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Grammar Class 2018.09.15.

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1 Grammar Class

2 Grammar Class 評量標準 具體表現 一二三年級每周兩堂課,四五六年級每周一堂課。
文法課無定期評量,以學生上課態度、表現為評分依據,作為英語課成績的5%。一到四年級評分比重如下: 評量標準 具體表現 綜合表現 (20%) *每拿到一張通知單 ,扣學期總分0.5 1.攜帶課本(grammar book)、文具用品 2.遵守上課規則 文法課本 (40%) *教師批閱的習寫成績 上課依照進度準時完成 文法課本中錯誤訂正 文法單元檢核 (40%) *測驗內容為課本的複習頁 基本上每月一次,共四次,將視學生學習情況調整之

3 年級 學期 文法教材 文法重點 劍橋檢測 一年級G1 1st My First Grammar 1 Starters 2nd
1.Nouns and Pronouns 3. Demonstratives and Others 5. Have/Has 2. Be-Verbs: Am/Are/Is 4. More on Be verbs 6. Helping Verbs and Questions Starters 2nd My First Grammar 2 1.Nouns and Be-Verbs 3. Adjectives 5. Present Continuous 2. Nouns 4. Present Simple 6. Prepositions and Others 二年級G2 My First Grammar 3 Present: Simple and Continuous 3.Past 5. Pronouns and Nouns 2. Future 4. Adjectives and Adverbs 6. Helping Verbs Movers My Next Grammar 1 Nouns and Pronouns 3. Progress Test 5. Adjectives and Adverbs 2. Verbs 4. More on Verbs and Helping Verbs 三年級G3 My Next Grammar 2 Flyers Helping Verbs 3. Prepositions 2.Adjectives and Adverbs 4. Sentence Structure 四年級G4 My Next Grammar 3 3.Helping Verbs 2.Verbs KET Voice and Verb Derivatives 3.Sentence Structure 2.Comparisons and Conjunctions 五年級G5 教師自編教材 翰林七年級上學期 Present Simple 3.Present Continuous VS. Present Simple 5. Demonstratives 7. Preposition 9.Phrasal Verbs 2. Present Continuous 4. Personal Pronouns 6. All Types of Pronouns 8. Articles KET/PET 翰林七年級下學期 1.Past Simple 3.Comparative 5.Adjectives 2.Past Continuous 4. Superlative 6.Adverbs 六年級G6 翰林八年級上學期 Phrasal Verbs 3. Present Continuous 5. Past Continuous 7. Future Tense 9. 9 Parts of Speech 11. Preposition 2. Present Simple 4. Past Simple 6. Present/ Past Simple & Present /Past Continuous 8. Present Perfect 10. Articles PET/FCE 翰林八年級下學期 1.Present Perfect 3. Adverbs 5. Gerund 2. Phrasal Verbs 4.Infinitive & Gerund

4 Thank you!

5 五六年級評分比重如下: 課堂表現及回家作業Class Performance & Homework: 60% 小考Quizzes : 40%

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