Procedure) 1. 選擇Directory/ PC Zelio-Soft Stations 目錄. 2. 選擇Create 以設定Zelio-Soft PC station的地址. 3. 輸入Zelio-Soft station的名稱, 電話號碼及數目(1 至 10 或無限). (c) GSM手電 - 電話目錄 目的 (Purpose) A Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM station can send mini-messages with a maximum length of 120 characters to a GSM mobile phone. 步驟 (Procedure) 1. 選擇Directory/SMS addressees 目錄. 2. 選擇Create 以設定GSM 手電的地址. 3. 輸入手提電話的名稱及號碼. 1

24 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging) 設定警號模式 (Define alarm messages) 一般設定及重設警號訊息
模擬量讀數的傳送及顯示 1

25 (a) 設定警號模式 (Define alarm messages) - 1/2
 IV. 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging) (a) 設定警號模式 (Define alarm messages) - 1/2 目的 (Purpose ) Following the change of a variable's state in the Zelio-Logic application program, the module can send: - an alarm message to a station that has Zelio-Soft, - an SMS message to a GSM mobile phone, Accessing alarm message input: Select the Edit/Free mode/Define alarms menu Remark It is possible to access message inputting directly in the program editor: 1. Select the variable for which you want to edit the message, 2. Right click and select Properties. 3. Select Messages. Variables conditioning transmission of a message - I, Q, Z, M, T, C, V, A, clock, text block. - Send on 0>1 or 1>0 transition or on change of state. Content of a message A message consists of: - a message subject zone - a message body zone It is made up of alphanumerical characters. The body of an alarm message is made up of static data (clear text) and dynamic data (values of the Zelio-Logic application's variables): - Programmed/current value of the timeouts. - Programmed/current value of the counters. - Reference/hysteresis value of the analog comparator blocks. - Ib/Ic current value with user scaling, 1

26 (a) 設定警號模式 (Define alarm messages) - 2/2
 IV. 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging) (a) 設定警號模式 (Define alarm messages) - 2/2 步驟 (Procedure) 1. Select the variable, 2. Double click on the Subject zone, 3. Select the type of message addressee, PC or GSM, by clicking on the corresponding button. Zelio-Soft PC station type addressees In the list of Zelio-Soft PC stations, select each addressee of the message and click on Send to add the station to the lists of addressees (5 max.). GSM module type addressees In the list of GSM stations, select each addressee of the message and click on Send to add the station to the lists of addressees (5 max.).You can give several addressees. The Properties button allows you to modify the addressee's characteristics. The New button allows you to define a new addressee. 4. Enter the message to be transmitted. To insert the content of a variable, right click and select the variable. 5. Select the message transmission condition - Transition Inactive > Active : transmission of the message when the variable changes from 0 to 1. - Transition Active >Inactive > : transmission of the message when the variable changes from 1 to 0. - Change of state : transmission of the message when the variable changes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. 1

27  IV. 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging)
(b) 一般及重設警號訊息 步驟 (Procedure) 1. 選擇Module/Configure module 目錄. 2. 選擇General Alarm 或 Reset Alarm. 3. 輸入文字訊息(與standard alarm message相同). 目的 (Purpose) - 如在Zelio-Soft站及Zelio-Logic 的通訊中斷後,Zelio-COM會發放“general communication failure”的訊息. - 如Zelio-Com/Zelio-Logic 站重設(reset)後, Zelio-COM 會發放“reset”的訊息. 1

28 (c) Display analog measurements – 1/5
 IV. 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging) (c) Display analog measurements – 1/5 目的 (Purpose) Zelio-COM is able to process the Ib, Ic, Ax analog values so they can be presented in an alarm message as a physical value directly usable by the user. Example: utilization of an analog comparator A1 whose Ib input is connected to a linearized PT100 temperature probe. The following physical magnitudes, which can be used by the user, are associated with the Ib minimum (0.0V) and with the Ib maximum (9.9V): - 0.0V with 10 °C. - 9.9V with 100 °C. 步驟 (Procedure) 1. In the program editor, select the variable concerned (for example: Ib) 2. Right click on the variable and select Properties. 3. Define the unit, and the max. and min. values. To insert the content of the variable in a message, right click and select the variable. 1

29 (c) Display analog measurements – 2/5
 IV. 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging) (c) Display analog measurements – 2/5 1

30 (c) Display analog measurements – 3/5
 IV. 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging) (c) Display analog measurements – 3/5 1

31  IV. 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging)
Example of message – 5/5 1

32  IV. 訊息發放及接收 (Messaging)
Example of message – 5/5 1

33 (Inter-station exchanges)
V. 站與站之間的訊息交換 (Inter-station exchanges) 將Zelio-Soft PC 設定為備用狀態 關讀警號訊息 c. 警號記錄/鎖定 1

34 (a)將Zelio-Soft PC 設定為備用狀態 (1/2)
 V. 站與站之間的訊息交換 (a)將Zelio-Soft PC 設定為備用狀態 (1/2) 目的 (Purpose) To be informed at all times of the arrival of an alarm message from Zelio-Logic stations while working with Zelio-Soft or other software. As soon as an alarm message arrives, an alarm banner is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Notes 1. The Zelio-COM module buffer can store up to 20 alarms in a FIFO-type stack. 2. When in supervision mode, alarms are ignored (there is no saving). 步驟 (Procedure) 1. Select the station's Transfer/Put on standby menu or click on the icon. 2. Select the Zelio-Soft PC's communication port. The standby operation icon is activated, and the Zelio-Soft station is ready for an alarm to appear. 1

35 (a)將Zelio-Soft PC 設定為備用狀態 (2/2)
 V. 站與站之間的訊息交換 (a)將Zelio-Soft PC 設定為備用狀態 (2/2) Alarm processing As soon as an alarm message arrives, the alarm banner is displayed. The acknowledge button allows you to acknowledge the alarm (the alarm banner disappears). Select the Mode/ Alarm log menu or click on the icon to consult the alarms 1

36  V. 站與站之間的訊息交換 (b) 閱讀警號訊息 目的 (Purpose) A message consists of:
To read the alarm messages from a Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM station. A message consists of: - a message subject zone - the text of the message - the variable that conditions transmission of a message The message may contain one or more program variables (current value or preselection with scaling). 步驟 (Procedure) 1. Select the Transfer/Read alarm messages menu. 2. Select the Zelio-Logic module. 1

37  V. 站與站之間的訊息交換 (c) 警號鎖定/記錄 目的 (Purpose)
When a Zelio-Soft station is put on standby, as soon as an alarm message arrives, an alarm banner is displayed at the bottom of the screen and the alarm received is stored in the alarm log. The alarm log summarizes all the alarm messages received. 步驟 (Procedure) Select the Mode/Log mode menu or click on the icon. Content of the alarm log - Message number: the messages are stored starting with the most recent one, - Transmitter identifier (Zelio-Logic/Zelio-COM station), - Subject of the message, - Transmission time (time that the event was detected by the Zelio-COM module) - Time of reception by the Zelio-Soft PC, - Message body 1

38  V. 站與站之間的訊息交換 (d) 警號記錄及警號列印 Sorting the messages
It is possible to sort the messages by their time of arrival, time of transmission, transmitter, etc. by clicking on the title of the corresponding box (example: Generated on ...). Message selection Click on the message to select CTRL + A selects all the messages. It is possible to select several messages (by using the CTRL or SHIFT key). 1

39  V. 站與站之間的訊息交換 (d) 警號記錄及警號列印 Messages saving
Messages can be saved to file. This *.CSV format file can be read by Excel. The separator is ; and as a consequence the message should not contain ; . Select the messages to save and click on the CSV icon. Deleting messages For safety reasons, this function is protected by a password (Menu File/Change the alarms password) ->Select the message and press the Del. key. 1

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